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  1. It is worth noting that lvl 40 Common IOs are always better than +++ SOs, so for many players it is likely a spot at which they stop slotting SOs at all. I get the sense that many players continue to use SOs through the 20s & 30s since green SOs grant higher enhancement values than common IOs in that range. But since lvl 40 common IOs outperform even the greenest SOs, those players make the switch at that point.

    Of course multi-enhancement set IOs outperform SOs from lower levels, but the sort of players we are discussing don't want to handle the added complexity or cost of sets at that point, if ever. Lvl 40 IOs get them through the run to lvl 50, where they can upgrade to the even better lvl 50 IOs, convert to sets, or just stand pat. That's not my style of play, but I guess it works for those that do choose to play that way.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    from what ive seen the only power this argument even really applies to is the single target sleep in mind control

    i think most if not all AoE sleeps dont do any dmg to begin with so the proc would not even go off
    Siren's Song, the AoE sleep in sonic blast sets, which does a miniscule amount of damage at the start before the sleep is applied, is another example. The proc activates regularly on mobs when my sonic corrupter fires this power off.
  3. I have Field Crafter on 5 toons already & will get it on my 6th in a few days. I don't find it the effort to get it to be particularly onerous - & the ability to summon a table & craft anywhere is well worth it.

    I am jealous about the /auctionhouse vet reward. I joined the game at the one year anniversary, so I won't earn that reward until May of next year. Of course the new rewards system may allow me to achieve this sooner. The ability to marketeer anywhere would be awesomesauce!
  4. Mister_Mass

    1,100 Club.

    My main crossed over 1100 this weekend, finally picking up the new blue-side exploration/accolade badges. In a few days, he'll get the badges for completing the alignment loop. But for now - 1129 & counting.
  5. Mister_Mass

    Day Jobs Over.

    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Ah, got the last DJ and accolade, finally. Sentinel didn't pick it up though, so I'll re-poll tomorrow when I get home. Now 1197, w00t.
    Gratz! My main dinged his last dayjob (& accolade) Saturday, putting him at 1129.
  6. My main hit 1000 badges 2 days ago upon successful completion of the Barracuda SF. Last night he was able to add the 7 Recluse's Victory Hero defeat badges to the total. Once he wraps up some loose ends redside in a week or so, he can head back blueside & pick up the new blueside explores/accolades - which will put him past 1100.
  7. Mister_Mass

    Day Jobs Over.

    My main will be done with dayjobs in about 9 days. By the time he earns the last dayjob badge (& accolade) he will have earned all of the badges available redside (& Oroed every redside story arc) & will be ready to shift alignment back to Hero.

    All of my other alts have just about all of the dayjob badges available to them by level, alignment, etc. - & most have the dayjob powers charged close to max. While I can understand the dayjob hate on these boards (I won't afk badge for healing/damage/pvp rep/etc.) I always found dayjobs to be a nice little goal to center my logout activities around - & dayjobs gave me an excuse to log into some seldomly played alts at least occasionally.
  8. I always use Sharkshead for this. There is a small more-or-less triangular structure with the Science & Tech shops on top & an Arbiter (trainer) on the bottom. It is right next to the Black Helicopter to Siren's Call. I like this spot because it has relatively easy access to the ferry, the Black Market, the base portal, the bank, & even Pocket D. Plus it was the first spot that I found that granted dayjob credit for this badge & I was too lazy to search for others.
  9. I'm still interested in contributing to this project, as long as someone else updates the Wiki...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jacktar View Post

    and the odd number one can be a 25 or 30.

    Edit to add: The damage badge for 25-30 is "Warhead" and actually requires 8 at 25 and 8 at 30 and one other at either level. (You can also craft Knockback IO's that count as well.)

    I suspect that you have to get two sets of 8 before it will then count the 17th one other? Whether it will then automatically take one of the extra's you have already created or require you to do one more you will find out when you have crafted number 8 of the level 30 set.
    If you make the 9th lvl 25 IO before you make all 8 lvl 30 IOs, then the counter will not move - but you still get credit for it. When you then craft the 8th lvl 30, the counter will then jump from 15 of 17 to complete.

    Basically, the "odd" or "extra" IO in an odd numbered group like this doesn't move the counter, even though it does count for the badge - unless you craft it last.
  11. Gratz!

    (Note to self - do likewise)
  12. My sonic/sonic corrupter was my 2nd red-side 50 & was a lot of fun. I think the set is a reasonable soloist, with mez protection & an AoE sleep power. Once you have Siren's Song, you can solo safely, albeit slowly. Certain EBs will be extremely challenging, but that is what temps & inspirations are for.

    The set is really fun on teams, as both your primary & secondary act as force multipliers. Your ability to pile -RES on enemies can be a real difference maker. Coupled with Scourge, AVs tend to go down fast.

    I use 2 builds - 1 solo & 1 team. The solo build ditches the ally-only powers & relies heavily on Siren's Song & emergency use of the phase enemy power to get by. The team build grabs all of the ally-only powers & lays down as much -RES as possible. The 2 build approach means that powers that are skippable in one build are often essential in the other. If you are willing to invest the time to work 2 builds, I would suggest it highly as the best way to maximize your character's effectiveness.
  13. Mister_Mass

    Tesla Cage?

