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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    engine's been through some changes since a while ago.

    You may be able to get an updated driver that is compatible with OpenGL 3.x from:
    alright thanks!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    lemme guess.

    Intel integrated graphics?
    yerp lol, it sucks i know but i remember i played a while ago and it never did it.
  3. Also it happens when i try to log in and anything that has a scroll dosent work also like in the graphic options i cannot turn anything down because i cannot see the dot to move

    blocked out my name idk why you can see it on this forum anyway
  4. I have a picture of whats wrong and my card is intergraded. Well to the problem my UI seems to be not loading correctly or something because my health and hit points are not showing and whenever i open anything the border is not there and i cannot find the x to close it. Also my driver is updated and that did not help.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    "Ah, not to be imposing, but would you happen to have any glue lying around?" He asked, sounding slightly embarassed as he felt at the area, fingering the glowing sigil there.
    "Gotta be some around here..." Blake answered slowly, the look on his face clear that he found the thing on He Who Lies' face gross, to say the least. He got up and took a sip of his drink, rummaging through draws, the sounds of random clattering objects sounded through the apartment until a triumphant slam of a cupboard canceled them all out.

    Blake came back with a bottle of some cheap, brand-name glue that was half-used. Tossing it to the man, he sat back down, taking another sip of his beer as he watched He Who Lies carefully. Not because he was suspicious, really, but because he expected a small alien creature to jump out of the hole at any moment.
  6. Brian rode along in his Jeep behind the Humvee, a rock station blasting a hit from some new band. He rode contentedly, and one might frown upon that the man 'forgot' to put on his hazmat suit. As they neared the dome, Brian adjusted his cap, his face not changing at all, as if he did this routinely. He drove through the dome, his eyes closed in instinct. He went through and felt like he was passing through fine silk, then had an odd taste in his mouth.

    Spitting outside the Jeep like the Peacebringer had done, he took a quick look of his surroundings as she approached a man near a tanker that had toppled over. He heard the groan come from the man, and as a guy who had watched his fair share of horror flicks, he came to the conclusion that the man was a zombie.

    Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
    However, she was surrounded, for lack of a better word, by doo-gooders. Lethal options were to be considered a secondary resource.
    Then, to this woman, Brian would not be considered a 'doo-gooder'. As the man was tangled in whatever she had done (and he had never seen that before, it was somewhat cool), Brian reached into his right holster and pulled out his Colt. Three bangs rang out throughout the dome as the rounds went sailing through the air to the zombie, the shells dropping outside the Jeep door. Brian got out of his vehicle and slammed the door, gun still at the ready. He walked nearer until he was right up to the thing. Whether it was dead or not, he raised his gun to it's forehead and pumped one more piece of lead into it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    "We are planning to use Humvees to get to the town, it should be two miles down the road after all, though if you prefer your own transport that can be arranged"
    "Arrange it, then," Brian said, and with that he walked back to his Jeep. He opened the trunk and opened one of the more slim but long, shiny silver case. He took out the MP5 and a silencer, closing the case and laying the gun on top. Screwing the silencer on he picked the weapon up and aimed down the road he had come from, analyzing the sights. He aimed downwards a little and took a shot. Not only did the bullet hit the ground exactly were the sights were aimed, but the sound the gun made was significantly more toned down, and there was a rather good chance no one from the camp heard it.

    Satisfied with the result he walked back to his Jeep, placing the gun back in it's case, and moving on to open the next one, containing the M16.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
    Her gaze then shifted past him, to the cases in the back of his vehicle. "Sure you brought enough ammo, there?", she asked.
    "Not really," he said, gazing over to the back of his Jeep. "I probably should have brought some more Colt ammo." He shrugged, then put all the papers back into the folder, leaving it on his hood. He walked back and stood silently, listening to the general give his speech. He walked off and a techie went up to Brian and handed him a Hazmat suit. Grimacing, he tossed it onto his shoulder and held the helmet, listening to the rest of the group ask questions, and one of them make some sort of spell in a stone bowl.

    "So, are we entering on foot?" Brian asked the scientist, it being clear enough that he was hoping he could ride in on his Jeep, as it would be the easiest way to have all of his weapons and ammunition ready for him to use. If not, he would just have to choose a weapon and hope he doesn't run out of ammo.

