_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




Oddly I'm blown away by how fast I can peg the bar on my dominator. Meaning I can peg the bar. I have never pegged the bar on my brute. I have been toying with jumping into a mob, and having a bunch of greens just to see if I can, but I'm needing the infamy right now.
Yes I'm that cheap

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Brute "Fury" Bars are actually quite different from Dominator "Domination" bars...so that's not a very good comparison or annalysis..



I'm glad to hear brute PVP is getting some real attention!
Brutes are fun but I've yet to focus primarily on a brute due to them being said to be like subpar scrappers in PVP...
Think I'll definately be rolling a Brute come I7 though...



I just got to thinking, why anyone would claim castle to be a stalker representative, then it clicked...of course...So typical.

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Besides the fact that he was the stalker representative in CoV beta?



I just got to thinking, why anyone would claim castle to be a stalker representative, then it clicked...of course...So typical.

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Besides the fact that he was the stalker representative in CoV beta?

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Your logic has no place among brutes. It is SMASH or look for something to SMASH here.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I just got to thinking, why anyone would claim castle to be a stalker representative, then it clicked...of course...So typical.

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Besides the fact that he was the stalker representative in CoV beta?

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Yes, of course, because someone was given the task by the team lead in design to concentrate on stalker issues in beta, that somehow makes him predisposed to only considering or caring about Stalker problems or issues now that the position is no longer valid...

Spare me the blatant drama-mongering. The comment is uncalled for, and it was a troll, plain and simple. The poster of that comment can feel free to be as biased as he likes; that doesn't mean the rest of us have to give any credance to it.



Castle>all other devs put together

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i doubt _Castle_ is that fat..........



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I was alot happier with "Its broke"

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Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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Glad to see this is getting looked into. My fists itch to SMASH[/b more violently!

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It's good to know the Sultan of Smash knows his UBB code.



Yes, of course, because someone was given the task by the team lead in design to concentrate on stalker issues in beta, that somehow makes him predisposed to only considering or caring about Stalker problems or issues now that the position is no longer valid...

Spare me the blatant drama-mongering. The comment is uncalled for, and it was a troll, plain and simple. The poster of that comment can feel free to be as biased as he likes; that doesn't mean the rest of us have to give any credance to it.

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Your blatant drama-mongering aside, I was merely answering your question "why [would anyone] claim castle to be a stalker representative," not "why would anyone claim castle to be biased towards stalkers."



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I think something like this is the root of why "Defiance" isn't working right. You can get a damage bonus, but it's at the last 1/6th of the bar... after about two-three seconds.

It's like this insane power-curve. It's useless about 99% of the time, which is not good when you are taking damage.

Still here, even after all this time!



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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Glad to see this is getting looked into. My fists itch to SMASH[/b more violently!

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It's good to know the Sultan of Smash knows his UBB code.

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How dare you misquote me?!



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I was alot happier with "Its broke"

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Yeah, really. The problem with fury in PvP isn't that we can't get from 80% to full fury quickly enough, it's that we have about a snowball's chance in hell of getting even close to 80%. We need help building fury in PvP, period. Not in specifically reaching the very maximum fury possible.

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He's saying we only get minion Fury generation *until* 80% currently.

Presumably, after it's fixed, you'll get the appropriate Player/AV level Fury generation from 0-100%.



The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.

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so what are they going to do about that part?



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I was alot happier with "Its broke"

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Yeah, really. The problem with fury in PvP isn't that we can't get from 80% to full fury quickly enough, it's that we have about a snowball's chance in hell of getting even close to 80%. We need help building fury in PvP, period. Not in specifically reaching the very maximum fury possible.

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He's saying we only get minion Fury generation *until* 80% currently.

Presumably, after it's fixed, you'll get the appropriate Player/AV level Fury generation from 0-100%.

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Except he didn't actually say that's what they'd do, or even commit to a fix. He doesn't even seem certain that it can be improved at all. I realize he can't make a bunch of promises right off here, but even looking at this in the most positive light possible I think it's pretty early to get our hopes up that fury'll be fixed to work the way we thought it was supposed to work.



Except he didn't actually say that's what they'd do, or even commit to a fix. He doesn't even seem certain that it can be improved at all. I realize he can't make a bunch of promises right off here, but even looking at this in the most positive light possible I think it's pretty early to get our hopes up that fury'll be fixed to work the way we thought it was supposed to work.

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Well, he DID say look for a fix in i7. Given that i7 will sit around for a month on the test server, should be enough time to figure out a solution.

It is obviously a terrible mistake to design an entire archetype around a gimmick and then leave it high and dry when said gimmick doesn't work properly.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.

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so what are they going to do about that part?

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Nothing, most likely. The fact that our Fury doesn't build properly is something that isn't working as inteded so we might get a fix.

That people dont like to go toe to toe with us is just smart play by other players. Why play to your opponents strengths? The closest we will ever get to them 'helping' with that is the aoe immobs we get in the PPP's.

Brutes are the least effectively mobile fighters in pvp (short of a granite tank) which given the hop about like a bunny on crack nature of pvp isn't really going to change unless they dramatically increase the supression on travel powers in pvp. Even then, people would just respec into sprint/swift/hurdle builds and continue the hop.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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Proud Member of:

My 50s:
Agent Alpha (Kin/Rad)
Shirai Ryu (MA/Regen)
Dark Joule (Dark/Elec)
Kid Frag (Ice/Energy)
Shurai Ryu (Fire/Kin)



he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow.....

