Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea







I love this idea!!! I have been thinking about this since I started the game, which hasn't really been that long. As far as for customization, I used to play a game called Freedom Force. I could go online, download 'skins' for the in-game toons and make them whichever characters I wanted, Cyclops, Wolverine, whoever. Along those same lines, I could download customized power effects, which matched those toons perfectly. Cyclops' optic blast, any different style! Large blasts, quick shot, whatever!! Now if it was possible on that game, theoretically it would be possible on this game! The 'downloads' could be managed by the devs and be charged to each players account, in order to minimize the use of this option. It really is possible. I even thought about how they could at least change the color of the effects, to make THAT at least personalized.



you seem like a cool guy, and its a cool idea, but i think it's alittle naiive. most people are only going to see this idea as a way to gain an advantage. soon, a few builds of 'signature power' would be looked at as being acceptable, and the rest would be looked down uppon as 'gimped'. you would have to be REALLY carefull of emergent exploits.




i hope this goes far-it might make me want to get past lvl 30 lol



They unstickied it?



Hmm... Odd for them to suddenly drop it from sticky status...


That's fun to say!

Sticky Status
Sticky Status
Sticky Status
Sticky Status
Sticky Status
Sticky Status



Quote from Lighthouse:

By having it stickied it tacitly implies more support for that idea over others. That's not a position or a perception we want to convey.

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Quote from Lighthouse:

By having it stickied it tacitly implies more support for that idea over others. That's not a position or a perception we want to convey.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Dang it.



bummer man.. now i'll have to hunt down the thread through my faves list instead of simply going to the front page of Suggestions.

i understand their position, but still.. it's a little late to give that reason, isn't it? plus, WE want to give that impression.. if only to ourselves! lol

maybe they should come in and comment on the idea sometime.. at least to let us know one way or the other "this idea will never happen" or "keep posting.. you never know, it might".

still an incredibly awesome idea, Ultimus..

and still

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Very nice. This idea represents the essence of one of CoX's greatest strengths: Customizability. If the level of dedication and creativity of the unique costume system were carried over to power customization, in this case a signature power, it would take this game that much higher. Not make it the best, but help it evolve a little.



Unstickied? Hmm... Well, it wasn't my favorite idea, really. Not a bad one at all, though I never thought it deserved TOO much of a sticky.

/signed regardless.



/signed original post

very good idea



Keep it bumped! Because this idea is awesome and NEEDS TO BE IMPLIEMENTED.



I was wondering what happened...i was sure it had been stickied...ah well

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



I was wondering what happened...i was sure it had been stickied...ah well

[/ QUOTE ]

And its back...



well i think this is an awesome idea so i'm just posting to help keep it alive



I wonder why it was un-stickied...oh well /signed...again.

[url=""]Need some Favre info?[/url]

[url=""]Some news maybe?[/url]

[url=""]Packers stuff.[/url]



/signed. Let's do it!!

"I want something that says.. you can look, but you cannot touch, but when I am not looking.. then you can touch!"






Annnnnnnnnd the happy's back!




Totally needs to be done.
Customization/being able to stand out is CoX's greatest strength. The ability to make a unique character is awesome, and the more the idea of customization can be applied, the better.



incredible idea.

One suggestion tho (may have been made arleady. didnt want to look through hudnreds of pages )

Keep the type of signature move specific. for isntance: A empathy defender cannot get an attack thats gonna do insane damage, they can get one however that per-say, attacks an ememy heals an ally and buffs the group.

And someone that does deal damage cannot get one that is soely heals, it would have to be something like an attack, a buff and a moderate heal.

I agree that this is an insanely awsome idea but could get really annoying if not handled would you like to be fighting a villan in PvP and have them do a ton of damage to you and then heal back to full health?

If done righ...this will be awsome, if not it could get REALLY annoying. But I love the idea.




I love this idea. More costumizability is great! Since Power Costumization is not ever comming, this is the perfect answer. A way to create our own unique signature power!

I'd love to get my little otter paws on the Ice sword that one CoT behemoth AV uses. The one that looks and is shaped like a falchion. Use that as part of my signature move along with the 'Whirling X' animation.




Starting at level 33, you earn "points" toward your signature power. You basically get one point per level all the way up to 50. Each point is spent in a tree that modifies the ability of the power. There is a special "lock" system in place so you cannot just focus all your points into one category. (IE, focusing all points into "Hold" so that the power is like mag 20)

[/ QUOTE ]

Do all your ideas come from WoW?