Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




I post on these forums to ask questions and communicate with others. I did read, and was confused and that is why i asked the questions i did. I read all posts before I type, unless they are extreme in number (because I DO have a life and not time to read every little thing, especially when most of it is just peeps bashing others). This post is to CaptainMoodSwing and anyone else who wants to be an [censored] to someone who is curious and confused and just wanted some freaking answers. And it could be that my dyslexia has something to do with my confusion, since I first saw WORLD WIDE and then it was followed by only 35 + level chars, anyway, my last two posts were only responses. I got the point the first time around.
And, as for your post, ShoNuff, I did finally understand that the events will be everywhere, my post above yours that says my complaint was valid was to the person that the post said it was replying to. It had nothing to do with you or anyone else, I already got the freaking point. Geesh. Can't a person be confused or have questions around here? I might sound stupid to you people, but I am only new and uninformed and seeking answers. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try to figure things out on my own from here on out, thank you.

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...



God, you'd think that newb/noobs would have a better reception, but obviously I'm asking the wrong questions in the wrong place.

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(From The Urban Dictionary & Wikipedia) You, are a newb or newbie.
Newbie (n): a newcomer, novice or inexperienced player that strives to learn more and become better.

I don't think you are a noob.
Noob (n): a clueless player, especially of a MMORPG; someone that lacks intelligence or common sense. Noobs are usually ignorant, selfish, annoying and excessively stupid.

Do not confuse newbs with noobs, there IS a difference.



*Trying to Stay Positive Here* Im disappointed to hear about the subject matter of i10's Content. Don't the Ritki already have an Entire Zone ?? (Ritki Crash Site) It sounds like there will be new mishes & other new game content where Ritki are concerned, but was expecting new player content in maybe a lil different way. (Post 50 levels or something else rather super)
The team did SO WELL With i9 on giving players new content of actual value. Was just looking forward to keeping it rolling.



*Trying to Stay Positive Here* Im disappointed to hear about the subject matter of i10's Content. Don't the Ritki already have an Entire Zone ?? (Ritki Crash Site) It sounds like there will be new mishes & other new game content where Ritki are concerned, but was expecting new player content in maybe a lil different way. (Post 50 levels or something else rather super)
The team did SO WELL With i9 on giving players new content of actual value. Was just looking forward to keeping it rolling.

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The Crash site is being changed into the Warzone (if I read the article right)



anybody know what changes will be made by this i mean what will be tacken away like will kuhl rekt no longer be a contact or will the lost and hydra groups go away and revamped rikti mishons or what and are the special robots only for heroes



You know, it'd be awesome if Rikti was an unlockable archetype to go with Nictus for Villains after the invasion



Was there any word on the 5th coming back this issue?



*Trying to Stay Positive Here* Im disappointed to hear about the subject matter of i10's Content. Don't the Ritki already have an Entire Zone ?? (Ritki Crash Site) It sounds like there will be new mishes & other new game content where Ritki are concerned, but was expecting new player content in maybe a lil different way. (Post 50 levels or something else rather super)
The team did SO WELL With i9 on giving players new content of actual value. Was just looking forward to keeping it rolling.

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I have to mirror Dadzillas feelings here. Issue 10 , 3+ years of Heroes , 1 1/2 years of Villains . . .

And this sounds like Rikti Invasion redux.

I already have a level 50 , I would have loved to see 50+ content. Especially for the release of Issue 10.

This is how I saw it going down:

First of all, more than a few months between Issues, let the anticipation swell a bit before throwing the sharks more chum.
Next, hint on the forum boards at a release of an issue with a new map - not a reopening of an old one with new content. The smell of blood is in the water.
Now you reveal screenshots of maps in zones nobody has ever seen before in either Heroes of Villains with mobs noone has ever fought - not just new guns.
The sharks are cirlcing.
Finally you open the test server to the new Issue 10 with level 50 - 60 content for both Heroes and Villains working together in new zones on . . .


That is worthy of an Issue 10 Release. I was so looking forward to that. Oh well , guess it is back to collecting badges.



So based on a lack of reply to my previous post I guess no one else finds that the I10 Rikti Invasion to be uncreative and redundant material because there already was an invasion. Rikti are currently in like 5 zones and 2 trials, uh was this really the baddie group that needed to make a come back? Seems like there are plenty already. Filthy alien scum.
And to reinstate that the co-op aspect is awesome and I'm looking foward to the zone specific costume recipes



Ah wait I saw someone else say is was kinda rendundant so yay! Me so happy!



