The Dome (Open Rp)
Soldiers guarded the area, watching the skies and ground for arriving meta humans, directing them to a central area where an officer was preparing to give a briefing, flanked by several scientists and a man dressed much like a stage magician. |
An irritated voice spoke up. While what it said was unintellegible, it would at least confirm the thing was both human and female. This fact was further confirmed as she sat up, looking around. Indeed, aside from an odd pale blue aura that hung in the air around her she did appear every bit an average human. Even her clothes were fairly normal, consisting of a loose blue t-shirt and black pants held up by a white leather belt. Beneath the flared bottoms of her pants were visible a pair of white sneakers. The pair of silvery bands around her wrists could be perhaps considered unaverage, but many people did wear such things.
She got up, unaware or uncaring that given her method of arrival there were likely a number of weapons trained on her. Absently brushing some dirt from her fall off one shoulder, she walked casually over to the nearest soldier and looked him over, appearing to think for a moment before speaking. "Hiya. Where are we and what year is it?", she asked, though the voice in which she did so was strange. It had an odd sort of echo, as though there were two of her speaking at once and they weren't quite synced up properly. Her accent was strange too, being completely unplacable.
(( In at the ground level, for once.

Here, have a screenshot if my description sucks.
Additional information:
Name - Paxtera
Species - Peacebringer (Human/Kheldian)
Aside from the obvious powers inherent to being a peacebringer, she's also in the past displayed an ability to travel through both time and space under her own power, as well as stop time briefly in a localised area. She's not carrying anything beyond that and her normal powers. ))
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
She got up, unaware or uncaring that given her method of arrival there were likely a number of weapons trained on her. Absently brushing some dirt from her fall off one shoulder, she walked casually over to the nearest soldier and looked him over, appearing to think for a moment before speaking. "Hiya. Where are we and what year is it?", she asked, though the voice in which she did so was strange. It had an odd sort of echo, as though there were two of her speaking at once and they weren't quite synced up properly. Her accent was strange too, being completely unplacable. |
Hands on your head, on your knees now!
The soldiers faces painted a picture of their inexperience, clearly for most of these young men and women it was the first time they had pointed a weapon at a living being.
A moments radio communication and a F.B.S.A agent headed over, snapping a picture of Paxtera and running through the bureaus registry of licensed heroes....
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Name: blpup
Race: robot
Skills: World Self Destruct, Anti-Matter Ray,Ion Cannon Bean eyes,Rocket Boots,Force Field
Blpup Says "Die SKUM!"
*Uses Global Self destuct*
*kills all humanity*

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
A moments radio communication and a F.B.S.A agent headed over, snapping a picture of Paxtera and running through the bureaus registry of licensed heroes.... |
Meanwhile, Paxtera gave the soldier yelling orders at her a disapproving look. "Really, that's entirely unnecessary", she commented, but did as he requested none the less. "Now, would you care to answer our question?"
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Meanwhile, Paxtera gave the soldier yelling orders at her a disapproving look. "Really, that's entirely unnecessary", she commented, but did as he requested none the less. "Now, would you care to answer our question?"
Its okay she's one of ours! the agent yelled an waved at the guards as he approached.
The soldiers resumed their watchful patrolling, no longer training their guns on the kneeling peacebringer.
The agent drew closer, giving Paxtera a quick smile and offering her his hand in aid of getting back to her feet.
Hello Paxtera, you don't mind me calling you by your registered name do you? Anyway to answer your question its two thousand and nine, early August... you'll have to forgive the soldiers, there reaction is somewhat necessary because.... well because of that...
He points past the peace bringer towards a massive dome of crimson energy, solid in colour nothing could be seen inside it, it squatted much wider than it was tall, reaching a good half mile into the sky.
Some where in there, is Founders Grove... at least we hope.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
“Hello Paxtera, you don't mind me calling you by your registered name do you? Anyway to answer your question its two thousand and nine, early August... you'll have to forgive the soldiers, there reaction is somewhat necessary because.... well because of that...” |
She then turned to look at the energy dome the agent indicated, developing a curious expression and tilting her head to one side. "...Huh", she said eventually. "That's not supposed to be there." How she knew that was anyone's guess. "2009, early August.... Founders Grove...? No, that's definitely not supposed to be there. So how'd it get there...?" She wandered off in the general direction of the dome, muttering to herself. Presumably, she intended to examine the thing up close.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
At key point along the wall were heavy machine guns, entrenched and attended by fire crews, nervously scanning the dome for any sudden attacks.
As Paxtera approaches a woman runs up to her, lab coat, black hair back in a severe bun and with horn rimmed square glasses she looked the picture definition of geek and swat.
