Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Wait a minute, you mean that the new issue will not even stay around? So, there are also issues that were introduced before i played that are no longer even there? How is that fair? Dangit! (stomps foot) Well,nothing I can do about it, I guess. I can try to level only one, but it will be difficult this weekend, because I want to bring up many of my lowies into mid levels if possible. But, yeah, I do need to get at least one up to fifty, it just gets so grindy. Sorry about the doom, but that's what I've been having to endure in game, people always bring up how dead the servers are and how no one wants to team. I even told one guy to stop it, because I was sick of hearing about how the game was dying, I am investing time and money here - could they really just snatch the whole thing out from under me? (This is my first mmorpg, so I don't know how these things go)

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For a short time (probably a week or so) there will be an invasion with Rikti everywhere. Atlas Park, Mercy Island, Peregrine Island, Grandville, everywhere. That will end after the period, and most zones will be back to where they were.

However, both heroes and villains will be able to go into the new War Zone, reach the contacts there, get missions, and at 45-50th level do a new TF. That will stay indefinitely.

Games can go out of business, but there's no indication of that happening any time soon.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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I know people are gonna complain about the levels that this issue targets, and its funny to see how some people will complain about almost anything.

Forme, I think its great! This is the kind of content additions I like to see.

For those not to the level range, look what you have to look forward too.

For all others, well, I'll see you there.

This looks very intresting, and cannot wait to see the zone, and go through the different contacts.




Hmm. I10 sounds pretty cool. Making good use of the RCS is a GREAT idea, I've been dying to get into that mothership for a good long while. I have always kind of hated the Rikti, for no good reason, but I'll enjoy pounding their misshapen skulls in nonetheless.

Not sure what zones will be involved, but the chance to battle what I hope will be massive waves of enemies anywhere will be interesting. I won't, however, be defending Atlas Park. I don't know what it's like on other servers, but Atlas on Triumph is a fetid cesspool of "PL meh!", "inf plz!" random SG invite noobness (not newbs, noobs, there's a difference). The Rikti can have it. I hope they invade during a costume contest and wantonly slaughter only the lowbie FOTM builds. Every time a Rad/Psy dies, an angel gets its' wings...

Lol, Khelds. So, Villains want Khelds, or something like them...WHY?!? A Villain jumping up on a chair and screaming "Quant! Quant! Kill it, KILL IT! It's gonna get me!" won't be any more villainous than it is heroic. & here I thought Villains would be sadists, not masochists. Go figure...

Lol, Villains.

this is so awesome i cant wait to betray a hero during a mish by aggroing a mob.

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That's assuming you even get ON a team; you are a Stalker, remember?




And as said before it looks like just another issue towards Heroes. Yeah sure villains now get to go into the "Rikti Warzone" but heroes had it first so there's just a portal or transport connecting villains to it.

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Heroes already had the crash site, villains are now able to enter it after it's been changed, and you see that as new hero content?


I think it all sounds awesome so far.



I'm not sure what you're saying, "issue not even going to stay?" The issues that have been are still around and affect us every day. Respec trials, ED (enhancement diversification), Police Band missions. These things weren't around in the beginning. They might put Rikti in every zone for the "invasion" but no they might not stay there. However the invasion will still affect us. I also agree that you should get a toon to 50 asap so you can take part in the higher level content.

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



Heroes already had the crash site, villains are now able to enter it after it's been changed, and you see that as new hero content?


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Ummm... I did say that heroes had it first. Not that it was new hero content.

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



35 + Rikiti spawning everywhere.. "This has hospital Stand off written all over it ." to translate for lowbies.."Debt ..Debt... Debt... oh and More debt enjoy" *chuckles* Co Op TF will Rock since all my friends tend to enjoy being villans over heroes.Good Chance to help them reach 50 so they stand a chance in the arena.

"When chaos happens... I'll be right in the middle of it."
Let Your Spirit Fly!!!
Kid K



1.)Rikti droping in like paratroops to have their parachutes blasted off and exploding when they meet the unmoving ground.
2.)Waves of Rikti monkeys all over AP.



So this makes...3 issues straight where nothing appeals to me, and nothing is offered for any of my toons' level ranges. Keep giving more and more and more to the minority of players and nothing to the majority. Great. So any news on Issue 11 having something that the average gamer can, oh I don't know...actually use?



So this makes...3 issues straight where nothing appeals to me, and nothing is offered for any of my toons' level ranges. Keep giving more and more and more to the minority of players and nothing to the majority. Great. So any news on Issue 11 having something that the average gamer can, oh I don't know...actually use?

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Sounds like you should quit. They're targetting the level range that people have been requesting content for for years. There's also been new content for just about every level range in at least one of the previous issues, so, do you not actually have any characters or what?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



So what about new power sets...or costume pieces? Just keep stockpiling stuff for the higher level toons aka the Vocal Minority. Why should I be glad that nothing is being offered to me for the 3rd straight issue?



So what about new power sets...or costume pieces? Just keep stockpiling stuff for the higher level toons aka the Vocal Minority. Why should I be glad that nothing is being offered to me for the 3rd straight issue?

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If you think people with high level characters are a minority, you're out of your mind.The game has been out for a long time.

The new content starts at level 35. Thats not high level.And there are new costume pieces, as the update mentions.

Did you even read the update information?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Neat, although I was hoping the shard would get love. Mind you, it's already REALLY cool, I'd just like the content to be more interesting.



being offered to me

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and what is "you"? Are you a lowbie, mdi-range, 50... what?

