Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea





I just read through the entire thread... keeping it on my FireFox tabs for around 1-2 weeks. /signed all the way. That's 10 pages on 50 topics/posts per page, as well.



(only read first page)

I really quite like this. The general idea is very sound, though it would need a lot of checking to make sure nothings overkill or exploitable. I think the long recharge (though perhaps not 25 minutes, 10 or 15 maybe?) would go a fair way to checking against that though.

Hope a dev has read this!



it would be really cool for my archery hero to have a lightning arrow just stocked with damage accuracy and maybe a little fear maybe thrown in that would be so COOL



This would be absoultely wonderful if it ever gets implemented. Boy, I can see my superstrength tank now, with some sort of massive, hulk vs galactus action type of punch.
I'd even go so far as to not care if it had a two hour timer on it, so long as I can knock someone to the otherside of the map. :P



This would be absoultely wonderful if it ever gets implemented. Boy, I can see my superstrength tank now, with some sort of massive, hulk vs galactus action type of punch.
I'd even go so far as to not care if it had a two hour timer on it, so long as I can knock someone to the otherside of the map. :P

[/ QUOTE ]

ROFL! Two hour time limit? Holy frudge! lol, but that would be awesome! Flying for miles with no controll over the char, nice way to get away from your enemy, if you arent dead already, lol --TFK

1) Knight Lord - [50 BS/Regen Scrapper] Guardian
2) Haile Korhal - [50 SS/WP Brute] Virtue
3) Pink Incineration - [50 F/F Blaster] Virtue



Oh yea. :P I'd also go so far as to not care if it did NO damage at all. Just pure knockback, for miles and miles and miles. It would be worth it, just to see if I can catch up with them on their incredible journey and KoB em too! :P



the idea is great and hopefully the devs will consider it, i'd like to clarify though if pets would be an available option in your sig. So im gonna show a few sigs of my own with pets implemented.

Yamaguchi Yoshimitsu- "Ancestral Kick" Teleports to a targeted location, then does a sort of Dragon's Tail in mid air doing Minor AoE Damage/Knockback as well as severe AoE debuff of Defense, Res, and Recovery. 50 % chance of disorient.

Jeeves The Healer- "Jenkins On The Spot" Pet that looks like the high-tech vet robot. Has access to Healing Aura, Heal Other, Dispersion Bubble, Adrenaline Boost, and the RA's.
15 minutes after activiation he'll run into the nearest mob and self-destruct doing Extreme Fire/Smashing damage, he'll then die and won't leave aggro.

StoneAzul- "Fumes" Click PBAoE Mudpots casting animation, slits in the ground open and smoke comes out, half affected will be aggroed and the other half will be confused.

Eye of the Eagle- "Blood Sacrifice" Rain of Fire casting animation, targeted AoE, i lose nearly all health and all end, does minor illusionary/psiconic damage (damage done similarly to spectral wounds), Foes: AoE Fear -Def -Speed -Attack Rate, Minor DoT illusionary damage.



Signature Powers:

Foundation: Signature Powers can have Foundations onto which Attributes can be added. Foundations can be Personal, affecting only you, or External, affecting others. Signature Powers get their first Foundation free.

Personal (1)- The Attribute only affects you, or for Area of Effect Foundations, a short distance around yourself.
External (1)- The Attribute affects your current target, or for Area of Effect or Cone Foundations, a short distance around your target.

Range of Effect: Signature Powers can have their Foundations have a Range of Effect.

Range (1)- Makes the Signature Power a Ranged power, adding range per point spent. If no points are spent in Range, the Foundation's Attributes affect only melee range.
Cone (1)- Makes the Signature Power a Cone power, adding 30 degrees of width per point spent. A Cone Foundation cannot also be an Area of Effect Foundation.
Area of Effect (2)- Makes the Foundation's Attributes affect those in the Area of Effect, adding to the area’s diameter per two points spent. An Area of Effect Foundation cannot also be a Cone Foundation.

