_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




I PM'd _Castle_ asking if and when a fix for the PVP Fury bug would occur. His first response was not heartening:

Fury gain in PvP exactly the same as fighting an AV.

The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.

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However, I then pointed out to him that what we were talking about was Fury being generated per-hit, getting only about 3 instead of the 15 we should be supposed to when starting from 0. I asked if he'd actually tested it himself.

His next response was much more satisfactory:

Just tested.

Looks bugged. Damned if I know how to fix it! Look for a fix in I7.

[/ QUOTE ]
Rejoice! We have been heard!






The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?



I PM'd _Castle_ asking if and when a fix for the PVP Fury bug would occur. His first response was not heartening:

Fury gain in PvP exactly the same as fighting an AV.

The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.

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However, I then pointed out to him that what we were talking about was Fury being generated per-hit, getting only about 3 instead of the 15 we should be supposed to when starting from 0. I asked if he'd actually tested it himself.

His next response was much more satisfactory:

Just tested.

Looks bugged. Damned if I know how to fix it! Look for a fix in I7.

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Rejoice! We have been heard!

[/ QUOTE ]he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow.....



This has been a known issue on these boards for awhile. Is it possible no one ever bothered to tell him?

Nonetheless, good news.



Castle>all other devs put together



That response has actually made me feel better about it versus one with all kinda mumbo jumbo about %'s and stats.

Not sure why but it does.



he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow.....

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Let me be the first to say that that statement is utter nonsense. Castle is quite possibly one of the most helpful and reachable developers the player base has at Cryptic. He's no more interested in "advocating" for stalkers as he is for any other AT. It just so happens that the squeakiest wheel usually gets the grease, and in this game right now, the AT causing the loudest noise is the Stalker AT. It has nothing to do with your implied bias.

Castle has personally helped many players, including myself, at the drop of a PM. That statement was weak and uncalled for. The man does his job, apparently enjoys working with us, and tries his damndest to answer our questions and address our problems, and you make that comment?

Total lack of class dude.

**edited to add** I just got to thinking, why anyone would claim castle to be a stalker representative, then it clicked...of course...So typical.

You mainly play a blaster don't ya? Tell me it's not true lol.



That response has actually made me feel better about it versus one with all kinda mumbo jumbo about %'s and stats.

Not sure why but it does.

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I feel the same way man. No vague numbers, no excuses, just "OK, yep it's bugged. Crap, expect to see it fixed soon."

You have to respect simplicity.



All I can say is ... sweet!!!



I think OTHER devs have known about it, since I'm pretty sure we've had redname input on this before



I think OTHER devs have known about it, since I'm pretty sure we've had redname input on this before

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Bottom line though: I'm glad "someone" is now informed, but feel better about it coming from Castle, than I would anyone else.

*edited* and leave it to Castle, to come in and set that question straight as well.



This has been a known issue on these boards for awhile. Is it possible no one ever bothered to tell him?

Nonetheless, good news.

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No, I was told before, but when looking at the spreadsheets it SHOULD be working as I described. Apparently, however, something is broken in how the attributes are being applied, which makes little sense, but in my testing it was apparent that this was the case.



Glad to have you on it!



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.



This has been a known issue on these boards for awhile. Is it possible no one ever bothered to tell him?

Nonetheless, good news.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was told before, but when looking at the spreadsheets it SHOULD be working as I described. Apparently, however, something is broken in how the attributes are being applied, which makes little sense, but in my testing it was apparent that this was the case.

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I doubt you want it, but there's a lot of brutes who want to kiss you right now.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

[/ QUOTE ]

You said rage.




So basically Fury gain is more linear than in PVE?



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was alot happier with "Its broke"



Simple Fix: If the player enters a PvP zone, their fury is set to a minimum of 80%, then it should work as intended, all problems solved, happy Brutes everywhere.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I was alot happier with "Its broke"

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, really. The problem with fury in PvP isn't that we can't get from 80% to full fury quickly enough, it's that we have about a snowball's chance in hell of getting even close to 80%. We need help building fury in PvP, period. Not in specifically reaching the very maximum fury possible.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was alot happier with "Its broke"

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, really. The problem with fury in PvP isn't that we can't get from 80% to full fury quickly enough, it's that we have about a snowball's chance in hell of getting even close to 80%. We need help building fury in PvP, period. Not in specifically reaching the very maximum fury possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Winner...same with Doms and domination.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

[/ QUOTE ]
Glad to see this is getting looked into. My fists itch to SMASH more violently!



Brutes should be the villain Scrappers. Brutes should be feared and run from as much as Scrappers are by many ATs. At the moment, they're a joke; it reeeeally wouldn't be funny if six or seven hits got us up to 15% Fury or so. Same goes for Dominators versus Controllers.



Ok, quick run down:

The AV / Player bonus only applies if your Fury is 80% or more. That's the point where diminishing returns sets in, and this allows you to get to max rage easier. That's not exactly what we wanted, nor is it exactly what you folks were told. I'm sorry for that. I'm uncertain at this time what can be done to improve how this works, but I'll be exploring possibilities.

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I was alot happier with "Its broke"

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, really. The problem with fury in PvP isn't that we can't get from 80% to full fury quickly enough, it's that we have about a snowball's chance in hell of getting even close to 80%. We need help building fury in PvP, period. Not in specifically reaching the very maximum fury possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Am I reading this wrong or isn't that exactly what he wants to address? AVs/Players give a bonus to fury generation. Unfortunetly this bonus currently only applies if the Fury is already at 80%+. If it is changed in a way that it applies all the time (which I read as being the intended way), this will result in Fury increasing quicker while it is below 80% while the 80%+ progression would be unchanged.



Oddly I'm blown away by how fast I can peg the bar on my dominator. Meaning I can peg the bar. I have never pegged the bar on my brute. I have been toying with jumping into a mob, and having a bunch of greens just to see if I can, but I'm needing the infamy right now.
Yes I'm that cheap

Just Lucky that way...