Finally you open the test server to the new Issue 10 with level 50 - 60 content for both Heroes and Villains working together in new zones on . . .

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Not this again.....

Liberty Server



About a year ago, I suggested the creation of a Task Force to rescue Hero One and the others who went to the Rikti Homeworld.
Looking forward to this one!

My 50s since Apr 28 2004:
Sugoi Emp/Psi Def (x3), Sugoi-chan Emp/Psi Def (x2), Sugoi T Bot/FF MM
Frankie Fusion Kin/Rad Def (x3), Ramu Ele/Ele Bla (x2), Krystal Kinnison ILL/Kin Con
Sakaki Neko Cla/Reg Scr, ViArc PB, Vinda Nordstrom Kin/Ice Def
Shooting Emp Emp/DP Def, Yuri Shimazu Kin/DP Def, Incarnette EB/EM Bla (x2), Infinette PB



This is great work guys, i wished i could have taken part in the invasion but sadly i wasnt in the beta version, i was just post issue 1.

This is all awesome, with a side of awesome and an awesome drink of awesome.



Um, wasn't I10 supposed to have some luv for Bases? Or is it possible that all of that got washed out in the Riktiki press and it'll be 'stealth content'?

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



*Trying to Stay Positive Here* Im disappointed to hear about the subject matter of i10's Content. Don't the Ritki already have an Entire Zone ?? (Ritki Crash Site) It sounds like there will be new mishes & other new game content where Ritki are concerned, but was expecting new player content in maybe a lil different way. (Post 50 levels or something else rather super)
The team did SO WELL With i9 on giving players new content of actual value. Was just looking forward to keeping it rolling.

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I have to mirror Dadzillas feelings here. Issue 10 , 3+ years of Heroes , 1 1/2 years of Villains . . .

And this sounds like Rikti Invasion redux.

I already have a level 50 , I would have loved to see 50+ content. Especially for the release of Issue 10.

This is how I saw it going down:

First of all, more than a few months between Issues, let the anticipation swell a bit before throwing the sharks more chum.
Next, hint on the forum boards at a release of an issue with a new map - not a reopening of an old one with new content. The smell of blood is in the water.
Now you reveal screenshots of maps in zones nobody has ever seen before in either Heroes of Villains with mobs noone has ever fought - not just new guns.
The sharks are cirlcing.
Finally you open the test server to the new Issue 10 with level 50 - 60 content for both Heroes and Villains working together in new zones on . . .


That is worthy of an Issue 10 Release. I was so looking forward to that. Oh well , guess it is back to collecting badges.

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I believe if your not happy your free to do something else. Developement team are out of magic wands to produce new content every 2 weeks.

I'm not sure where your getting the 60 level cap from either... It's been pretty much put in stone that a level 50 hard cap is not changeing. Wont say ever but I'm sure it won't be any time soon.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



This Issue looks incredible. Most of us were not in the beta to see it first hand, and those that were there were often outclassed and unprepared. Anticipate the payback we can have. The star feature to me of the CoH/V franchise has always been the setting/ story and this is a great chance to get involved in that.

Alternatively Recluse's Victory was also an oppurtunity to get involved in what one might consider to be an integral part of the game, so I think we can agree that content ad infineum may lose its luster.



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

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How are Rikti magical in any way? Just curious what would be the basis for this suggestion?

They are a tech based enemy, therefore they should drop tech based salvage/recipes.

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In fact the Rikti's lack of magic was their weekness in the Rikti War. Their world didn't have a Mu bloodline, and so all of their equipment was susceptible to magic, hence the reason magic heroes were sent to seal off the Rikti world and why the Rikti trapped in Primal Earth have tried to get magic into their ranks.

That said, if the Rikti are now able to break through to Primal Earth again, then they must have found a way to over come the magic barrier that sealed off their world. There should be magic among them somehow, perhaps with special magic troops.

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I think the Lost might have something to do with all of this somewhere....

If you remember correctly (and I hope I get this right), The Lost are Humans that are undergoing genetic resequencing at the hands of the Rikti.

Ask yourselves this: How many of those among the Lost have Mu Blood within them? There is no way to know as it is. If the Rikti have (enough) Mu Blood now, They might now be capable of using magick, meaning the methods the Omega Team used to shut the Rikti world off won't work this time....