Attributes: Signature Powers add purchased Attributes to their Foundations for various effects. Attributes that deal Damage Types, cause Status Effects, or De-Buff may only be attached to an External Foundation. A Foundation may not deal conflicting Damage Types.

Damage Types:
Smashing Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Smashing damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Lethal Damage.
Lethal Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Lethal damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Smashing Damage.
Fire Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Fire damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Cold Damage.
Cold Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Cold damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Fire Damage.
Energy Damage (2)- The Signature Power deals Energy damage to the target per two points spent. Conflicts with Negative Damage.
Negative Damage (2)- The Signature Power deals Negative damage to the target per two points spent. Conflicts with Energy Damage.
Psychic Damage (3)- The Signature Power deals Psychic damage to the target per three points spent. Conflicts with Toxic Damage.
Toxic Damage (3)- The Signature Power deals Toxic damage to the target per three points spent. Conflicts with Psychic Damage.
Endurance Drain (2)- The Signature Power Drains the target a set amount of Endurance per two points spent.
Damage over Time (0)- The Signature Power deals one type of damage of your choosing over time.

Healing (1)- The Signature Power heals a set amount of Hit Points per point spent.
Maximum Hit Points (1)- The Signature Power temporarily increases Maximum Hit Points per point spent.
Regeneration Rate (1)- The Signature Power boosts the Regeneration Rate per point spent.
Endurance Recovery (1)- The Signature Power recovers a set amount of Endurance per point spent.
Endurance Rate (1)- The Signature Power boosts the Endurance Recovery Rate per point spent.
Revive (5)- The Signature Power revives a defeated player with a set amount of Hit Points and Endurance per five points spent.

Damage Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases overall Damage Potential per point spent.
Accuracy Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Accuracy per point spent.
To Hit Buff (2)- The Signature Power increases To Hit per two points spent.
Defense Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Defense per point spent.
Signature Power Recharge (1)- The Signature Power’s Recharge Rate is reduced per point spent.
Global Recharge (3)- The Signature Power reduces the Recharge Rate of all powers per three points spent.
Movement Speed Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Movement Speed per point spent.
Jump Height Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Jump Height per point spent.
Lethal Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Lethal Damage per point spent.
Smashing Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Smashing Damage per point spent.
Fire Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Fire Damage per point spent.
Cold Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Cold Damage per point spent.
Energy Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Energy Damage per point spent.
Negative Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Negative Damage per point spent.
Psychic Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Psychic Damage per point spent.
Toxic Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Toxic Damage per point spent.

Accuracy De-Buff (1)- The Signature Power decreases Accuracy per point spent.
To Hit De-Buff (2)- The Signature Power decreases To Hit per two points spent.
Defense De-Buff (1)- The Signature Power decreases Defense per point spent.
Regeneration De-Buff (2)- The Signature Power decreases Regeneration per two points spent.
Endurance Rate De-Buff (2)- The Signature Power decreases the Endurance Recovery rate per two points spent.
Recharge Rate De-Buff (3)- The Signature Power increases the recharge rate of all powers per three points spent.

Status Effect:
Slow (2)- The Signature Power Slows the target by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Immobilization (2)- The Signature Power Immobilizes the target by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Sleep (3)- The Signature Power puts the target to Sleep by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Hold (3)- The Signature Power Holds the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Disorient (3)- The Signature Power Disorients the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Fear (3)- The Signature Power Frightens the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Confusion (3)- The Signature Power Confuses the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Knock-Back (2)- The Signature Power Knocks the target Back by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Knock-Up (2)- The Signature Power Knocks the target Up by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Taunt (1)- The Signature Power Taunts the target by one Magnitude per point spent.

Movement Effect:
Grant Flight (1)- The Signature Power grants Flight and increases Flight speed per point spent.
Grant Teleportation (3)- The Signature Power grants Teleportation and increases its range per three points spent.
Grant Intangibility (4)- The Signature Power grants Intangibility and increases its duration per four points spent.
Retrieve Teleportation (5)- The Signature Power Teleports the target to you. Cannot be used on a Personal Foundation.


