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  1. So I have been struggling with my City of Heroes client for the past hour and a half and I cannot get it to work. So unfortunately I cannot make it to my regularly scheduled 5pm CST raid, hopefully someone can take over for me or run it themselves; I don't have anyone K4A trained yet so we'll just have to take what we can get. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause everyone, I'll get it sorted out by this time next week and be able to run it then. Thank you for your patience!
  2. KnightLord

    Q on Virtue?

    Totally your fault Grizz. You broke the internets.
    Edit: Ooo progress! My main character went from "Still Logging out" to "cannot find map; like the rest of them." Woo!
  3. KnightLord

    Q on Virtue?

    Hehe, probably my fault again.

    "Haile Korhal has defeated the NC Soft Servers."

    I wouldn't be surprised to see that. After all I have defeated RWZ on many occasions, xD
  4. KnightLord

    Q on Virtue?

    Yup; everything's down.
  5. KnightLord

    Q on Virtue?

    The devs are tired of us picking on the Rikti. It's gotta be the case.

    For those of you on the Raid Leader's Union, if you should see this; we will reconvene at a later date this week hopefully.
  6. KnightLord

    Q on Virtue?

    The raid would have ended in 9 minutes anyway; I am going to try again in 4 minutes but I have little hope. When I did get into the screen I saw Freedom was down outright; I had the same problems on all servers or all characters. Must be some massive outage and something'll get corrected soon. Until then; It's all his fault! *points*
  7. KnightLord

    Q on Virtue?

    Some 700 people just got disconnected. I was one of them, and I'm in the process of running a Mothership raid in RWZ!

    They've had the Queue for a few years; but Virtue hasn't been 'popular' enough to enact it very often; so it is rather uncommon to see it. The fact that it suddenly has nearly 700 when usually it's at 0, is kind of disturbing.

    Oh, and every time I get through the Queue it says:
    Character Haile Korhal is still logging out. Please wait a second, then try again..
    And every time I try with a different character it says "Could not find map!"
    So the servers are having issues.
  8. So as you may know I won't be around for much longer so I have taken under my wing 10 apprentices into the Raid Leader's Union. The RLU is closed at the moment, but will probably open up again in about a year or so.

    Anyway, I am training these ten people in the art of K4A Mothership Raiding. Now I get asked a lot what K4A means, and why my raids are different; so I figured I would go ahead and explain myself a bit and let you all know! So, lets get right down to the heart of it and let the public know! (I also get this a lot "I've been playing for x years and I only just heard about your event last week")

    Lets start at the beginning.
    I started leading Mothership Raids on September 24, 2007 every Monday at 7pm CST. At the time there was regular raids on Monday but always held by different people; and sometimes they didn't happen at all. After going to many of them myself, I stepped up and started leading. After a while I started getting good at it and started using notepad to make my raids better; thus the first generation Raid Helper was born. I called it 'Knight 1'. [Of course there were short breaks or vacations that lasted a few weeks that I didn't lead raids, times I was too sick to play or just didn't have a computer, times I was late due to car accidents or classes, etc][Also Summer Schedule was from 5pm CST to 'whenever we quit', once it lasted for 21 raids back to back!]

    Here is a list of the creation dates of each iteration of this raid helper I made.
    Raid Script by: @Korhal
    Script By: Haile and Bishop (aka SuperMoose)
    Knight 1 Creation Date: September 24, 2007
    Knight 2 Creation Date: June 24, 2009
    Korhal 1 Creation Date: June 4, 2010
    Korhal 2 Creation Date: Jan 21, 2011
    Korhal 3 Creation Date: April 7, 2011
    Korhal 4 Creation Date: November 23, 2011
    File Version: 6.34.957

    When I made the transition to Korhal 1 that is when I went from using the helper notepads to using in-game scripts and macros. At that time it was called the Korhal 1 Script or Korhal 2 Script, depending on the time. However when I made the third iteration, the Korhal 3 Script, that is when I changed the format of my system completely and went from using a predefined Script to a plug-in driven engine using notepads, macros, scripts, binds, etc. Thus the Korhal 3 Raid Engine was born. Eventually Incarnates came out and I had to change things again, Korhal 4 Raid Engine (K4RE) came out.

    So now that this little history lesson is done, lets go back to the question. "What does K4A mean?" I use a lot of acronyms in my work and day to day life, so I cant help but integrate them into my gaming life as well. K4A (or K#A for that matter) means what classification the event has. It literally means 'Korhal 4 Approved'. Each number changes based on the kind of raid that is being run; the rewards you can expect from it, and the general way you can predict it'll happen.