Yeah. We're screwed.

Virtue Roleplayer!
Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
Maximus Leo Level 50 Sword/Invuln Scrapper
Mr. Tiny Tiger Level 49 Invuln/SS Tanker
Cage-Match Level 45 MA/Will Scrapper



So based on a lack of reply to my previous post I guess no one else finds that the I10 Rikti Invasion to be uncreative and redundant material because there already was an invasion. Rikti are currently in like 5 zones and 2 trials, uh was this really the baddie group that needed to make a come back? Seems like there are plenty already. Filthy alien scum.
And to reinstate that the co-op aspect is awesome and I'm looking foward to the zone specific costume recipes

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Actually, I think it's about time that the Rikti came back in a big way.

The original Rikti invasion is the defining event in the history leading up to the game. It's the reason Boomtown and Crey's Folly are the state they're in, they wiped out most of the heroes of the day, it's the reason for the War Walls. But for 9 issues, they've been relegated to "just another villain group", less important than the Hellions (who get to destroy buildings through arson), Devouring Earth (with a task force and Hamidon), the Council (two task forces and an Island all their own), and definitely not Arachnos. Villainside, they've got almost no appearance at all.

It's about time that the group that nearly conquered our world take on some importance again.

And there will be missions where we'll learn more about the Rikti. There will be new Rikti forces to fight.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Sounds so cool. I do want to see many high lvl rikti spawns in all maps. I remember back in the day from the first rikti invasion there was like a lvl 35 boss right outside a hospitol door in skyway city, and like 80 lvl 15-20 heroes trying to take it out only to get 1 shotted and spawn right back in the hospitol. great times!



This will be VERY cool. I now have a compelling reason to advance my Mastermind.



I10 is coming soon, I say by the end of August, I mean it's already in closed beta, and if they got it out by then, the devs could already start on I11 and have plenty of time to work out the kinks so it would be ready by the end of the year.

Just a few things I would like to see added: airguitar emote, and the return of Omega Team. It's not unreasonable, in fact it's completely feasable.

Me thinks this is going to lead to outer space as a new zone, anyone remember the poll we all took a while back ago, asking where we'd like to see new missions, or something to that effect?

What if after I10, The Heroes and Villains decided to strike back? Travel to the Rikti Homeworld to put our collective boot in their collective @$$? Guess who we could find being held as PoW's, Omega Team.

Anywho, just my thoughts.

"You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a tool nonetheless."-American Demon.



Hilarious to read all the joygasms in the first few pages and then to come to this last page and read close to nothing but fights and rants and dooooomm!

Those first few pages of this thread got me more excited about the new Issue than the official news did, haha.

Hope this breathes some more life into the game, it really does sound awesome. Can't wait to see the new vet rewards and all the little things the official news didn't mention.




Just a few things I would like to see added: airguitar emote

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I'd love to see an Air Guitar emote :-D

Also cant wait for the Co-Op Missions, Pocket D Holiday events just aren't Enough for me.



Keeping in mind that the dev/des team of CoH and CoV are not identical to those working on other projects, what I see advertised here is insipid. I would prefer to pay $50-75 for a new expansion than receive such garbage.

What could be improved is as follows: enlarge the existing zones by about ten times existing size adding street signs and block numbers using the larger graphic tile sets rather than a pretended small set, add new "shops" where one can "buy" NPC friends and background/life event options, add new gameplay features that extend simlife elements entertainingly for the players of this game sensibly in regards to game history and theme, update many NPC enemy groups with new outfits and in some cases add new types to each including named villains along each common echelon of power (underling, minion, lieutenant, boss), permit new and more detailed character creation along with signature powers for player characters. This and other additions would take about two months of normal work (rather than playing pocket pong most of the day) without introducing problems into the game as "play testing" -- I noticed some of the defective methods of play testing undertaken by Cryptic during the CoV Betas which included introducing old graphical glitches and map glitches that were smoothed out early in CoH before the appearance of Founders Falls.

Guys, really. Just slap together an expansion full of features and pretend you've been working on it for a few years. That sorta thing would work well in tandem with your normal method.



curious,not to sound dumb but when I10 comes out,when they say Co-Op do they really mean that hero's and villians will be able to work together instead of killing each other?

If so Awsome! been hopeing for something like this for a while