In-game examples, to show you how it works:

Dull Pain: Personal(Maximum Hit Points Buff + Healing)
Stone Mallet: External(Smashing Damage + Knock Up)
Burst: External Range(Lethal Damage + Defense De-Buff)
Recall Friend: External Range(Retrieve Teleportation)
Eviscerate: External Cone(Accuracy Buff + Lethal Damage)
Frostbite: External Range Area of Effect(Cold Damage + Slow + Immobilize + Accuracy De-Buff)
Twilight Grasp: External Range(Accuracy De-Buff + Damage De-Buff) + Personal Area of Effect(Healing)
Divine Avalanche: External(Lethal Damage) + Personal(Defense Buff)
Fulcrum Shift: External Range Area of Effect (Damage De-Buff) + Personal Area of Effect (Damage Buff)

Edited for organization, clarity, and name changes.



You might want to combine some of the effects into a single category, 'delivery systems':

EDIT: Hey, while I'm here, combine more of the systems.

Buff Effects

[u]Ability Boosts[u]
(These can be taken up to 5 times; they add together. For example, four +10% Accuracy Buffs add together to form one +40% Accuracy Buff.)
+Accuracy (1 point per level): Buffs your Accuracy by 10% per time taken.
+Damage (1 point per level): Buffs your Damage by 10% per time taken.
+Defense (1 point per level): Buffs your Defense by 10% per time taken. Normally global; you can optionally increase this by selecting damage types it does not apply to, up to 25% per time taken for defense that only applies to one damage type.
+Jump (1 point per level): Buffs your Jumps by 50% per time taken.
+Max END (1 point per level): Buffs Max Endurance by 10% per time taken.
+Max HP (1 point per level): Buffs your Max HP by 20% per time taken.
+Movement (1 point per level): Buffs your Movement speeds by 20% per time taken.
+Perception (1 point per level): Buffs your Perception by 250 feet per time taken.
+Range (1 point per level): Buffs the Ranges of your (non-melee) abilities by 15% per time taken.
+Recharge (1 point per level): Buffs your Recharge speeds by 10% per time taken.
+Recovery (1 point per level): Buffs your Recovery by 20% per time taken.
+Regen (1 point per level): Buffs your Regeneration by +25% per time taken.
+Resistance (1 point per level): Buffs your Resistance by 10% per time taken. Normally global; you can optionally increase this by selecting damage types it does not apply to (up to a +25% bonus for only one damage type).
+Stealth (1 point per level): Buffs your Stealth by 200 feet per time taken.

[u]Grantable Powers[u]
+Flight (1 point per level): Grants Flight at a speed of 20 FPS per time taken.
+Intangibility (1 point): Grants Intangibility. Remember, intangibility is two-way...
Teleport Other (1 point): Teleports the target.
Teleport Self (1 point): Teleports the user.

(Obviously, if the target is Affects Self, then it is also a Self-Rez. All rezzes provide XP Debt protection for 60 seconds.)
Low Rez (1 point): Rezzes the target with 1/4th HP.
Medium Rez (1 point): Rezzes the target with 1/2 HP.
High Rez (1 point): Rezzes the target with 3/4ths HP.
Extreme Rez (4 points): Rezzes the target with full HP.
Endurance Restoration (+1 point): This option improves rezzes by also providing Endurance.

Damage Effects

[u]Damage Intensity[u]
Minor (0 points): The damage is Minor.
Low (1 point): The damage is Low.
Moderate (2 points): The damage is Moderate.
High (3 points): The damage is High.
Superior (4 points): The damage is Superior.
Extreme (5 points): The damage is Extreme.
Over Time (-1 point): The damage done is over time, and is scaled down to match. (This is a penalty because it's easier to heal!)

[u]Damage Types[u]
(What type of damage you do. Values are based on the frequency of defense and resists to that type of damage.)
Smashing (0 points): The damage is Smashing.
Lethal (0 points): The damage is Lethal.
Fire (1 point): The damage is Fire.
Cold (1 point): The damage is Cold.
Energy (1 point): The damage is Energy.
Negative (2 points): The damage is Negative.
Psychic (3 points): The damage is Psychic.
Endurance Drain (3 points): The damage is done to their Endurance. Obviously, this scales the damage down to the 1-100 scale.

