_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




this is a fix thread, nerfs... see "regen".

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All AT's have advantages and disadvantages.

The thing I would like to see fixed out of all things ever mentioned is give Villains some type of AIM power in the PPP's like FA "Focused Accuracy" that will help more.

"A coward dies many times before their death, the valiant taste death but once." - William Shakespeare

Learn it... OWN IT!



cause that's what this thread is about, PPPs.....


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speaking of what the tread is all about...what is the lastest word from _Castle_ ?



there havn't been any red name posts anywhere in a few days, They're probably all particularly preoccupied at the moment...

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



just the other day lucas played his ss/ela in a huge FFA match on the justice server. At one point with power surge running there were about 5 people attacking the brute, looked up and had about 1/8 full fury.... without power surge he wouldnt have been able to take that kinda damage and without fury he couldnt kill a controller with a complete SS attack chain, KO blow was the only thing that did any damage without fury.

good thing the scrapper critted a few times to blow past all that +res power surge has......

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



The only way I can keep the Fury up is living in hotspots in Siren's. Of course, hero players will wait until my HPs take a dip before swarming in and aiding in my debt...



may I suggest the web in warburg?

The spiderlings do no damage, and if you can get them to keep your fury up for you... you may be well placed to open up a can on the occasional unsuspecting /regen

There are of course a couple of problems

1. stalkers hunt you in warburg too. Not ideal

2. Most heros only fall for this once, or at most twice before they appreciate how dangerous a brute at full fury is

3. Most people wandering down there are farming nukes for PvE requirements. I consider that to be a noble and necessary exercise in the quest to destroy AVs and GMs given the current state of affairs. It seems a bit wrong to gank someone who's in there for much needed temp powers.

That said, it is, on occasion, hilarious.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



Yay. i8 is out.

Just curious if there's been any further talk of a fix.



I thought this thread had died. I PMed _Castle_ A little while back and haven't heard anything. Would be a great christmas present.



I thought this thread had died. I PMed _Castle_ A little while back and haven't heard anything. Would be a great christmas present.

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It hasnt died yet and those of us in the brute community who pvp often need to keep this a hot topic.

Its way past due that the hero-side players fear something besides stalkers, and way past due that brutes not pvp with 2 secondaries anymore.

I personally cant see why our fury be auto leveled to scrapper damage with a little extra to represent critical probability in pvp zones - even as a temporary fix.

Because God-forbid we dish out scrapper level damage - I mean that makes about as much sense as brutes having regen - they would barely have downtime in pve and it would easily take at least 2-3 heroes to even remotely challenge them in pvp - the heroes have *NOTHING* like that..

..oh wait.



Very good topic and it should be kept alive. My em/inv can handle most things but I can't kill anything in SC less they stand toe to toe for a good while which is rare.



I think the idea behind fury is good but also a failed attempt at making the brute powerful. I don't like the fact that in order to do more damage i keep having to get hit or attack. When i pvp with BADA BOOOOM, sometimes it can be incredibly difficult to get it up that high, and my attacks are slotted well with accuracy too. You can be dead in a pvp zone before your fury gets high enough to kill anyone even with rage going...

Personally i think they should've made fury a toggle instead of the bogus crud they did to us. its bad enough that they nerfed SS in the first place.....

I guess thats just my whine for the day......



I think fury in PvP should be fixed.
And in PvP: I don't fear stalkers, not with my scrapper, not with my rad defender, not with my empath defender, and certainly not with my blaster.

But I definitely fear the brutes. Even without fury, I think Brutes are NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTY!!!



Yes, please fix Fury. We've been extra naughty for X-mas.



It has already been about 8 months from the start of this thread.

I can't believe fix has not come yet.



A toggle? I think it's fine the way it is as long as they fix it for pvp. I'm tired of standing there, not dyin but not killin my opponent. I get so bored I just start chatting with them about what it would be like if I could build my fury bar like i do in pve....



Disclaimer: I despise PvP, and do not participate in it.

Devs: Fix the bug. This is a major balance issue for the PvPers...and moe importantly in my opinion, according to Iakona's testing...this is broken PvE as well.



Well, judging from the latest training room patch, it looks like our prayers may at long last have been answered (it's near the bottom).


• Brutes attack powers will now generate Fury faster against high ranking enemies (including players in PvP)

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Get out there and give it a test!



I'll see you guys in the arena, I'm bringing firewyre and Tek SE-2! WOOO!