Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




*big sigh* I figured, there are so many things I will not see or experience for so long because I have all lowies. Oh well, I just hope the game stays long enough for me to see it all, I keep hearing stuff ingame about the game dying and stuff - it frightens me because I finally found something I really like and want to stick with.

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The game is dying because the vocal minorities keep getting things handed to them while most of us get nothing but f'd over and over and over.

-New Costume Pieces: Sure, but I hope your lvl 12 has about 42 million influence lying around to buy them.
-New Zones: Sure, but only if you're at a high enough of a level.
New Powers Sets: Just kidding.



Are you going to sit here and try to tell us that the majority of toons aren't lvls 1-10? Go to Atlas and take a look around, and then stroll into Eden and look around there. Also, I'm sure there has to be a breakdown somewhere where we can settle this.

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*YES! Anyone with any amount of skill can get past level 10.

*There is no shortage of level 1 through 10 content.

*You are not even bothering to read anything anyway.

*I am convinced that you are just trolling at this point, so I give up.

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Why do so many people get Holier Than Thou and anytime anyone disagrees with them, they must be "trolling?"



And, btw, I have toons from level 1 all the way to 30. I stopped playing with my 30 because of how boring it is. I guess I'll wait unti I435454545 for low level content not called "Mindless Radio Missions."



Actually, yes, they are in the minority. I guarantee that the breakdown would show my point. Level 1-10 would have the most, followed by 11-20, and so on. It's common sense. It's easy to see, like it or not. And yes, I read about the "costume pieces" aka the rare drops that will cost 50 million influence to buy the recipe for. Wow, that sure helps out the majority of players with low level toons. I am seriously starting to dislike this game. And yes, there is an option other than "Shut up or leave." I don't have to be a sheep and just love everything the devs say. I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.

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Does anything in the game update indicate that costume pieces are rare drops?

Come on, lets see if you can actually read. And your comments about the level range really do show how out to lunch you are.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Are you going to sit here and try to tell us that the majority of toons aren't lvls 1-10? Go to Atlas and take a look around, and then stroll into Eden and look around there. Also, I'm sure there has to be a breakdown somewhere where we can settle this.

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Um, why are you gonna compare Atlas to Eden? Like that's fair. Why not look at Talos, or Peregrine Island?



And, btw, I have toons from level 1 all the way to 30. I stopped playing with my 30 because of how boring it is. I guess I'll wait unti I435454545 for low level content not called "Mindless Radio Missions."

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Ah the "I'm making a choice not to experience the whole game, but am mad that all new content is not catering to my arbitrary decision" gambit.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Yeah, internet tough guy, you put me in my place. I am figuring out that the way that people show their wittiness and intelligence on the internet is by throwing in subtle personal attacks in their posts, hence causing the other person to flame them, and therefore look stupid and appear to be a hot-headed troll. I am not going to play that game. My only point here is that unless you're level 35, it doesn't seem like this Issue is going to do much for you. Issues seem to be getting smaller and smaller, with less and less content with each issue. I'd rather pay for a quality upgrade than get garbage like this every couple of months that does nothing but cause lag, crashes, and elation for about 5% of gamers.



Yeah, internet tough guy, you put me in my place. I am figuring out that the way that people show their wittiness and intelligence on the internet is by throwing in subtle personal attacks in their posts, hence causing the other person to flame them, and therefore look stupid and appear to be a hot-headed troll. I am not going to play that game. My only point here is that unless you're level 35, it doesn't seem like this Issue is going to do much for you. Issues seem to be getting smaller and smaller, with less and less content with each issue. I'd rather pay for a quality upgrade than get garbage like this every couple of months that does nothing but cause lag, crashes, and elation for about 5% of gamers.

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ANOTHER arbitrary number! How do you do it. Everyone who isn't you = 5%. Nice.

You asked for one thing that anyone not lvl 35 can do. I answered you. MANY TIMES. Do you read a single word I type? Or do you just make up numbers and say we are bullies? THAT, Sir, is why you are a Troll.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



And, btw, I have toons from level 1 all the way to 30. I stopped playing with my 30 because of how boring it is. I guess I'll wait unti I435454545 for low level content not called "Mindless Radio Missions."

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You "sir" ar a loon.

Hollows, a new zone added in Issue 1, for levels 5 to 15.
Faultline, revised in Issue 8, for 15 to 25.
Stiger Island, new zone in Issue 3?, for levels 20 to 30.
Croatoa, new zone in Issue 5, for levels 25 to 35.
Bloody Bay and Sirin's Call, new zones in Issue 6 for level 15+ and 25+.
Costumes out the wazoo available to all levels
Inventions for level 4+ Issue 9

Not counting the "regular" Contact Missions.