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This just makes me laugh. Yes, clearly he is "stalker advocating" when stalkers are getting an AS nerf and a placate nerf. Some advocating.



he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow.....

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This just makes me laugh. Yes, clearly he is "stalker advocating" when stalkers are getting an AS nerf and a placate nerf. Some advocating.

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I think the only reason people say this is because in closed beta Castle was the "Stalker guy", he was the guy all the Stalkers were told to go to for feedback and suggestions for the time being, so alot've people still put Castle and Stalkers together.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I was alot happier with "Its broke"

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Yeah, really. The problem with fury in PvP isn't that we can't get from 80% to full fury quickly enough, it's that we have about a snowball's chance in hell of getting even close to 80%. We need help building fury in PvP, period. Not in specifically reaching the very maximum fury possible.

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He's saying we only get minion Fury generation *until* 80% currently.

Presumably, after it's fixed, you'll get the appropriate Player/AV level Fury generation from 0-100%.

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I'm not sure _Castle_ is saying what you think he is saying - otherwise this would be an easy fix. The implication is that Brutes are getting the AV Fury bump in PvP at 80% because that is when the AV bump scales in in PvE - & both PvE & PvP use the same rules for Fury generation. While Brutes in Beta were promised quicker Fury generation in PvP, the game presently doesn't deliver this until after 80%, at the same point that the rate of Fury decay accelerates.

The easy fix would be to give Brutes the higher AV Fury rate before 80%, but if the PvE & PvP rules are the same, then this would mean that Brutes would build Fury faster against AVs pre-80% in PvE too. Presumably the Devs think that this would be unbalancing, allowing Brutes to get near max Fury too quickly in PvE fights against AVs. As long as PvP Fury rate is tied to PvE AV rate, balancing the two will be difficult. Brute PvPers need accelerated Fury generation in order to be balanced against ATs in PvP, but the Devs likely consider the Fury generation rate needed for PvP would be unbalanced in PVE. Hopefully _Castle_ will see a way to square this circle.

Mister Mass - 50 Inv/SS/NRG Mut Tank [1236]
Doc Willpower - 50 Grav/FF/Psi Mag Controller
Baron Wonder - 50 SS/Elec/Mu Mag Brute
Sound Bight - 50 Son/Son/Mu Tech Corrupter



he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow.....

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This just makes me laugh. Yes, clearly he is "stalker advocating" when stalkers are getting an AS nerf and a placate nerf. Some advocating.

[/ QUOTE ]ok, ill admit..the comment was uncalled for. im not above saying im wrong. of all the devs Castle is probably the only one that answers questions on a consistant basis.

But if you are referring to the 100-1 HP one-shot "fix"...at that point it doesnt even matter. any good stalker will have the second attacked queued and ready to go. and most toons required two hits to take down already..so nothing really changes there.

placate is getting changed to 75% of hide's value in PvP where once again....it wont matter (see above). a stalker will either fire off AS>follow up attack or AS>placate>attack. in either of those scenarios those "nerfs" really dont help at all.

FTR i dont hate stalkers..i could care less actually, that AT has too many weaknesses to really be considered "broken" by any means. There are some great stalkers that make you say "damn, he got me again...[censored]". but for the most part you have a bunch of immature kids that decided to go with the one "turn-key" pvp AT so they could attempt to dominate. as always, hats off to the champions of the AT and the truly great stalkers. but down with the clones and all the "ZOMG, you just got pwnt!" lil kiddies.



This has been a known issue on these boards for awhile. Is it possible no one ever bothered to tell him?

Nonetheless, good news.

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No, I was told before, but when looking at the spreadsheets it SHOULD be working as I described. Apparently, however, something is broken in how the attributes are being applied, which makes little sense, but in my testing it was apparent that this was the case.

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I doubt you want it, but there's a lot of brutes who want to kiss you right now.

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<---- wants to kiss castle



The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.

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so what are they going to do about that part?

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Nothing, most likely. The fact that our Fury doesn't build properly is something that isn't working as inteded so we might get a fix.

That people dont like to go toe to toe with us is just smart play by other players. Why play to your opponents strengths? The closest we will ever get to them 'helping' with that is the aoe immobs we get in the PPP's.

Brutes are the least effectively mobile fighters in pvp (short of a granite tank) which given the hop about like a bunny on crack nature of pvp isn't really going to change unless they dramatically increase the supression on travel powers in pvp. Even then, people would just respec into sprint/swift/hurdle builds and continue the hop.

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Well people do go toe to toe with you often. Scrappers, tankers, and blasters. The last of the 3 being the most common in pvp (at least on virtue) and they are the reason we can't stand toe to toe and do what we were designed to do.

Myself I think it comes down to this.

The hero ATs work perfectly together in all that an MMO team would need. They fill every role specifically and perfectly. Villains has the misfortune of being second. So they can't exactly make the villain ATs the same so they are these bastardized mongrel ATs of whats actually needed to be successful in an MMO.

It's too bad too because PvP is the only reason to play an MMO long term because no MMO has been made that the PvE part doesn't get easy.



I agree with you, though fights with blappers are over so fast one way or the other if they stand and deliver that it's not like going toe to toe with a Scrapper/Tank.

I just dont think they'll do anything about it, other than have a go at fixing fury. Given the effort that must have gone into the PPP's, the Dev's clearly have a very different view of PvP from the people who are in the middle of it, every day.



I really hope this gets addressed.

People have been crying foul about fury rate of generation since brutes have been in pvp.

I think it's the least that can be done to help brutes considering are PPP's. GAH...