_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




hows that fix looking castle?

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Geko and I may have figured out a fix this morning. I'm working on it...but still no ETA.

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Still no ETA eh? hehe.

That said, it will be nice when my brute is no longer a joke in PVP, but a real threat.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



? You know i play a brute right? Difference is, i've actually played a scrapper too so i know they don't crit 99% of the time they punch.

After this change, you should roll a claws scrapper, go up against and invuln brute and tell me how it goes. You can do that now if you like and see what goes on.

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This makes me laugh.

Pick the scrapper primary that has the quickest animations so most amount of attacks per seconds. BTW you would have been better off saying DM without shadowmaul.. ahh but that confilicts with your next point in inv.

Then you take that primay's dmg type lethal... then take the brute shield that has the highest lethal defense to compare too.

See where I am going with this.

How bout this one... lets take a Spines / reg scrapper vs a Fire/ EA brute.... and say at RV and give that scrapper FA and tactics.

Or even a BS / Inv vs a SM / fire brute.

How bout this one.... Ice tanks need nerfed.... if you donot believe me roll a ice corrupter and see.



I've had a Claws/Regen scrapper, but didn't have the patience to get it to 40. Focus ftw?



My elec brute isn't too scared of claws right now. Neither is my corruptor or stalker. Why is that? Because claws isn't threatening in pvp that's why.

Do you cry when you see an assault rifle blaster come into zone? How about a dark defender? See where i have been going with this?

EA is also supposed to be gimped in RV, so what if a change for scrappers came out to make it even worse...good times?

Ice tanks got electric armor to balance them....are we crying yet?



My elec brute isn't too scared of claws right now. Neither is my corruptor or stalker. Why is that? Because claws isn't threatening in pvp that's why.

Do you cry when you see an assault rifle blaster come into zone? How about a dark defender? See where i have been going with this?

EA is also supposed to be gimped in RV, so what if a change for scrappers came out to make it even worse...good times?

Ice tanks got electric armor to balance them....are we crying yet?

[/ QUOTE ]Are you still whining? Evidently you missed hte part where Castle stated that they got a fix they are working on now. Scrappers are melee'rs, but brutes are suppose to be feared in melee because of fury. Sorry you feel differently get over it.



Are you still whining? Evidently you missed hte part where Castle stated that they got a fix they are working on now.

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...whoa what are you smoking...

We've been talking about that for atleast 2 pages now...way to be...

Guess there's no point in taking anyone seriously but the red name...



Are you still whining? Evidently you missed hte part where Castle stated that they got a fix they are working on now.

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...whoa what are you smoking...

We've been talking about that for atleast 2 pages now...way to be...

Guess there's no point in taking anyone seriously but the red name...

[/ QUOTE ]Yea, and you been complaining like a two year old, trying to tell us that brute's are fine. Trying to site certain AT builds versus the entire brute AT.



Yea, and you been complaining like a two year old, trying to tell us that brute's are fine.

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No...wrong again. These posts have been so wrong lately that i'm wondering if you're trying to be funny.

Before i join in on the bad jokes, this is what i've been saying for the reading impaired.

"Fix brute fury, but don't punish powersets which are already gimped in the process"

Trying to site certain AT builds versus the entire brute AT.

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welcome to the circus?



Yea, and you been complaining like a two year old, trying to tell us that brute's are fine.

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No...wrong again. These posts have been so wrong lately that i'm wondering if you're trying to be funny.

Before i join in on the bad jokes, this is what i've been saying for the reading impaired.

"Fix brute fury, but don't punish powersets which are already gimped in the process"

Trying to site certain AT builds versus the entire brute AT.

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welcome to the circus?

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Actually, what youve been saying is "Fix Brute fury, as long as Scrappers are still better in PvP."

It's funny.



Yea, and you been complaining like a two year old, trying to tell us that brute's are fine.

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No...wrong again. These posts have been so wrong lately that i'm wondering if you're trying to be funny.

Before i join in on the bad jokes, this is what i've been saying for the reading impaired.

"Fix brute fury, but don't punish powersets which are already gimped in the process"

Trying to site certain AT builds versus the entire brute AT.