That's a lot of "content" other than "Mindless Radio Missions"

If fact, as it is now, is very difficult to do all the available content [ie missions] on a single character short of soloing and being in perma-debt. And that only "somewhat" possable.

Group and it's not possable.

NCIS: Best gorram show in the 'verse.



The word "troll" is very overused. Why am I a troll? Because I don't agree with you? Where have you shown me anything that will benefit me from I10? The ambiguous description about the Rikti? Is that all?



I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.

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So what? 35 and below there's already *plenty* of stuff to do. The goal of this issue is to further the City of Heroes storyline and to inject life into a currently dead level range. Obviously, you wouldn't know how bad the 30s are if you haven't even gotten one toon above Level 10.

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QFT. Thank god that there's something for high level characters to do. The game gets so stale and stagnant at 35, many people don't continue past there... And the ones that do irrevocably get bored once they hit 50, and either cancel their account, or make an alt... which once again gets stagnant at 35.

The introduction of a PvE warzone [as opposed to the PvP Recluse's victory] is an awesome addition and much-needed into this game, which the biggest beef and likely the biggest thing to make the MMOG-hungry fan quit has always been, 'you hit the high levels and there's nothing to do.'

And it is pretty much common knowledge that there is lots of content pre-35 - it's 35 where the deadlock is hit and the levels get harder... 40 it becomes easier again, but why not add something for the whole shebang?

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Yeah, internet tough guy, you put me in my place. I am figuring out that the way that people show their wittiness and intelligence on the internet is by throwing in subtle personal attacks in their posts, hence causing the other person to flame them, and therefore look stupid and appear to be a hot-headed troll. I am not going to play that game. My only point here is that unless you're level 35, it doesn't seem like this Issue is going to do much for you. Issues seem to be getting smaller and smaller, with less and less content with each issue. I'd rather pay for a quality upgrade than get garbage like this every couple of months that does nothing but cause lag, crashes, and elation for about 5% of gamers.

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This. This is why no one takes anything you're saying in this thread seriously. The insane rants about something you may not even have tested causing crashes, or lag, or that it only benefits a small minority of the game. The description of past updates with content for every level range of the game as if they were only catering to one level range. The laughable assertion that only 5% of the playerbase has gotten mileage out of the last few updates.

Yes, its level limited content. For a content range that both CoV and CoH have needed new content for for a long time. This is a good thing. CoH has more sub 35 content than it knows what to do with. CoV could arguably need more, but CoH sure as hell doesn't it. You've got all the regular story arcs to do, plus Faultline, Striga and Croatoa.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Yeah, internet tough guy, you put me in my place. I am figuring out that the way that people show their wittiness and intelligence on the internet is by throwing in subtle personal attacks in their posts, hence causing the other person to flame them, and therefore look stupid and appear to be a hot-headed troll. I am not going to play that game. My only point here is that unless you're level 35, it doesn't seem like this Issue is going to do much for you. Issues seem to be getting smaller and smaller, with less and less content with each issue. I'd rather pay for a quality upgrade than get garbage like this every couple of months that does nothing but cause lag, crashes, and elation for about 5% of gamers.

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That's just how issues work. It's ONE issue, and it's addressing ONE fundamental problem. Look at the other issues. You'll see that most of them cater towards one specific group or need.

I mean, if you're so pissed about this, why don't you get off the forums and stop making yourself look like an idiot, and go play the bloody game? This isn't one of those issues that's favoring villains over heroes, or whatever, something which you might have legitimate hard feelings over... Anyone can get to Level 35 and enjoy this new content.



The word "troll" is very overused. Why am I a troll? Because I don't agree with you?

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No, because you rant constantly when your opinion is already heard, about something you have not personally experienced or tested or have any real clue about other than a single Issue update when issues get 4-6. It's truly sad.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



what? What are you talking about the Dark Watcher? Where is he? Where do you see him?

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Dark Watcher Appears in the book

City of Heros: Web of Arachnos

Great reading




Heroes already had the crash site, villains are now able to enter it after it's been changed, and you see that as new hero content?


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Ummm... I did say that heroes had it first. Not that it was new hero content.

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Oh, so sorry. Let me fix my error.

You said, "And as said before it looks like just another issue towards Heroes."

I'm saying, "Heroes already had the crash site, villains are only now able to enter it after it's been changed, and you see that as just another issue for heroes?