“I do hope you're not just intending to barge right in!” she admonishes
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
“I do hope you're not just intending to barge right in!” she admonishes. |
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Kansas. She had never been to Kansas before. From the look of it, there was little that would have drawn her here otherwise.
Ceus observed the glowing red dome curiously. How fascinating. Outward appearances were very similar to something LeFay had been fond of, but it was unlikely her doing.
Though the figure was definately a humanoid female, most of the similarities ended after the requisite body parts. Her skin had a soft, leathery texture split open with large pulsing silver veins of magic. Long blue hair with silver streaks covered her face, a face that had no eyes or mouth, only angsty patches of silver breaking the blue-ish green surface.
Heavy leather pants and sinister boots were weighed down with a locked chain, and several more chains were wrapped around the figure's upper arms looping through metal loops set into her skin. A tattered cape clung to her back by a single crown shaped brooch.
Ceus floated to the ground, hovering several inches from the surface of the earth, showing no inclination to settle onto the dirt. She approached military perimeter slowly so that the soldiers could see her approach.
"Greetings." Her voice was distinctly female, though it carried with it a weight of time and old power.
"I heard of this...situation and wanted to see it for myself. I can offer assistance, in return."
((Magically cursed human. Can sense and 'see' magic, Energy Blast/Kinetics Corrupter w/ Soul Mastery and Concealment. Well known super villain in magic circles, though she has been inactive for several months after working for Vangaurd in the RWZ. Extensive knowledge of magic, lore, and human history. No need to eat, breath, or sleep so long as she remains cursed. small pouch of herbs, mana stones, book of pagan rites, and various spell casting components. Photo, just because))
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
The art is not an art.
It is compliance.
Do not listen. Hear.
Do not will. Act.
Commit to one's true nature.
An opponent is an opportunity.
A true opponent is a means to an end.
A man, sitting indian style on the roof of a two story condo, opened his eyes to a knock at his door. The position of the sunlight told him that it was still early morning. He didn't move. He didn't blink. The sets of knocking happened a second time and in one fluid motion the meditating man pushed himself off the ground into a forward handspring off the roof of his home and somersaulted through the air. He landed softly behind his solicitor as if he stepped on a pillow, in a crouching position.
Standing straight, the athletically built male looked to be about 5'8 with jet black hair that ran down just past bottom of his neck. His skin was smooth, deeply toned and color of mocha. He had a pair of eyes that were neither blue nor brown. For now, they were colorless. When he spoke you could hear remnants of a Spanish accent, but it was rare. He'd worked hard to eliminate any forms of his past in order to never leave behind a trace of his presence.
The gentleman, who was wearing an ordinary black suit, stopped knocking and sighed. He fished a phone from his jacket pocket and dialed a number.
"Milos. Yea, Carter. He's not answering," he turned around to walk down the steps lined up to the front door, "I'm not gonna wast-"
"Milos, I'll call you back."
"What is it you want," the man's voice was calm, but insistent.
"Yes, Mr..." the Suit looked inside a file that had been in his hand, "Darquios. The FBSA's MAGI and ELITE divisions have combined certain efforts and compiled a list of names of registered heroes that match criteria for both divisions. Sort of killing two birds with one stone."
Darquios remained silent.
"Yes, well, since you were registered under ELITE before you manifested powers of dark magic and switched associations to MAGI, your name came up. So therefore I am here to request your-"
"What's that? Oh, yes, it's right here," the Suit flipped through a few papers and found a card attached to a paperclip. He removed it and gave it to Darquios. Darquios walked past the Suit and up the stairs.
"They're already there. Well some. The setup is being done as we speak. They'll be expecting you."
Darquios stopped at the door, "Thank you." He opened the door and walked inside.
The Suit dialed the same number on his phone again, "Milos. Carter. I got him. He'll be there."
(("Magical Manifest Human" Five senses enhanced all-around. Has a sixth sense that he is still learning to deal with for identifying negative and positive energies. Carries a Tac-Belt with lots of surprises -I say surprises because I don't know what's in them yet- Dark magic powers, for now, have defensive purposes -clouding vision, providing grounds for cover, and also shrouding himself in darkness...a particular favorite of his. The powers were just recently obtained and so he uses his hand-to-hand, sensation, and perception training more often than not. Not big into conversation. ))
Up close the dome crackled and buzzed with static, it glowed faintly tainting the grass around it with red, the more sensitive might notice a stirring in the air, or the way grass stems bent towards the dome, as if they were being gently sucked in. |
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Firstly to find out if it was solid, and secondly to find out what it did to things attempting to enter.
As Paxtera heads back to the camp, a different agent to before offers her a thick bundle of papers.
