Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Keeping in mind that the dev/des team of CoH and CoV are not identical to those working on other projects, what I see advertised here is insipid. I would prefer to pay $50-75 for a new expansion than receive such garbage.

What could be improved is as follows: enlarge the existing zones by about ten times existing size adding street signs and block numbers using the larger graphic tile sets rather than a pretended small set, add new "shops" where one can "buy" NPC friends and background/life event options, add new gameplay features that extend simlife elements entertainingly for the players of this game sensibly in regards to game history and theme, update many NPC enemy groups with new outfits and in some cases add new types to each including named villains along each common echelon of power (underling, minion, lieutenant, boss), permit new and more detailed character creation along with signature powers for player characters. This and other additions would take about two months of normal work (rather than playing pocket pong most of the day) without introducing problems into the game as "play testing" -- I noticed some of the defective methods of play testing undertaken by Cryptic during the CoV Betas which included introducing old graphical glitches and map glitches that were smoothed out early in CoH before the appearance of Founders Falls.

Guys, really. Just slap together an expansion full of features and pretend you've been working on it for a few years. That sorta thing would work well in tandem with your normal method.

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Pocket pong, huh?




Oh, I can't WAIT. It's about time they did something dramatic with greates threat the world has ever seen. Well, aside from me, of course.
The new zone makeover and story sound pretty much dead on with what I've been waiting for.
I can't WAIT!

Stand UP.



Yeah, internet tough guy, you put me in my place. I am figuring out that the way that people show their wittiness and intelligence on the internet is by throwing in subtle personal attacks in their posts, hence causing the other person to flame them, and therefore look stupid and appear to be a hot-headed troll. I am not going to play that game. My only point here is that unless you're level 35, it doesn't seem like this Issue is going to do much for you. Issues seem to be getting smaller and smaller, with less and less content with each issue. I'd rather pay for a quality upgrade than get garbage like this every couple of months that does nothing but cause lag, crashes, and elation for about 5% of gamers.

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Someone missed Naptime.

Here's a Clue for you - take that level 30 character and play this weekend, keep playing them until 35. Then, wait until !10 comes out, and PLAY IT.

However, don't ask that the Developers cater to *YOUR* whims, and pound out more low level 'content'. Low levels already have several 'tracks' they can take to the teens/mid-level. 35+ characters often get stuck with nothing to do.

Higher leels Require More Content, because you are in those levels for Longer Periods of Time. Level 1-10 takes a few HOURS. The devs can't cater to people who just want to play those levels.

Also - Please note - if you are bored by the mid to high level things you have seen so far, so only want to play the low levels - it won't get ANY better until you LET Them make new content for those higher levels.


My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I'm freakin psyched--I had no idea I-10 would be hitting so soon!



Finally you open the test server to the new Issue 10 with level 50 - 60 content for both Heroes and Villains working together in new zones on . . .

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I do not think we might see 50 to 60 content for a while not because of content but how to introduce new powers for lv 50 to 60s. What more patron powers that have nothing to do with our powersets and not to mention the fact that most people already have 6 slotted most of their primaries what do with slotting then?

The problem is the nature of this game is based on slotting and unlocking new powers as you lvl rather than talents which makes increasing lvl cap very difficult. Only way to fix it to come up with something out of box like incarnates or unlock new tier 2 classes which you character will evolve into (i.e rock armor become adamantium armor, Energy melee will become like lightning melee etc).

Pretty much there comes a point in a MMO where you can no longer keep raising the cap you either have to make a new game (Guild wars) or reinvent it.



I hope this is the beginning of many more zones where Heroes and Villains can team up. I would like to see it where a Hero and Villain can lvl up with each other from lvl 1-50. It might be a little to much to ask, but I am happy for what is coming.


P.S. I think WB should allow heroes and villains team up for PvP or make a lvl 50 PvP zone where this would be possible.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



I'm thrilled. Happy in the pants!

I saw the new boots coming out. Soo sexy. A girl can never have too many shoes.



Well, it'd take a lot of work, but could also be done by just adding some new powers to the primary power-sets as well. Your adamantium armor for instance or something.

Though that would be really hard to do I think, I think it could be done. A new level of power pools could be made as well too. Even if they were like the only thing you got for the 10 levels. An epic power for your char or something.