Circle of Thorns: Don't I remember something about the Circle abandoning part of Orenbega where the Rikti got too close? I think they will try to stay out of the fight, but there may be a story or two.

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Rikti trying to "bunker down" into the earth dug deep enough they broke through Orenbenga's wards - thus why we can now go there while pre-invasion you could not.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



35 + Rikiti spawning everywhere.. "This has hospital Stand off written all over it ." to translate for lowbies.."Debt ..Debt... Debt... oh and More debt enjoy" *chuckles* Co Op TF will Rock since all my friends tend to enjoy being villans over heroes.Good Chance to help them reach 50 so they stand a chance in the arena.

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When they did the eye-ball invasion, the mobs spawned level-appropriate for the zone. Still overpowered (the mobs, after all, only had power-setups for level 40/45+) but Rikti should be better.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I like the sound of this...sorta channeling Independence Day and Red Dawn. The world-wide event oughta be fun, too. Rikti in Atlas Park = time for a bit of ultra-violence



Ok, I'll bite.

So this makes...3 issues straight where nothing appeals to me, and nothing is offered for any of my toons' level ranges. Keep giving more and more and more to the minority of players and nothing to the majority. Great. So any news on Issue 11 having something that the average gamer can, oh I don't know...actually use?

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So. Last 3 Issues, huh?!? So that goes back to Issue 7, correct? And WHEN was that released? So between the beginning of the release of Issue 7 and the release of Issue 10 (God-only-knows-when), you won't have a toon over Level 35? And that's somehow Cryptic/NCSoft's fault? If you have altitis, that's YOUR fault, not the games'. Oh, I consider myself an "average gamer"; I'm what they call a "casual player". I usually only play 2 days a week. And I have toons over L35.

So what about new power sets...or costume pieces? Just keep stockpiling stuff for the higher level toons aka the Vocal Minority. Why should I be glad that nothing is being offered to me for the 3rd straight issue?

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Hmm, "Vocal Minority". By this, I'm guessing that you mean the elite "few" of us who have toons over L35. You make it seem as though that's some sort of magic level cut-off point. There are more players with toons that high than you may think.

Actually, yes, they are in the minority. I guarantee that the breakdown would show my point. Level 1-10 would have the most, followed by 11-20, and so on. It's common sense. It's easy to see, like it or not.

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And your logic behind this reasoning is: WHAT?!? That most of the players playing this game are all under L10? And somehow, to you, that makes sense? Even a casual player can go L1-10 in a day or 2. You make it seem as if toons stay the same level forever. It doesn't work that way. Players who get to L15-20-ish and then stop and make another toon are altaholics. They may not have a high-level toon, but that's their CHOICE, not because of some restriction within the game itself. People complain about bogging down in the middle-to-late 30's, not before, up to that point IMO the game's a cake-walk.

Are you going to sit here and try to tell us that the majority of toons aren't lvls 1-10? Go to Atlas and take a look around, and then stroll into Eden and look around there. Also, I'm sure there has to be a breakdown somewhere where we can settle this.

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Go to Atlas, then go to Talos and look around. Again, your logic simply doesn't make any sense. From my experience, there are more players 25-30+ than under. And again, no one stays under L10 forever. Do this. On any given day do a "Search" of Levels 1-10, then do a "Search" of L30-50, then compare the numbers. I do this all the time when looking to see how many players in my level range are online ; and no, it won't count the players who are hiding, but there's always a large (since I9, even larger) number of people on in that middle-to-upper (L25+) level range. No, I don't have a numbers breakdown and I doubt anyone else does either. But your assertion that lowbies dominate COH is spurrious. I have 2 accounts of alts over 20, and though I've been playing longer, I have limited time to play. Check the vet badges on some of the toons in Atlas, some of those toons are altaholics, so they do have higher-level toons. All lowbies aren't newbies, and even those that are, they don't STAY that way.

I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.

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I have a better question: What is there for a L45-50 to do? PI? FBZ? The Shard? Ooooh, RV, if you pvp, which many don't. The same Praetorians over and over again, ad nauseum? Besides the STF and to some degree Inventions, when was the last time something was added to the game for higher-level toons to do? With the difficulty level of "the New Hami", there was actually something taken away in I9 on my server. And I personally was PO'd about The Hollows, and Striga, and Croatoa, because I, and many others like me, were waiting for more L50 COH content FOR YEARS. There's LOTS for toons L35 and under to do, whole (newer) zones dedicated to them. Maybe you weren't here for all of that, but assuredly lowbies have gotten some love from the Devs, much more than I feel high levels have.