The Suit dialed the same number on his phone again, "Milos. Carter. I got him. He'll be there." |
((Summary version))
D.A.T.A and S.E.R.A.P.H findings.
While the finds are inconclusive, the field seems to be internally powered, attempts to sap the shield and disable it have failed, more conventional methods such as drills and explosives are pulled inside the dome, but otherwise have had no effect. Small scale E.M.P weaponry was ineffective, large scale has been ruled out due to the presence of a retirement home and hospital with critical patients within Founders Grove.
Multiple remote controlled camera buggies have been sent in, but contact is lost upon entering the dome. Due to this D.A.T.A and S.E.R.A.P.H suspect the dome to be some form of anti-technology field. (ATF)
G.I.F.T. and M.A.G.I findings
Attempts to psychicly connect with the people inside have failed, as has sending in familars and golems. Scrying has shown the dome extends under the ground also, forming a slightly oblong sphere, much like a giant egg.
Magus Paul Wilkins, attempted astral projection and is currently in a comma, currently it is belived by M.A.G.I that the dome is some form of teleportaion device, and that Paul's coma is a result of his soul traveling too far from his body.
E.L.I.T.E report on situation
The US Army has established a control zone around the dome. At oh five hundred hours a team went into the dome, the team have not reported back.
The following is an extract from the communications log.
Base: Okay Cougar One, report on the situation.
Male Voice: It feels like silk..... okay we are stepping through
<A burst of static>
Base: Cougar One, report? Cougar One? Your status please?
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
"Greetings." Her voice was distinctly female, though it carried with it a weight of time and old power.
"I heard of this...situation and wanted to see it for myself. I can offer assistance, in return." |
Not the time, not the place her voice was a whisper, like wind through tall grass.
But she's... the balding man objected
She may serve the greater good in this, don't interfere. she whispered again
The male agent turned and stalked off towards the medical tents, the blindfolded woman turned to glance at Ceus again, before heading after him.
A none M.A.G.I branch agent hands Ceus a copy of the status report and directs her to the gathering area.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Mildly surprised at the ease of her entry, Ceus slowly turned her head to the side, trying to spot a familiar face who might have sped up her entry. Seeing none, the corrupter took the briefing report in silence and memorized the directions to the waiting area.
The MAGI report floated in front of Ceus's face as she floated forward, a page occasionally turning. She navigated herself to the waiting area and finished perusing the material.
When finished, she deposisted the report into her pouch. Turning so she could see the dome, Ceus brought her legs up into a yoga position and rested the back of her hands on her knees.
Sitting gently in the air, Ceus probed the edge of the dome, trying to sample its energy. If it was magical, she would likely know right away, unless the mastermind behind it all was really clever, she hadn't met a clever magician since the 1940s such a terrible degredation of the quality of magic users in this latter half of the age...
Focus. Focus.
She continued her scry of the dome's exterior and its energy type.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
A silver-lined black GSX1300R slowed to a stop just outside the MAGI camp. Darquios removed a black helmet and gloves and placed them on the bike's seat. He was approached by one of the assistants to the division and given a manilla folder with documentation inside. He undid the zipper on his jacket to reveal a white velvet-like material that resembled a t-shirt. His pants were black jeans over black low cut sneakers.
Once Darquios had finished reading the paperwork inside the packet he was given, he gave it to a passing FBSA employee and focused on the dome. It wasn't like anything he'd seen before. Then again, at 24, there was a lot that he had yet to see.
He walked up beside a woman floating in the air, but kept a manageable distance from her. His eyes looked cautious and aware as he began to wait for something. Darquios wasn't sure what he was waiting to feel, sense, or see. This was his other half's area of expertise.
She continued her scry of the dome's exterior and its energy type. |
This was his other half's area of expertise. |
Mystical energy, mixed with the natural energy of the land, interwoven with energies that science had yet to come up with a name for. During one moment, the dome gave of an aura of immense pain as if every soul inside had screamed in union.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
As Paxtera heads back to the camp, a different agent to before offers her a thick bundle of papers. |
She looked up as she came over to where the others were standing, offering a respectful nod to both Ceus and Darquios. Apparently, Ceus being a villain mattered not to her.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
In the distance, a small dust cloud was forming. Several members of the base camp glanced over before disregarding it as another vehicle making it's way towards base. And that it was, a black, gray and white camouflage Jeep Wrangler with a single man inside. It kept on driving until it arrived at the base camp, coming to a slow stop near the edge of the parameter. The man hopped out, patting the Jeep's hood a couple times. In the back of the Jeep were several boxes and cases that someone would quickly identify as gun cases. He had a white baseball cap and and a tight-fitting dark blue shirt. He had a black belt with many cases and pockets attached, the majority of them gray. Attached to the sides of his hips were two holsters, both holding Colt pistols. Dark blue and white camouflage pants and a pair of black boots was what remained of his outer appearance.