    ((Oh, and I forgot to mention in my last post, Brian's an Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster, so he has all the Devices goodies with him too.))
  9. In the distance, a small dust cloud was forming. Several members of the base camp glanced over before disregarding it as another vehicle making it's way towards base. And that it was, a black, gray and white camouflage Jeep Wrangler with a single man inside. It kept on driving until it arrived at the base camp, coming to a slow stop near the edge of the parameter. The man hopped out, patting the Jeep's hood a couple times. In the back of the Jeep were several boxes and cases that someone would quickly identify as gun cases. He had a white baseball cap and and a tight-fitting dark blue shirt. He had a black belt with many cases and pockets attached, the majority of them gray. Attached to the sides of his hips were two holsters, both holding Colt pistols. Dark blue and white camouflage pants and a pair of black boots was what remained of his outer appearance.

    He walked towards camp, being approached by a man with a clipboard. "Name?" the man from the base asked. "Brian Myers," the newly-arrived man said. The other wrote down his name, then gave him a packet. Brian read it quickly and filled out the paperwork, giving it to the same man that gave it to him in the first place. Going back to his Jeep he tossed the papers on the hood and laid them all out, going over them again. He looked back at the big dome, wondering. He glanced around at the other heroes, wondering what he'd be working with.

    ((Brian's human. He has a pair of Colts at his hips. Inside the cases are an MP5 (automatic), M16 (automatic), and a M40A3 (sniper). He also has a couple of pounds of C-4, extra ammo for all his weapons, and various attachments for his weapons. And no, he doesn't carry them all at once.))
  10. "Alrighty, then," Blake answered, walking over to the fridge in the kitchen. Opening it revealed an assortment of drinks, leftovers and apples. Reaching into the back, he pulled out two cans of light beer. Tossing one to He Who Lies, he asked "You like beer, right?" Cracking his own can open and taking a short swig, he walked back over and sat down on the arm of the couch, his legs stretching out. "So," the teen said, looking out the closed window "How long do you think it will be before King's goes back to normal?"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yosef_Vanya View Post
    'I understand. There's little we can do to prevent what already happened. Could you please elaborate more upon the torturing you bit? I'm intrigued.'
    "Sure..." the voice answered, sounding slightly cautious and confused. "He says my real name with a certain intent in mind and I get something that feels like a fire is burning inside and throughout my body. It isn't really my body, mind you, but the feeling is the same. How the boy found out what my real name is, by Judge I have no idea. But, whenever I tick him off enough, he says it, and slam, there it is.

    "The worst part is the fire. Me, fire doesn't usually hurt me. Or effect me, really. It's as much as a part of my body as my tail is. But yet, when that stupid boy says it, it runs through me like holy water, burning my insides. Quite annoying, really."
  12. Michael watched as the woman approached Zero with threats, her muscles getting bigger and her eyes becoming darker. "Oh geez. This isn't gonna end well."

    "That's what you said about the male with the slab of wood, also."

    "By now, Squid, I'm just talking about the whole situation with the whale and the beach."

    "Oh. Well, you should do something."

    "What am I going to do to that beast of a girl?"

    "Fine. Let me handle it then."

    "If she makes a move, then you can have free roam."

    "She wants to mate with him?"

    "Make a move as in 'go to attack'. Not 'flirt with'."

    "Humans and their silly phrases."
  13. doodaa

    Hey devs!

    Originally Posted by Lady_Athyna View Post
    But they know who to call.



    In all seriousness, I do believe that Dark should be hired, or at least compensated. The fact that her gameplay videos are better than some of the dev-made ones say something.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    I feel your pain, Coming Storm. I had an AR/Traps blaster genericed once. He was called Osama Bin Hidin.

    I eventually deleted him as I couldn't reach agreement with the GMs on his name.
    Actually, I agree with the devs on this one.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    I approve of this post.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Turning to Michael, she offered him a small smile. "Sorry, I know that was probably upsetting to your partner, but I was trying to make a point. I do think, though, that you should probably let that guy go. Thanks to Captain Jerkoff here, he needs to get to work to see if anything can be done for what's left of that creature, because whilst it may still be alive, it might be kinder to the poor thing if it weren't."
    Michael debated inwardly for a second, then shrugged. Walking back over to the man, he grabbed the plank. "Play nice," the Warshade threatened playfully, then with a quick outstretched hand, the man was free. Tossing the board somewhere across the beach, he turned back to the rest of the group.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paradigm_Shift View Post
    "That...Should do it..." He said, breathing heavily. "That should make her resistant to most poisons. With the amount she's already inhaled, her body should start synthesizing an antibody with the help of that. I predict she will awaken in less than five hours."
    "Thank you," Blake said without looking away from his sister. "Really, thank you." Blake stood up and exhaled deeply, the sound could be heard even from behind his hood. His eyes lingered on his sister for a moment longer before he turned to He Who Lies and noticed how tired and worn he looked. "Are you okay?" he asked, noticing the heavy breaths the man took. "If you want, I can get you something to drink. If it would still be safe."

