108 -
Yeah.. I don't think they have a bios update that would allow me to use the card. Soooo, I suppose I will just wait awhile and get a new mobo, do a full upgrade. I was just really surprised that the chipset was what made the card not work. Thanks again guys.
P.s. Bought from tigerdirect, so I can ship it back and get a refund, no problems. -
I have actually only upgraded a bios once.. so I am somewhat wary of that. But, I downloaded an nvidia update that is for the chipset I believe. Can I just run the exe as an install and it not screw up anything? Or, is there a step that should be taken to make sure it updates correctly?
I do greatly appreciate the time you guys take to asnwer these questions, thanks. -
Quote:Other ATI cards work fine with that mobo, sooo I have no idea why yours wouldnt.
I'm not sure exactly what ya mean, sorry. What the tech told me was the 4xxx series cards would work, just not the 5xxx series. Which is some of the dumbest stuff I have ever heard. -
Ok.. I ordered a Xfx Radeon 5830 video card. Installed it and could get no signal. It was seated properly and the power connectors were solid. I called Xfx and they asked what chipset was on the MoBo. I "think" it is the nforce 5 series chipset. Well, according to him the card won't work with this motherboard. I don't want to get a new motherboard anytime soon, sooooo.. Any options?
Exact motherboard model is: Foxconn nforce 590 sli
If you guys have any ideas that could possibly get this card to work, or maybe suggest a compatible video card...
I'm freaking exhausted.. Thanks in advance!! -
Quote:Just alot of people trying to connect is my guess. Mine finally connected somewhere around #16. Now downloading the latest patch... and...I am trying to get on test server, but the client won't connect. I just get "Connecting.. #1", then "Connecting.. #2", and so on...I've gotten up to #9. Whats going on?
its.. sloooooooooooooooooow. Bout 4kbps. Patience is the key I suppose. -
Thanks Blast. I am going to get the 5830. Thanks again for helping me out with the information!
Quote:That my good man was... Bill Hicks. Fantastic comedian!ERPvP?! Oh god... there goes my blissful obliviousness on the existence of that.
Reminds me of a stand-up routine though. The comedian was talking about wearing a cross as a sign of your faith in regards to Jesus and all that. Just imagine Jesus actually coming -back- and he sees all these people walking around with a reminder of the thing he was nailed to and died on. Be like giving a sniper rifle pendant to Jackie Kennedy. -
Ok folks.. One more question before I commit to a purchase. I have it narrowed down to 2 cards. (I think). The XFX Radeon 5830.
Linky: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicati...&sku=P450-5832
And the less expensive XFX Radeon 5770. (Linked in an earlier post).
The cheaper card has a faster core clock speed of 850 vs. 800. And the memory is clocked at 4800 vs 4000. BUT, the cheaper card uses a 128 bit memory interface, where as the 5830 uses a 256 bit interface. The price difference between the two is about $60.00. Is that difference in bus speed worth it?
I am currently running an 8800GTX.. it does ok, but I want a nice jump in performance. Thanks to you all for the information and assistance! -
Thanks! I have been playing around with the settings quiet a bit. I can run Occlusion strong w/blur; high quality at 1024x768; no shadows; detail still turned all the way up. Average between 25-40 fps. Soooo.. I can't really see me dishing out 300 bucks for a card that gets me da shadowz, when I can get all the other shiny!! May wait until july or so and see what some of the prices are then.
I was looking at this card: Visiontek 900297 Radeon HD5850 Video Card - 1GB, DDR5, PCIe, Dual DVI at tigerdirect.
Linky: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicati...&Sku=V261-5850
I really don't want to spend that much, but I would like to run with the shadowmaps on and jack up my resolution a notch or 2. With shadwomaps off, everything else on ultra, running at 1128(?)x(?), I get between 22 and 30 fps outside, 60 inside. This is on my 8800gtx. Looking at my current setup, I don't think I would have a problem running the radeon card I listed earlier. The 8800 takes up 2 slots and I have a 700 watt PSU. I can't recall what the rail is listed to run at, but I'm thinking that should be fine. So, do you think the HD5850 would be enough to run all of UM and stay above 30-35 fps? Thanks.
Edit. Found this card.
Opinions oh tech savvy ones? -
It sure seems like it. Got mine to 26 to get the demon prince. Steamrolling +3's. I haven't looked at numbers yet, but on boss fights, the damage just climbs and climbs. All that -res adds up.
I have NEVER listed a sale here before but, I got a lvl 34 Panacea Heal/End recipe drop redside on freedom. None listed, no bidders, no sale price. If you are interested, just shoot me a pm. Thanks.
Please tell me one thing that you have to farm to get, in order to be able to participate in this game at a high level? I have made more money and IO'ed more heroes by playing the game in a general way as opposed to farming. IO's aren't needed; purples and PvP Io's, not needed. Other than accolades, very few badges truly effect gameplay. Nothing required to play this game requires farming.
Hmmm.. If I had to give an uneducated guess, I would say it looks like no OB. Which sucks, because I have no patience. Oh well, maybe 2-3 weeks.
This wasn't an in depth test I ran, but.. On an AE arc I made, I had all the baddies set to Extreme, with bosses, lieuts and minions in each group. The xp seemed it was being rewarded in full yesterday. Today, same arc, same setup, I was getting 9 xp per minion and 26 for the bosses. Mind you, this is at level 25.. Thoughts?
Ahhh.. Guess this is the veterans stage? Well, **** a duck. *Twiddles thumbs* And notice the reg date.. Never been in a CB. Dang it!
Ok.. I am gonna go take a nap... If I am not awakened when and if open beta starts.. There shall be severe repercussions. I will demand that you all take turns spanking my hairy bottom with the Shoedini or a/k/a, "Shoehorn on a stick!" while screaming quotes from various movies that Gilbert Gottfried has starred in. G'night
It's fun.. I haven't played often in a while. But GR and I17 has me excited. I mean, these updates are HUGE. GG Devs
I bet it will at least run UM. Maybe not with everything maxed, but it will still be pretty. Presently, I run at about 55-60 fps in most places. So in my weird logic, I'm hoping UM will drop me to about 35 or so. DEVS.. OPEN BETA NAO!!! I'm not telling you again.. Well, not for the next 5 minutes at least.
Yeah, I will be running my same old 8800GTX. May not get to jack everything all the way up, but I'm sure I will enjoy it just the same. I have thought about getting a new card, but.. If CoH will recognize a dual card setup, I may just get another 8800.. But the heat.. Good god this card runs warm. NOW OPEN BETA DAMN YOU!
OPEN BETA.... GO! Hmmm. OPEN BETA, START! Damn.. OPEN BETA, COMMENCE!! Gah.. my powers must not work on developers...