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welcome to the circus?

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Actually, what youve been saying is "Fix Brute fury, as long as Scrappers are still better in PvP."

It's funny.

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Its gonna get even funnier if a fix hits live that actually makes us a threat to heroes and god forbid *gasp* on equal footing with scrappers instead of effectively pvping with 2 secondaries like we have been due to fury being a non-factor.

Brace yourselves for the whine-aggeddon if/when that happens because clearly there is a demographic of hero players who dont want to be challenged in pvp at all yet only talk trash and complain about how no one can go toe to toe with their skills ( read that as pvp cake-walk power sets ).

I personally cant wait - ive never stopped pvping with my brute despite the glaring imbalances and have learned to adapt to those conditions as best as I can, and im not alone by a long shot.

When fury is fixed, heads will roll.

So will the excuses for the sudden lack of "skills" on the blue-side.



Last time I checked.. Claws/* were a threat to:

Non-BG'ed Masterminds
Non-Stone/Invuln Brutes

So..... you are upset that you aren't a major "OMGRUN" threat to 1 AT and some Brute powersets?

Here is a drawing for you:

. <--- Picture of a very tiny violin, playing "My Heart Bleeds For you" in C minor



Actually, Claws are a threat to:



--and uhm....that's about it.

Claws has always been pretty weak in pvp, and even pvp oriented squishies with half a brain shouldn't really fear them.

The blunt truth.

Claws guys, don't take it too hard, you all still do great in pve..



Claws are weak in pvp... yes. However, the main reason is the dynamaic of pvp. Claws is a sustained DPS set... PvP is jousting or hit and run.

I have a 43 claws I pvp with. To be honest giving a brute fury that works and going toe to toe with them actually will improve my performance. Stand toe to toe for 10 seconds (ie FU). Perhaps after that 10 seconds is up... move and let fury cool down a bit. Rinse and Repeat.

The times when I have had players go toe to toe against my claws allowing FU and the sustained cycle to work it has done pretty well.

As much as my claws now does not have a chance people want to protray.... It actaully improves their chances. The thing as of now is brutes stay to build fury (in vain) allow claws to never mover and have a huge edge (as brute AT is fury dependant)

Add fury all it does is require claws to move at right times to allow cool down... Wait that requires stratagy... heaven forbid that. (not entirely directed at poster I replied to... just last statement).



Claws are effective if ppl learn how to use them instead of trying to play like other builds and ATs.



Actually, what youve been saying is "Fix Brute fury, as long as Scrappers are still better in PvP."

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I can go quote what i actually said, but why do that if noone can read properly anyways. It's really not my fault if so many of you have been getting destroyed by scrappers that your emotions cause you to misinterpret everything i say. I play a brute too, and have been playing villains for the last four months. No, claws don't make me cry, regardless of fury bugs. If claws or anything else considered gimp makes you cry, i don't think fury will help you. Let the games begin.

Last time I checked.. Claws/* were a threat to:
Non-BG'ed Masterminds
Non-Stone/Invuln Brutes

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Well then i guess we're not playing the same game. Like i've said, i play a corruptor, brute and stalker in pvp,soon i will play a dom. It makes people cry that i don't list all my characters, but what's the point since noone can read? If you think claws is uber because it's a scrapper set (one of the least popular) then the devs won't be able to help you at all. Claws might get dominators tops if they have no support at all. Masterminds without BG up? Why don't you just say claws is a threat to newbs and be done with it.

This isn't just my opinion, go post in the pvp boards, the stalker boards, the scrapper boards....anywhere you want, that claws is completely owning villains. See what happens. Then go to the defender boards and say the weakest set there is owning villains...see what happens. Go anywhere you want, pick the weakest powerset, and say it's owning villains or brutes because of a lack of fury.

The dev response? "Lol ADD" "Lol L2P"

So..... you are upset that you aren't a major "OMGRUN" threat to 1 AT and some Brute powersets?

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Like i said, i'm not the one getting ready to sign out when the weakest attack set on ANY AT laces their gloves up.Afterall, i was only saying that the fury count shoould be lowered for weaker powersets right?

