"Moral Combat"




I've been a fan of Senator Lieberman for a long time, but this is one issue we've never agreed upon. For those that think he takes this stand for votes, I don't. I believe he truly does believe in the effect the media has on our children. The problem is, he's gone to taking government action rather then focusing on the real issue - the parents.

I was very disappointed to see this video and to see Sen. Lieberman involved. I'll be sure to let him know that whenever I next see him. The intellectual leap that the video takes is beyond the bounds that anyone can take seriously. Putting Statesman into the same scene as Columbine? Seriously? And Flight Simulator is to blame for 9/11? So any educational software that could be used for destruction must be dumbed down to the point where it is no longer educational? Wrong approach, and I can only hope that these videos show how wrong it is rather then accomplishing their goals.

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To be fair to Senator Lieberman, they may well have just used news footage of him.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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Turned it off when they blamed 911 on Flight Simulators so I didn't even see Statesman.

Society already played this game when movies first came out. After much stupidity, we finally hit upon the ratings system and now all seems to be more-or-less well. Video games skipped right to the end and started with a ratings system, hoping to avoid this. No such luck.



about that video-reply... and as someone mentioned earlier... Have anyone EVEN SEEN the documentary itself...Do we know how it realy play out... We have seen very little of it and that part is made to sell on chock-value alone... And from a marketing point of view that is the smart way to do it if you do not have alot of money to pour down this sort of thing.

For all we know... the maker could have been the one putting it on youtube... I'd done that if i had a small project to market...

As for the video-reply... Meh... pointless junk... what good does it do to regurgitate already known facts spruced up with some 80's rock... maybe they should have done a more serious take on it instead of google a few pics and slap it together in imovies och Windows movie maker.




by the sheer fact that they are grouping games like GTA and CoH/V together shows they have no idea what they are talking about.

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Thing is, the documentary is supposed to contain interviews with a range of people involved involved in the issue.

The trailer, though, doesn't come out that way.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



For all we know... the maker could have been the one putting it on youtube... I'd done that if i had a small project to market...

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From what I understand, he did.

I don't know why he made it so slanted if his project is supposed to be somewhat balanced though.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



*points to thread* thats why.

or to elaborate... this sort of free press just does not buy it self. Maybe he knew how we would react... maybe he did his research after all...



It's a documentary - as such they use the "Fair Use" provisions to get around permission.

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Actually, I am starting to believe those who claim this so-called 'documentary' was never really produced at all. Anyone waiting for this 'movie' to be released, will be rocking on the porch till the cows come home.

So far all they have to show for this work is ONE promo. That's it. No Credits. No IMDB entry. No actual Distributor... and no marketing beyond some Blog text and a shut-down Website. Nothing was used in the Promo beyond general-publicity footage and a few green-screen video 'sound-bites'... all diced together on 'Final-Cut' so Apple can get some cheap publicity out of it. The rest of it appears completely fabricated.

This is like one of those 'CoH Feature Presentation' fan-video promos where all the video-artist does is make ONLY THE PROMO and leave the other one-hour and fifty-five minutes up to everyones' imagination. Cheap way to stir up the world-collective hornet's nest and foster some agenda without having to pay for it.



"You'll shoot your eye out, kid!"



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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To be frank, when I saw the shot of Stateman in the trailer, I thought it heavily undermined the credibility of the film because of the very reason you give. How a game that espouses Superman-esque morals is in any way comparable to the [censored] and murder of everyone's favorite example of violent video games is beyond me.

And don't get me started on the logic or lack thereof behind the flight simulator-9/11 conspiracy theory...



Server02a 1up pph: "Moral Kombat" edbc: "There is no IMBD entry for the movie, and the official website is no longer active. The only other information is an Apple.com article on the project from 2005, which mainly focuses on the production, and not the content of the documentary. The article also states that the documentary was supposed to be released in the Summer/Fall of 2005. The movie is not available for purchase on Amazon.com, nor is it listed for sale on other online movie retailers."

Conclusion? A failed-production that fell on deaf-ears while trapped in eternal search of a Distributor. Haha!

[/ QUOTE ] The quoted entry and having Statesman post in my thread has made my day!

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The thing is, we have nothing to fear from anti-game people in the end. They are generally not rational enough to actually make any difference. Anything they do attempt (like this) gets put down by people with clearer heads.

Believe me people, there is no need to worry. If this is the best they can do, I almost feel sorry for them.

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Almost is the key word



I did a little digging and I thinkt his may come out actually.

Just a site I found with the newsdate very current.

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Welp, like many who got suckered in...that 'Item' is nothing more than a rehash of the same 'Promo News' from the YouTube Site. So in other words... nothing new and authentic about any *actual* release of a film.