Delivery Systems

Affects Self (0 points): The power only affects yourself.
Melee Range (0 points): The power affects one person in melee range.
Short Range (1 points): The power works at the typical short range (60 feet).
Medium Range (2 points): The power works at the typical medium range (120 feet).
Long range (3 points): The power works at the typical long range (240 feet).
Extreme Range (4 points): If you can see it, you can shoot it. (480 feet).

[u]Area of Effect[u]
(These modifiers make the power effect an area. Cones use the ranges you purchased above in Targets, but halved. Without any Range mod, circular Areas of Effect are PBAoEs.)
Small Cone (1 point): The power affects a 15-degree cone.
Medium Cone (2 points): The power affects a 30-degree cone.
Small Area of Effect (2 points): The power is an AoE with 20' radius.
Large Cone (3 points): The power effects a 60-degree cone.
Medium Area of Effect (3 points): The power is an AoE with 30' radius.
Huge Cone (4 points): The power effects a 120-degree cone.
Large Area of Effect (4 points): The power is an AoE with 40' radius.
Location (+1 point): The power is not centered on you, or a targeted creature, but a set location. Does not work with Cones.

(These modifiers affect how long the effect lasts.)
Instant Duration (0 points): The power works immediately.
Short Duration (1 point): The duration of the power is 15 seconds.
Medium Duration (2 points): The duration of the power is 30 seconds.
Long Duration (3 points): The duration of the power is 60 seconds.
Toggle (4 points): The power is a toggle. This converts the Endurance cost to endurance-over-time, and the endurance cost lasts until you say it's done.

Mez Effects

[u]Mez Type[u]
Knockback (1 point): The power deals Knockback to the target.
Taunt (1 point): The power Taunts the target.
Immobilize (2 points): The power Immobilizes the target.
Disorient (3 points): The power Disorients the target.
Fear (3 points): The power instills Fear in the target.
Knock Up (3 points) The power deals vertical Knockback to the target.
Sleep (3 points): The power puts the target to Sleep.
Hold (4 points): The power Holds the target.
Confusion (5 points): The power Confuses the target.

Mag 1 (0 points): The power is Magnitude 1.
Mag 2 (1 point): The power is Magnitude 2.
Mag 3 (2 points): The power is Magnitude 3.
Mag 4 (3 points): The power is Magnitude 4.

Proud member of the Steel 70! | Global @Radmofet ; usually on Pinnacle, sometimes on Virtue.



Seems reasonable, but I'm not so sure about your take on things like Range and Magnitude. The system I was trying to make with Types instead of Delivery Systems is one that's (A) incremental and (B) flexible. Why should we stop at 240 ft? What if I want my AR/Dev's Signature Power to be a staggeringly-long range sniper shot from half the map away? That would be quite a signature. The point of Signature Powers is to be able to make anything imaginable with the current system, and players will almost always tend toward the superlative when creating something "signature".

Not bad, but a little too inflexible.

Edit: Oh, and thanks for reminding me, I forgot to add Flight and Teleport. Excuse me while I edit my own.



Awesome idea.

/signed and initialed.



wow.. you know, if the Devs ddecide to actually implement this, they won't have much to figure out themselves. between Ultimus' explanation and the recent two lposts about how it could work.. half the work is already done! (well, they might need to tweak things here and there, but you get the idea)

i wonder if adding in another 5 points as a Vet reward would be groovy? that way everyone gets to have their own uber-Signature Power/s, but those who have been here a looong time get a little extra boost to theirs.

what say you?

oh.. and i know i've "/signed" this a few times already, but what the heck..



My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



I have to add that I love this idea.
I personally think that being able to custimize your character making it unique to you is where the game will shine.
And higher the fun factor, the more addicting it becomes. Something for lvl 50's to work on as end content!
Great idea I hope to atleast hear something from devs on this!