Send. Moar. RIKTI!



i am a returning player from CoH beta and CoV beta tester. this just reading it gives me flash backs of the closing event for the CoH beta. total WAR against the rikti. looking forward to this and if more info is released on what else this expansion will bring. i am also glad to see the game still rolling content on for all.

current status:
SWG- cancelled
WoW- cancelled
EQ2- cancelled
LOTR- cancelled
CoH/CoV- Glad to be back



Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

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Guess you missed the part about the zone being for both heroes and villains?

"PvP Messiah"



Ok... this looks very cool. But it seems in all these updates, something is missing... hmm.. what could it be?

Perhaps POST-50 VILLAIN ATs?!?! I've been waiting forever, and it can't be THAT hard to develop them!

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... and they have their own storyline from 1-50. That's the "Epic" behind "Epic AT."


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To quote Futurama:
"When will that be?"
"Soon enough."
"But that's not soon enough!"



Lets Get to the REAL matter at hand here now that i10 has been announced.......

ANNOUNCE the next set of freaking vet rewards i got under just over 45 days til im supposed to get reward 39 grrrrr



Like vet awards are the most critical thing in the world
I wouldn't mind a couple more myself, but don't you think those are kind of second teir requests? Higher priority content has to be stuff like:

> SFs for every 5 lvls of villains as previously stated
> New interesting zones - I've always wanted to see ones that target other hero/villain genres like Anime style (like Princess Mononoke, dragonball Z, etc.) with costumes, big eye character options etc, or maybe a D&D style one with dragons, sword wielding knights, etc (plus some old favs like trolls, hydras, etc).
> QOL upgrades with better graphics for the high end ppl, and more abilities to tailor gameplay, load times, etc based on performance for those w gimpy computers
> More possibilities for enemies. I've felt Heros, AVs and the like are nearly impossible to solo or at least take so long as to not be fun, and elite bosses are too easy to solo. Something in between for those powerful min/max players would be nice.
> New stuff for high lvl, been there/done that players like lvl 50+ content, kheldon-type villain ATs, etc.

Just my 2c



> New interesting zones - I've always wanted to see ones that target other hero/villain genres like Anime style (like Princess Mononoke, dragonball Z, etc.) with costumes, big eye character options etc, or maybe a D&D style one with dragons, sword wielding knights, etc (plus some old favs like trolls, hydras, etc).

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/e wince

While I wouldn't mind more character options, one of the things that I like about this game is that it is different from all the big-eye anime style and sword/sorcery fantasy style games out there. Adding those types of things would start to blur the lines between this game and "those other games"... IMNSHO, of course.


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



Like vet awards are the most critical thing in the world
I wouldn't mind a couple more myself, but don't you think those are kind of second teir requests? Higher priority content has to be stuff like:

> SFs for every 5 lvls of villains as previously stated
> New interesting zones - I've always wanted to see ones that target other hero/villain genres like Anime style (like Princess Mononoke, dragonball Z, etc.) with costumes, big eye character options etc, or maybe a D&D style one with dragons, sword wielding knights, etc (plus some old favs like trolls, hydras, etc).
> QOL upgrades with better graphics for the high end ppl, and more abilities to tailor gameplay, load times, etc based on performance for those w gimpy computers
> More possibilities for enemies. I've felt Heros, AVs and the like are nearly impossible to solo or at least take so long as to not be fun, and elite bosses are too easy to solo. Something in between for those powerful min/max players would be nice.
> New stuff for high lvl, been there/done that players like lvl 50+ content, kheldon-type villain ATs, etc.

Just my 2c

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all im saying is that they have the vet rewards planned out to month 60, and while i agree content and QoL issues should come first i think that since the vast majority of players here will be coming up on the 39th vet reward SOON as the devs would say lol i would just like to know what we are going to be able to choose from as myself will be at month 39 probly before i10 even hits live.



> New interesting zones - I've always wanted to see ones that target other hero/villain genres like Anime style (like Princess Mononoke, dragonball Z, etc.) with costumes, big eye character options etc, or maybe a D&D style one with dragons, sword wielding knights, etc (plus some old favs like trolls, hydras, etc).

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/e wince

While I wouldn't mind more character options, one of the things that I like about this game is that it is different from all the big-eye anime style and sword/sorcery fantasy style games out there. Adding those types of things would start to blur the lines between this game and "those other games"... IMNSHO, of course.


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I'm not sure that's a bad thing. The hero genre crosses many styles. I don't want to play a hero game where my only option is classic american comic book heroes, just like I don't want to play a hero game where anime, fantasy, or silver age are my only choice.

