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  1. Shirai_Ryu

    Good Bye

    Originally Posted by MonkeyB View Post
    Shirai Ryu - The heart and soul of MDK. (dude email me that pic of Skystrike! its epic!)
    What pic is that?

    Does this mean no more drunk calls at 2am drunk from a Vegas casino?
  2. I remember Twixt from Freedom.

    Interesting read.
  3. Shirai_Ryu

    Arena Badges

    Im down to duel w/ any of my 50s, send me a tell if you want to fight for the badges...

    @Shirai Ryu
  4. Shirai_Ryu


    This badge is sadly missing from my collection, I'd love to try and help ya Ion, give me a shout anytyme!
  5. Shirai_Ryu

    Golden Era

    [ QUOTE ]
    1. Being the 1st person in COX to earn his name back from GenericHero thru a lengthy private and public battle to restore Dracula-X after 3 years of play! Take that Cryptic and NCsoft.

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    I remember that, you Monkey & Q-Jon.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    2. Having the 6-slotted forum smack skillz to cause tree's to fall on peoples houses to avoid a 1 on 1 arena match, and causing certain person to lose their mind and think a valid response to a flame war is to tear off his shirt take photos and proceed to post them on the liberty forums! (Hulk in the shadows!! YARR)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The tree was epic ownage, does anyone have that pic?

    [ QUOTE ]
    3. Making heroes learn every trick in the book to countering stalkers....

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    [ QUOTE ]
    4. Haunting Siren's Call for hours (When people actually went there)

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    [ QUOTE ]
    5. Epic Warburg and Siren's Call battles between Heroes and Villains

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    Oh ya!

    [ QUOTE ]
    6. Tax E Girls 1st arena tourney which ended with the epic Skystrike Vs Drac slugfest (I lost but what a sea-saw damn broadsword back to back crit)

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    Ya, that rocked!

    [ QUOTE ]
    7. HDS and Retro (Nuff said)

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    So many great players were in that group!

    [ QUOTE ]
    ]And long list people that made my time spent on CoX and Liberty well worth it.

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    I didnt make the list
  6. Linkys are blocked at work, so dont know day......
    Send me a tell Valor, if im on, Im in!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    **reported for cross posting**

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    nice, thats sure to get travel supression reversed....
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    At work when I wrote that......Word processors are restricted..... (ya the forums aren't)

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    You are in luck!

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    Only two years or so late on that one, lol.
  10. Ok, new game. Guess who's mouth I am in.
  11. I wanna play a game....its called "Who's in my mouth"
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    this is getting hot

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    It doesn't get hot until we get to the wedding night.

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    Vent cyb0rz & touching urself ftw!

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    If QT is there, you can count me in!