/signed for the eleventy millionth time.



i wish the dev's would say SOMETHING about this. I know they stickied it but its been up there for a while and there has been no dev response.



Awesome! Its finally a sticky! I only hope mine becomes a sticky, Great work Ultimus'! /signed again! --TFK

1) Knight Lord - [50 BS/Regen Scrapper] Guardian
2) Haile Korhal - [50 SS/WP Brute] Virtue
3) Pink Incineration - [50 F/F Blaster] Virtue



Awesome! Its finally a sticky! I only hope mine becomes a sticky, Great work Ultimus'! /signed again! --TFK

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been stickied for months.



Last time I saw it, it wasnt... >.> --TFK

1) Knight Lord - [50 BS/Regen Scrapper] Guardian
2) Haile Korhal - [50 SS/WP Brute] Virtue
3) Pink Incineration - [50 F/F Blaster] Virtue



/signed, love this idea and since everyone else is doing it

For My Signature Powers
Magical Act-"Phantom Menace" AoE, Moderate Damage Ilusionary/Psi Damage, Fear-Summons a Phantom Army minion for every enemy in the area. All at once they release an attack on the enemy each one was counted summoned for. Basically in a mob of 9 enemies 9 PA minions would be summoned and at once. Each attacks and then disappears. Startled by what happened and how fast it did the enemies are terrified,the damage does not heal back due to their panic and believe the damage is real instead of in their heads. Magical Act is just a normal man with powers from an ancient magician.



Assuming I get 1 point per level starting at level 33 as per the OP, and my main's level 49, here's her epic:

By allowing her nuclear blood to run hot, Radmofet gives herself a temporary boost in energy, giving herself intense buffs to regeneration. There is only so much radiation in her, so she can only activate this power after extreme accumulation.

Low Endurance Cost (4)
Extreme Recharge (-1)
High +Recovery (4)
Extreme +Regen (5)
Long Duration (4)
Fast Animation (1)

Total 17 picks -- for Level 50, I'd reduce the Recharge time back to the default, for a full 18-point power.

Proud member of the Steel 70! | Global @Radmofet ; usually on Pinnacle, sometimes on Virtue.



The only problem I had with yours was that some powers came in chunks of 2 or 3 points; however, it's important to note that you only get one point at a time, and there's a cap on how many points you get (18, namely).

I agree that you should be able to bend the rules a little -- after all, this is your epic power! -- but there should still be limits, to prevent breaking.

Proud member of the Steel 70! | Global @Radmofet ; usually on Pinnacle, sometimes on Virtue.



Signature Powers:

Foundation: Signature Powers can have Foundations onto which Attributes can be added. Foundations can be Personal, affecting only you, or External, affecting others. Signature Powers get their first Foundation free.

Personal (1)- The Attribute only affects you, or for Area of Effect Foundations, a short distance around yourself.
External (1)- The Attribute affects your current target, or for Area of Effect or Cone Foundations, a short distance around your target.

Range of Effect: Signature Powers can have their Foundations have a Range of Effect.

Range (1)- Makes the Signature Power a Ranged power, adding range per point spent. If no points are spent in Range, the Foundation's Attributes affect only melee range.
Cone (1)- Makes the Signature Power a Cone power, adding 30 degrees of width per point spent. A Cone Foundation cannot also be an Area of Effect Foundation.
Area of Effect (2)- Makes the Foundation's Attributes affect those in the Area of Effect, adding to the area’s diameter per two points spent. An Area of Effect Foundation cannot also be a Cone Foundation.

Attributes: Signature Powers add purchased Attributes to their Foundations for various effects. Attributes that deal Damage Types, cause Status Effects, or De-Buff may only be attached to an External Foundation. A Foundation may not deal conflicting Damage Types.

