Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




LOL the funny thing is that World War Hulk came out today and now seeing this I can only say "deja vu".




Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love that line.

Anyway, very exciting and it sounds like a great advancement of the CoH/V storyline.

I haven't seen anyone yet comment in this thread that the updated Rikti information contains explicit mention of a space station AND a moon base.

And I can only imagine what must lie within the crashed Rikti mothership.

I10 looks to be a damn good issue and a great follow-up to I9. Congrats to the dev team for the concepts presented here.



what if we cant stop them!!. yes there is a lot of us but on champion we lvl 50s r a rare breed. all im saying is what if the invasion overtakes us the police drone can on do so much. just think of alot of rikti in atlas park spawning more and more until a higher power kill them. just be carefull we heroes can only kill so fast and what if they spawn faster then we kill.




This is going to have a lot of story implications. First, Angus McGee's arc, where you keep the Rikti from breaking through the barrier around the home world, is pretty much obsolete.

But as for the groups:

Skulls, Hellions, Outcasts, Trolls, Family: While they may get involved in the crossfire, it'll mostly be business as usual for those groups.

Tsoo: The Tsoo may have some role in the fight to protect their territories, but it will be defensive only. They'll leave it to the heroes.

Vahz: Dr. Vahz will want to take steps to help stop it, he views himself as a hero. But, his experiments will continue as he views the experiments as the way to make humans better. My guess is no story changes

Clockwork: This could be interesting. The Rikti communicate telepathically, and the Clockwork King controls his minions with the force of his psychic power. While they probably won't interact, I could see some interesting conflicts take place. I don't think they'll fiddle with the Clockwork stories for the issue, some interesting stories could be done

Circle of Thorns: Don't I remember something about the Circle abandoning part of Orenbega where the Rikti got too close? I think they will try to stay out of the fight, but there may be a story or two.

Council: Again, they may have a minor role to play, but they've tended to hunker down and let others deal with real threats. No changes to arcs

Crey: Crey, I'm sure, will be involved in the fight (while sneaking away bodies and looking for other ways to make a fast buck) No changes to existing arcs, but we'll encounter them in the War Zone

Freakshow: No changes to arcs, but there may be some Freakshow in, enjoying the fight and maybe trying to get some technology out of it.

Carnies: I want to see what happens with the Carnies. The leader of the Carnies put the mask on in order to fight the Rikti. It's possible the madness has so infected her and her followers that they'll revel in the destruction, but it wouldn't be out of character to see the Carnies in the fight. No change to existing arcs, but could be in the zone.

Rikti: Many of the rikti stories won't make sense with a returned Rikti. For one thing, with a world-destroying threat, who on earth is going to give them the cure to chickenpox? Instead, we'll try to figure out how to infect more of them. The role of the Lost, Restructionalists, and Traditionalists will be interesting to see how they play out.

Malta: This could be their chance for redemption, at least in the eyes of some. Their methods may be unpleasant, but this is war will be the view. Indigo's arc will be even more important to understand what these "heroes" are like, but I'm not sure that Crimson's arc makes sense.

Nemesis: Ah, Nemesis. Master of plots within plots. I'm sure we'll be seeing Nemesis in the fight...but things won't be as they seem, I am sure.

My guess is that most arcs won't be tampered with, but I hope that at least the Rikti and some of the Malta missions get looked at. I don't see a problem with the Statesman's Task Force or the Lord Recluse Strike Force or Lord Recluse's Victory. Recluse will be involved in the fight against the Rikti, but his resources are vast, and he's not about to ignore what happens when we beat the Rikti. And the heroes cannot ignore what Recluse is doing either.

One thing though...I do hope that, in the War Zone, if we see some Rikti fighting some Crey forces and step in to intervene, the Crey don't turn their guns on us. In the minor dustups for power, that may make sense, but in a war zone, anything that isn't Rikti is an ally.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Looks interesting. More villain and hero combine missions would be great. But I would have like to see some new power sets. How about a motorcycle travel power. They could do it, I mean they have jetpacks so why not.



Umm...yes, that last post pretty much said what I was thinking...well...no...not really...but...still...(lots of ...)...I still like this game a lot...A LOT! And look forward to all new issues with the excitement that one would have on a major non-secular winter morning celebration filled with lots of presents...now...back to the grind...



what happens foreal if we can not kill the rikti in atlas park or any zone and they swarm.?



only you die or come to rouge islands and start your new life as a villain



what happens foreal if we can not kill the rikti in atlas park or any zone and they swarm.?

[/ QUOTE ]

Relax. I'm sure there'll be a spawn cap or rate in place that doesn't contribute to endless spawns. One group gets wiped out, another respawns. Or something like that.

Even if such measures aren't put into place (Like they've always been with invasion type events), you just call in some higher level heroes who don't really have to worry about numbers of Rikti.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Issue 10: Invasion, the tenth upcoming free expansion since the launch of City of Heroes® in April 2004, will introduce a host of new content and challenges. The Rikti invasion force returns with a vengeance, bent on destroying Earth!

Click here to read more about this coming Issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh no. Ohhhh no.

Giant, zone-spanning world events? Lots of Rikti spawning and moving around?

You guys need to fix your network code so it runs at reasonable data rates or I won't be able to play the game anymore. When the ghost of Scrapyard passes by his posse of miners absolutely chokes my connection into LCTMS.