In the past 3 issues, we have had/are going to have:

i8: Faultline. 15-25 range. Also, scanners providing unlimited amount of missions and safeguards, starting at level 5.

i9: Auction Houses: something for 50s to do Starting at level 3 or so, begin to collect salvage, and through your heroic career (or villianous reign) and improve your character through higher % boosts by the common IOs, or diversify and gain secondary and helpful boosts to those powers. Don't want to take Acrobatics to shield against Knockback? Don't have to now.

i10: Another complete rework of a zone, providing content for both sides, starting with level 35 and on.

So I have to ask, where do you fall in this level spread? Even from level 5 up, you have gained scanners. If in the 15-25 range, there's Faultline. and now, if 35+, here's Rikti War Zone. And if you're a 50, there's the auction house to help you improve and enjoy your character again. Not even to mention the upcoming co-op Task Force lvl 45+, as another thing 50s can do?

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



You can't be serious.

This issue is going to be a godsend for A LOT of people, Robvious.

Every single one of my toons have gotten stuck at 35.




[/ QUOTE ] Yeah its called RV... no point in focusing on pvp till they fix all the imbalances and lag issues and thats never gonna happen.

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Yeah I agree, don't even try anymore. Good point man. Meet ya in RV to farm recipies and pillboxes with heavies.

More arena like instance options might be something to look into is all I'm saying. But if this thread is only for applause, then I apologize.

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I have to Agree with Dark here... PvP Is Something that need a Fix.. Acualy they went a long way to Fixing it with a Controller nerf much like the MM nerf on damage when they introduced Bodyguard as well as adding invention enhancments

Gabrieal 50 Merc/ Dark MM
71st Spec Ops Brigade



You can't be serious.

This issue is going to be a godsend for A LOT of people, Robvious.

Every single one of my toons have gotten stuck at 35.

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A-freaking-men. Somewhere in the 30's, most villains just stroll into St. Martial and (After doing the story lines on at least one toon) just grind straight to 40 off of freak and council missions.

This is going to make that 35-40 bit a lot more bearable for my villains. I'll be bringing my MM back out to lay waste to the Rikti hordes!



I want to know how issue 10 affects lower levels? I have characters ranging from level 2 to level 14, no higher. Am I going to see anything from i10? I'm sure I missed it somewhere....

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You mean besides the thousands of invading aliens with warships dropping bombs and troops all over the place?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



*big sigh* I figured, there are so many things I will not see or experience for so long because I have all lowies. Oh well, I just hope the game stays long enough for me to see it all, I keep hearing stuff ingame about the game dying and stuff - it frightens me because I finally found something I really like and want to stick with.

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Try reading.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Actually, yes, they are in the minority. I guarantee that the breakdown would show my point. Level 1-10 would have the most, followed by 11-20, and so on. It's common sense. It's easy to see, like it or not. And yes, I read about the "costume pieces" aka the rare drops that will cost 50 million influence to buy the recipe for. Wow, that sure helps out the majority of players with low level toons. I am seriously starting to dislike this game. And yes, there is an option other than "Shut up or leave." I don't have to be a sheep and just love everything the devs say. I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.



Actually, yes, they are in the minority. I guarantee that the breakdown would show my point. Level 1-10 would have the most, followed by 11-20, and so on. It's common sense. It's easy to see, like it or not. And yes, I read about the "costume pieces" aka the rare drops that will cost 50 million influence to buy the recipe for. Wow, that sure helps out the majority of players with low level toons. I am seriously starting to dislike this game. And yes, there is an option other than "Shut up or leave." I don't have to be a sheep and just love everything the devs say. I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.

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It's hard to argue with numbers that you pull straight out of...nowhere.


Issue 10 begins with a World Event that spans across numerous zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, as the Rikti return in devastating waves. They are armed with new, brutal weapons and seek to establish a beachhead on Earth, presumably to save their lost brethren and to finish what they started the first time … the destruction of Earth!

Did you get that part? Aliens. In every zone. Warships. New drops. New costume parts. Savvy?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



All I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!

Then I wonder if the new movie deal that they got is going to be on the original invasion or this new one and if it's about this new invasion, if there be a contest or some such so a player toon will get featured in the movie ;-)

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Eh? What's this about a movie?

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If you havent Hear My Bud Ouul on Victory Posted this in the 71st's Forums that he found from another Site

Transformers producer Tom DeSanto is turning his attention to superheroes, securing the rights to NCsoft and Cryptic Studio's videogame "City of Heroes," reports Variety.

The plan is to adapt the massively multiplayer online role-playing game into a live-action feature and then transition it to television in some form.

The project revolves around a group of superheroes who live in Paragon City and must team in order to fight an invasion of aliens known as the Rikti.

In the game, players design their own superhero character and pay a monthly fee of $14.99 to battle supervillains, aliens, madmen and other criminals. An expansion of the game also enables players to create their own villainous character.

"City of Heroes" first bowed at retailers in 2004 and turned into a franchise, spawning sequel "City of Villains" and a comic book series published by Top Cow Productions.


71st Spec Ops Brigade



Are you going to sit here and try to tell us that the majority of toons aren't lvls 1-10? Go to Atlas and take a look around, and then stroll into Eden and look around there. Also, I'm sure there has to be a breakdown somewhere where we can settle this.



I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.

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So what? 35 and below there's already *plenty* of stuff to do. The goal of this issue is to further the City of Heroes storyline and to inject life into a currently dead level range. Obviously, you wouldn't know how bad the 30s are if you haven't even gotten one toon above Level 10.



Are you going to sit here and try to tell us that the majority of toons aren't lvls 1-10? Go to Atlas and take a look around, and then stroll into Eden and look around there. Also, I'm sure there has to be a breakdown somewhere where we can settle this.

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*YES! Anyone with any amount of skill can get past level 10.

*There is no shortage of level 1 through 10 content.

*You are not even bothering to read anything anyway.

*I am convinced that you are just trolling at this point, so I give up.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!