If you're not an EA brute fighting a claws/SR scrapper with FA...then i'm sorry but learn to play, after learning to read. THEN argue.



Your point is pathetic. In your case of point, then blapper damage should be lowered to compensate weaker ATs, even scrapper damage should be lowered. Scrappers are not intended as the only lethal melee combat AT. In fact, brutes are suppose to be more feared in melee than scrappers. In fact, a few scrapper ATs actually have the option of ranged combat, where as all brute primaries are melee centric.

As it boils down to, and has already been mentioned, your entire posting frenzy has been a big whine because you don't want a challenge. I'm sorry you feel brute fury is overpowered, but that doesn't begin to describe how alot of villain ATs feel when a blapper comes in and one shots them, or a scrapper starts doing massive crit damage long before they can get into range to return any damage back to said scrapper. Do not even start your pathetic whine about how you feel brute fury bar actually building would be even remotely overpowered.



Actually, what youve been saying is "Fix Brute fury, as long as Scrappers are still better in PvP."

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I can go quote what i actually said, but why do that if noone can read properly anyways. It's really not my fault if so many of you have been getting destroyed by scrappers that your emotions cause you to misinterpret everything i say. I play a brute too, and have been playing villains for the last four months. No, claws don't make me cry, regardless of fury bugs. If claws or anything else considered gimp makes you cry, i don't think fury will help you. Let the games begin.

Last time I checked.. Claws/* were a threat to:
Non-BG'ed Masterminds
Non-Stone/Invuln Brutes

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Well then i guess we're not playing the same game. Like i've said, i play a corruptor, brute and stalker in pvp,soon i will play a dom. It makes people cry that i don't list all my characters, but what's the point since noone can read? If you think claws is uber because it's a scrapper set (one of the least popular) then the devs won't be able to help you at all. Claws might get dominators tops if they have no support at all. Masterminds without BG up? Why don't you just say claws is a threat to newbs and be done with it.

This isn't just my opinion, go post in the pvp boards, the stalker boards, the scrapper boards....anywhere you want, that claws is completely owning villains. See what happens. Then go to the defender boards and say the weakest set there is owning villains...see what happens. Go anywhere you want, pick the weakest powerset, and say it's owning villains or brutes because of a lack of fury.

The dev response? "Lol ADD" "Lol L2P"

So..... you are upset that you aren't a major "OMGRUN" threat to 1 AT and some Brute powersets?

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Like i said, i'm not the one getting ready to sign out when the weakest attack set on ANY AT laces their gloves up.Afterall, i was only saying that the fury count shoould be lowered for weaker powersets right?

If you're not an EA brute fighting a claws/SR scrapper with FA...then i'm sorry but learn to play, after learning to read. THEN argue.

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1. Trying to mask your "I dont want Brutes to work properly, because then I may actually have to play instead of exploit" with "I play a Brute! See! I'm one of you...honest!" Is silly at best. Very easily seen through.

2. It's not that we can't read. It's that we see through your weak charade. But good luck in your "hahahaha thay cant genrate fry n r gmpt so i kin kill eezier 2!"-type method when it's fixed. Sorry you're against fairness, but then a lot of people in PvP are.

It's pretty bad that Brutes do as well as they do in PvP, even being broken. I understand that you are not excited about seeing them at full potential...you'll have to change your tactics, and no one likes that.



Do you cry when you see an assault rifle blaster come into zone? How about a dark defender? See where i have been going with this?

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or if the hero has an ugly costume the brute shouldn't build fury either, it's imbalanced!


hopefully this will end this pointless debate, madman what you are asking for isnt even possible in this game without massive changes.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



As it boils down to, and has already been mentioned, your entire posting frenzy has been a big whine because you don't want a challenge.

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That's right. I don't want an AR blaster or a Claws scrapper to give me 15 fury per hit on my brute, because i don't want a challenge. Seriously man, Claws scrappers have been owning villains for so long, and dark blast is so overpowered that it's about time we got some payback.

I'm sorry you feel brute fury is overpowered

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And i'm really sorry that the opposition cannot read, but i'll be reading when the bug is fixed and all the exact same people are telling the devs to nerf claws, because they somehow still find a way to lose.

but that doesn't begin to describe how alot of villain ATs feel when a blapper comes in and one shots them, or a scrapper starts doing massive crit damage long before they can get into range to return any damage back to said scrapper.

