Demon Set
Seems like it should be since they have a feedback post for it. I'm at work as well.
Those are my favorite numbers.
Where to now?
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Someone posted pics in the ultra mode thread so I am going to take that as good news and start getting my hopes up.
No numbers but here's a list of powers:
Ranged, Minor DMG(Fire), Foe Minor DoT (Toxic), -Res You lash out with your whip, firing a bolt of hellfire and corrupting your victim's very living essence. This attack deals minor fire damage, causes minor toxic damage over time, and reduces their damage resistance for a short time. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast Summon Demonlings Summon Demonlings Call forth up to three demonlings (depending on your level) to do your bidding. The first demonling is adept at manipulating fire, the second blasts your foes with cold attacks and the third is able to wield hellfire to deal fire/toxic damage. You may only have three demonlings under your command at any given time. If you attempt to summon more demonlings, you can only replace those that have been lost in battle. If you already have your maximum allowed amount, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long Lash Close, High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, Minor DoT(Toxic) You channel unholy energies into your whip and Lash out at your foe dealing high fire damage causing toxic damage over time. Lash has longer range than most melee attacks will reduce the target's damage resistance and also has a chance to knockdown your target. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate Enchant Demon Ranged, Enchant Demon Henchman Enchant Demon will permanently bestow new powers and abilities to all of your Demon Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of Demon Henchman that is Enchanted. Enchant Demon only works on your Demon Henchmen and you can only Enchant your Demon Henchmen once with this power. Recharge: Fast Crack Whip Short Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Fire), Foe -Res, Knockdown, DoT(Toxic) You channel hellfire into your whip and make an impressive sweep causing high fire damage to enemies within a wide cone and also cause some toxic damage over time. Whip Crack has a larger range than most melee cones. Targets that are struck will also have their resistance to damage reduced for a short time, may suffer toxic damage over time and may be knocked down. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow Summon Demons Summon Demons Summons forth one to two Demons (depending on your level) to do your bidding. The first demon summoned is cloaked in hellfire and has skin as hard as stone while the second demon manipulates flame. You may only have 2 Demons under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call more Demons, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have your maximum allowed number, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long Hell on Earth Ranged, Pet +Dmg, +To Hit, Summon Living Hellfire A dark blessing is placed upon a selected Demon henchman which will increase its damage and chance to hit for 90 seconds. While this is in effect living hellfire may spawn every 15 seconds at the affected Demon henchman's location. The creatures summoned will have a very weak tie to the material plane and will return to Abyss after a short time. Recharge: Very Long Summon Demon Prince Summon Demon Prince Summons forth a foul Demon Prince from the deepest reaches of the Abyss. The Demon Prince is mighty among its kind and is a master of cold powers. It serves the conjuror only so that it may wreak havoc upon the material plane. The Demon has some defense versus lethal, smashing, fire and cold attacks. You may only have 1 Demon Prince under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Demon Prince the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long Abyssal Empowerment Ranged, Empower Demon Henchman Abyssal Empowerment will permanently unseal the most powerful powers in your Demon Henchmen's infernal repetoire. The Empowered Demons will gain new abilities and powers. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of Demon Henchman that is Empowered. Abyssal Empowerment only works on your Demon Henchmen and you can only Empower your Demon Henchmen once with this power. Recharge: Medium |
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Yeah, logged on for a few minutes this morning for the first time. Set looks pretty good.
One of the t2 pets is a buffer, the other is pure damage with a damage aura. T3 is the ice version of an oni, living hellfire is basically a forge clone that you buff a pet with and also summons these little pure fire critters (living hellfire). Just what I gathered from logging on and watching some fights.
I'm home from work, rolled a demon set and I'm about to test the hell out of it. Pun intended.
Going down for maintenance
Man they rock. I like everything about it so far even the heads. They make a nice funny surprised squark when you dismiss them
Back up again now.
Need to roll a dead cattle herder. Maybe Billy Crystal
get it?
Need to roll a dead cattle herder. Maybe Billy Crystal
get it? |
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Is test server back online?

I've been logged in for awhile now.
Demons look like their damage potential is through the roof with all that -res.
Do the pets that attack with Hellfire also get -res as well? Or is it just the -res from the whip attacks thats making it easy to steamroll?
Looks like at any time though the target will have -35% res (at least) before lvl scaling of the pets. With bursts of double that or more. Easy enough to keep another 18%+ on target with your whip too.
The other thing that looks like will push their damage to insane levels is how fast they can attack as many of their attacks have very short cast times when compared to things like bots/mercs/thugs/zombies.... Well all of them aside from ninjas, who have pretty fast attacks too.
Glancing through the powers we have the highest potential dps toon in the game just introduced. Pair it up with a -regen debuff and I bet we'll see some easy AV's dropping in under 2 mins. No wonder they drop bosses so fast!
I'm not complaining, I will definitely be playing this set.
Do the pets that attack with Hellfire also get -res as well? Or is it just the -res from the whip attacks thats making it easy to steamroll?
What's just as interesting is the demon prince gets chilling embrace =D
I was expecting a lot of demon/therm and demon/dark when i17 hits but I think I'm gonna sway towards poison from the sound of things
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
Do the pets that attack with Hellfire also get -res as well? Or is it just the -res from the whip attacks thats making it easy to steamroll?
Tier 1 Hellfire demonling (1 of the 3 little guys) gets:
corruption: 20.71 dam, 1 sec cast, 4 rech. -15% res for 5 seconds
hellfire: 25.69 dam , 2.03 cast, 6 rech, -15% res for 5 seconds
hellfire breath: 30.36 dam, 2.67 cast, 16 rech, 30 degree cone, -15% res for 5 seconds
Tier 2 Hellfire Gargoyle (1 of the 2 medium guys) gets:
corruption: 26.63 dam, 1 sec cast, 4 rech, -20% res for 5 seconds
breath of hellfire: 36.71 dam, 2.67 cast, 10 rech, 30 degree cone, -20% res for 5 seconds
Should be pretty fun.
*someone said ingame that the damage aura the gargoyle gets also does -res, but it isn't shown at the character creator as doing that, just toxic damage. So proly not.
Got to level 6 on my Demon/Pain MM and I am rather disappointed that there wasn't any noticeable change. On the other MMs, each upgrade gives a graphical addition to the pets, but there is nothing except that aura to indicate fire demonlings and cold demonlings. Thugs have some weird system for graphical change, but there is a change.
Using Hell on Earth and Painbringer on the Hellfire Gargoyle looks like it would make a rather impressive pet for about a minute or two. Probably will alternate between the two for most missions and apply both for AVs.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Got to level 6 on my Demon/Pain MM and I am rather disappointed that there wasn't any noticeable change. On the other MMs, each upgrade gives a graphical addition to the pets, but there is nothing except that aura to indicate fire demonlings and cold demonlings. Thugs have some weird system for graphical change, but there is a change.
The fire dudes get ember/spark thing that rise up from the aura, and the ice dudes get a more defined cold aura.
Just hit lvl 12, dismissing the t2 demon is pretty funny... a portal opens beneath it and desperately trys clawing at the pavement to keep from getting sucked down lol. It has a AE dam resist shield and a single target heal as well. I think I might try a MM again once this goes live.
Demons is the new Thugs.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I'm at work Avatea says limited time is it available on test?