_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




The Fury bar went to ~95%. It just seems like it won't quite go there.

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I think it actually does go to full, but it never stays full long enough for you to do anything because it decays so fast at that point. Your effective full Fury bar is 95%.



I PM'd _Castle_ asking if and when a fix for the PVP Fury bug would occur. His first response was not heartening:

Fury gain in PvP exactly the same as fighting an AV.

The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.

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However, I then pointed out to him that what we were talking about was Fury being generated per-hit, getting only about 3 instead of the 15 we should be supposed to when starting from 0. I asked if he'd actually tested it himself.

His next response was much more satisfactory:

Just tested.

Looks bugged. Damned if I know how to fix it! Look for a fix in I7.

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Rejoice! We have been heard!

[/ QUOTE ]

Good to know it will be looked into, Got annoying having to go around building up fury fighting mobs then trying to find a hero to fight before you lose too much of it.



Fury (in PvP) should generate as fast as it does against an AV post 80% full as it does below 80%. Period. Then we all rejoice and march on to RV where realize i STILL wont be able to play my EA or counter focused accuracy and bench my brute anyway.



Fury (in PvP) should generate as fast as it does against an AV post 80% full as it does below 80%. Period. Then we all rejoice and march on to RV where realize i STILL wont be able to play my EA or counter focused accuracy and bench my brute anyway.

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Sadly this is what it appears to be shaping up to. On another note, I'm glad my main Is Invulnerability. At least I can bank on resists as helping me somewhat, which is more than I can say for EA at 50, whose total defense seems to be the equivalent - at its maximum - of a medium Luck inspiration.



7 Months later........



I do have to admit, it would be rather nice to get this fixed. Or at least to hear in more detail why it hasn't been.



I think the devs have already basically said they have no idea how to fix fury. Dunno why... you'd think it'd be as easy as going to the fury check code and setting the player boost settings up to AV level, but there's probably some weird thing preventing that... like players being considered minions or a minion class for everything and changing it to AV for fury would change it to AV for everything which would mess a lot of things up.

Or something like that. (I'm just making guesses)




Y'know, they COULD just apply the Dom change; they've got a boost where every attack from their Secondary adds an extra 8 points to Domination in PvP if it hits. Make it work for Brute Primaries, and add it to "when hit by players"...and DONE. PvPers get their cookie, and ONE hero/villain imbalance is addressed.



Seriously. Let's keep this thread alive. Fix Fury already.



24 months later.....



I have a theory about the PvP fury problem, but I don't currently have a brute with which to test it, so here's what I need from the Brute community:
1) The tester needs to be a Brute with a ranged attack. Any ranged attack will do, as long as it can be activated more than 10 feet from the target.
2) The target needs to be a stationary player. Location doesn't matter (arena or zone pvp is fine).
3) Tester stands at max range for the ranged attack (ensure that NO other players or critters are within 10 feet of the Tester), and fires at the caster. Report in this thread how much your Fury meter increases upon activation of this attack.
4) Tester moves into melee range with the target (ensure that NO other players or critters are within 10 feet of the Tester), waits a minimum of 10 seconds, then fires another attack (any attack will do). Report how much your Fury meter increases upon activation of this attack.
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 against a Minion (preferrably a held target, to prevent any fury from incoming attacks)
6) Repeat step 5 against a Lieutenant or Boss (either is fine, as both should give equal result)

If the data matches my expectations, I think I know how to fix the PvP Fury bug.



Will an EMP Glove work Iakona or does the attack have to be part of our primary/secondary/pool?



I will help test this is anyway I can. I have a 50 SS/Inv brute with hurl on the test server. My global is @Pure Massacre if anyone wants to try what _Castle_ mentioned.

Hmm nut if may be better if there is a faster ranged attack.. That way we could maybe give _Castle_ the best case scenario numbers.



Will an EMP Glove work Iakona or does the attack have to be part of our primary/secondary/pool?

[/ QUOTE ]In theory, any attack should work, regardless of where you got it, but I haven't tested to verify that.



