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  1. I like both systems, I think though that the drop at the end of the TF needs to be brought back, because sometimes I go through TF's and only get one or two drops, and having a decent drop at the end makes it all worth it, as far as the merits go, I like them because it's added incentive to make me want to repeat tasks that I already have done, which in turn helps replay value to me, I would like to see both in place.
  2. While I still feel the way I do about it, I just want to say, Thanks to Ex, and the crew for throwing a shindig for us(read as players)even though I will be at a wedding that weekend and unable to attend. Have fun to those of you attending, and hope that the event goes well, and here's hoping that maybe the item will be made available to the rest of us later. To everyone who feels the same way as I do, lets just take one for the team, and man up, not like it's the end of the world.
  3. Way to go. Giving out exclusive in-game items is a sure fire way to XXXX off your loyal customers who can't attend this event due to whatever circumstances. It's easy for all of you who are going to get on here, and flame those who are complaining about a legitimate issue. I don't see why someone who can dispose of hundreds of dollars to attend a comic convention should get any more perk than someone who's disposed of hundreds of dollars for over 4 years on your product, in fact those that have paid for your game should take precedent over your internet "lollygaggers" If you're smart, what you'll do is offer whatever it is to the rest of your subscriber base, even if it is for a price. At least this way nobody has any legitimate reason to complain. You know with the rising cost of food, gas, and other necessities, when it comes time to renew my subscription, I am finding more and more reasons to not choose to keep this game as part of my entertainment budget.
  4. I'd have to say you guys are right on the ball, you're already tackling an issue that for most of my friends and I, died after the fix. On Liberty we were constantly getting bombarded with tells, and email, then right after the server upgrades the tell stopped, they vanished, then came the email fix, nothing until two days ago, and so far it's just one company, but the tells are increasing. I think it's awesome that you're already on the ball, and the problem has only just reared it's ugly head again. I am pretty sure you know who it is, I'd just file a lawsuit against them, if it worked for Blizzard, it serves to reason that it'd work for you guys.
  5. I don't know about the rest of you, but in the last week alone, I've noticed a significant drop in spams, both tells and emails, from the companies that had been sending them all the time, that's not to say that I haven't been getting them, but it's from some jackhole telling me to "watch King Road" or something. It appears that maybe the server updates might have been something more than just hardware improvements, either way it's nice.
  6. I think it would benefit better if it was a 360 release, but they chose the Ps3, and I suppose whatever reasons they did that for are in their best interests. It would work well on either console, but I'd be hesistant to port anything to Ps3 until their online numbers hit where Live's are. As far as playing on a console, I used to play FFXI with a wireless keyboard on my 360, only reason I stopped playing it was it grew stale. Grats to Chris Chung, hope you can fill the shoes of your predecesor. I wouldn't mind seeing Tabula Rasa on a console. As far as being exclusive, that's just retarded, you're restricting yourself from taking in more money, remember more money is a good thing.
  7. Don't fret, there is now proof that someone actually works in the support department, however if you want any kind of response out of them, you have to keep hammering the issue, until they respond, god knows it took me long enough to finally get a REAL person to acknowledge my issue. I've been reading this post since it started, and there have been plenty of great ideas on how to tackle the problem, I say if you're one of the innovators of these ideas, flood NC support like your in-game email gets by these souless pigs. I had read a few posts back, about the one containing the innappropriate smurfette joke, I got that same one, and I like a good laugh as much as the next guy, but when you start getting sexually suggestive in a teen-rated game, you start getting attention from people, at the ESA, and other unwanted sources. I mean it appears to me that NC has just gotten lazy, when I first started this game back in Feburary 05' customer service/support was right on the ball, quick to correct things, now I cringe anytime I have a problem that requires their attention.
  8. As much as we all love this game, the community needs to wake up and smell the coffee, a great deal of this is the fault of Customer Service/Support. RMT didn't start in this game until about a month before I9 hit, I am sure the reports of this crap were flooding in then, as they still are today. There's a reason it hasn't curtailed and that is, NC benefits from it. I know the diehards, and whatnot already have their Molotov's lit and thrown at this point, but hear me out. NC could easily shut these people down, or at least make them go away, I mean if Microsoft can nuke your 360 by issuing an update to kill modified consoles, there's got to be ways that NC can stop this. I receive at least 5 spam emails a week from these jackholes, why do I continue to get them, because it benefits NC. With I9 the game finally established an economy, albeit a farked up one, it gave the players who got sick of the grind a new end to work towards, making the game just as, or more addictive, keeping that monthly payment coming in to NC's coffers, well things were ridiculously overpriced, not that they still aren't, and people couldn't afford to mess with it, well with the RMT's they finally found a way that would let them, they could just use their real cash to be able to participate in it. While NC's official stance is "we oppose RMT, etc. etc." they're not going to do anything about it, if it has the potential to drive away customers, I mean if the only reason someone still plays this game is because of the economy, but they can't be a viable part of it through game play, they're going to either buy the in-game currency to be able to participate, or