Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Yes , YES! just what I want to see too spontaious drops at different parts of every map, no matter the lvl. These guys are invading so every zone is prime target. If the lower toons need help they will be screaming and running away from the entry point, also the Rikti should try to goto key points to hold if they can eg city hall hospitals etc etc



I would like to see a recipe drop for a Rikti war blade, that would be cool

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That would be cool...

Rikti Warblade..

Rikiti armour (especially the back peices)
Rikti rifle



I post on these forums to ask questions and communicate with others. I did read, and was confused and that is why i asked the questions i did. I thought these forums gave peeps freedom of speech? God, you'd think that newb/noobs would have a better reception, but obviously I'm asking the wrong questions in the wrong place. I read all posts before I type, unless they are extreme in number (because I DO have a life and not time to read every little thing, especially when most of it is just peeps bashing others). This post is to CaptainMoodSwing and anyone else who wants to be an [censored] to someone who is curious and confused and just wanted some freaking answers. And it could be that my dyslexia has something to do with my confusion, anyway, my last two posts were only responses. I got the point the first time around.
And, as for your post, ShoNuff, I did finally understand that the events will be everywhere, my post above yours that says my complaint was valid was to the person that the post said it was replying to. It had nothing to do with you or anyone else, I already got the freaking point. Geesh. Can't a person be confused or have questions around here? I might sound stupid to you people, but I am only new and uninformed and seeking answers. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try to figure things out on my own from here on out, thank you.

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My replies were aimed mostly at Robvious, who clearly did not read the announcement, and had no interest in reading my explanations to his questions, as they were asked and answered in plain english many times. He was being a troll, pure and simple. I apologize if I misunderstood you.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Ok, first i'd like to say ROFLMAO! to Lemur, and YAY! for killing more Riki Tiki!



Keeping in mind that the dev/des team of CoH and CoV are not identical to those working on other projects, what I see advertised here is insipid. I would prefer to pay $50-75 for a new expansion than receive such garbage.

What could be improved is as follows: enlarge the existing zones by about ten times existing size adding street signs and block numbers using the larger graphic tile sets rather than a pretended small set, add new "shops" where one can "buy" NPC friends and background/life event options, add new gameplay features that extend simlife elements entertainingly for the players of this game sensibly in regards to game history and theme, update many NPC enemy groups with new outfits and in some cases add new types to each including named villains along each common echelon of power (underling, minion, lieutenant, boss), permit new and more detailed character creation along with signature powers for player characters. This and other additions would take about two months of normal work (rather than playing pocket pong most of the day) without introducing problems into the game as "play testing" -- I noticed some of the defective methods of play testing undertaken by Cryptic during the CoV Betas which included introducing old graphical glitches and map glitches that were smoothed out early in CoH before the appearance of Founders Falls.

Guys, really. Just slap together an expansion full of features and pretend you've been working on it for a few years. That sorta thing would work well in tandem with your normal method.

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Some LOL Sauce to go with your whine

If I wanted to play a Sim game, I'd go buy a Sim game. I'm happy that there are minimal elements of that nature in what is an action adventure game.

Just the other day, they posted an interview with the costume designer where it said it took him a couple days work to convert a single costume piece from one character model to another. Based on this and other known facts about reasonable development, I call shenanigans on your bloated estimate of "two months of normal work"

Your "normal method" of being insulting and then consistently begging for features that belong almost entirely in other games, is more than a little ridiculous. Your claims about what people want and how easy it would be to make are likewise.

I have no advice for you on how to curb this trend, because telling you where I think you should stick it violates a number of rules. Just rest easy that you're the only person in this thread who thinks that this is not a remarkably quick turnaround for a significant amount of content.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I can't wait to kick some alien butt
If this is as good as it's set out to be then the game will be better than before
Looks Awsome



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

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Please. People have been screeching for 35+ content, especially for villains. And we got just that. They have to prioritize the content they release and when. Vehicles are most certainly NOT at the top of that list.