    "Water, soda, I think I still have some beer. Do you want something?" Blake paused, then asked "Or are we supposed to leave the Row?"
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrKrazy View Post
    Zero nodded in thanks to the Warshade. "Thank you, but, just as the whale was accountable for his actions, so am I for mine. This woman deserves to hear my justification, as does that gentlemen you so timefully incapacitated."
    "Sorry, but he sounded so mad I thought I'd let him get at least one good swing in. Second one was a bit overboard in my eyes."

    Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
    Sue turned her glowering gaze to the Warshade who had wrapped the biologist in a seething mass of purple energy, “And you there let him go!"
    "No, he's quite comfortable actually. And after swinging a plank like a baseball bat at a hero's head, I think he deserves a time-out." Michael took a step away from the man but didn't do anything about the hold. He listened to White Tiger but said nothing, only nodding when she mentioned him. "You were quite the guy back then, weren't ya Squid?" he whispered.


    "Sorry, meant to be a joke. That was a bit out of bounds. My bad." Michael turned to the rest of the group and scratched the back of his neck. "Look, the whale is still alive and everyone's okay. I honestly don't get what arguing our points is doing except giving us a reason to argue."
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    With a nod, he turned and swung out with the board at Zero. "WHAT THE HELL, HERO? You LOBOTOMIZED it! Do you KNOW how many Psychic Whales there have been? ONE! THIS ONE! Not that it does much good now because you RAMMED A SWORD INTO ITS HEAD!"
    Shaking with rage, he went to swing again.
    "Uh-oh, this isn't going to end well."


    "A civie with a plank is attacking a hero with a sword. How would you think that would end?"

    "Clear enough. What would be the proper course of action?"

    "How should I know? I guess I'll just..."

    Michael walked up to the civilian and put his hand on the guy's shoulder. His hand flared purple for a moment as he sent energy swirling around his body until it reached the civilian's feet, effectively holding him in place. All this would do was hold him, however, and the man would feel no pain at all. And unless he had superstrength, he wasn't moving anytime soon.

    "How about we calm down sir. No need to whack people with boards," Michael said to the man, and then Sue started talking again, about saving the whale, talking to it, blah, blah, blah. "ENOUGH ABOUT THE STUPID WHALE!What's DONE is DONE. No fricking debating that now, is there?! Just let the stupid thing go and be done with it!"

    "Michael, please, calm down. Killing anyone will only make the problem worse."
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yosef_Vanya View Post
    ’So you wish for me to help free you? Break him of his will to live. Make him realize that he is nothing and always was nothing. Eventually, he will break and eventually he will lose his mind – then, things may freely come and go from therein.
    "What do you think I've been doing for the past seven years? Drinking tea and cheering the boy on, hoping he lives on to his next adventure?"

    help me – but also by doing this, we must ensure that his sister makes it into the hands of He Who Lies.’

    "Honestly, and I hate to admit this, two tanks and a barrel full of hell-monkeys aren't going to stop him from finding his sister."

    his, we must plunge the knife deeper and finally break him. Although, I require his body for something – is there a way you can get at him mentally whilst I reinforce you with emotional damage?’

    "I'm not so sure now. I've already made the boy mad enough with my chatter, if I say anything else, he'll probably torture me again. The pain feels good every once in a while after feeling a lot of nothing, but a couple bits of it here and there are good enough for me."

    Blake looked around the street, seeing nothing but green haze. And when he tried to look at the rooftops, he couldn't tell much of anything, really. He shrugged and said "I don't know. I was never really good at that stuff. My sixth-sense isn't very good."

    The teen kept walking along, looking at all the buildings he passed until he stopped suddenly. "Here!" he shouted, his voice loud from the excitement of finally reaching his sister. He walked up the stone steps and opened the front door, which lead to a long hallway inside. "Come on," Blake motioned to He Who Lies, leaving it up to the man whether or not to shut the door.

    Blake walked down the long hallway until he reached the door on the opposite end which lead to a flight of stairs. Instead of opening that door, he banged on the one to it's right. "Candice!" he shouted, knocking a few times. "Candice, it's Blake. Open up!" There was no answer, so Blake patted his jean pockets, then reached into his left and pulled out a key.