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I actually get the Tesla Cage effect more often on my non-Electric Controllers than the Electric one I'm playing at the moment because of the 'Chance to Hold' procs. At least Tesla Cage can be recolored to make it less obtrusive if you want.
    Thanks for answering my unasked question about why my Gravity controller was occasionally getting Tesla Cage animations when firing off my holds recently. I thought it was a bug from a recent patch - but the real reason is that I used the recent freespec to respec into sets with "Chance to Hold" procs. Mystery solved - thanks Tex!
  14. Hero-side I have a lvl 25, a 28, & a 33. Red-side I have a 33 & am working towards a 25.

    What is the "best" level to park a toon? I don't really know. I like lvl 33 enhancements because a toon with them can exempt to 30 & lose no set bonuses, yet the enhancement bonuses are still good enough to get to the ED cap on the parts of the power that I am concerned about.

    But when playing my lvl 33 toons I always wish I had more slots, so I can see while you might want to park a toon higher than this if you want to farm merits. Part of the balance equation here involves the fun factor, because the more fun you have playing a toon, the more time you will spend doing so, & by Dev formulation more time = more merits.

    So do what you like. The market is so thin sub-max level that anything you bring to the table is good.
  15. Un-be-lie-va-ble! This is easily the most stunning news I have ever seen in this game. The logic & simplicity of a single market somehow overcame all objections, despite the fact I can never recall seeing anything from any Dev indicating in any way that they saw the merit of the market merger arguments. Kudos to those who never gave up on the good fight.

    These Devs continue to surprise me & make this game better & better. I guess some kudos are due to them too.
  16. Round 5:

    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Chance for Disorient (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Chance for Energy Damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
  17. Round 4:

    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Chance for Energy Damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Acc/Immob/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
  18. Round 3:

    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Chance for Recharge Slow (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Chance for Recharge Slow (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Acc/Immob/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Chance for Disorient (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Chance for Disorient (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Chance for +End (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Acc/Immob/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
  19. Round 2:

    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Chance for Energy Damage (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Theft of Essence: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Chance for Energy Damage (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Acc/Immob/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
  20. Here are some rolls in the 10-14 range on a level-bumped DP blaster with 9999 merits on Test. More rolls to follow.

    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Debilitative Action: Acc/Immob/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Chance for Recharge Slow (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Cloud Senses: Chance for negative energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Cacophony: Chance for Energy Damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Unspeakable Terror: Chance for Disorient (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic damage (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Kismet: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Eradication: Chance for energy damage (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
    You received Commanding Presence: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
    You received Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Razzle Dazzle: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe).
    You received Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Neuronic Shutdown: Acc/Hold/Rech (Recipe).
    You received Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (Recipe).
    You received Salvo: Acc/Dam/End/Range (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (Recipe).
    You received Impervious Skin: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
    You received Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for -Rech (Recipe).
  21. I now have 715 on my main, without the 2 new Positron TF badges. Now I guess I need to get serious about getting to 750, & snag Adventurer.
  22. My main badger completed his final dayjob & accolade Saturday - sort of a belated birthday present. He joins 5 other heroes & 1 villain as dayjob-complete. I will sort of miss the excuse to log into some of my semi-retired characters, although I will likely move them around occasionally for the dayjob/accolade powers.
  23. Mister_Mass

    Two to go

    I was wondering when this thread would appear. I knew that I couldn't be the only one nearing completion. On Sunday, one of my villains got his next-to-last day job badge completed (all he has left is the Mission Architect badge & accolade) - so in under 3 weeks I will finally have a toon that won't need to do the regular day job badge checkup/shuffle anymore. I have a few heroes that have less than 6 weeks to go. It looks like my main badger (who I still spend time on regularly) will complete just before my birthday next month, which I guess will be a nice birthday gift to myself. I should be done with all of my alts (except those created since day jobs started) within a few weeks after that.

    Of course, once I am done I expect that the Devs will add some new day jobs just to get me moving everyone around again.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    By the way, if anyone has a sub-38 Celerity or Unbounded Leap stealth, I'm willing to pay quite a lot for it.
    Red-side or blue-side? I sold a lvl 33 Unbounded Leap Stealth proc recipe recently (can't recall which side off the top of my head) but I believe I have another of the Unbounded leap Stealth proc recipes floating among my various alts or crafted in storage unused at the base. I do have a lvl 37 Celerity Stealth proc recipe available blue-side, that I was planning on crafting for one of my alts, but I would gladly sell it to you instead. I have had it for months & months, & if I haven't found the overwhalming need to craft & slot it yet, I might as well sell it to someone who will.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    My frozen at 35 FF/Sonic is on Freedom. Where's your level-frozen character?
    Now that my alts are all Halloween badged up, I can finish leveling to 33 the toons I plan to level freeze - a scrapper & a stalker, both at 30-31 IIRC. So Liberty will soon have some bodies working merits in order to feed the markets mid-level recipes (minus those any of my all-too-many alts need).