I think there's room, and profit, in casting a wide net and letting the players decide what they want. If everybody is a big eyed anime character, I'd be surprised, but you'd know they all chose it.



Where did you see the boots?? OMG! What do they look like? Me so excited about the new costume pieces



> New interesting zones - I've always wanted to see ones that target other hero/villain genres like Anime style (like Princess Mononoke, dragonball Z, etc.) with costumes, big eye character options etc, or maybe a D&D style one with dragons, sword wielding knights, etc (plus some old favs like trolls, hydras, etc).

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/e wince

While I wouldn't mind more character options, one of the things that I like about this game is that it is different from all the big-eye anime style and sword/sorcery fantasy style games out there. Adding those types of things would start to blur the lines between this game and "those other games"... IMNSHO, of course.


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I'm not sure that's a bad thing. The hero genre crosses many styles. I don't want to play a hero game where my only option is classic american comic book heroes, just like I don't want to play a hero game where anime, fantasy, or silver age are my only choice.

I think there's room, and profit, in casting a wide net and letting the players decide what they want. If everybody is a big eyed anime character, I'd be surprised, but you'd know they all chose it.

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Then make it a different game. American-style heroes is what this game is based on. Noone is looking for the reverse of anime. I am sure there is profit in an anime-style MMO, but I dont want to spoil this one to get it.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."




/e wince

While I wouldn't mind more character options, one of the things that I like about this game is that it is different from all the big-eye anime style and sword/sorcery fantasy style games out there. Adding those types of things would start to blur the lines between this game and "those other games"... IMNSHO, of course.


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Fair enough. I'm not dieing for an anime toon myself, but I'd think by having this in seperate zones rather than say dumped into existing areas brings new options and new players while allowing others to enjoy the classic game. Plus, haven't you noticed almost every single enemy is either humanoid or stationary? Where are the giant lizards, moth monsters, 8-legged insect creatures, dune-sandworm-type creatures, etc. I want some more variety personally.

Anyway, new players means more revenue for NCSoft which leads to more effort on more and better updates, game longevity, a more dynamic market, more people awake at 4AM to team with (which might be 6PM for them), etc.



Then make it a different game. American-style heroes is what this game is based on. Noone is looking for the reverse of anime. I am sure there is profit in an anime-style MMO, but I dont want to spoil this one to get it.

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Lol - we have something of an anti-anime league on this board I think.

I just wanted some variety, not necessarily anime-variety. If everyone's against anime, s'ok by me, but I still want some variation, diversity, creativity and suprises that make me go OOOOOO!!!!



The original Rikti invasion is the defining event in the history leading up to the game. It's the reason Boomtown and Crey's Folly are the state they're in, they wiped out most of the heroes of the day, it's the reason for the War Walls. But for 9 issues, they've been relegated to "just another villain group", less important than the Hellions (who get to destroy buildings through arson), Devouring Earth (with a task force and Hamidon), the Council (two task forces and an Island all their own), and definitely not Arachnos. Villainside, they've got almost no appearance at all.

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Thank you soooo much for replying to my post, I was beginning to feel like I would never be heard lol. I don't feel that they are just another Villian group mainly because they have an entire zone almost to themselves aka The Crash Site. This issue 10 just seems like a sequel, I have issues with sequels but I won't get into Pirates of the Carribean now lol I am slightly confused about the list of other baddies and the info in the paranthesis. I was hoping you would explain what you were trying to emphasize there. I haven't slept in like 24 hours :P However I will say that I have decided to wait until I10 is released before saying anything else negative. I realized that I wouldn't want someone to critique my art before seeing it for themselves so it would be unjust for me to do it to Cryptic. I hope I10 rocks and I hope that my initial dissapointment in the announcement will be smitted by awesome Rikti battles



But for 9 issues, they've been relegated to "just another villain group", less important than the Hellions (who get to destroy buildings through arson), Devouring Earth (with a task force and Hamidon), the Council (two task forces and an Island all their own), and definitely not Arachnos. Villainside, they've got almost no appearance at all.

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Dang it, I forgot to mention something lol. I do not think Rikti are less important than Hellions or any of those listed because of the fact that they were a huge event with a whole lotta story when they were introduced. You mention that Council ahve their own island...so do Rikti, it's the Monkey Island in Peregrine. Rikti also have the sewer trial. Rikti can be hunted in Crey's, Founders, Peregrine and the Abandoned Sewer Network. I definately disagree that they have been reduced below Hellions lol



I would like to see a recipe drop for a Rikti war blade, that would be cool

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue