Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

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Some of us have been asking for Level 35+ Content, Co-Op Content, and what appears to be a revamped Rikti Crash Site for a long time.

Or are you using "we" in the royal sense?

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I'll add myself to that "we" list.

I'd prefer issue 10 to be: OMG We Fixed All The Bugs!

Instead of: Here's More Shinies And More Bugs To Go With Them!

/sarcasm off

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How bout





While I didn't read all the posts for this the one it did seemed positive. But of course there is no pleaseing some people...

People pissing and moaning about little things? No thanks.

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Just to make a small point, this forum is for I10 discussion. If everyone was happy and had all the same point of views then it wouldn't be much of a discussion, just a whole lot of agreeing lol Although I'll admit I wish some people were more mature when they do disagree with what seems to be the populas.

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Point. There is a certain degree of usefulness in people still pointing out "Hey, we're still interested in new power sets, EATs, etc etc..." Keeps the devs aware of the opinion of the populous.

Though there is a fine line as to when it's contributory to this thread and when it isn't.

edit: EarthDragon, ya wanna cut down on the long strings? Messes up page formatting.




I thought the secret was that the warwalls are actually rikti forcefields they used to slice off sections of the earth for study.

Paragon is actually inside a rikti worldship right now!

Why else do you think the lakes and oceans are only neck deep?

[/ QUOTE ] So that explains why I can never seem to actually get to Shell Beach! (Yay somewhat obscure movie refrence!)

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812




Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the only Co-op specifically mentioned is the TF.

Please tell me the entire ZONE is going to be Co-op so my 40+ Villains will not be sentenced to Lagville.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



I'm completely anti-putting any PvP in this one. I can't see my heroes being stupid enough to work with villains if there's a guaranteed certainty they're going to get knifed in the back, and vice versa. I want to fight the Rikti, thanks.

Besides which, it would make for a lot more tension and fun RPwise if they *couldn't* fight. Just like the last few superhero movies that have come out...too many villains dilute the soup to 'eeeh' levels.

I'm curious as to whether this will be *required* co-oping or optional co-op'ing. Optional would be wonderful. Required, no. The winter event was SO much nicer than both V'tine events for that very reason. If there were heroes around, you could run it, if there were villains, vice versa, but nobody had to beg and plead for a hero or a villain in order to do it.


Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so! -Elastigirl

The SOLUS Foundation - http://www.solusfoundation.com
A Liberty-based bastion, seven years strong.



I wonder if this means that Kheldians will finally get some something out of their inherent from teaming with villains?

Gandhi 2 - Inf - lvl 50 AR/Dev Bla, Gazebo - Virt - lvl 50 Ice/SS Tank, Ms. Summers - Champ - lvl 50 MA/Inv Scr, Rachel Rosen - Lib - lvl 50 Ice/Emp Ctrl
Kiaransalee - Virt - lvl 50 Nec/Pois Mmd, Tierna - Vic - lvl 50 SS/Stone Bru
(and many <50s)



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

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Sorry you feel that way, however everything I've heard about in the announcement is something I have asked for at one time or another, and I know many other people have too.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill




Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the only Co-op specifically mentioned is the TF.

Please tell me the entire ZONE is going to be Co-op so my 40+ Villains will not be sentenced to Lagville.

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From the Announcement (emphasis mine):
Rikti War Zone (Levels 35 – 50)
The site of the crashed Rikti mother ship has become a hot War Zone. Pylons of unknown purpose have appeared around the mother ship, and Rikti presence is extremely heavy. In an attempt to contain the Rikti from breaking out of the area or launching their ship, the government has cordoned off the zone, allowing only select agents access. Government officials have turned the region over to Vanguard, and given them the authority to recruit forces from across the world. This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle to hold the front lines against the second Rikti Invasion.

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"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill




On an unrelated note, why does everyone keep asking for a bump to the level cap? I don't need any more powers on my 50s. As it is, most of them have at least one power I took at 49 just because I had to take something.

Unlike games that use a point system or similar mechanics to purchase and improve abilities as you level up, CoX would gain little to no benefit from a bump.

In fact, if you bumped the level cap, the game would suffer more than benefit. You'd have three more power choices, 21 more slots, and a whole lot less variety in builds because there are only so many powers to pick from.

Now, if you want more story arcs that you can run at 50, that I get, but I'm pretty sure it would only been about a month before the people complaining about being bored at 50 now would start complaining there's nothing to do at 60 and crying for more end-game content. That would only serve to stretch the developers even further than they're already stretched trying to keep us happy over 50 levels.

. . . Anyway, sign me up for a Rikti blade temp power!

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This is Exactly How I feel.. We do not need Our Characters with all powers With Full 6 slot GOD characters... Live with it

Adding Levels 51-60 Would Kill the Game IMO adding Content for a level 45 to 50 To enjoy so you Dont Just "Shelf" a Toon.. I'm all for that

Victory Server
71st Spec Ops Brigade




Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the only Co-op specifically mentioned is the TF.

Please tell me the entire ZONE is going to be Co-op so my 40+ Villains will not be sentenced to Lagville.

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From the Announcement (emphasis mine):
Rikti War Zone (Levels 35 – 50)
... This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle...

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Could be read slightly ambiguously, but I missed it on my first pass through the announcement.

Ok, YippEEEEEEE! Unlimited Co-op and no Lagville!

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



More thetan trash.

This bulletin board is for airing user opinions on the game, not for bullbaiting SPs. So knock it off. Stop following me around the forums as if I'm wearing a miniskirt.

At least I do not have to pay hundreds of dollars for spiritual counselling fees.






Well, I am at 36 for my scrapper (dark/dark) right now but I have a question (as pouring through the forums never seems to adequately answer things for me): When is i10 scheduled to hit?



Raise the lvl cap to 60 , that'll open tons of new ideas, make like a rikiti realm for lvl 50+ were we invade them back and fight the biggest rikiti, and maybe a few other villains that creeped their way in, maybe we could even save team omega



IMO this issue sounds great. I am a strong believer in more powersets, costumes and ATs....but this issue sounds like alot of fun with alot of new content to experience.

Some people will just never be happy and always complain.




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Easy there guy, you got lots of time.



So um.... how long will the world event last?

Cuz 1 new(or modified) zone and a task force won't get ppl infront of the comp for too long.
so can we leave the world event online till i11?



Who are the focus groups you want to invite to participate. I tried to enter the training run to test issue 10 expansion, and was not allowed. It said that the focus group was testing the new expansion. Can we be invited?



This sounds awesome indeed. Should be a TUN of fun.

That said, can we please get a new powerset or two for the ONLY AT in CoH to not get one in the last 2+ years? Scrappers?



Great - another issue with none of the content we asked for! Vehicles, no. Interplanetary travel, no. increased cap., no.

yeah... I'm sooo excited.

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Some of us have been asking for Level 35+ Content, Co-Op Content, and what appears to be a revamped Rikti Crash Site for a long time.

Or are you using "we" in the royal sense?

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*agrees with Dysmal.*

It's about *time* the City OF* story got pushed forward. No, COV didn't push it forward, it filled in stuff to the sides and gave a few more details. Faultline was a start, but other than that it's been at a standstill for quite some time. It's been at *least* two years of essentially treading water.

Everyone who's wanted "more shinies" has gotten something. A full other side to the game, more ATs, the Invention system, PVP, etc. Now its the storyhounds' turn.




I'd prefer issue 10 to be: OMG We Fixed All The Bugs!

Instead of: Here's More Shinies And More Bugs To Go With Them!

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I agree completely. It actually disappoints me greatly that they are already announcing I10 when they just released I9. They have clearly gone to the model of "cram new stuff at the players so fast that we distract them from the increasing number of debilitating bugs we are to lazy to go back and fix". Sad. They'll make the game unplayable in no time at this rate. I for one hope that they jumped the gun a LOT with this announcement, and we see about 6 more patches with hundreds of bug fixes before I10 comes out. Seriously, shore up the problems and fix the bugs that we've been reporting for 1-2 years before dumping in more half baked content that makes things even more broken.

Other than that, yes, the planned content sounds interesting, if a bit light for an issue release. I mean seriously, from a developmental end it doesn't sound like they are adding anything new mechanic or structure wise, just rendering a few new models, reskinning a zone, and adding in a couple recipies. A couple costume options isn't that big a deal, there are no new power sets, no new level caps, no new mechanics like we just saw in I9. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect that with every issue, devs are allowed to go light for the next one, and there is a lot to be said for evolution of the game story and environment changes over time, but in return I expect some of those bug fixes. If you're not spending time on new mechanics, you best be spending it on fixing old ones.

I know I know, the expansions are free and what do I want for nothing. Well for a monthly fee I think I can still ask for bug fixes, and yes I'll take those over new content.




its far from unplayable and all the testing in the world wont get all the bugs.

IIIIIIII'm thinking your a glass half empty kinda guy



Issue 10 is what? A new zone? Wow, fun. : /



Issue 10 is what? A new zone? Wow, fun. : /

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A revamped zone, new task force, more 35+ content, new costumes, new Inventions, Co op zone, and world spanning events for players of all levels. And the begining of what could be a multi issue story arc which sounds really interesting.




I'd prefer issue 10 to be: OMG We Fixed All The Bugs!

Instead of: Here's More Shinies And More Bugs To Go With Them!

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I agree completely. It actually disappoints me greatly that they are already announcing I10 when they just released I9. They have clearly gone to the model of "cram new stuff at the players so fast that we distract them from the increasing number of debilitating bugs we are to lazy to go back and fix". Sad. They'll make the game unplayable in no time at this rate. I for one hope that they jumped the gun a LOT with this announcement, and we see about 6 more patches with hundreds of bug fixes before I10 comes out. Seriously, shore up the problems and fix the bugs that we've been reporting for 1-2 years before dumping in more half baked content that makes things even more broken.

Other than that, yes, the planned content sounds interesting, if a bit light for an issue release. I mean seriously, from a developmental end it doesn't sound like they are adding anything new mechanic or structure wise, just rendering a few new models, reskinning a zone, and adding in a couple recipies. A couple costume options isn't that big a deal, there are no new power sets, no new level caps, no new mechanics like we just saw in I9. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect that with every issue, devs are allowed to go light for the next one, and there is a lot to be said for evolution of the game story and environment changes over time, but in return I expect some of those bug fixes. If you're not spending time on new mechanics, you best be spending it on fixing old ones.

I know I know, the expansions are free and what do I want for nothing. Well for a monthly fee I think I can still ask for bug fixes, and yes I'll take those over new content.


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They're adding *story content,* not a whole new enhancement system like Inventions. Which do you think needs less testing?

And if this brings upper level content Heroside with the quality of writing I'm seeing right now Villainside (Television, Vernon von Gruen,) I'm even more excited to see it.