"Moral Combat"




This video actually makes an excellent argument. An excellent argument for why the people against video games don't have a clue of what they are talking about.

Now if you excuse me, I have to finish building my robots of mass destruction (my final upgrade just arrived today), and finish selling my soul to satan for my powers of darkness to smite my foes. Then I think I'll go stop some demons from taking over Portland, then start a gangwar by beating up some 'Warriors' and blaming it on the 'Tsoo' and clicking on a few glowies.



It's pretty sick they did this. Sorry the trailer should have been showing horrible parenting, resulting in kids doing bad things.

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I swear to God, if I had the means, this is exactly what I'd film and post on YouTube.




The first video game I ever played was Mortal Kombat 2. I was about four. I never wanted to do such violent things to anyone and I would hate it if it had to come down to that. Saying video games makes "Our youth" want to shoot up a school is just wrong. They need to realize that like any other group of people, all children are not the same and saying they are is just making a stupid stereotypical comment.



It's pretty sick they did this. Sorry the trailer should have been showing horrible parenting, resulting in kids doing bad things.

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I swear to God, if I had the means, this is exactly what I'd film and post on YouTube.

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It's true; There's alot of people out there so so willing to blame anyone but themselves; but when you ask them "Well, what do you do when your kids do act up?" and they respond "I beat the [censored] out of them with a belt" - yeah... not teaching ANYTHING about violence being a problem solving tool. (Note - there is a difference from a normal spanking and the kind of thing I speak of)

Also - around here at least, I've seen people literally *throw* their children when they behave poorly in the store. How exactly is that going to teach them anything positive? Pain hurts?

But most of all, the thing that breeds violence in my opinion - is hopelessness. I don't mean 'emo' hopeless, where you just feign hopelessness because you want people to feel sorry for you - I mean genuine honest to goodness 'there is nothing in the world for me' hopeless. It exists, and is far too common. The way our world works breeds it - as it is far too easy to get stuck in a cycle of not having enough money to even keep the bills paid and food on the table while still working your [censored] off.

Oh, and then people call you "pathetic" or "lazy" because you can't afford food despite working.

How often have we heard about people walking into a school or office and shooting the crap out of everything, then themselves? Would a person who really has a reason to live do that? Maybe a scant few who are genuinely crazy. But I don't think people who have a reason to believe life can get better will do anything so insane.

Videogames are so far from the source of the problem it's like looking for penguins in Illinois.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Sue the bejesus out of em jack!



Dey took ur jabs!



Dey took ur jabs!

[/ QUOTE ]

*jabs Ghostman* <^_^> I have more if you'd like them!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



It's pretty sick they did this. Sorry the trailer should have been showing horrible parenting, resulting in kids doing bad things.

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I swear to God, if I had the means, this is exactly what I'd film and post on YouTube.

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It's true; There's alot of people out there so so willing to blame anyone but themselves; but when you ask them "Well, what do you do when your kids do act up?" and they respond "I beat the [censored] out of them with a belt" - yeah... not teaching ANYTHING about violence being a problem solving tool. (Note - there is a difference from a normal spanking and the kind of thing I speak of)

Also - around here at least, I've seen people literally *throw* their children when they behave poorly in the store. How exactly is that going to teach them anything positive? Pain hurts?

But most of all, the thing that breeds violence in my opinion - is hopelessness. I don't mean 'emo' hopeless, where you just feign hopelessness because you want people to feel sorry for you - I mean genuine honest to goodness 'there is nothing in the world for me' hopeless. It exists, and is far too common. The way our world works breeds it - as it is far too easy to get stuck in a cycle of not having enough money to even keep the bills paid and food on the table while still working your [censored] off.

Oh, and then people call you "pathetic" or "lazy" because you can't afford food despite working.

How often have we heard about people walking into a school or office and shooting the crap out of everything, then themselves? Would a person who really has a reason to live do that? Maybe a scant few who are genuinely crazy. But I don't think people who have a reason to believe life can get better will do anything so insane.

