_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




If someone hits you with EM anything,max it out.

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So my electric brute would be both immune to EM users AND get full fury from someone hitting me?




You're assuming that the scrapper crits, because i've gone on for a very long time fighting a brute while critting only 5 times. Anyways the suggestion would be to make sure that not all player damage is taken the same way, so that sets with lower burst damage aren't punished.

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This is quite funny.. Crit'ing only 5 times. You do know how often a Brute crits, right? A crit does double damage, half of which is unresisted, the remainder follows normal damage resistance rules. A brute has all of her damage following normal damage resistance rules.

If someone hits you with EM anything, max it out. If someone hits you with dark blast or something considered "gimp" lower it abit. If we didn't do this then people will start thinking " i'm gonna max out his fury anyways, might as well be doing good damage" and we'll see flavour of the game instead of flavour of the month.

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Hits are hits, damage dealt is damage dealt. Learn2Kite if you are playing a Claws scrapper fighting a Brute, or Slot4Debuff if you are a Dark scrapper. Cramping a Brute's fury based on what type of scrapper you are playing is a horrid mechanic. Even if more damage taken = more fury, Blasters would be totally screwed. Think outside the box, mate.

I don't think anyone wants to see anymore spines regen or ice/em blasters than we already do.

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Spines and Ice are out there because they can already kite and can kite anything, not because of Brutes building fury up quickly.



save your energy Man, just realize that some people will argue with a stop sign. You see it alot on the forums, people fighting back and forth over a topic no matter what the topic is about.

case and point, anytime someone asks for a repeatable respec trial someone will certainly come along and post how that would ruin the game and blah blah blah... just so they can argue.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



This is quite funny.. Crit'ing only 5 times. You do know how often a Brute crits, right?

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Match went on for over 30 mins in sc.....doesn't seem like crits are too big a factor at all when they are that unreliable.

A brute has all of her damage following normal damage resistance rules.

[/ QUOTE ] None of the popular scrapper secondaries are known for their resistance in pvp. 400 damage in SC is a pretty big deal.

Hits are hits, damage dealt is damage dealt.

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You're not listening. If we're thinking outside the box, why don't we think about how this penalizes any set which isn't already head and shoulders above the rest in burst damage.

An ice/EM blaster trying to assault a brute is going to have a bad day based on that formula? Someone can welcome him to the real world i guess, there's a reason he picked that combo.

Spines and Ice are out there because they can already kite and can kite anything, not because of Brutes building fury up quickly.

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People play these because they offer good burst damage near and far. If sets with less burst damage result in the player getting trounced in seconds even more than they do now, people will make even more of these characters.

Anyways it was just something for castle to consider, not so much anyone else.



Okay, considering the fact that an Ice/EM doesn't really have to come in Melee with you at all to still kill you I don't see the point of the suggestion you're offering.

I'm with Manchuwook, if we built fury based on damage taken we'd be dead before we could get a hit off. And what about those that pop their tier 9s(the rezzes don't count)?

Now that we suddenly don't take as much damage or can't be hit at all we lose our fury? Whats the point of being a brute then?

I'm still pretty appauled at all this. We finally get some hope on a fix coming down for us and then all of a sudden this comes up?! Why couldn't you have came earlier BEFORE Castle posted about them finding out what was wrong, atleast then you wouldn't have ruined the glee that announcement brought me. *grumble grumble*

An ice/EM blaster trying to assault a brute is going to have a bad day based on that formula? Someone can welcome him to the real world i guess, there's a reason he picked that combo.

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*shakes head* Do you PvP at all?



I'm with Manchuwook, if we built fury based on damage taken

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Was that what i said? Just don't respond so i won't have to repeat myself. LEAVE THE COMMENT FOR WHO IT WAS INTENDED FOR, and go bang your head in the pvp forum with the other people posting garbage.

I don't see what's so hard to understand. You really need to build full fury to off that horribly overpowered AR blaster hitting you for 30 damage?

I'm going to try and explain this so it's as simple as it can possibly be.

A)MANY SETS IN PVP ARE UNDERPOWERED. Are there any kids out there who want to dispute this? Ok, we can continue.

B) Sets that are underpowered, do not need to be put in a situation where they are even less useful. That being said, sets that have high damage associated with them should grant great fury REGARDLESS of the damage done. This is not to say that lesser sets should not grant any fury at all, but it was mentioned in order for the devs to CONSIDER, so the gap between optimal and non-optimal sets is not widened.

c) Fanboys on the topic of pvp who respond while having no idea what they are talking about, are insanely annoying. All the people posting about how there should be a fair chance for all sets in pvp, think that an actual change considering this would be a horrible thing?

