Latest live patch
Devs fixed an AE exploit? Did you also have a Giant Monster in it?
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Aye....this map is dead too now. Getting next to crap for xp. Yesterday full xp. Minion/LT/Boss are all in the map....
Yep, I'm getting 1 prestige and 1 xp per kill on a +2x8 map with regular spawns. Very frustrating. Did the patch break ae completely?
Ok, already told Frentic, and we're gonna check it, but I'm told there needs to be an EB present in the map now?
Yep, I'm getting 1 prestige and 1 xp per kill on a +2x8 map with regular spawns. Very frustrating. Did the patch break ae completely?
Same amount of tickets per kill too, I might add.
But an EB is present during the mish. So I'm gonna remove it to see.
Was getting the same with council mobs.
That is to say, getting much lower rewards than yesterday, from running the same mission.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
getting 1 xp per mob even with EB...not custom mobs either.
So far I have no idea what the patch did in it's entirety other than nerf several arcs to "Lawl-mode". And previous experiments haven't yielded much use. In my opinion, until patch notes clear it up, I think they might have went a bit over. Then again, I'm not fully sure what they've done to the system as a whole.
Inside AE
You have defeated Council Empire Grenade
You gain 38 experience and 25 influence.
On the streets
You have defeated Green Ink Man
You gain 174 experience and 73 influence.
Both are white level minions.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
see, that seems like a mission that doesnt have a minion/lt/boss or a default power that was removed.
we're talking 1 xp 1 prestige on a map that gave full of everything yesterday
Just retested the exact mission. lvl 50 minions/leuts/bosses
Original: Defeat EB.
Min:3,544 - 2 Tickets
Leut:9,171 - 8 Tickets
Boss:28,138 - 15 Tickets
Current: Defeat all, No EB present.
Min:3,544 - 2 Tickets
Leut:9,171 - 4, 8, 10 Tickets <- Dunno about this tbh.
Boss:28,138 - 15 Tickets
On a side not, electric powers seemed to sap more than before. Although might just be me.
Is a game faction, so has min/lt/boss.
Is giving much lower rewards than yesterday.
So what ever they've changed must be affecting AE rewards as a whole.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
my appologies, and weird.
Any of you with lower exp values have buffing allies?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Nope, but an unpublish and republish fixed his map...
Something may have broke in the patch *shocked face*
Just tested a fully standard mob, lvl 50, 5th column, which included mins/leuts/bosses
Min:4,724xp - 3 Tickets
Leut:12,227 - 10 Tickets
Boss:37,516 - 25 Tickets
Much more than my custom mob of the same lvl. But I expected that, as they have custom power configs.
Just wierd how some people are getting practically nothing from AE.
Testing was done on +0 x8 rep setting for all I should add.
I just quickly tested an old published arc of mine which contained lvl 50 Council, and I recieved the exact same rewards as above. Considering that, it was published last year: 8/19/2009 in fact. And hasn't been unpublished since then.
Mission Architect
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Hrm....I'll have to check his map but I dont think he has ANY allies tbh.
And the fix today of the "stacked items in one room" doesnt apply cause it's an outdoor map, only click is the final piece to the arc.
Effectly what just happened is the patch notes were released and rendered all my testing pointless. Thats 10mins of my life I won't get back.
At least I looked like I knew what I was talking about...I hope :/
For those of you with proper arcs I feel for, those that were exploiting, well done Devs.
I've played a couple of stunning Arcs recently, well written, designed and thought out and it would be very sad if people were discouraged from writing these, however most of AE use is farming so well done Devs for acting quickly to resolve this one.
This wasn't an in depth test I ran, but.. On an AE arc I made, I had all the baddies set to Extreme, with bosses, lieuts and minions in each group. The xp seemed it was being rewarded in full yesterday. Today, same arc, same setup, I was getting 9 xp per minion and 26 for the bosses. Mind you, this is at level 25.. Thoughts?