24 -
try this for survivability..substitute ps for assault, tact, and veng if you have a strong support chain...for duels you can drop veng and pick up the snipe...or get the snipe and aid self.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Level: 50
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Trick Arrow
Secondary: Psychic Blast
01) --> Entangling Arrow==> Empty(1)
01) --> Mental Blast==> Empty(1)
02) --> Subdue==> Empty(2)
04) --> Glue Arrow==> Empty(4)
06) --> Combat Jumping==> Empty(6)
08) --> Hurdle==> Empty(8)
10) --> Swift==> Empty(10)
12) --> Acid Arrow==> Empty(12)
14) --> Super Jump==> Empty(14)
16) --> Telekinetic Blast==> Empty(16)
18) --> Disruption Arrow==> Empty(18)
20) --> Will Domination==> Empty(20)
22) --> Acrobatics==> Empty(22)
24) --> Stamina==> Empty(24)
26) --> Oil Slick Arrow==> Empty(26)
28) --> Stealth==> Empty(28)
30) --> Invisibility==> Empty(30)
32) --> Phase Shift==> Empty(32)
35) --> Hasten==> Empty(35)
38) --> Super Speed==> Empty(38)
41) --> Power Build Up==> Empty(41)
44) --> Temp Invulnerability==> Empty(44)
47) --> Total Focus==> Empty(47)
49) --> Conserve Power==> Empty(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
--------------------------------------------- -
is this supposed to be team or duel? i highly discourage dueling with a TA, but it's awesome on teams if you have a decent support chain. TA is a huge combat multiplier, one that's rarely used.
the devs made it clear that by giving you an uncounterable status effect (-jump) you would have to pay for it in terms of survivability.
on the other hand...for the one uncounterable effect, the trade-off in debuff efficiency is unbalanced.. -
AFAIK the trade limit is actually going to be raised sometime "soon"
[/ QUOTE ]its actually already in game and not working. the trade box will let you type in 9 digits, but you can still only xfer 99k at the most for now. any attempts at sending more than 99k will result in an error.
did read the thread, so sry if someone mentioned it already.
sex, drugs, and rock n roll,
jimi -
i agree with one of the previous posters..this title is better.
i guess in this case miracles would be wentworth's -
Dominators are getting a buff that should make them more desireable on LRSF in I8 as well.
[/ QUOTE ]dominators are getting radiation emmision? -
i'm surprised DarthJoe isn't all over this.
Excellent job guys. Putting Triumph on the map in a big way.
of course OS/SE have been on the map for quite some time. -
Oddly I'm blown away by how fast I can peg the bar on my dominator. Meaning I can peg the bar. I have never pegged the bar on my brute. I have been toying with jumping into a mob, and having a bunch of greens just to see if I can, but I'm needing the infamy right now.
Yes I'm that cheap
[/ QUOTE ]
Brute "Fury" Bars are actually quite different from Dominator "Domination" bars...so that's not a very good comparison or annalysis..
[/ QUOTE ]
On my blaster I can get my Defiance bar to peg.
On my dominator I can get my Domination bar to peg.
On my brute I cannot get my fury bar to peg. (Granted I have not played with it as I am more interested in leveling, than learing the idiosyncries of the fury bar.)
From that stand point I see it as a valid comparison. I have a tool, that I can't use to its fullest potential. Should it not go all the way to the right?
[/ QUOTE ]actually...on your blaster someone else gets your defiance bar to peg...
[/ QUOTE ]
(regarding the Blaster)
No... I can.
I fly up as high as I can. I fall to the ground.. I have one hit point, and BAM!!! Defiance is pegged. I then Snipe and run like hell. It isn't really a good tatic, but it does get the bar pegged.
Last night I saw the ghost of the Scrapyard. I started aggroing as many minions as I could (I think I recorded it, but I'm guessing maybe 35 minions) and eventually The Ghost himself. I was swinging like a madman. The Fury bar went to ~95%. It just seems like it won't quite go there.
[/ QUOTE ]ya you could do that, i ws hoping that wasnt what you intended on doing to build bar...but you need to find a target before you hit the ground..or that 1 hp might not last very long..someone will be looking for you.....i frequently hit TAB as i pvp to find people with low hp..so i can cull the herd a little. -
Oddly I'm blown away by how fast I can peg the bar on my dominator. Meaning I can peg the bar. I have never pegged the bar on my brute. I have been toying with jumping into a mob, and having a bunch of greens just to see if I can, but I'm needing the infamy right now.
Yes I'm that cheap
[/ QUOTE ]
Brute "Fury" Bars are actually quite different from Dominator "Domination" bars...so that's not a very good comparison or annalysis..
[/ QUOTE ]
On my blaster I can get my Defiance bar to peg.
On my dominator I can get my Domination bar to peg.
On my brute I cannot get my fury bar to peg. (Granted I have not played with it as I am more interested in leveling, than learing the idiosyncries of the fury bar.)
From that stand point I see it as a valid comparison. I have a tool, that I can't use to its fullest potential. Should it not go all the way to the right?