Read, comprehend, respond. Noone cares about your post count. Yes, it's great that they are looking to fix fury, but if they don't fix it properly it only means the same whiners who do nothing but complain about pvp inbalances now, will do it later on and smack the devs in the face for trying.

If you actually understand the last part you quoted, go make a thread about how fixing fury in that way nerfs blasters. Poor ice/EM blasters....they would get hit almost as hard as they had been hitting everything else all this time.../e cry.



Not only do I not like your idea (and no I don't have an ice/em blaster), but your idea is completely unfeasible anyways. They are having enough trouble getting the engine to reconize if it it's a player, much less which attack from which set is attacking it. Or at least which set combo is attacking it. I'm perfectly happy with just getting fury working as intended, we don't need to custom tailor brutes to be some kind of anti-FOTM device.



If people left the idea alone, and actually let the guy respond, that'd be great. It's only something to consider, not a fix that i worked hours on with my microscope.

If it can't be done, oh well. At the very least, you understood what you were responding to, and i thank you for that.

Most of us judging from the posts would just like to know that the deck wasn't stacked completely against us because we picked a certain AT, or a certain faction, or a certain powerset, right? My only goal is to make sure this is what the devs consider.

Anti FoTM could very well be the reason we have electric armor.



save your energy Man, just realize that some people will argue with a stop sign. You see it alot on the forums, people fighting back and forth over a topic no matter what the topic is about.

case and point, anytime someone asks for a repeatable respec trial someone will certainly come along and post how that would ruin the game and blah blah blah... just so they can argue.

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The Kronos has a hold n00b!



Uh oh, looks like i've sent madman over the edge. I'm so ashamed of myself.

Seriously if you're that passionate about this I'll just leave you be but I'll have you know this:

I highly disagree with your suggestion. Brutes are nearly a non threat in pvp aside from FoTM builds. So you want brutes to be more effective against FoTM builds than others? How does that take into account the FoTM builds WE have? But Fine, you're entitled to your opinion but I still disagree with you.

Lets go through some things:

A) Thats a given, you're acting like you're talking to a person who just joined the game much less the PvP portion.

B) Some sets can't do crap without a team. 'Nuff Said. Check out the Rad/sonic in my sig. He's a great PvP support toon but get him alone? Oh yeah he's either gonna die or haul [censored].

C) Heh, who are you calling a PvP Fanboy? I look to PvP as the closest thing to endgame this game has, but i'm not going to sit here and tell you the PvP in this game is fine in its current state. You can be as beligerent as you'd like, thats not going to help your argument though.

I'll counter with this question: Why start with brutes? Why don't you head on over to the Blaster or Scrapper boards and suggest some balancing there? We don't have irresistable damage or irresistable crits. Our Inherent, which we are built around. I.E. RELY ON, was not functioning correctly in PvP which lowered our effectiveness.

How about this compromise: Lets actually see what change the devs come out with before we all nearly kill each other over something we haven't even tested yet. It might be what you're suggesting or something completely different madman.

Hahaha well I'll stick around, I'd like to see where this'll go. Also how'd post count get involved in this? My opinion suddenly matters more because I've upped my post count in the forum games boards? Oh I feel so special



Any change that makes fighting more fun in PvP is a good change to me. Will it be a change we want 100%? Nope. There will always be something we don't like about change, doesn't matter how much the devs have to plan and put forethought into, because there are things alot of suggestions players make that just don't pop into our heads.

For instance, someone could come up with a steallar wizz bang idea that gives brutes near instant fury the moment they start PvPing. But their idea doesn't take into account ranged attacks, and instantly this idea hit's the crapper.

Me, I am personally going to wait to see what the fix is. Though I would much prefer a faster build and slower decay rate, and possibly a temp fury mode, like dominators get domination mode, if they come up with a solution that let's me at least generate half a bar of fury within the first 10 seconds of PvP I will be satisfied.



[...] and possibly a temp fury mode, like dominators get domination mode[...]

[/ QUOTE ]You do not want Fury to work like Domination. Trust me. Unless you're asking for Fury to work exactly as it does but with a button that pegs the bar at 90% when you reach that. In which case, you do want that, but it's entirely unfair.

Alt-itis stole my soul!

The Annual Paragon City Gauntlet Marathon - Arc ID: 352887 (feedback appreciated)
Current Project: nothing specific, just general badge hunting right now.



[...] and possibly a temp fury mode, like dominators get domination mode[...]