If there are going to be Rikti showing up all over the world and running around... I can't play the game at all without expecting to arbitrarily disconnect because there's a troop of Rikti at the edge of visual range.

Please, take some time in testing to see if the net code can be streamlined a little bit. I really want to see this event, but on dialup it looks right now like I won't be able to and actually play the game or survive.


Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I'm noticing a VERY irregular amount of people whose posts are credited as replies to mine.

I'm not that compelling, really.



I think I wet myself when I read about this...a new rikti invasion??? awesome!!!!



Um...ok...so...yeah I feel like i'm drifting alone in the pool of slight dissapointment in regards to I10. There are Rikti EVERYWHERE for 30+ already...Crey, Founders, Peregrine, Abandoned Sewer Network and of course the Crash Site and lets not forget the Respec Trial where you fight...you guessed it, RIKTI!!! They already invaded and failed...kinda...cause they're still around like cockroaches with lame salvage drops. I guess I was just hoping for something fresh and lemon scented instead of regurgitated (is that spelled right? lol) material. Now with every bad there is some happy goodness such as the zone being co-op, cause that is freakin' sweet and of course new costume recipes only to be found in the War Zone, very nice *applause*. Now if you took those happy good points and dropped them into a fresh situation it would rock hard-core. Now I know that this post will change nothing, I10 isn't going to be scrapped and redone because of this post and that's fine. I just wanted to share my thoughts But I dream that one day there will be zone, dark and creepy where the Freaks and the Carnies have joined forces in their love for tent like structures and awesome appearances and a freak/carnie TF that takes place in a carnie decked out Theatre where you have to battle fresh to AV's. That is my dream and in my head it is lovely.



I want to know how issue 10 affects lower levels? I have characters ranging from level 2 to level 14, no higher. Am I going to see anything from i10? I'm sure I missed it somewhere....

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...



Ooooh, I like it all. I do wonder though, there is no mention of the base loving that was talked about previously, is that still planned?

The other thing is if the rikti crash site is going coop, and getting an update, what happens to Teleport beacons?



what if it were not rikti but carnies and they came in trucks and converted citizen on the spot into carnies that could be cool or thet giant robot int he mountains council. thats could attack and be a Gm with alot alot alot of council around him defending it



Seriously, do low levels get any benefit or new villains from i10, do issues sometimes come out that only have features for levels 30 and up???

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...



*big sigh* I figured, there are so many things I will not see or experience for so long because I have all lowies. Oh well, I just hope the game stays long enough for me to see it all, I keep hearing stuff ingame about the game dying and stuff - it frightens me because I finally found something I really like and want to stick with.

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...



Well you could focus on one lowbie and vow to touch not your other lowbie's until you have gotten your choosen one to level 50. Twill be a grand crusade!!! Try it and you might not miss out on anything



Umm... i'm sceptical of the world event. i mean will it last only a week, a month, 6 months, with world events you either have to be there and enjoy them while they last (i.E new influx of hero and villian accounts that'll just deactivate after its over) afterwords changing the landscape back to issue 9 standards.

If you look at the battle zones like recluse victory sure it was packed when it first launched but now i've beaten the entire map by myself with a few ganks every now and again but still one hero or villian changing the entire landscape of a zone purely because nobody else cared to be in the zone fighting you. the new zone for the crash site could end up being just like that.

and lets not forget early hero game play pre hollows when you ran between a few different early maps looking for groups and things to save. post hollows those maps and quests are about as barron as recluse's victory is most nights.

dont get me wrong i think it'll be a blast. but it doesn't look to me like issue ten will add to game as much as it will give all of us a respite from the current standing. especially after issue 9 which is a hard act to follow




Though I don't like Carnies, I do like Freaks. It does sound like a great idea and something new. Nobody goes to the RCS any more so I can understand the want to bring interest in it back. I do like the co-op idea and it worked well for the Valentines day event, but not regular teaming. I don't know if i'll really partake in the content that's being provided unless the costume pieces are really cool looking.

And as said before it looks like just another issue towards Heroes. Yeah sure villains now get to go into the "Rikti Warzone" but heroes had it first so there's just a portal or transport connecting villains to it. The Abyss does sound fantastic and I've been told that it looks even better but I don't have a villain that high and nothings really pushing me toward getting there. The meta plot for vills became very boring very quickly. "Oh yes you did as you're told, you must be the chosen one!" "Say that to all the villains?" I11 needs to be about CoV or i'll just end up deleting all my vills.

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



Wait a minute, you mean that the new issue will not even stay around? So, there are also issues that were introduced before i played that are no longer even there? How is that fair? Dangit! (stomps foot) Well,nothing I can do about it, I guess. I can try to level only one, but it will be difficult this weekend, because I want to bring up many of my lowies into mid levels if possible. But, yeah, I do need to get at least one up to fifty, it just gets so grindy. Sorry about the doom, but that's what I've been having to endure in game, people always bring up how dead the servers are and how no one wants to team. I even told one guy to stop it, because I was sick of hearing about how the game was dying, I am investing time and money here - could they really just snatch the whole thing out from under me? (This is my first mmorpg, so I don't know how these things go)

I remain in darkness to expose the light in you.
Caradavina - Energy/energy blapper
Chippo - Fire/ice blaster
The World is Not Enough - dual blades/regen scrapper
and the list goes on and on...