[/ QUOTE ]actually...on your blaster someone else gets your defiance bar to peg... -
Oddly I'm blown away by how fast I can peg the bar on my dominator. Meaning I can peg the bar. I have never pegged the bar on my brute. I have been toying with jumping into a mob, and having a bunch of greens just to see if I can, but I'm needing the infamy right now.
Yes I'm that cheap
[/ QUOTE ]
Brute "Fury" Bars are actually quite different from Dominator "Domination" bars...so that's not a very good comparison or annalysis..
[/ QUOTE ]
On my blaster I can get my Defiance bar to peg.
On my dominator I can get my Domination bar to peg.
On my brute I cannot get my fury bar to peg. (Granted I have not played with it as I am more interested in leveling, than learing the idiosyncries of the fury bar.)
From that stand point I see it as a valid comparison. I have a tool, that I can't use to its fullest potential. Should it not go all the way to the right?
[/ QUOTE ]actually...on your blaster someone else gets your defiance bar to peg... -
he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow.....
[/ QUOTE ]
This just makes me laugh. Yes, clearly he is "stalker advocating" when stalkers are getting an AS nerf and a placate nerf. Some advocating.
[/ QUOTE ]ok, ill admit..the comment was uncalled for. im not above saying im wrong. of all the devs Castle is probably the only one that answers questions on a consistant basis.
But if you are referring to the 100-1 HP one-shot "fix"...at that point it doesnt even matter. any good stalker will have the second attacked queued and ready to go. and most toons required two hits to take down already..so nothing really changes there.
placate is getting changed to 75% of hide's value in PvP where once again....it wont matter (see above). a stalker will either fire off AS>follow up attack or AS>placate>attack. in either of those scenarios those "nerfs" really dont help at all.
FTR i dont hate stalkers..i could care less actually, that AT has too many weaknesses to really be considered "broken" by any means. There are some great stalkers that make you say "damn, he got me again...[censored]". but for the most part you have a bunch of immature kids that decided to go with the one "turn-key" pvp AT so they could attempt to dominate. as always, hats off to the champions of the AT and the truly great stalkers. but down with the clones and all the "ZOMG, you just got pwnt!" lil kiddies. -
I PM'd _Castle_ asking if and when a fix for the PVP Fury bug would occur. His first response was not heartening:
Fury gain in PvP exactly the same as fighting an AV.
The difficulty Brutes are seeing is that in PvP, you are generally not able to stand toe to toe with a target for long, which means the Fury Decay is effectively larger.
[/ QUOTE ]
However, I then pointed out to him that what we were talking about was Fury being generated per-hit, getting only about 3 instead of the 15 we should be supposed to when starting from 0. I asked if he'd actually tested it himself.
His next response was much more satisfactory:
Just tested.
Looks bugged. Damned if I know how to fix it! Look for a fix in I7.
[/ QUOTE ]
Rejoice! We have been heard!
[/ QUOTE ]he's taking time out of his stalker advocating to help brutes? wow..... -
i use my kin/daRK to do what i call "the kinetic rundown" on tanks, scrappers, stalkers, brutes, etc... and use my range, debuffs, and slows to stop blappers. if she had more hp she would be more of a best than she already is. it's flattering that at lvl 34 she has to be triple teamed in warburg or siren's to be killed. the power of kinetics is incredible, and have really no counter but another kin. my baby is spec'd for pvp, but i skipped dark pit, im thinking about grabbing it again..but not sure. i use the aoe debuffs to lock down and murder groups with ease. she lacks on the damage side, but has a constant stream of attacks to stack debuffs. which in the long run is more important. i use my guaranteed immobs to lock players down and sap end while my teammates come to help kill. if anyone is contemplating running the kin set..i STRONGLY suggest running tactics. it will help you manage your slots better.
figured i would post my post ED build here since i happen to love it. and it does very very well in pvp. i am at work and dont have hero planner so bear with me. i think i managed to squeeze out every thing i could out of it with the help of hami's.
elec fence - acc
charged brawl - dam/acc, 2 dam, 1 end mod, 1 end red, 1 rec
havoc punch - same
lightning bolt - dam/acc, 2 dam/range, 1endmod, 1endred, 1rec
ball lightning - same
Thunder strike- 1 dam/acc, 2 dam, 1 end red, 1 rec (no end drain from this power i dont know if that is a mistake in the power noted or not, but i didnt slot for it, i want to put another rec here because the wait for TS to come up is horrendous)
short circuit - three end mod, 3 rec
powersink- same
shocking grasp- dam/acc, 2 dam/mez, 1end mod, 1 end red, 1 rec
tesla cage - 1 acc/mez, 1 dam/range, 1 rec (has a shorter distance than shocking bolt, so i extended the range to be on par with shocking bolt..so i could mez from a distance)
shocking bolt 1 acc/mez, 1 dam/mez, 1 rec
aim - 3 tohit buff/attack rate
build up- 3 to hit buff/attack rate
swift - 3 run
health - 2 heal(lvl 53)had them both..figured "why not use em"
hurdle - 3 jump
stamina - 3 end mod
combat jumping - 1 travel/end red, 1 jump, 2 def buff
super leap -1 jump
acrobatics 2 end red (the stamina nerf makes this power a little heavier on the end)
hasten -3 rec
super speed- 1 run
whirlwind- 2 end red (now you can only enhance the end the power uses, not the end per person in your area of effect)
charged armor 5 hami def res/end red - i know i wasted slots here, but i had them and didnt want to give them away or waste them...so i decided to use them all.