    The biggest difference between K3A and K2A is the rewards. There was nearly a 60% increase in 'per-raid' rewards of merits, inf, exp, etc. This was the largest increase seen up to that point and it meant a lot. The other differences between K3A and K2A were the incorporation of a plug-in system that allowed the Raid Controller to choose which type of raid to run, hit a macro, and the raid would be loaded and ran accordingly.

    The next change from K3A and K4A added a Load Balancing system that changed the way leagues were organized and allowed the Raid Controller to maximize the rewards for every player regardless of their level. So now even a level 1 can attend an MSR and be effective and receive rewards without hindering an incarnate who wants to receive maximum rewards. I've actually had someone go from level 1-50 doing nothing but my raids; I wouldn't recommend it, but it was a challenge apparently (and you know challenges, they must be accepted).

    So anyway, all that being said, K4A means Korhal 4 Approved, and means you should expect anything in the K4A range of rewards dependent on which team you end up on. If you want maximum rewards, you'll bring an incarnate! If you cant, then you'll bring a 50! If you cant, then you'll bring 45+! Then 40+, 35+, 20+, 1+. etc. This are the biggest brackets, at least I believe.

    Well now that we know what some of my acronyms mean I guess we can move on! As I said I am training a few people to act as my replacements for the duration of my absence. Hopefully since there will be 10 of them my weekly Monday raids will continue to be held and might even improve, now that there will be ten of them! What is more is they might even host raids at other times during the week once they get trained up. I'll be giving them the K4RE (Korhal 4 Raid Engine) to help them run their raids in the very same way I do. With this little thing I've made you can technically run the entire raid without typing a single thing into the chat box; you can even run it while standing at the Vanguard Base at the entrance to the RWZ (although neither of those are recommended, lol). They'll be receiving training on how to best use it and we should see sometime within the next few weeks things change slightly so we are prepared for the inevitable.

    I sincerely appreciate everyone who is working to make this a success and to anyone who comes to my raids frequently, sometimes, or even just once to see what it was all about (especially those of you who read this!). I do this for all of you and I hope to pass on my legacy to a group of people who can keep it going while I am gone.

    If you have any questions about how the program works I will be happy to answer what I can! The program is still proprietary and partially classified, but will be released to the general public some day when I'm tired of raiding for good (which will be a long time from now I hope!).
  9. Mothership Monday Madness, tonight at 7pm CST in RWZ1! Come a few minutes early, as the zone always fills up ahead of time! We launch at exactly 7pm CST, not a minute before or after!

    Big things are in the plans and if you have anything to contribute these days would be the days to do it! Come get some merits!
  10. I won't do it here, but if you ask me in game I can let you know; or you could ask in the channel and someone can let you know.

    My public Raid Channel is: Haile's Raiders
    My private channel is, well... Private. xD

    My Public channel can be used for any reason or any purpose, there are 10-14 moderators so there should always be someone online; although you can join by yourself and it does not automatically silence people. Usually it is used to advertise my raids, or other people's raids when they notice they're running one. It is also the place (the MoTD) where I give weekly news and updates about important facets of my life that affect the raid, such as "Raid possibly canceled." or "Raid extended for 2 hours" or some such like that.

    Spread the word, we've got 351 people, as of Monday. Everyone is welcome to join and the more people that are in it the more useful it will be!

    EDIT: Also, thank you! I love giving people something fun to do!
  11. So as I have finally released, my new projects are underway! To recap what happened in the chat, here's a brief summary!

    I have gotten the help that I require for my moderatorship, and for that I am very grateful! Thank you all for helping!

    That being said, I have two things I would like to announce. The first, not so great news, but news nontheless. I will be leaving for 22 weeks, so that's 22 Mothership Monday Madness events I will be unable to attend. For me, this is unacceptable, because the most in a row I've ever missed before was 3! So for this reason I've recruited a small group of people to help me out by covering for me in my absence. They will be given training and all the help and tools they require to preform their tasks up to my standards so they can lead quality Korhal 4 Approved raids. So, even though I won't be around, my raids will be.

    But that's enough of the sad news. The good news! I have been leading Mothership Monday Madness for nearly 4.4 years, or thereabouts. On my 4th year anniversary in September I hadn't really any idea what I would do; but I had a great idea! But it would only work for the 5th year. So, instead, I'm going to plan for that! And plan for it I have!