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So when a claws scrapper comes up to my corruptor in RV, and i siphon his power and fulcrum shift him over and over until he's hitting me for 36 dmg, OMG nerf claws. Or when i do it to a BS scrapper, and he CRITS me for just over 100 damage, omg overpowered.

Or i'm on my stalker, and a BS/regen crits with the ever popular headsplitter. I heal, i use my little hold that stops him from regaining endurance, and eventually i hold him. Omg scrappers are overpowered. Or an AR hits me repeatedly in RV or SC, and i just stand there because i know he won't kill my stalker, with controller HP.

Best of all since i'm on the brute forum, is when i'm on my EM/Elec brute. I use tp foe to get to ranged players. Guess what? I have tp too to avoid being ganked, standing there like an idiot as someone whittles my life away. I have TEAMMATES to capitalize on the damage i can do in SC, which isn't that great with only total focus and bonesmasher, but it works. This is all without fury, and i'm still not crying nerf claws when they show up.

My brute is lvl 39, wait till he gets to RV, gets webgrenade and teams with a kin. Nerf scrappers right? My corruptor is lvl 50, he's kinetics.

Do not even start your pathetic whine about how you feel brute fury bar actually building would be even remotely overpowered.

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If i'm the one whining, why am i the only person who doesn't think claws is a threat to villains? Or AR, or darkblast, or anything else considered gimp? In addition to misinterpreting wording, the opposition seems to be using a different dictionary as well.



hopefully this will end this pointless debate, madman what you are asking for isnt even possible in this game without massive changes.

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Kudos for actually understanding what i'm asking,assuming you do. Only the dev would know if it was possible. That would be why i asked him.



is your plan for this to work with all the inherent powers?

scrappers crit for less against claw stalkers?

taunt doesnt work as well against fire brutes?

containment doesnt work at all against people without mez protection?

assassin strike doesnt work against people without heals?

massive changes, cause the devs are not gonna change one AT outta all of them in a failed attempt to balance pvp. Things like recharge times, endo use and many other factors balance that out.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



Yea nice strawman, it's to be expected. You notice how villains were alot weaker than heroes to start off with? Know why that is? It's because the devs don't want to do another mass nerf like they did in i5 and i6, so they start weak and then buff up.

What's the point of me mentioning that? It's that they are now interested in creating a balance that doesn't completely screw over a faction,or an AT, or a powerset. Knowing this, i asked them if they were considering...well you already know i assume. And if you don't, well....goodluck dealing with those overpowered claws scrappers.




How did this become a discussion on anything dealing with Scrappers?

The bottom line is this........

-Currently, Brute Fury IS BROKEN in PvP.

-This isn't conjecture or theory. This is a certifiable fact, confirmed by the Devs.

-It has been broken since CoV launch, which is slightly over a year.

-This totally ruins the premise of the Brute as a feared Melee Fighter. It turns them into "Lite Tanks".

Fixing Brute Fury will, hopefully, turn Brutes into more formidable opponents in PvP.

Talk about Scrapper stuff in THEIR Forum. This is the BRUTE Forum. Brute users have every right to needle, cajole, complain, et al... until their BUSTED inherent is FIXED for PvP.



does this take into account the fact that not all brutes will be facing ultra burst damage?

It'd be abit unfair for say, a claws scrapper fighting an invuln brute to get him to 50% fury in a couple of attack chains.

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That's how. It's not just about scrappers, it was just a simple question for castle that the emotionally excited jumped on as it exposes insecurities.When you're prone to losing to something for so long, i suppose the words "unfair" cause many emotions to assasinate the logic in people who are overly sensitive.

It wasn't meant to cause this much excitement, a simple question is all. If someone doesn't see the importance, by all means don't respond.



I myself think that it is pretty unfair that brutes have scrapper defenses and less than tanker offenses unless they have fury, which is easy to circumvent in today's PvP, and reduces them to a laughingstock.

Unfair is indeed the word I use.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.