Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




This sounds awesome indeed. Should be a TUN of fun.

That said, can we please get a new powerset or two for the ONLY AT in CoH to not get one in the last 2+ years? Scrappers?

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And tankers.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



So what about new power sets...or costume pieces? Just keep stockpiling stuff for the higher level toons aka the Vocal Minority. Why should I be glad that nothing is being offered to me for the 3rd straight issue?

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3rd straight issue? Issue 9 included inventions which can be enjoyed by anybody above level 10. Issue 8 included Faultline which actually excludes higher level people unless they exemplar (not hard to get a character to Faultline level).



Yay for probably the first issue that will DEFINITELY be 200% useless to me..



Yay for probably the first issue that will DEFINITELY be 200% useless to me..

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*reads name*




F-yeah for I10 just imagin the destrying power of a lev 50 brute and a lev 50 fire/kin ...hehe



I mean seriously, from a developmental end it doesn't sound like they are adding anything new mechanic or structure wise, just rendering a few new models, reskinning a zone, and adding in a couple recipies.

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Ok here are my thoughts. 1) Not every issue needs to have new mechanics or structures. Hell not even I9 really brought out a new mechanic, it just added to an invention system that was already in play and that invention system was for bases. 2) You can never get rid of all bugs in an MMO game. There is always going to be something wrong going on between system and server and if you try and fix it it could cause problems for another system that never had the problem. 3) Don't you think that a light update would leave room for more time spent to fix bugs. Now that I think about it I'm actually glad that that's all that's being released in this issue. Leave the level cap where it is, give them time to work on the new powersets that people voted on, quit whining about them not adding in what you're proposing. You aren't the only one who pays for this game and you aren't ruler of the world. I for one don't want vehicles or a higher level cap, I'm now very happy with this new issue; thank you complainer.

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



I mean seriously, from a developmental end it doesn't sound like they are adding anything new mechanic or structure wise, just rendering a few new models, reskinning a zone, and adding in a couple recipies.

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You never "just" reskin a zone - and it isn't going to be just a few new models.

And we are getting at least one new tile set - and possibly a new "sub" zone - for the interior of the ship.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



we're getting a new tile set?

I missed that part.

THAT excites me even more than a new zone.

These tilesets are seen over and over and over again. A new tileset is right up there with a new powerset in terms of fundamental improvements to the game.



Makes me wonder if the new rikti are going to be given new powers or if they're going to have the same energy weapons, swords, and mind control the rest of them have.

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



You're not kidding about Synapse TF. SIX HOURS of "go clear out this warehouse" and "go kill this boss". We had three identical missions in a row. Most of us on the TF said "never again".

@ Purgatorio



You're not kidding about Synapse TF. SIX HOURS of "go clear out this warehouse" and "go kill this boss". We had three identical missions in a row. Most of us on the TF said "never again".

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Ouch - You need a different team - I have never had Synapse take near that long.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I hate to be MR. DOOM but i must be honest.

I love the idea of CO-OP zone and TF/SF and a CO-OP zone.. but is that it??? yea the rikiti are all fun and good but really... is this it? As I see it if you can go threw all the new stuff in a single weekend, easy!! Looks as though there are a few contacts and 1 tf/sf.... no new power sets.. still no epic ATs for COV, no PPP re-work(as of yet). RCS is not a new zone, yea it might have some added stuff but really, come on!! there is nothing here that will take long to go threw.. BUT i digress. there might be other items in i10 not yet known to usm but i doubt it. I would rather they (PlanyNC, CRyptic) take a few more months and give us more in this issue.

The ----->>>GENERAL<<<-----
population agrees on the following
1. COV needs more SFs
2. PPPs need buffed/re-worked.
3. Both sides need new sets/ATs
4. IOP trial needs fixed

Call me crazy. and I'm sure some of u will but 1 co-op tf/sf/zone and a few new contacts should not be a whole issue.



but as i think of it....
IF they made
Rikti raids(random) that might be somewhat cool
raids on bases
raids on the BM/WW
i guess you could imagine they could raid anyting.. and there could be a global msg.... Rikti RAID AT X. and if you condrubite to the fight you can get a reward of some sort... just an idea



I hate to be MR. DOOM but i must be honest.

I love the idea of CO-OP zone and TF/SF and a CO-OP zone.. but is that it??? yea the rikiti are all fun and good but really... is this it? As I see it if you can go threw all the new stuff in a single weekend, easy!! Looks as though there are a few contacts and 1 tf/sf.... no new power sets.. still no epic ATs for COV, no PPP re-work(as of yet). RCS is not a new zone, yea it might have some added stuff but really, come on!! there is nothing here that will take long to go threw.. BUT i digress. there might be other items in i10 not yet known to usm but i doubt it. I would rather they (PlanyNC, CRyptic) take a few more months and give us more in this issue.

The ----->>>GENERAL<<<-----
population agrees on the following
1. COV needs more SFs
2. PPPs need buffed/re-worked.
3. Both sides need new sets/ATs
4. IOP trial needs fixed

Call me crazy. and I'm sure some of u will but 1 co-op tf/sf/zone and a few new contacts should not be a whole issue.