    Here is my slogan for my celebration: "5 Years, 500 Raiders, 5,000,000,000 Rikti Served!"

    I actually got the idea from someone in my channel, and I cant thank them enough! But, that being said it is going to take a LOT of preparation; because I don't really want to dualbox ten computers, so I need all the help I can get! Sure, the iTrialers will be upset that I'm hogging up 10 entire zones, but it'll be worth it if we can host ten simultaneous raids, even for one go. It would be a record! Would it not? Ahh, the idea is very impressive.

    So, that is the big reveal. I have a lot of planning to do, and my moderators will be learning over the next few months how to properly run a K4A raid, or at least a K3A raid. Then, after I get back and the event is properly planned, I will launch at it and hope for the best! It would be very, very impressive if I could fill even 3 zones, but 10? Oooohh, I'm probably over estimating my popularity, BUT nevertheless I am going to try and do something very, very memorable here. It has been 5 years, afterall. That in itself is a reason to celebrate!
  12. Hello everyone, it is I, Haile Korhal. I know it doesn't look like it, but you know you cant change forum names even if global names change. :/

    Anyway. I am here today to talk about the future of Mothership Raiding. As many of you may know, I have been leading the Motherhsip Monday Madness (MMM) pretty consistently over the last 4.5 years every Monday between 5pm CST and 7pm CST to 10pm CST or later. I know there have been stints where I haven't showed up, or couldn't make it, or was sick, in a car accident, stranded, etc. But, I have done my best to make it every Monday, and I do it for all of you. So I must thank all of you, my loyal raiders, for making my Monday nights something to look forward to every week.

    But now, onto the big stuff. As some of you might have heard, I am looking for Channel Moderators for my global chat channel. Incase you do no know my channel, it is called "Haile's Raiders". I am looking for Channel Moderators for one very specific reason that I cannot bring to light just yet.

    Something big is going to happen sometime within the next 5 months and I need to prepare for it now. I can't say what it is yet, but when I finally announce what it is I want to already have a strong base of Moderators to look towards for help when the time comes. So if you think you have what it takes to be a MMM-Haile's Raiders Channel Moderator, then please send me an ingame email to "@Korhal". I might get a PM here, but it's easier to email me ingame.

    Essentially the role of Channel Moderator comes with a great deal of responsibility for a number of reasons. The biggest of which I cannot discuss yet. But I am looking for 5 or 6 good folks to help me through this. And eventually, when it comes time to plan my 5th year anniversary (to be decided), I will have able people to help me do that! It's going to take a LOT of coordination, but it is certainly possible.

    So, if you're interested, please let me know! Or respond here, that might work too. I haven't posted in ages, but, here I am! Posting away!

    And just so everyone knows, Haile Korhal's MMM Scheduled Raids are 7pm CST, every Monday in the RWZ1. Always RWZ1. (They've been like that for ages, so whoever hosts the 'Virtue Raid Schedule' should really update it!)

    Until next time, Raid on!
  13. Greetings people of Virtue! Sorry I've been away for so long, but life caught up to me and I just fell off the world, you know what I mean?

    Well, if anyone remembers me still (a few of you in game do, thank you!), I'm Haile Korhal and I used to lead a lot of Mothership raids every Monday and often times spontaneously whenever I was passing through the zone throughout the week. My raids usually started at 6pm CST.

    But anyway, onto the reason I am posting...

    I'm back! For the most part! And I also have a partner in real life, therefore this means I'll (at least my character and raids) will be back in the mainstream! So, I haven't led any yet, and I don't yet have a schedule set, but soon there will be mass Rikti Genocide.

    I'll be holding a 'Coming Home' party for myself in the Warzone by leading raid after raid all day (hopefull) coming soon. I don't yet have any times or dates, and work will have to allow (of course), but I was planning some time next week (June 6 - June 12). So if you have any input, let me know! You can send me a message here (I check rarely but do check), or send me a tell in game (Haile Korhal, OR @Korhal).

    Someone also told me with Going Rogue there will be a demand for Mothership Raids? Well I hope to help full fill that, me and all my 47 Macro's are ready for fun. Anyone game?

    EDIT: I just got my work schedule for the next week. It looks like I'll be away in the evenings, so I may either have to do it during the day or the week after. Just an update for ya'll.
  14. Heh, I could never get the hang of that game, but I get what you are saying.