He walked towards camp, being approached by a man with a clipboard. "Name?" the man from the base asked. "Brian Myers," the newly-arrived man said. The other wrote down his name, then gave him a packet. Brian read it quickly and filled out the paperwork, giving it to the same man that gave it to him in the first place. Going back to his Jeep he tossed the papers on the hood and laid them all out, going over them again. He looked back at the big dome, wondering. He glanced around at the other heroes, wondering what he'd be working with.
((Brian's human. He has a pair of Colts at his hips. Inside the cases are an MP5 (automatic), M16 (automatic), and a M40A3 (sniper). He also has a couple of pounds of C-4, extra ammo for all his weapons, and various attachments for his weapons. And no, he doesn't carry them all at once.))
Commotion stirred around the camp. Soldiers rushed towards a particular area. Officers shouted orders. Weapons made clicking sounds, and bigger weapons were pointed skywards.
An Arachnos flier was descending from the sky.
It settled down with little more than a dull thump, and was silent.
A minute passed, and then a hatch opened. Guns were realigned, and clicked a few more times.
Out of the hatch stepped a woman, dressed in the uniform of a Night Widow. She stepped to the ground, and approached the surrounding military.
“My name is Widow Belbe. I have been dispatched by his Lord Recluse, with agreement from your government, to examine and lend assistance as I may. My authorization should be coming through soon.”
The grunt she addressed blinked at her for a moment. Then, instead of keeping her next to the Flier, as he should have done, he stepped to the side and allowed her to pass. “Head that way, into camp, Ma’am.” He pointed. “Someone with a lab coat will brief you.”
The Widow swept past him, and headed towards the camp.
(( Name: Belbe (Widow Belbe to all y’all.)
Species: Human, minor mutations
Belbe is carrying all the standard goodies a Night Widow would have in the field. Smoke Grenades, special darts, the works. In addition to the standard Night Widow skillset, which I’m assuming includes tasks like hacking, bomb defusing, and a whole lot of assassination, Belbe is telepathic, though she can only perform several specific feats with her powers. She has minor kinesthesic mutations, enhancing her base dexterity and strength.))
Though not entirely satisfied with what she sensed, Ceus stopped concentrating on the field for the moment, murmuring "Curious..."
Letting her legs fall back to an inch or two off the ground, Ceus returned the nods of greeting she had recieved as she reached into her pouch, pulling three books out. They floated in front of her, one a leather bound journal, which had a floating quill writing into it, the other two were reference books of some sort, written in arcane script.
Because she had no eyes to speak of, it was hard to tell where she was looking, but pages turned on their own and her hands were busy working a small crystal.
"It seems to be a conglomeration of several energies, including magic and science. Such occurances are rare."
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
During one moment, the dome gave of an aura of immense pain as if every soul inside had screamed in union.
Darquios' eyes closed as a force of energy surrounded him. It emanated from the dome, but it felt as if there was something more.
Something living.
Darquios opened his eyes and listened to the sounds around him. There had been new arrivals. He gave an eye of acknowledgement to Paxtera and faced the rest of the camp.
Because Ceus had no eyes to speak of, it was hard to tell where she was looking, but pages turned on their own and her hands were busy working a small crystal.
"It seems to be a conglomeration of several energies, including magic and science. Such occurances are rare."
"It breathes. This dome. Whatever is in it or of it. It feels alive," Darquios spoke without a hint of emotion as he stood behind Ceus.
He looked back at the big dome, wondering. He glanced around at the other heroes, wondering what he'd be working with. |
"It seems to be a conglomeration of several energies, including magic and science. Such occurances are rare." |
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
((Please state what species your character is aka Human, Human mutant, half human half <insert here>, alien, robot etc, and what skills and gear you have))
Founders Grove, in sleepy mid central Kansas became a spot of world wide interest today, when at four am this morning it became enveloped in a large red energy globe....
First on the scene was the local military base, they tried contacting the town but all communications were cut off, sending in a squad to investigate they immediately lost contact with them too.
It was at this point that they sent word to others.
A series of perimeter camps had been set up in case something should come from the dome.
Base Camp Alpha
The military encampment was busy, scientists, soldiers and other more exotic people rushing around, monitoring, inventing, studying and some even chanting as they attempt to analyze the dome of energy.
Soldiers guarded the area, watching the skies and ground for arriving meta humans, directing them to a central area where an officer was preparing to give a briefing, flanked by several scientists and a man dressed much like a stage magician.
Each of the F.B.S.A branches had sent teams to investigate, and sent word out to those heroes that they believed to have the necessary skills to explore within the energy dome.....
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.