Videogames are so far from the source of the problem it's like looking for penguins in Illinois.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Huggs the Squirrel*

Misty, you just said everything I wanted to, and so much better then I could have put it.

=. .=



Ominous Music? Check!
Exaggeration? Check!
Clear focus to let anyone follow their reasoning from point A to point B?.........

It's the same style of scare tactics/scapegoating that has been around for over a generation.

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You know, I wanted to be more offended by that movie, but instead, I found it quite valid (or rather it would be if they simply swapped out the word homosexual with pedophile, at least then the "sickness in the head" rhetoric would apply)

Notice also the importance put on proper parenting. Jimmy spoke to his mom about the car that had whisked his friend away, and she was responsible enough to do something about it. Furthermore, the fact that he had the presence of mind and prior instructions to "write down the liscence plate of a car his friend got into" is an indication of parental input.



I ascribe less to the theory of entertainment affecting behavior as a correlation than I do to behavioral tendencies dictating entertainment preferences.

So, it's less likely that a normall non-violent person picks up GTA and decides to steal a car and run people over than it would be for a person who is inclined to violence to gravitate towards violent games and violent music.

Also, the vast majority of people have a disconnect between fantasy and reality. We know that action movies are fake, and that when you blow someone's head off in a game, that that is a GAME, and not an action to take into real life.

Young children can be much more succeptible to learning bad behavior from TV, movies, and games because they haven't had those real life experiences yet. This is why it falls to the parents to actually BE PARENTS and keep their children away from these forms of entertainment, and not to spend all that time lobbying the goverments to be a babysitter for their own kids.

a.k.a. Eagle_Thunder
Rule #1 - If your build is fun for you, it's a good build.
Lord Magnuss - 31 Fire/Fire Tanker, Leader of Fireteam Magnuss
Eagle Thunder - 33 Elec/En Blaster
MediDroid DOC - 22 Emp/En Defender
Pax Imperia - 34 Merc/FF Mastermind



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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Personaly, I would be throwing this over to the lawers and start yelling libal or something.

Hell, using there standard, the "christan" game of Down Below, would fall under in there cause it involves "killing".



C'mon people. Everyone knows there was absolutely no violence in human history before the advent of the written language (the beginings of 'media')
So, logically it is 'media' to blame. All of it!
I mean.. when was the first official act of violence commited? I bet Cane must have spent hours a day as a child reading comics, watching Bugs Bunny, and playing video games before he finnaly snapped and slew Able!

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Jack Thompson's a clueless troll, the very epitome of a flamer. He best watch out the, problem with fire is it's a fickle, fickle thing.

As for the whole videogames inciting violence ... gimme a break. What about the way parents act and handle stress and anger in front of their children? What about the way children are allowed to act in public? What about movies? Music?

If parent's were parent's, children would be a lot better adjusted and have a good head on their shoulders.



I see a lot of people criticising the "we are what we pretend to be" comment, but I think it has a lot of truth to it. I don't think it applies to the movie as used, but it is true, nonetheless.

We, as people, need to abide by certain social norms. Those don't need to be the norms given by society, but even our own norms of some kind of social existence are still norms. You don't go around the street calling people "jackasses" then kicking them and running away. You don't shout at your friends, because you know they wouldn't like it. And so on and so forth.

The thing is, sometimes we have to abide by social rules against our will. Be that to keep a job, to keep a relationship, to fit in an environment or whatever along those lines. We can do that only for other people and still keep our own habbits and views, but sooner or later who we pretend to be begins to influence who we actually are. We begin to follow those rules subconsciously, and our personality changes, often slightly but very lastingly.

We, as humans, are creatures of habbit. The more we do something, the more we get used to doing it and incorporate it into our own character. Even when we know full well that we don't want to be doing it, we get used to it if we do it long enough. It's the same reason why making a compromise with something you know you shouldn't only makes it easier to compromise again and again and again, until that rule no longer stands and the compromise has become the new rule.