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The reason that many of the issues dragged out so long before release (and then had a long shaking-down period on live of fixing bugs) is that they tried to fit so much in the issues, including both new mechanics and new content.

I9 was minimal content, significant new mechanics. I10 will be significant content (in importance, at least), minimal new mechanics. Hopefully, that means I10 will come to live in a fairly short time, and I11 won't be delayed because of bug fixes for I10.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



PLs explain
"significant new mechanics"



PLs explain
"significant new mechanics"

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Mayhem, Safeguards, and invention are new mechanisms. New ATs or new PowerSets are new mechanisms. Vet rewards (as a concept, not necessarily each reward) made up a new mechanism.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



I would rather they (PlanyNC, CRyptic) take a few more months and give us more in this issue.

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In a few more months they'll have another issue ready. Lots of little gifts, spread out.



PLs explain
"significant new mechanics"

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Mayhem, Safeguards, and invention are new mechanisms. New ATs or new PowerSets are new mechanisms. Vet rewards (as a concept, not necessarily each reward) made up a new mechanism.

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I hate to Point this out But..... Invention Is not New.. Inventing Has been Around Sense the Release Of Villains with Base Items.. They Just Expanded on Inventing to Include Costume, temp powers and IO's



PLs explain
"significant new mechanics"

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Mayhem, Safeguards, and invention are new mechanisms. New ATs or new PowerSets are new mechanisms. Vet rewards (as a concept, not necessarily each reward) made up a new mechanism.

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I hate to Point this out But..... Invention Is not New.. Inventing Has been Around Sense the Release Of Villains with Base Items.. They Just Expanded on Inventing to Include Costume, temp powers and IO's

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the use of recipe drops is new. Sets with set bonuses is new. And a whole lot of working getting the drops right and balanced (still not done). Yeah, it's new.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Great, sounds fun!

A few questions though.

Is there more to it then just trying to thwart off Rikiti?
Looks cool but doesnt seem like much, what else can we look forward to in issue 10?



This is secretly a plan to get rid of the war walls and make paragon one whole city! Also, we will steal more Rikti tech and it will effect game powers and things like that.

NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.



Ok crazy

I know not everyone is thrilled with the minimal content of I10, but a lot of you have to stop and think. Nothing about this is really doom, and this could be a better issue when viewed long term then just the release to live and a few weeks after word. Here are some points to keep in mind when going back and reading what's in I10 to make sure you didn't miss anything:

<ul type="square">[*]Minimal new content allows for quickly fixing bugs on test for a cleaner release.[*]Minimal content allows devs to focus on pre-existing bugs instead of having to focus on new gamebreaking bugs[*]As far as new Powersets go, we know they're coming just not when. Patience is a virtue that's never let me down at least[*]New AT's are coming, just don't know when but if memory serves they "were" villain Khelds. May be wrong on this one though.[/list]
The -----&gt;&gt;&gt;GENERAL&lt;&lt;&lt;-----
population agrees on the following
1. COV needs more SFs
2. PPPs need buffed/re-worked.
3. Both sides need new sets/ATs
4. IOP trial needs fixed

[/ QUOTE ]

To be completely honest I laugh at most people who call doom before they've had a chance to test new content. A friend of mine told me about when ED was in the works how everyone said that it would destroy the game. Doesn't look like it has. People jump the gun way to much before testing. How in any of the content is something supposed to be doom. Rikti are invading again to try and finish up what they started. Wouldn't surprise me if the next issue Hero1 comes back a corrupt and evil man and joins with Recluse to take over Paragon, there could be a SF given out by Hero1 himself that takes you into the heart of Paragon to fight the Freedom Phalanx and Statesman in answer to the STF. Look further then just the issue at hand and think about what it could mean in the long run instead of calling doom right away.

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



Kudos for standingoutside the box!!! The time it takes to add even 1 costume part to the game is so indepth its really sick... Trust me folks for all the complaints of bad release this "oh no theres a bug" that, for the Devs to limit the amount makes senes but I guess everyone will complain about somthing. We need to rember in the end WE pay to play and as far as alot of my freinds who play and ahve played since relese this is the greatest news ever. Rember "K.I.S.S" &lt;keep it simple stupid&gt; works best!



All I got to say is let slip the dogs of war! I love this game and have been a fan since I joined around I6. I can't wait for the "game" world event and hope its more than 1 day long :P



Hah! What's with all the whining about villians not having strike forces spread out through the levels? I've been playing for 6 months and have yet to complete a strike force. EVER! When I first started playing on heroes I got in on a few but they always went HORRIBLY. Chaotic, no direction in the group and the group always team collapsed half way through the first freakin mission! After the third time of this I decided I was NEVER touching that crap again.

No strike forces for villains? Awww Awwww gonna cry... here it comes.... almost there! .... Nope can't do it.

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Ummm....the OPs comment was about content issues, and you counter with...your bad teaming choices?

Yah, that makes sense, whatever.

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.