Dug more and found morie nformation on it. *shrug* type it in to google a lot more current stuff comes up. If you wade through everything about mortal kombat.



type it in to google

[/ QUOTE ]

Been there, done that.. read the paperback-novel. But NOTHING concrete exists.... so far. Just more people spewing the same words from others, about something that was *supposed* to be released a year and a half ago. This is becoming little more than a 'Wag the Dog' event from all the looks of it. So far just a Vapor-ware Documentary. What valid producer would sit on a vehicle for a year and a half? And to hold back material for what reason? To wait for a change in the balance of Federal Government, perhaps? Else it makes no sense.



"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin." -Linus

Twitter @FiveIronBrony



Welp, like many who got suckered in...

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that a typo? 'Cause I see that typed alot and it kinda irks me.



'Cause I see that typed alot and it kinda irks me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably the same way people write alot a lot... as it irks me and there is no such word. Your use of 'Kinda' will get a pass today.



'Cause I see that typed alot and it kinda irks me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably the same way 'alot' irks me and there is no such word. 'Kinda' will get a pass today.

[/ QUOTE ]

What does "welp" mean? It's maddening!



'Cause I see that typed alot and it kinda irks me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably the same way 'alot' irks me and there is no such word. 'Kinda' will get a pass today.

[/ QUOTE ]

What does "welp" mean? It's maddening!

[/ QUOTE ]

It mimics the speech mannerisms of casual English conversation--people often create a small "p" sound after the word "well."

At least, that's what I'm assuming Shego was using.



Note to self:

Kill casual English conversation.



Well this is sort of off topic, but:

I just saw a video of Jack Thompson, Adam Sessler, and some other poor guy who didn't get much attention on Attack of the Show, debating violence in video-games !

I thought it was interesting how jack(Who I won't even waste a capital letter on.) brought up the fact that the UK has a law that make sit illegal for a minor to purchase mature video games... *cough cough* Don't we have that, as well?
But the other guy, and the host(who I was surprised got his own opinion in at the end), stated that ultimately it's the parents.

And I completely agree: Parents need to take responsibilty for their kids. Period.



Oh and about the whole columbine blame game, please! It's the schools fault for not stopping the bullys and properly punishing them and letting the other kid fight back and it's the bullys fault for treating the other kid like crap. Heck, middle school was pure hell for me. I got used as a bob sled down entire flights of stairs, gotten locked in the bathroom, and other things that I dont even wanna mention in this forum. A few of the teachers were in on this too, I almost get kept after school because the teacher thought I diddnt return a a cheap 10 cent pen too her, it was one of those cheap crappy pens that you get out of a 100 pack. And the scary thing is, a few students even said, and I qoute, "I'm gonna laugh when he brings in a gun and starts killing everyone." But I proved them wrong, I built up a shell too it and too this day it's screwed me up for life a bit, it's why I play this game so much, the only freinds I did have havent seen me in years. But I dont think the purpose of this post is too tell you about my personal life, not at all, the point im trying too get across is, video games are an escape from real life, it doesnt glorify it. This jack thompson guy should be beaten too a pulp by every last po'd video gamer like myself. Any counter arguement we make isnt gonna change his mind, he'll just twist it just enough too change it in his favor, that or he'll ignore it.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Now that you bring up your whole story, Robo Knight, it makes me wonder...

jack thompson is probably some rich kid, who went to a really nice school, was/is spoiled by rich parents, got sent to a fancy law school blah blah blah...

In other words: He's never seen the outside world, except from the behind the slimy metallic wings of his parents.



the speech mannerisms of casual English conversation--people often create a small "p" sound after the word "well." At least, that's what I'm assuming Shego was using.

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed. Although some choose to spell that expression, 'Whelp' ... but I don't really like equating the vocal-term with a, 'wild cub.'



Now that you bring up your whole story, Robo Knight, it makes me wonder...

jack thompson is probably some rich kid, who went to a really nice school, was/is spoiled by rich parents, got sent to a fancy law school blah blah blah...

In other words: He's never seen the outside world, except from the behind the slimy metallic wings of his parents.

[/ QUOTE ]
Those kind of people make up most of America's problems.

I went through hell at high school perhaps not as bad as some, but having essentially no help from my mother (parents divorced when I was 3, dad couldn't really help) and the public school seemed completely helpless.

The sad thing is, it's been like this for years. High school isn't like Saved By the Bell. It's a living hell that everyone turns a blind eye to.

You can't really blame parents for sending their kids to a private school- they'll get better teachers, resources and actually learn things, and the quality of students, at least in my case, is higher.