All my characters need Field Crafter...
But! I can fix the problem with characters on my main account. Everyone can have field crafter!

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
for only the tiny cost of 32000 paragon points
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Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
I have yet to get the field crafter... with about 6 really serious marketing toons all over the place and a few just crafting and selling IO's I had every intention of getting at least on my main but just never seem to get it.
I expect to get my 84 month badge in the next few weeks so I am looking forward to that reward. I guess this thsi will give me the final motivation to get field craft... now I just have to find the Wiki page that shows what i have to do.
glad to know it not another vetspec or tail token... I have plenty of them that I never use.
I have yet to get the field crafter... with about 6 really serious marketing toons all over the place and a few just crafting and selling IO's I had every intention of getting at least on my main but just never seem to get it.
I expect to get my 84 month badge in the next few weeks so I am looking forward to that reward. I guess this thsi will give me the final motivation to get field craft... now I just have to find the Wiki page that shows what i have to do. glad to know it not another vetspec or tail token... I have plenty of them that I never use. |
I have Field Crafter on 5 toons already & will get it on my 6th in a few days. I don't find it the effort to get it to be particularly onerous - & the ability to summon a table & craft anywhere is well worth it.
I am jealous about the /auctionhouse vet reward. I joined the game at the one year anniversary, so I won't earn that reward until May of next year. Of course the new rewards system may allow me to achieve this sooner. The ability to marketeer anywhere would be awesomesauce!
Mister Mass - 50 Inv/SS/NRG Mut Tank [1236]
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now I just have to find the Wiki page that shows what i have to do.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
Now if they'd just give me the /vendor command as well...

I *am* currently working on field crafter for two toons -- doing it the slow, steady way. Of course, the both happen to be toons on my 2nd account.
I really would like to have it on all of my marketing toons at some point... I've earned it on two toons this year already. But I only work on it on one or two at a time to prevent myself from going mad.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I know it's an extra step, but even camped at your day job, say the Shadow Shard, you can use your base tp, do your /auctionhouse work and craft at your base's station, then hit the base entry point to zone back to where you were.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I really have to finish that Field Crafter guide I was working on...
Anyway, the key to easy FC is to collect a pile of AE tickets and roll them into salvage. Now craft whatever you can with that salvage, sell or delete the IOs, and repeat.
Now you don't have to wait for salvage bids to fill, or clog your precious market slots with salvage.
The midlevel crafting badges give you extra salvage slots, do them first.
For any crafting below 50, just buy the recipe at the crafting table, you don't save enough money to make it remotely worthwhile bidding on them.
Anonymoose nailed it. Find your best AE ticket farmer and use tickets to generate piles of low level Common Salvage. Store it in a few Salvage Storage bins in your base, then have your crafter grab and craft as needed in the base, buying recipes from the crafting table. When you're done with the low level IOs, sell the remaining Salvage, and repeat for mid level. It's only at high level that the Salvage may be faster to buy on the Market, and the recipes may be expensive enough that you'd want to consider buying them on the Market as well.
If you don't have a fast AE ticket farmer, ask me in a week or so. I'll probably be posting a silly fast, easy, and cheap ticket farmer.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
Bah, I don't waste space in my base for storing salvage. ^_^ /em bids 200,000 per piece of common salvage, comes back 15 minutes later.
I just like to do things in order, so what I'm doing on my current toon is placing bids for the salvage I'll need for the next round, listing the stuff I crafted this round, and coming back the next day to craft more and then repeat. It's not fast and I'm not making a ton of money while I'm doing it, but it's easier for me to keep track of. Money isn't much of an issue for me anyway, and I like to use as much of my base storage as possible to store crafted IOs.
With the new half issue I'll probably be too busy the next couple of weeks to worry about this anyway.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
So you're saying now is the time to corner the market on common salvage?
/em plot
/powexecname Portable Workbench
/workbench (account wide & doesn't expire until dismissed)
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Anonymoose nailed it. Find your best AE ticket farmer and use tickets to generate piles of low level Common Salvage. Store it in a few Salvage Storage bins in your base, then have your crafter grab and craft as needed in the base, buying recipes from the crafting table. When you're done with the low level IOs, sell the remaining Salvage, and repeat for mid level. It's only at high level that the Salvage may be faster to buy on the Market, and the recipes may be expensive enough that you'd want to consider buying them on the Market as well.
If you don't have a fast AE ticket farmer, ask me in a week or so. I'll probably be posting a silly fast, easy, and cheap ticket farmer. |
First time is the worst, after that it's a little repetitive but not bad.
I have done fieldcrafter 5 or six times, including one toon in Pretoria who also hit the inf cap before leaving. (Although juggling all that salavage and IO's without a SG base was annoying. I deleted a lot of stuff that I would have sold if I could have.) I have 3 others in the process of doing it.
I like the idea of using AE tickets to get salvage for field crafter.
I always do the 25-30 Badges and the 45-50 badges first. More recipe slots and salvage make it much easier.
Well me and my bro each have our own rooms in our 2-man sg base with like a little over 9 racks a person. In each room there is a craft table and a vault. We just deposit all our useful/usual salvage that we get via our alts in these racks. I use my main toon to do all the crafting since he has earned a lot of the extra salvage slots and could use more of the crafting badges.
I gave up on the portable table a long time ago. Doesnt it only last a few mins with a long recharge? If they made it easier to get I would get it.
I got the /auctionhouse this past week. I agree it is one of the best vet rewards ever (Up there with revel) But I have my AE farmer go into my base and do my crafting. That way I can put the crafted IOs in storage with out making trips. I do tend to hold on to the good ones instead of flipping.

...on my main account.
This past week I got my 84 month vet badge, and with it I got /auctionhouse. This is the most awesome vet reward ever, bar none! I have marketing characters camped in Day Job locations -- Shadow Shard, Portal Corps, Graveyard in Dark Astoria, Cimemora, Crey building in Nerva Archipelago -- that are a long way from a market. But I can market anywhere! Yesterday I was exploring the Shadow Shards collecting the explore badges, and I was buying and selling as I flew across the zone!
On my main account I have several characters with Field Crafter. On these characters -- Mouse Police, Huntress Midnight, the other Mouse Police on Victory, a couple of others -- I can buy, craft, and sell wherever I happen to be. This is the height of convenience! Log in, wherever I'm at, check the market, grab recipes and salvage, craft, place stuff for sale -- never have to move or zone!
My problem now is, when I log in a character without field crafter, I have to go someplace to craft. Ugh! How can anyone stand having to move to find a crafting station?
It's even worse on my other account, of course -- you mean I have to go to the market still? Why? WHY? But I can't do anything about that for now, oh well.
But! I can fix the problem with characters on my main account. Everyone can have field crafter!
...which takes a lot of work. Maybe I'll work on it tomorrow.
TL/DR: Need "Auctionhouse and field crafter" acount-wide purchasable pack NAO! ^_^
my lil RWZ Challenge vid