_Castle_ on PVP Fury Bug




where's my fill meh furay buTtoN?????

heh im telly you guys we actually really do need a fury button. you build it up and then your button is available (like a doms) perhaps they just decrease the amount of damage bonus you get from fury to 1/2, till you ding your fury button. though this would surely piss off the PvE only crowd.

But on a more positive note, by the time fury gets fixed it'll be I17, and all 6 of the people still playing wont really care....



guess its time to retire the lvl 50 and lvl 45 brute from pvp since its 10x better to use a scrapper.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



heh im telly you guys we actually really do need a fury button. you build it up and then your button is available (like a doms) perhaps they just decrease the amount of damage bonus you get from fury to 1/2, till you ding your fury button. though this would surely piss off the PvE only crowd.

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That doesn't solve the issue at hand, which is that Fury doesn't do what it's supposed to do in PVP.

Y'know, I'd be happy if Fury just didn't decay as quickly as it does. Say it decays at 1/4 the rate it currently decays at. Then I could go beat up mobs for a bit and still have half a bar of fury when I come across a Scrapper a minute later. (50% Fury ups our damage to about Blaster level, just for reference.)

At least that's a fix that can be implemented, even if it's not the way the devs want Fury to work. And if they decide they don't like that, they can just set the decay rate back to normal once they actually fix the current problem.

Alt-itis stole my soul!

The Annual Paragon City Gauntlet Marathon - Arc ID: 352887 (feedback appreciated)
Current Project: nothing specific, just general badge hunting right now.



Stayin alive...stayin alive...aah aah...stayyyinnnn allliiiivveee!



i was just saying go fight mobs get your fury button to light up then.... go hunt heroes..... dont take me long to get fury built up with just a few mobs.... i cycle through brawl and tier one alternating targets so i dont kill any and let them wail on me (a even or yellow con group of 4) fury goes up relatively quickly.... then i'd have my fuRaY button ready go... quickly dispatch the gnats.. hit my self heal find a hero (self heal will be back up by the time i need it..... (plus i use a DM/FA so i got two hehehe).

Anyways is it optimal...no. Is it better than current? by far... but then again... any change is better than what it is now... hell even a DEBUFF would be better than it is now so i could stop reading bout how some people think fury is fine... at least then even they would say... "damn that fury is BalZorsuXXors" and its sad that i feel that way. especially since i been on since beta CoH... what's that over two years of 15 bucks a month...$360, +two $50 games...$460... plus the cheezy $10 thing for the costumes and jet pack $470.... and no fix? that's weak man. thats like four nights at a "gentlemans" club with more satisfaction to boot! hehehe



the best fix is to roll a scrapper and anytime you crit say to yourself, "WOW look at all that fury damage!"

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



LMAO...true... so sad but true. But theres something about being the underdog and winning that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling on the inside.... "thats right scrapper with unresisted crits, and better damage number than me... I won DESPITE gimped fury". then if i loose i can say "eh...your a scrapper you got unresisted crits and better damage mod, and you dont rely on a gimped fury power" LOL. I dont actually say it... ijust think it. then hug myself and rock back and forth in my chair in the fetal postion telling myself its not my fault, ima good person really... its the devs... their bad.... its not my fault ima good person really....its the devs...their bad people....



Got a PM back from _Castle_. He says that it's a code bug, and won't be able to be fixed until a programmer has time to address it.



[censored] does that mean? they dont have time to address a problem with an AT? thats ridiculous ...

basically this is how I picture the conversation has gone between the brutes and devs.

Brutes: "Our Inherent is broken - here is proof ... can you fix it?"

Devs: "Ya we know its broken - but we are busy coding new 1337 costumes and kilts to fix a problem that actually has an impact in the way your toon acts in game."

next they will say that its going to be fixed "soon" i hope they actually give us their defintion of "soon" one day



OMG Ichi... you dont read man? I told you it'll be fixed... its in my previous posts on this thread... I17.... Geez man...just wait for it. dude! LMAO j/k BTW

I got a swell idea...how bout they take some of the money from the dudes modding my posts and fix the freaking game? yeah yeah yeah i understand what the majority of PvEers AND PvPers want is clean, wholesome forum to troll NOT an actual fix to the game.... and yeah yeah yeah... I understand that new costumes are so important... because you dont want to die without your kilt or anything... What the Heck is paris hilton on the dev team.... is some 6 year old girl going "Daddy daddy... can i get new costumes? " "sure honey everything else in this game is second to my princess getting new skirts for her virtual dress up barbie hero"

LOL, Fury



Didnt you guys realize its the devs specialty to take away usefulness of Villain ATs?

Oh, wait, theyre fixing the LRSF....and buffing Dominators...Stalkers are easy pvp mode until RV...

The Brute stands alone.



Didnt you guys realize its the devs specialty to take away usefulness of Villain ATs?

Oh, wait, theyre fixing the LRSF....and buffing Dominators...Stalkers are easy pvp mode until RV...

The Brute stands alone.

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2 words: Patron Powers

From Lucas:
guess its time to retire the lvl 50 and lvl 45 brute from pvp since its 10x better to use a scrapper.

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LOL you are trying to pvp with villains! Didn't you ever play that game when you were a kid? it was like, the square peg doesn't fit in the round hole..

J/k , for some reason, us fools in pandemonium are still pvp'ing our villains.



Funny how it takes so freakin long to fix this, yet takes about an hour to get rid of AS one shots when heros whine.



Fixing AS one-shots is easy to fix. It's tweaking a single number in a very oft-used spreadsheet/function. Methinks the devs can't fix this because they don't know why it's not working the way it should. Perhaps because it works on a deeper level of code (e.g: a function which is called by other functions, which I can easily see for something so integral to a Brute's identity as Fury) and thus can't simply be tweaked until it works properly.

Yeah, it's frustrating, but b****ing and whining and calling the devs lazy bums isn't getting them to work on it any more than they already are. If anything it does the opposite.

Alt-itis stole my soul!

The Annual Paragon City Gauntlet Marathon - Arc ID: 352887 (feedback appreciated)
Current Project: nothing specific, just general badge hunting right now.



Yeah maybe. But when you pay money to play this, you shouldn't say that its going to be fixed by I7 when it wasnt.



Didnt you guys realize its the devs specialty to take away usefulness of Villain ATs?

Oh, wait, theyre fixing the LRSF....and buffing Dominators...Stalkers are easy pvp mode until RV...

The Brute stands alone.

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2 words: Patron Powers

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J/k , for some reason, us fools in pandemonium are still pvp'ing our villains.

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I also pvp primarily on my villains, since playing a hero is like turning on godmode. I can't believe that blasters are still crying that they need BUFFS to their damage, and that they need resists, etc. etc. There are so many problems still inherent in the villain ATs, and the most powerful of the heroes wants to be BUFFED.



It sucks but frankly PvP is less important to the player base and thus to the dev's than PvE. With that said I really hope they fix this so I can pvp with my brute.



Well being we pay for pve plus pvp. It needs to be of equal importance.



hows that fix looking castle?

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Geko and I may have figured out a fix this morning. I'm working on it...but still no ETA.



Awsome, fix or no, it's clearly still on the radar!

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



hows that fix looking castle?

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Geko and I may have figured out a fix this morning. I'm working on it...but still no ETA.

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thank you so much, its just nice to know its still in the works.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



This is some cruel joke, I know it.