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  1. [censored] does that mean? they dont have time to address a problem with an AT? thats ridiculous ...

    basically this is how I picture the conversation has gone between the brutes and devs.

    Brutes: "Our Inherent is broken - here is proof ... can you fix it?"

    Devs: "Ya we know its broken - but we are busy coding new 1337 costumes and kilts to fix a problem that actually has an impact in the way your toon acts in game."

    next they will say that its going to be fixed "soon" i hope they actually give us their defintion of "soon" one day
  2. great guide, i love it. I stumbled across it after making an EM/NIN stalker and have been using it as a basis for my build, i have changed a few things just because of personal preferance but i love it. I have a question for ya though, what are you going to do with the patron powers? who are you going to take and what powers from them are you going to pick up?