Damage Types:
Smashing Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Smashing damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Lethal Damage.
Lethal Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Lethal damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Smashing Damage.
Fire Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Fire damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Cold Damage.
Cold Damage (1)- The Signature Power deals Cold damage to the target per point spent. Conflicts with Fire Damage.
Energy Damage (2)- The Signature Power deals Energy damage to the target per two points spent. Conflicts with Negative Damage.
Negative Damage (2)- The Signature Power deals Negative damage to the target per two points spent. Conflicts with Energy Damage.
Psychic Damage (3)- The Signature Power deals Psychic damage to the target per three points spent. Conflicts with Toxic Damage.
Toxic Damage (3)- The Signature Power deals Toxic damage to the target per three points spent. Conflicts with Psychic Damage.
Endurance Drain (2)- The Signature Power Drains the target a set amount of Endurance per two points spent.
Damage over Time (0)- The Signature Power deals one type of damage of your choosing over time.

Healing (1)- The Signature Power heals a set amount of Hit Points per point spent.
Maximum Hit Points (1)- The Signature Power temporarily increases Maximum Hit Points per point spent.
Regeneration Rate (1)- The Signature Power boosts the Regeneration Rate per point spent.
Endurance Recovery (1)- The Signature Power recovers a set amount of Endurance per point spent.
Endurance Rate (1)- The Signature Power boosts the Endurance Recovery Rate per point spent.
Revive (5)- The Signature Power revives a defeated player with a set amount of Hit Points and Endurance per five points spent.

Damage Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases overall Damage Potential per point spent.
Accuracy Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Accuracy per point spent.
To Hit Buff (2)- The Signature Power increases To Hit per two points spent.
Defense Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Defense per point spent.
Signature Power Recharge (1)- The Signature Power’s Recharge Rate is reduced per point spent.
Global Recharge (3)- The Signature Power reduces the Recharge Rate of all powers per three points spent.
Movement Speed Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Movement Speed per point spent.
Jump Height Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Jump Height per point spent.
Lethal Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Lethal Damage per point spent.
Smashing Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Smashing Damage per point spent.
Fire Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Fire Damage per point spent.
Cold Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Cold Damage per point spent.
Energy Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Energy Damage per point spent.
Negative Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Negative Damage per point spent.
Psychic Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Psychic Damage per point spent.
Toxic Resistance Buff (1)- The Signature Power increases Resistance to Toxic Damage per point spent.

Accuracy De-Buff (1)- The Signature Power decreases Accuracy per point spent.
To Hit De-Buff (2)- The Signature Power decreases To Hit per two points spent.
Defense De-Buff (1)- The Signature Power decreases Defense per point spent.
Regeneration De-Buff (2)- The Signature Power decreases Regeneration per two points spent.
Endurance Rate De-Buff (2)- The Signature Power decreases the Endurance Recovery rate per two points spent.
Recharge Rate De-Buff (3)- The Signature Power increases the recharge rate of all powers per three points spent.

Status Effect:
Slow (2)- The Signature Power Slows the target by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Immobilization (2)- The Signature Power Immobilizes the target by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Sleep (3)- The Signature Power puts the target to Sleep by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Hold (3)- The Signature Power Holds the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Disorient (3)- The Signature Power Disorients the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Fear (3)- The Signature Power Frightens the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Confusion (3)- The Signature Power Confuses the target by one Magnitude per three points spent.
Knock-Back (2)- The Signature Power Knocks the target Back by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Knock-Up (2)- The Signature Power Knocks the target Up by one Magnitude per two points spent.
Taunt (1)- The Signature Power Taunts the target by one Magnitude per point spent.

Movement Effect:
Grant Flight (1)- The Signature Power grants Flight and increases Flight speed per point spent.
Grant Teleportation (3)- The Signature Power grants Teleportation and increases its range per three points spent.
Grant Intangibility (4)- The Signature Power grants Intangibility and increases its duration per four points spent.
Retrieve Teleportation (5)- The Signature Power Teleports the target to you. Cannot be used on a Personal Foundation.