Environment and how it forces us to behave can warp even the strongest of personalities. I have the benefit of hindsight over my own life (which, surprisingly, few people seem to have) so I can see what I have gone through, how I have changed and why. I can see the same in my friends and my family. Oftentimes I can see th same in strangers. We adapt to the life we live, and sooner or later grow accustomed to it.

Now, where that breaks is that it makes us feel like what we pretend to be in a game. The problem is that a game is never as realistic as real life. Even if you pretend to be something in a game, that does not carry over in real life. The sensations and habbits you got accustomed to in a game simply do not have their counterparts in real life. At most, if you get used to be a mass murdere in one game, you'll carry that over to the next game you play, and then you start complaining that you can't kill civilians in CoV. But you don't start killing civilians in real life just for kicks.

You are who you pretend to be, but only in the environment in which you pretend.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As an avid Gamer of all kinds. I pretty much own and Play Every Violent Game shown on that.But I agree that them tossing States in that is just wrong.I try to look outside my point of view when confronted with why some games are targeted. I mean Mortal Kombat and GTA games thats a no brainer same with the Punisher game (Which Personally I think Rocks) but Why would they toss in CoH? Could they be afraid that some kid plays CoH he is going to run out and shoot a purse snatcher with a Super Soaker? Perhaps the most realistic sets in the game that could be seen as realisticly Violent would be Katana,Battle Axe,Broad Sword, Mace & Ninja Swords maybe they were what sparked them to target CoH. But if that is the case why not stick footage of those powers in use instead of slapping States face on it? Personally for me to better understand that I'll need to watch the Doc to get the full story.

"When chaos happens... I'll be right in the middle of it."
Let Your Spirit Fly!!!
Kid K



Also, the vast majority of people have a disconnect between fantasy and reality. We know that action movies are fake, and that when you blow someone's head off in a game, that that is a GAME, and not an action to take into real life.

Young children can be much more succeptible to learning bad behavior from TV, movies, and games because they haven't had those real life experiences yet. This is why it falls to the parents to actually BE PARENTS and keep their children away from these forms of entertainment, and not to spend all that time lobbying the goverments to be a babysitter for their own kids.

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I would kind of agree with this, except I wouldn't say parents necessarily need to keep their kids away from this media. They need to be parents and actually try to teach their kids the difference. This is fantasy and this is reality.

If you're not going to teach them then yes maybe just withhold this kind of stuff. I just vote for the teaching method because even though you may not allow that sort of media your little kid's best friend might.



This is just a typical agrument which has always excisted with games. Some certain individuals which are mentally scarred and needs to be on medication take things to the maximum and thus these things happen. I have no idea how to solve it, I am not god. I am a gamer, and I love to pretend to do things, this doesn't mean that I will do it in RL.

I probably can if I like to, but why? I am playing games to escape reality, not become part of the escaped reality?

It's people like the Moral Police which ticks me off.



Oh, and if it becomes illegal to play games. Everyone join me, in the illegal group of playing games :P



I just find it...amusing? No isnt the word....oh.ya...STUPID, when they bunch in Statesman/COH with a game like Postal 2.

I personaly have played both games and "Postal 2" was made to piss off people like Jack Thompson. About the only thing that game dosent have is "hot coffee".

I mean come on. How do you compare a game with no blood, sex, gore to a game where you can put a cat at the end of your shotgun for a silencer.



The Reply is priceless! I love it!

Oh, if they did not ask for permission to use a Trademark of NC Soft in their video, when are you going to sue them?



The Reply is priceless! I love it!

Oh, if they did not ask for permission to use a Trademark of NC Soft in their video, when are you going to sue them?

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Eh too bad the author felt the need to drop the ....... in it



Can the company sue if the video wasn't used for profit?



They CAN sue. They probably couldn't win in court, but the time and money it would take to mount a defense could intimidate people into silence. This is what's known as a SLAPP suit...



The Reply is priceless! I love it!

Oh, if they did not ask for permission to use a Trademark of NC Soft in their video, when are you going to sue them?

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Eh too bad the author felt the need to drop the ..... in it

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And make threats...and make the most important part of the message on each screen the smallest text...