And how do you know there won't be any interplanetary travel? You never know, we just might get to see the Rikti Homeworld.

And the devs, quite a while ago, flat out said that an increased level cap wasn't even something they were thinking about. Guessing and hoping that the next issue just might have it is deluding yourself, the devs said it ain't happening anywhere in the foreseeable future.

If you think that this is none of the content we've been clamoring about, you either live under a rock or don't pay very close attention.



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

[/ QUOTE ]

Welcome to the forums, though! I hope you find something in there that pleases you.



I'm sure the devs would love to make 10 more levels of content, so that people could complete it in a week and complain that they can't get to level 70 now.

edit: don't get me wrong, I would love more content at 50 especially, but I don't think just adding 10 more levels would really solve any problems, just delay them.



I just want to say that after having been around in the game for the last 3+ years, and like others, I missed the initial Rikti invasion. There is nothing like taking down a ship in midair (ala STF taking down ship as you fight lord recluse) or when the Rularuu first came to paragon city (shooting down the bug-eyes in midair). I was around for the 5th column vs. council war and again, was great fun in terms of the worldwide event.

My only request is that we allow the world wide event to continue for quite awhile and.. to preannounce that day so that I can put my real life on hold (lol yeah i know..but I can't help it). This news of the Rikti returning in force is..well..um..er.. FANTASTIC!!!.. I can hardly contain myself (damn, time to wipe up again).. Yes yes yes, I know there are things others would like but that is the nature of this game (the only MMO I have ever/will ever play), in that other releases can still come down the road. I guess we should be happy that this is focused on moving the storyline forward, and there is nothing to bring heroes together like a world wide event (Emerald Order on Guardian, hopefully any stagnant members will reactivate and join us in this Omega-level threat!!).

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



I'll have to say, this is probably one of the greatest ideas in the City Of * experience. One of the first things that attract people to this game is the rich, vibrant story that backs it up. And now, that story is coming to life? And I can participate? ANYONE can participate? What more could you possibly want from ANY game? This transcends the normal game experience. This peaks the pinnacle of a living, breathing world for us to play in. This is the dynamic gaming that so many of us have been dreaming about for so long. The Ritki are back? And we get to be take part in the Second War? Its like we're making history in our world.
This is it. This is what this game is all about. You've read about the war. You've seen the monuments, heard the stories, even fought against them in the sewers and warehouses. But soon, the war is coming again. And we're going to be there.
Bravo, City of Heroes/Villains staff. You've just made my favourite, and I'm sure thousands of others', game of all time.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



Sigh...I honestly wasn't being a troll. I just got a little annoyed with the things that Issue 10 addressed. I guess I'll wait and see what actually happens before I pass judgment from now on. I hated I9 at first, but now I only slightly dislike it, so it's growing on me I suppose. I should be getting a toon to 30 by the end of Sunday, although you can't just assume we all have time to play all during Double XP weekend - I will only be able to play on Sunday evening and will be attempting to get a toon from 20 to 30...and hopefully he will be to 35 by time I10 comes out...



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

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Some of us have been asking for Level 35+ Content, Co-Op Content, and what appears to be a revamped Rikti Crash Site for a long time.

Or are you using "we" in the royal sense?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



oh...my...god this issue is going to rock!



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

[/ QUOTE ]

Some of us have been asking for Level 35+ Content, Co-Op Content, and what appears to be a revamped Rikti Crash Site for a long time.

Or are you using "we" in the royal sense?

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I'll add myself to that "we" list.

I'd prefer issue 10 to be: OMG We Fixed All The Bugs!

Instead of: Here's More Shinies And More Bugs To Go With Them!

/sarcasm off



The first time I saw an Aberrant in Skyway pull a Rikti blade on me (way back in I2), my only response was: "WHERE DO I GET ONE OF THOSE!?"

Now we know.

On an unrelated note, why does everyone keep asking for a bump to the level cap? I don't need any more powers on my 50s. As it is, most of them have at least one power I took at 49 just because I had to take something.