In-game examples, to show you how it works:

Dull Pain: Personal(Maximum Hit Points Buff + Healing)
Stone Mallet: External(Smashing Damage + Knock Up)
Burst: External Range(Lethal Damage + Defense De-Buff)
Recall Friend: External Range(Retrieve Teleportation)
Eviscerate: External Cone(Accuracy Buff + Lethal Damage)
Frostbite: External Range Area of Effect(Cold Damage + Slow + Immobilize + Accuracy De-Buff)
Twilight Grasp: External Range(Accuracy De-Buff + Damage De-Buff) + Personal Area of Effect(Healing)
Divine Avalanche: External(Lethal Damage) + Personal(Defense Buff)
Fulcrum Shift: External Range Area of Effect (Damage De-Buff) + Personal Area of Effect (Damage Buff)

Edited for organization, clarity, and name changes.

You might want to combine some of the effects into a single category, 'delivery systems':

EDIT: Hey, while I'm here, combine more of the systems.

Buff Effects

[u]Ability Boosts[u]
(These can be taken up to 5 times; they add together. For example, four +10% Accuracy Buffs add together to form one +40% Accuracy Buff.)
+Accuracy (1 point per level): Buffs your Accuracy by 10% per time taken.
+Damage (1 point per level): Buffs your Damage by 10% per time taken.
+Defense (1 point per level): Buffs your Defense by 10% per time taken. Normally global; you can optionally increase this by selecting damage types it does not apply to, up to 25% per time taken for defense that only applies to one damage type.
+Jump (1 point per level): Buffs your Jumps by 50% per time taken.
+Max END (1 point per level): Buffs Max Endurance by 10% per time taken.
+Max HP (1 point per level): Buffs your Max HP by 20% per time taken.
+Movement (1 point per level): Buffs your Movement speeds by 20% per time taken.
+Perception (1 point per level): Buffs your Perception by 250 feet per time taken.
+Range (1 point per level): Buffs the Ranges of your (non-melee) abilities by 15% per time taken.
+Recharge (1 point per level): Buffs your Recharge speeds by 10% per time taken.
+Recovery (1 point per level): Buffs your Recovery by 20% per time taken.
+Regen (1 point per level): Buffs your Regeneration by +25% per time taken.
+Resistance (1 point per level): Buffs your Resistance by 10% per time taken. Normally global; you can optionally increase this by selecting damage types it does not apply to (up to a +25% bonus for only one damage type).
+Stealth (1 point per level): Buffs your Stealth by 200 feet per time taken.

[u]Grantable Powers[u]
+Flight (1 point per level): Grants Flight at a speed of 20 FPS per time taken.
+Intangibility (1 point): Grants Intangibility. Remember, intangibility is two-way...
Teleport Other (1 point): Teleports the target.
Teleport Self (1 point): Teleports the user.

(Obviously, if the target is Affects Self, then it is also a Self-Rez. All rezzes provide XP Debt protection for 60 seconds.)
Low Rez (1 point): Rezzes the target with 1/4th HP.
Medium Rez (1 point): Rezzes the target with 1/2 HP.
High Rez (1 point): Rezzes the target with 3/4ths HP.
Extreme Rez (4 points): Rezzes the target with full HP.
Endurance Restoration (+1 point): This option improves rezzes by also providing Endurance.

Damage Effects

[u]Damage Intensity[u]
Minor (0 points): The damage is Minor.
Low (1 point): The damage is Low.
Moderate (2 points): The damage is Moderate.
High (3 points): The damage is High.
Superior (4 points): The damage is Superior.
Extreme (5 points): The damage is Extreme.
Over Time (-1 point): The damage done is over time, and is scaled down to match. (This is a penalty because it's easier to heal!)

[u]Damage Types[u]
(What type of damage you do. Values are based on the frequency of defense and resists to that type of damage.)
Smashing (0 points): The damage is Smashing.
Lethal (0 points): The damage is Lethal.
Fire (1 point): The damage is Fire.
Cold (1 point): The damage is Cold.
Energy (1 point): The damage is Energy.
Negative (2 points): The damage is Negative.
Psychic (3 points): The damage is Psychic.
Endurance Drain (3 points): The damage is done to their Endurance. Obviously, this scales the damage down to the 1-100 scale.