now the basis of my build is simple...fast damage. elec lacks in the damage dept so i make up for it by cycling my attacks faster. i take turns keeping aim and build up active so i rarely miss. i can hit thru elude, mog, hurricane, rad infection, and any of the dark debuffs. i could slot my attacks with two recharges for slightly faster attack times, but they are slotted for drain and end reduction. even though the end drain from the elec attacks are barely noticeable, all that matters is that complement the drain from short circuit and powersink. i can keep regens drained if they are dumb enough to stay in meleee range, and that is with stamina and quick recovery fully slotted.
another aspect of the build i would like to comment on is the end reducers in the attacks. with the new end return to single target attacks from the primary and secondary, if you use less end to perfrom the attack you get more in return. you have a 50% chance to get end back on every single target attack. so if you reduce your end usage in half, you will gain alot more than you use over time.
the reason i slotted the fitness pool is to combat slows in pvp. the same with combat jumping.
with the combination of aim+build up and any attack i can do damage from range or up close, even though the majority of my damage is up close, i can still take out stormers and other annoying controllers from a good distance. the range enhancers for LB and BL make a nice addition to an already impressive range.
i didnt take thunderous blast because i dont like the stamina downtime after the fact. i move fast and kill alot, so the no end thing brought me down a bit. even with power sink, i would need to pop a cab before i used it and i would rather carry break free's than blues.
thats about it. -
this is how i think defiance could work....
de·fi·ance n. 1. The act or an example of defying; bold resistance to an opposing force or authority. 2. Intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude; readiness to contend or resist. 3. A new auto-power given to all City of Heroes Blasters in Issue 5.
instead of when our health stays low...why not make it for damage taken over a period of time?
say if my blaster takes 500hp worth of damage in 1-2mins...his defiance bar is rocking...and the buff lasts for x amount of time.....this would be true to comic book form...as over time, i get angrier....my blasts get more powerful...this way i would be able to get healed.....and not risk the faceplant that would accompany the "stupid blaster trick" tactic. -
i sid this in another post....and im sure someone else has said it as well....
defiance does not meld with what states is claiming to be his grand scheme of risk vs reward.....
hanging around NEAR DEATH for 3-5k xp...isnt worth the 110k i will get from the encounter if i fail......... -
Sorry that I've been out of touch for the past week. I spent most of the time with my family back East. My brother is set to deploy in Iraq in just a few days so I wanted to make sure that I saw him off right! He's a hero of mine, and one of the game's most committed players. I can't speak highly enough of my brother and all that he's done for this country.
OK - now back to work stuff. I'm going through my PM's (287 of them at last count) slowly but surely. I at least read, if not respond, to every one of them. Positron and I will also be reading all of the threads over this week and we HOPE to post updates or responses on every single one.
Now, I'll wax philosophic for a moment. Before I left, I posted a couple of things that a few posters thought were "flippant" or "snarky." I certainly didn't intend either...but here's the reality. I do NOT pass my posts through PR, community relations or anyone. I post, well, exactly as I think. So sometimes I won't sound polished like a snake oil salesman. Sometimes, I'll sound just like any other gamer out there. I could have someone edit everything I post - but that would inevitably delay responses and cut back on communication. I think, though I could be wrong, that the majority of you would prefer my honest thoughts, rather than sales talk. It's probably pretty different than the game developer norm, but it's what feels right for me to say. I'm not going to always write the best responses, but you'll at least have truthful ones.
[/ QUOTE ]
good luck to your brother...i played an AR/Dev blaster in RL over there for over a year...
my advice:
shoot first ask questions laster....the same sheik that invites you in for supper is the same guy arranging rocket attacks on your base.....i wouldnt say "trust no one"....but be very very discerning.......come back home safe. -
Changes -
Increased the recharge time of Burn. Decreased its damage.
This thread is for you to provide feedback to the Devs on the above issues. You are allowed to post ONCE in this thread. Make it count! If you post more than one time - the extra posts will be removed.
If a dev responds this count will be reset.
[/ QUOTE ]
another kick in the balls for my tanker friends......at least its not as bad as the blaster nerfs...where they are disguised as "buffs"....here they just tell you that the are [censored] up your powerset..........i guesss they must think blasters are more sensitive...lol........all you fanboys can start praising the change now....you know you wanna...... -
Any new accolades added?
Also..while I like the idea out of sheer humour factor the badges for 1 billion damage taken and a billion Hit points healed might be somewhat unattainable.
[/ QUOTE ]
actually with the changes to defense, the damage taken one doesnt seem that far off.....just make sure to keep a empath with you so they can knock out their heal badge at the same time.....it'll take team work and that what the devs are forcing on us.