[/ QUOTE ]You do not want Fury to work like Domination. Trust me. Unless you're asking for Fury to work exactly as it does but with a button that pegs the bar at 90% when you reach that. In which case, you do want that, but it's entirely unfair.

[/ QUOTE ]Obviously you've enever read any of my fury suggestion posts.



You're right; just that one. But taking that one in its given context, it sounded like you were either making a very bad suggestion, or one that's unfair and never going to be implemented.

See, I shouldn't be expected to know what you mean because you said it in fuller detail further down the line or in some other thread. No offense, but that's almost like asking me to read your mind.

Alt-itis stole my soul!

The Annual Paragon City Gauntlet Marathon - Arc ID: 352887 (feedback appreciated)
Current Project: nothing specific, just general badge hunting right now.



You're right; just that one. But taking that one in its given context, it sounded like you were either making a very bad suggestion, or one that's unfair and never going to be implemented.

See, I shouldn't be expected to know what you mean because you said it in fuller detail further down the line or in some other thread. No offense, but that's almost like asking me to read your mind.

[/ QUOTE ]Actually ahving a dmincator and how dom works, it's quite powerful. My suggestion involved toning the damage bonus from fury, slowing the decay rate down, and at 90% hitting a total fury button that boosted damage bonus to max but lowered defense for a short while, but that was my suggestion. It doesn't take much to use the search feature of these forums.



It's unreasonable to expect everyone to be intimately familiar with everyone else's opinions and suggestions. Which means that unless you only expect everyone to be intimately familiar with your opinions and suggestions (which would be even more unreasonable), it's fair to expect that when you state an opinon, you do so entirely.

That's all.



I already have, in multiple seperate posts and on this and the test server forum in threads abouot brute fury.



Alright, lets see here.

What could the devs possibly do to fury in PvP that wouldn't affect it in PvE. Looking at powers that have been changed it seems that self affecting powers can not be differenced from PvP and PvE(I.E. Hurricane).

So, what change does everyone think we will go through.

I put down 1.5 million infamy that our fury will be changed to a flat rate gain vs. all enemy types. I.E. The same as it is for minions, lieuts, boss, EBs, and Heroes/AVs. In turn it will also be given a slower decay rate so we might actually see 100 fury for once

Yes I know above guess is so very wrong but this topic is getting booooring! We need more speculation! Wooo!



"I won't win 100% of the time, so nerf X before they make it fair"



K heres my fury fix, give every brute and inherent Entangling Arrow with an immobilize of mag16 (wait a sec that's not even possible... or is it..... hhm) so they can never run from you, ever. Then you can stand there and wack away at them building all the fury you need. It's a shame my random and completely imbalanced suggestion will not be taken to heart, because I think entangling arrow is the bomb. Oh well, I don't have a serious solution. I think it would be dangerous to increase Fury's buildup rate in PvP zones because that would give a lot of Brutes insentive to go get 10 or so hits on some weak mobs to build up fury, then jump out onto an unsupecting hero with a max fury Seismic Smash. I will agree that Fury doesn't seem to be helping enough (or at all) in PvP fights as it is now.



I put down 1.5 million infamy that our fury will be changed to a flat rate gain vs. all enemy types. I.E. The same as it is for minions, lieuts, boss, EBs, and Heroes/AVs. In turn it will also be given a slower decay rate so we might actually see 100 fury for once

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A slower decay rate would actually be a nice solution to some other problems as well besides fury generation. In teams on the PvE side it would be nice not to have to push the team forward all the time to maintain fury for instance. Keeping a bit more of your fury bar against foes that can reliably come close to kiteing you all the time would also be nice in PvP.

There are some real plusses to playing around with the decay rate and how we gain fury.



? You know i play a brute right? Difference is, i've actually played a scrapper too so i know they don't crit 99% of the time they punch.

After this change, you should roll a claws scrapper, go up against and invuln brute and tell me how it goes. You can do that now if you like and see what goes on.



? You know i play a brute right? Difference is, i've actually played a scrapper too so i know they don't crit 99% of the time they punch.

After this change, you should roll a claws scrapper, go up against and invuln brute and tell me how it goes. You can do that now if you like and see what goes on.

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Why are you still here?

Mwwhahahahah I'm jk, I'll let replier handle that one, its going to be so sweet.



? You know i play a brute right? Difference is, i've actually played a scrapper too so i know they don't crit 99% of the time they punch.

After this change, you should roll a claws scrapper, go up against and invuln brute and tell me how it goes. You can do that now if you like and see what goes on.

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What change?