Unlike games that use a point system or similar mechanics to purchase and improve abilities as you level up, CoX would gain little to no benefit from a bump.

In fact, if you bumped the level cap, the game would suffer more than benefit. You'd have three more power choices, 21 more slots, and a whole lot less variety in builds because there are only so many powers to pick from.

Now, if you want more story arcs that you can run at 50, that I get, but I'm pretty sure it would only been about a month before the people complaining about being bored at 50 now would start complaining there's nothing to do at 60 and crying for more end-game content. That would only serve to stretch the developers even further than they're already stretched trying to keep us happy over 50 levels.

. . . Anyway, sign me up for a Rikti blade temp power!

The Players' Guide to the Cities



While I didn't read all the posts for this the one it did seemed positive. But of course there is no pleaseing some people.

Another invasion? Sounds good to me. Heroes and Villians fighting side by side against a common foe? Sounds good to me.

People pissing and moaning about little things? No thanks.



I'm already drooling over this issue. Co-op? Battling a new Rikti invasion? Sweetness incarnate.



But what's the secret?

...learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City...

The intrigue begins!

[/ QUOTE ]

The secret is that Paragon City is not really real.

It's all just a complex computer program. And we're trapped within it.

The server has you.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



But what's the secret?

...learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City...

The intrigue begins!

[/ QUOTE ]

The secret is that Paragon City is not really real.

It's all just a complex computer program. And we're trapped within it.

The server has you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought the secret was that the warwalls are actually rikti forcefields they used to slice off sections of the earth for study.

Paragon is actually inside a rikti worldship right now!

Why else do you think the lakes and oceans are only neck deep?

/tinfoilhat on




There's the Rikti Beta invasion video.

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Someone needs to teach this guy how to edit video. Like I really need to see him get disconnected from the mapserver? Talk about breaking dramatic tension by violating suspension of disbelief...

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Okay, sorry everyone.

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...



While I didn't read all the posts for this the one it did seemed positive. But of course there is no pleaseing some people...

People pissing and moaning about little things? No thanks.

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Just to make a small point, this forum is for I10 discussion. If everyone was happy and had all the same point of views then it wouldn't be much of a discussion, just a whole lot of agreeing lol Although I'll admit I wish some people were more mature when they do disagree with what seems to be the populas.



*Trying to Stay Positive Here* Im disappointed to hear about the subject matter of i10's Content. Don't the Ritki already have an Entire Zone ?? (Ritki Crash Site) It sounds like there will be new mishes & other new game content where Ritki are concerned, but was expecting new player content in maybe a lil different way. (Post 50 levels or something else rather super)
The team did SO WELL With i9 on giving players new content of actual value. Was just looking forward to keeping it rolling.

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I have to mirror Dadzillas feelings here. Issue 10 , 3+ years of Heroes , 1 1/2 years of Villains . . .

And this sounds like Rikti Invasion redux.

I already have a level 50 , I would have loved to see 50+ content. Especially for the release of Issue 10.

This is how I saw it going down:

First of all, more than a few months between Issues, let the anticipation swell a bit before throwing the sharks more chum.
Next, hint on the forum boards at a release of an issue with a new map - not a reopening of an old one with new content. The smell of blood is in the water.
Now you reveal screenshots of maps in zones nobody has ever seen before in either Heroes of Villains with mobs noone has ever fought - not just new guns.
The sharks are cirlcing.
Finally you open the test server to the new Issue 10 with level 50 - 60 content for both Heroes and Villains working together in new zones on . . .


That is worthy of an Issue 10 Release. I was so looking forward to that. Oh well , guess it is back to collecting badges.

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You guys don't get it.

We WANT a Rikti invasion.

We WANT issue out faster

We DON'T WANT an increase in the cap as it would spread out toons even more and be extra work when all they need to do is create more rewards (Inventions) and more things to do (New Co-op SF) instead.