    And I agree totaly, the bonuses would have to be enormous for me to choose them over another, O.o --TFK
  15. Howabout, when you unlock these pools, you can choose one at any specific level, without having to skip a power?

    Say, choose the power, and then choose a BBPS?

    Also, why put slots in them? What are you going to effect? Why not have them just as powers, and not allow slots in them at all?

    That right there would take care of the combat gimpness, --TFK
  16. Last time I saw it, it wasnt... >.> --TFK
  17. Awesome! Its finally a sticky! I only hope mine becomes a sticky, Great work Ultimus'! /signed again! --TFK
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    This would be absoultely wonderful if it ever gets implemented. Boy, I can see my superstrength tank now, with some sort of massive, hulk vs galactus action type of punch.
    I'd even go so far as to not care if it had a two hour timer on it, so long as I can knock someone to the otherside of the map. :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFL! Two hour time limit? Holy frudge! lol, but that would be awesome! Flying for miles with no controll over the char, nice way to get away from your enemy, if you arent dead already, lol --TFK
  19. The White Council

    We are a group formed almost 10,000 Years ago. Knight Lord was the founder of this group. The White Council followed the orders of King Lunarion. He was their leader and their king. He was also Knight Lord's mentor. The White Council were guardians of the White Citadel, and the Tree of Knowledge. They kept peace for thousands of years. Then, 2,000 Years after their creation, Mordain, a High Elven leader, decided it was time to take over. He attacked King Lunarion and the White Citadel. He was defeated, and was convicted. He vowed to have his revenge, and he and his followers were banished on many huge vessles. These years came to be know as the Years of the Seven Fleets. Mordain settled in a land far away from Lunarion, and founded Mordanion, the Capital of the Dark Elven relm. Here he relentlessly attacked his former allies, the High Elves. A few years after his banishment, he went to the Sundered Isle, and began chanting a spell. This horrible spell, became know as the Sundering. This spell shook the world, ripping it to pieces, and tearing a rift into the Daemon world. The Four Dark Horsemen entered the world.

    3,000 Years later, a Snakeman from Colas Tarn went to the Sunderd Isle looking for help. He was turned away by the High Elves that now guarded the Isle. Angered, the Snakemen tore open a rift, killing himself, but releasing a new daemon, the Fifth Horsemen, Gorgon Lord of Destruction.
    Gorgon wasted no time in attacking. He destroyed countless races and lives. He slaughtered his four brothers, and without warning, attacked Lunarion. Knight Lord gathered his forces from the White Council, and began an immediat counter attack. Although defeated, they managed to hold back Gorgon until King Lunarion could flee. The White Citadel was destroyed.

    Almost 20 Years later, a young Pyromancer named Pyroas, called upon the help of what was left of the world. He traveled the Wastes, the Realms of Death and of Plague and Famine, and he located the four keys. On Lord Gorgon's Iron fortress, there are four gate locks. Pyroas figured that if the gate can be locked, Gorgon can be trapped. After securing the keys into their places, he called upon the help of Runelord Brax, a Dwarf. Runelord Brax used an Arcane Summons spell, to cause the Earth to crack and swallow the Fortress whole. For nearly 5,000 Years Gorgon lay trapped in his fortress, and the world lived freely once more.

    Now, in present time, the Circle of Thorns has Gorgon. Gorgon quickly slaughtered the underground city which they released him, and he took controll of the Daemon Gate which he used to summon Doom Lord, his loyal DoomKnight. Now, it is up to Knight Lord and the newly reformed White Council to stop this evil once more.

    In Short: We are a RolePlaying SuperGroup. We are very prestigious, as you can read about in our RP Story Line. And we are found on Guardian of course.

    Name: The White Councile
    Motto: "The Tree of Knowledge bears it's fruits, as do we."
    Player Type: Casual (With some great RP StoryLines)
    Basis: The story is set, *Shown Above* and the end is not written. The players are who determine what happens next. Depending on what they do, the storyb can change, for better or worse. We are at War, let's see what happens next.

    Founder: Knight Lord
    Co Founder: Y'maren
    Allowed ATs: All
    Allowed Origins: All
    Allowed Levels: All
    Email " Knight Lord " for more information / Joining.

    All rights regarding Our story line and Character names belong to their respectful owners. Our StoryLine is base of from "Warlords BattlecryIII" and awesome it is.