leave the game. Now I know some of you are wondering how this is CS/Supports' fault. NC has the worst customer support period. All they care about is your money, in fact I wouldn't be afraid to bet that this post gets deleted, and my account gets suspended or banned, or even worse. Prime example, I found a pretty serious bug, I even narrowed it down for them where it was at, this bug prevented all of my SG members from being able to obtain badges from certain parts of the Holiday event, even if they completed it, it prevents my SG from even using Heavies in RV, over two weeks later, nothing, just canned response from some wage slave who doesn't give a crap. I've had to re-open the ticket numerous times, and the problem still isn't solved. Point, if NC chooses to ignore a serious bug, what makes you think they are going to do something about this problem? NC doesn't care, they just want your money, and all the accolades for making all these "new and wonderful" features for their busted game. Here's an idea, why not fix what you have, instead of trying to pile on things to distract people from noticing the obvious problems. We pay these peoples' salaries, we use our hard earned money to put food on their tables, clothes on their backs, and a roof over their heads, yet the mass of us just sit complacent, because look over there, they just added a new costume piece. I feel that as a paying customer I should be able to play a game that works, and is free of spam, the rest of you should too. As long as NC is going to benefit from it, you can bet that the problem's going to persist, until it's no longer cost effective to ignore the problem.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't give me that invasion tripe, I know what's going on. The staff is busy doing MEAN things to poor Mr. Bubbles and making little girls cry!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. Those Scoopers are out there harvesting Little Sisters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If that's the case we will never see the scoop again, you don't mess with the little sisters, without dealing with the big daddies, and Mr. B is no slouch. If they survive, next scoop will come to us from the hospital.
  10. Good luck to those guys with their lawsuit, but I doubt much of anything will happen, being one, those guys bringing the suit are doing it out of pocket, two, the people they are suing have their own legal team, and wording in their own terms of services that are there as a way to cover their behinds. Imagine it as a Hami raid, but with only 8 people, we all know how it's going to end. Besides I imagine once X amount of dollars are spent, and nothing is being accomplished the lawyer in this case will cut his losses, and bail. Let me put it in perspective for you, as to how big this is, and how much money these people have: one of the smaller businesses, not gonna say who, because I imagine it's against rules to post names in posts, but they boast over 30, 000 customers, and at $15 a pop(minimum purchase) daily that would be $450,000, this particular company has been around for a few years. Given these numbers, which is just a rough estimate for one day's worth of business, and little to no cost adverstising, these people have more than enough money to fight this. That's just from in-game currency sales alone, I haven't even touched the Pay to level services they offer, which varies from game to game, but isn't cheap. This is just an example based off a small company, so imagine how much money the company that's the defendant in said suit has.
  11. While you all post good points and ideas on this, one thing to point out is that RMT's for this game have existed long before I9, the only reason we are seeing spam on this is because of I9, there's more money to be made now with the introduction of the AH/BM. I received several of these spam messages, /gignored them and whatnot, however I got the same spam message from different toon a few days later. Thing is people are going to spend their money how they see fit, if that includes RMT's, then so what, not like you would want your parents (kids) or some authority figure like the IRS (adults), telling you how to spend your money. However I support NC's stance on the spamming, it's ridiculous, if someone wants that kind of thing, they can go find it themselves, and deal with potential risks. If your account gets jacked or your credit card charged up, that's your problem, and if someone complains to GM/DEV's about it, they can just reply with an SoL type email. Treat it like they do people playing on bootcamp macs, you can do it, but if anything happens, it's your , not theirs. I stand behind NC and their Zero tolerance on spam, if I want advertising I'll go play a game on my console, mmmm.......Burger King......drool.
  12. I10 is coming soon, I say by the end of August, I mean it's already in closed beta, and if they got it out by then, the devs could already start on I11 and have plenty of time to work out the kinks so it would be ready by the end of the year.

    Just a few things I would like to see added: airguitar emote, and the return of Omega Team. It's not unreasonable, in fact it's completely feasable.

    Me thinks this is going to lead to outer space as a new zone, anyone remember the poll we all took a while back ago, asking where we'd like to see new missions, or something to that effect?

    What if after I10, The Heroes and Villains decided to strike back? Travel to the Rikti Homeworld to put our collective boot in their collective @$$? Guess who we could find being held as PoW's, Omega Team.

    Anywho, just my thoughts.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Cryptic starts working with Marvel.

    Cryptic shuts down its own comic.

    Uhhhh, somebody want to pop a quick "In no way was this decision influenced by Cryptic's partnership with Marvel Comics" in there? I'm feeling a tad paranoid today and could use the comfort disclaimer.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well I wish I could be the one to offer that to you, but anyone that's worth their space, knows that it does. Image was founded when several high profile talents got p'od at the Big M, Top Cow is a partner company of Image, hmmm, in the words of The famous Stan Lee, " 'nuff said!" Not to mention that Cryptic has partnered up with the Big M, which presents a huge conflict of interest, considering they are a rival company.