I have a brute with mu lightning I can use to test, but I won't have an opportunity for a couple of days. If the testing isn't done by Wednesday, someone catch me on @GenericVillain. I'm currently in Virtue, but I can transfer over to test easily.



I guess I can do some tests with either hurl or dark obliteration.



Nice - let's cross our fingers this figures it out.



I'll go test with Mu Lightning once I get back from class - gimme maybe 2, 2 and a half hours.

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Test complete. This si what I got consistantly with each test.

Range 4 fury
Melee 4 fury

when attacked

Range 2 fury
melee 2 fury

So, when I attack only get 4 fury for each attack agaisnt a player and when a player attacks me only get 2 fury.

Thanks to FelFox we did these tests in the arena. So there was no way for anyone else to get involved.

In basic tets fury decays fully before it can be fully utilised.



OK, testing with a 47 EM/Elec/Mu brute. Against a player, standing at the extreme range of Mu Lightning, I gained 4 Fury. Standing right next to him, after the 10 seconds had passed, using Energy Punch got me 4 Fury. At no point were any other players or mobs within 10 feet of either of us.

Same results for a minion, same results for a lieutenant. The initial attack always got me 4 Fury.

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Hmm, those results are discouraging, as they seem to indicate that Fury is more broken than I expected. I don't think the problem is one that Castle is even able to fix; it looks like the engineers/coders would have to make some changes to the way the game engine works.

This is how I understand Fury is currently set to work:<ul type="square">[*]Fury is actually comprised of 4 seperate powers: Rage, Rage Buff, Rage Strengthen, and Rage Dampen (Note: none of these are related to the Super Strength power Rage. Rage is the name used by the powers database for the power known as Fury; it is also the name of the Attribute used for the Fury mechanic).[*]Rage Dampen is the power that decreases your current Rage attribute level; it ticks every 1 second, decreasing your current Rage attribute by 2 points each tick.[*]Rage Strengthen is the power that increases the Strength (essentially a pseudo-enhancement; uses the same mechanics as enhancements or Power Boost) of powers that modify the Rage attribute. It ticks every 10 seconds, and adds 100% Strength for 10 seconds if there are any entities within 10 feet that are not Minions, Underlings, Pets, or Swarms; it also adds an additional 100% Strength for 10 seconds if any of the entities within 10 feet are players, ArchVillains, or Monsters. The current tick interval is problematic, as it requires you to be within 10 feet of these entities for up to 10 seconds before the Strength increase occurs; however, this point may be moot currently, as this power does not seem to be having any effect at all on Fury generation, if the tests in this thread are correct.[*]Rage Buff is the power that converts the current level of your Rage attribute into a damage buff. This power ticks every 1 second, and adds 0.02 * Rage to the current Strength for all damage attributes.[*]Rage is the power that adds to your current Rage attribute. Of the 4 powers that make up Fury, this is the only one that is set to be affected by the Strength for the Rage attribute, meaning higher Strength should equal higher Rage generation. Each time the Brute attacks, 5 * min(((100 - Rage) / 20) ^2, 1) is added to the current Rage attribute value. Each time the Brute is attacked, 2.5 * min(((100 - Rage) / 20) ^2, 1) is added to the current Rage attribute value. Based on the test results reported in this thread, it appears that this power is not properly using the Strength values for the Rage attribute. My guess is that it has something to do with the effects being Expressions, instead of the usual Magnitude or Durations, and that the engineers/coders never set up Expressions to use Strength values; that's purely a guess, though, so I could be completely wrong.[/list]



Well I've done some quick pve testing and confirmed what the other people said. Minions, Lts, and bosses all give 4 points of fury for an attack, even when I stand in melee range of them for well over 10 seconds first.

From range, the same thing.

So... it does me absolutely no good to attack a boss to gain fury... I wonder if there's even any increased fury gain from him attacking me...



Oooooohhhhh ...

If mob proximity actually worked, my stone / EA brute (no damage aura, no taunt) would actually build fury respectably when in teams with other brutes.

This is a REAL drag in AV / hero fights where I've slugged it out for a couple minutes, while teamed, and basically had no more than one fourth of a fury bar.