Delivery Systems

Affects Self (0 points): The power only affects yourself.
Melee Range (0 points): The power affects one person in melee range.
Short Range (1 points): The power works at the typical short range (60 feet).
Medium Range (2 points): The power works at the typical medium range (120 feet).
Long range (3 points): The power works at the typical long range (240 feet).
Extreme Range (4 points): If you can see it, you can shoot it. (480 feet).

[u]Area of Effect[u]
(These modifiers make the power effect an area. Cones use the ranges you purchased above in Targets, but halved. Without any Range mod, circular Areas of Effect are PBAoEs.)
Small Cone (1 point): The power affects a 15-degree cone.
Medium Cone (2 points): The power affects a 30-degree cone.
Small Area of Effect (2 points): The power is an AoE with 20' radius.
Large Cone (3 points): The power effects a 60-degree cone.
Medium Area of Effect (3 points): The power is an AoE with 30' radius.
Huge Cone (4 points): The power effects a 120-degree cone.
Large Area of Effect (4 points): The power is an AoE with 40' radius.
Location (+1 point): The power is not centered on you, or a targeted creature, but a set location. Does not work with Cones.

(These modifiers affect how long the effect lasts.)
Instant Duration (0 points): The power works immediately.
Short Duration (1 point): The duration of the power is 15 seconds.
Medium Duration (2 points): The duration of the power is 30 seconds.
Long Duration (3 points): The duration of the power is 60 seconds.
Toggle (4 points): The power is a toggle. This converts the Endurance cost to endurance-over-time, and the endurance cost lasts until you say it's done.

Mez Effects

[u]Mez Type[u]
Knockback (1 point): The power deals Knockback to the target.
Taunt (1 point): The power Taunts the target.
Immobilize (2 points): The power Immobilizes the target.
Disorient (3 points): The power Disorients the target.
Fear (3 points): The power instills Fear in the target.
Knock Up (3 points) The power deals vertical Knockback to the target.
Sleep (3 points): The power puts the target to Sleep.
Hold (4 points): The power Holds the target.
Confusion (5 points): The power Confuses the target.

Mag 1 (0 points): The power is Magnitude 1.
Mag 2 (1 point): The power is Magnitude 2.
Mag 3 (2 points): The power is Magnitude 3.
Mag 4 (3 points): The power is Magnitude 4.

[/ QUOTE ]

Two of the best ideas I've seen thus far. Now, do me a favor and break the examples into points spent




Just one question can you have 2 foundations such as a Boost to yourself but a damage cone effect for example at the end? If so I would love this for my Grav/Storm The Spell Caster-"Strength of The Elders" The Spell Caster has been around ever since the passing of Merlin. Before his death he created the book of the elements. A book whose ancient writings was passed on through the Francis bloodline in order for there to be a mystic protector in the absence of merlin from the world.
Self Heal, Self Regeneration Boost, Cone Medium Damage, Disorient. "Under duress Cody contacts his forefather's for help drawing upon their ancient powers and wisdom, He absorbs their essence boosting his strength and with a flash of brilliance and a shock of lightning disorients the targets in front of him."



it all depends on whose set-up you go buy.. i believe the original set of rules would allow for it, but one of the two newer ones may not.. not sure on that one.

personally.. i say it should be allowed. like has been said before, these are supposed to be signature powers.. that one defining move that says "this is the power i possess in all it's glory".

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



With the Foundations, you can buy as many as you want for different effects. One of my examples was building Fulcrum Shift, the Kinetics power: it had one Ranged AoE External Foundation for the Damage De-Buff for your enemies, then one AoE Personal Foundation for the Damage Buff for your allies.

So, for your Strength of the Elders it would be:
Personal(Heal + Regeneration Rate) + External Cone(Energy Damage + Disorient)

Which makes it a Heal and Regen boost affecting only yourself, and a cone of Energy Damage (which electricity attacks deal) and Disorient. Which is, I believe, what you were going for.

See? Flexible.

Oh, and Leonin, no thanks. I leave the balancing of the points system to someone more knowledgeable of game balance than myself. It's why I made my Attributes descriptions so vague. =P