There's lots more for a lowbie to do now than there was when I started playing, so if you don't like it now, you would have absolutely hated it then. Try going to PP and farming Hydra for 4-5 levels on every toon you have. If you hate radio mishes, go through your contacts. The first time around story arcs rock! I feel that radio mishes are more for players who have done ALL of the story arcs and don't want to be forced to do those all over again, because IMO it does get tedious after the 2nd/3rd time. A new toy for higher-level toons has been a long time in coming. RCS was an under-utilized ghost town. And actually, if I'm correct RCS was L45+, in I10 it's being changed to L35+, and open to villains too, so it's going to be accessible to even MORE players than before; with a real reason to even go there added for those of us with high-level toons.

I am seriously starting to dislike this game. And yes, there is an option other than "Shut up or leave." I don't have to be a sheep and just love everything the devs say.

And, btw, I have toons from level 1 all the way to 30. I stopped playing with my 30 because of how boring it is.

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So, you have toons L1-30 and you can't get one to level 35+ in time for I10. If you can't seem to break that imaginary barrier, ever thought that maybe it's not the game, maybe it's your toons? I LOVE to play my Main; I don't love her cause she was my 1st 50, she was my 1st 50 cause I absolutely LOVED playing her; still do. Do you have a toon like that? Have you tried all the AT's, and different types of each one? Maybe there is a toon that, instead of dreading logging in on it, there's one you'd enjoy so much you couldn't stop playing it. In my experience (almost) everyone finds at least one (or more) toons like that. BUT, if you feel you HAVE tried and sampled all that COH has to offer (which I doubt, because there actually IS a lot), and you're still disgruntled:

...maybe, just maybe, I'll go ahead and say it: This isn't the game for you. I've never, ever, said that before, in 3 years on these forums, I've never said "Well quit then." There have been LOTS of things that have happened in COH over the past 3 years that made me think about leaving this game (GD, ED, controller holds/pet stacking/HO/Burn/every issue Regen nerf, etc), more than I can count or list. I was usually the one on the OTHER side of this argument, railing against "The Dev Lovers" who I thought lapped up any and everything that was offered up to us by the Devs. But I stayed, because, changes or not, I still enjoy playing this game, warts and all. Even if my interest level is a few factors less than what it was at some point in the past, I (obviously) like playing COH, point blank, period. BUT, if you DON'T, and you're making that quite obvious here, there's really no reason for you to keep paying for an experience that you don't enjoy. If you're so bored and there's nothing of redeemable value for you here, if you're "starting to dislike" COH, to be blunt, maybe you should try something else.



The word "troll" is very overused. Why am I a troll? Because I don't agree with you? Where have you shown me anything that will benefit me from I10? The ambiguous description about the Rikti? Is that all?

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One last time:
Aliens. In every zone. Warships. New drops. New costume parts. Savvy?
Please tell me how that is ambiguous, I really really want to know.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



The word "troll" is very overused. Why am I a troll? Because I don't agree with you? Where have you shown me anything that will benefit me from I10? The ambiguous description about the Rikti? Is that all?

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One last time:
Aliens. In every zone. Warships. New drops. New costume parts. Savvy?
Please tell me how that is ambiguous, I really really want to know.

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you forgot to mention a second opportunity to deal with a massive full scale invasion.

I sadly missed the first one by about a week or so, and now they're back with cool new ships.



So what about new power sets...or costume pieces? Just keep stockpiling stuff for the higher level toons aka the Vocal Minority. Why should I be glad that nothing is being offered to me for the 3rd straight issue?

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If you think people with high level characters are a minority, you're out of your mind.The game has been out for a long time.

The new content starts at level 35. Thats not high level.And there are new costume pieces, as the update mentions.

Did you even read the update information?

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Speaking of costumes

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Umm, I'm new to all this, and my "complaint" is a valid one for someone who doesn't know how everything operates. Thank you.

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...



Umm, I'm new to all this, and my "complaint" is a valid one for someone who doesn't know how everything operates. Thank you.

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in all honesty... with a double xp weekend being IMMINENT, and a decent ammount of time ( a month or three) between now and when I-10 goes live, unless all you do is make new characters to dance in Atlas park... really you should have a character for the new zone by then. Also they said the invasion will be a world wide event, ALL OVER CoH / CoV... heck they may even attack Pocket D (or atleast put on a spontaneous dance number ). So Im just wondering, and please dont take offense, when several people have repeated, pointed out, and reiiterated the full implications of a WORLD WIDE event means, how could you miss the point?