    Opening the door after fiddling with it for a few tense moments, he looked around and saw no one at first after a quick glance before seeing the lump on the couch covered by a blanket. Blake rushed in and threw the blanket onto the floor, revealing Candice, unconcious.

    She, like Blake, had dark black hair, except her' was much more neat than his. She had a long-sleeved green shirt on and a pair of jeans. The TV was blaring some comedy show filmed somewhere in California. In case He Who Lies wanted to look around (he probably shouldn't, but supers these days), the small kitchen was to the left with no door, like it was attatched to the living room. A door straight ahead lead to the bathroom, and the two doors on the right were bedrooms, Blake's and Candice's respectively.

    "Help her," Blake said, his eyes pleading more than his words "Please."

    ((Bah, some of the coloring got messed up at the top. Sorry.))
  21. Squid flew away from the psychic and Vox, landing on the ground. With a small burst of purple energy, Michael stood there again. It always amazed him how he still had everything he was wearing back on him and in perfect condition after he did that. "I don't like her much, Michael. Attacking the whale when it was sanded?"

    "Beached. And yes, that was a little vicious for my tastes. I'm better off just finding a regular chick on some different beach."

    "I think we should stay here for now and see what goes on. I'm interested that this mammal provokes some people's emotions so wildly."

    "Tell me about it. They're refered to as 'hippies'. Don't eat their brownies."

    "Thank you for the information?"

    "Your welcome."

    Michael walked along the beach to the gathered group of heroes. "So, can we all go back to beach-going now? The whales safe, so we probably shouldn't fight anymore. As heated as it is now, I don't want to know what will happens if it escalates."

    ((M221's scan would reveal Michael is a Warshade who recently merged with his Kheldian partner. He has all the standered powers of a Warshade and is currently living in Steel Canyon. Has no job except for a hero. Nothing too special.))
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadowe_EU View Post
    As she skimmed through the air, Sam sent a psychic torrent battering at the whale's mind.
    "Are you sure that is a good idea? The mammal is terribly hurt already after all." This statement from Squid was backed up by the shouting of the healer on the ground, and the flying man that had suddenly appeared.

    "No need to get angry sir, this can be solved in an orderly manner. We just all need to freeze down."

    "Cool down, Squid. It's 'cool'."

    "My apologies. 'Cool' down."
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadowe_EU View Post
    "You're much cuter when you don't have so many appendages waving around in the air, you know."
    "I apologize for my appearance, miss, but it is the only way I can stay aloft with you at this altitude. If it would please you, we could go to the ground where I could become human again." He put a slight emphasis on the word 'human'.

    Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly with a smile, trying to project her thoughts in a tight focus so that only the bonded Kheldian in the air with her would "hear".

    <Oh, and I'm trying really hard not to listen to you two arguing, you know. You're not making it easy. Now, don't mind Ellie - she has a thing against ex-nicti, it's not personal. Let's go drag some people out of the water before mister blubberpuss squashes them flat, eh?>
    <"I do apologize. Michael is stubborn as a horse. He's only this way with 'attractive' Earth females. It confuses me, to say the least. And please, do not worry about my past, it is just that.">

    The Warshade turned it's head back towards the water for a quick glance, then back. <"I do not see any beings in the water. Is there something else I could assist you with? If not, I'm sure Michael would like to have a conversation with you. If not, have no worries, I will deter him.">
  24. Heh, I remember the old Hollows. My very first time I teamed with a couple of people and we went through all the missions together, sprinting and hovering and combat jumping all the way. Nobody had teleport

    And then Frostfire came. I sprinted(the ORIGINAL sprint, mind you) right into the big pit in the middle. I remember me yelling into teamchat about the evil living rocks that were trying to kill me. Then when i finally found my way out, we did Frostfire, and I finally met REAL purples.

    A good many team-wipes, a good many sliding-arounds, a good many laughs.

    *sighs* MA has taken all the genuine fun out of the game for me. It's still fantastically fun, and I LOVE this game, but nothing seems to 'WHOA IN YOUR FACE' anymore. And I liked it that way.

    Maybe I have just converted from seasoned newb to old geezer. Oh well, who knows.
  25. Blake continued walking, looking over to He Who Lies every now and then. The object of his interest seemed to be the thing on his face, the dark-red against the rest of his face. Finally, Blake decided to ask "Hey, are you okay? Shouldn't that be bleeding or something?"