Golden Era
For all the time spent what was some your fondest memories , highlights, people and achievements in CoX?
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Wow... I'm not sure if this kind of post has been a long time coming, but I know that my fondest memories in this game reflect those that I have been with:
- The PvP Tournaments that I threw, only about 3, but still great times to bring the community together to some degree.
- The Hamidon raids where I was able to taunt Hami with my Regen scrapper. It was a great ego boost knowing that I *had* to keep Hami busy to keep everyone else safe. Truly a great time for that.
- Just zipping around The Hollows buffing people, teleporting people to and from missions, just being there when they needed that extra hand.
- Running TFs each weekend, badging each weekend and helping anyone who needed it. Truly the best times was always helping someone else before myself. That is not modesty talking, just who I am. In and out of the game.
Now for something that I have never done before and was debating long and hard on whether or not to do it, highlight the great SGs I have been apart of and have left for whatever reason (don't ask), just know that I was never meant to be apart of a specific SG, I was meant to be there when needed and under my own title; Nevermore Niche, which most people don't know has been around since 2005. Regardless of where my cape was hung up, it was always back at Niche where everyone knows I can be found. I learned a lot from those SGs that I was apart of and I hope that I was at least to some extent, some impact on them as well.
So, in no particular order, the people who helped shape the person that Tax E is today in game... forgive me if I failed to mention anyone, just know you all are in my thoughts, that's why I talk to most of you still to this day.
The Watchers - My first SG... you never forget your first. Ever. Also, where I met Shockmeister.
The Sisterhood - Once a Sister, always a Sister. You all are apart of my extended family and I am proudest most to have been apart of your family. /chan_join "SisterhoodFriends" and get to know them. They are great players.
MDK - Lordy, lordy, what can I ever say about MDK that hasn't already been said by anyone. *le sigh* Crazy buncha freaks there. Dess, TheGoddess, Trixie, Shirai Ryu, Hansha... man I am kicking myself for not being able to list everyone...
The Defiant Ones - Definitely the most laid back of all the SGs I have been in, because to this day, I don't know what happened to our founder; Sucker Puncher. You see, he was ill and left the game and I don't know if he's even alive. If you are Jeff, you are missed. Hauns, Pilotball, Cadaver Man, Mind Stab, Mystic Assassin, BOOGER KING... yeah, you all are great and I'm happy to still be in touch with you guys. Hell, I'm married to one of 'em. LOL
Knights of Justice - Drac, Drac, Drac... what can I say that hasn't already been said. Nicely that is... I miss teaming with the people from KoJ, regardless of our past. A lot of you have moved on but I remember you guys... Bobbo, Lestatia, Starlight, Skystrike, Nick Tesla and of course you Dracula X.
The Lawbringers - One of the few SGs where I felt at home, and to move on from them was a must for me to meet the people I have teamed with since. This group of players are definitely MMO addicted, you will find them in many other MMOs. Iron Sites, Jenadara, Buns, Mojo and Son, Tiger, Bengal... many many more great people...
Go Force - Agent AWOL, Drakeno, Freeza Burn, Sammy J, Burning Granite... you guys are nuts!! 100% crazy! Words can't describe these guys... seriously.
UNITED POWERS OF PARAGON - I don't think I have ever shed tears over an SG like I did over this one. I'm still friends with many of the members, but alas, I have not seen many around in months. Hopefully with i14, this will change. Dayspring, Mystic Fortune, Dead West, Edgecrusher, Euterpe, Sinnistraad, Dr. Fyre, Obsolescent Muse, Nurse Inertia, Defenseman, Burning Chrome, Agent, Anakyn, and many more... so many great players.
Ghost Legion - These people are FUN. Light Bill... dear lord, I have not laughed so much when I see some of their banter. /chan_join "Ghost Legion" and you will laugh too. Dazzler... Zander... I can't mention all of you by name.. I wish I could.
Legion of Legends - If you don't know who Flying Code Monkey is, then you are blind. He made me love Earth Control and Kinetics, or was that Cinetico. Majik who made me the best Emp that I could be and Daemein... oh D... little D.
The S.O.L.U.S. Foundation - If there is any role playing group that you want to be apart of it is these guys. Seriously. DO EET!
The Freaks of Legend - The only PvP group that I was apart of... why... I have no clue, I don't like PvP. LOL FooManchu, Fire Wire... well, let's move on. lol
HDS (Hamidon Death Squad) - Ahhh, the group that started it all... great players from all walks of life, uniting together to take down the great pink eggy thing in The Hive. hehe I miss you all, even you Retro. Who wasn't apart of this SG at sometime or other. Retro Knight, Big Daddy Vio, Pickle, Monkeybutt, Skystrike, Revolver Law, Starlight... dear lord, there are more!!
Cute and Fluffy - Do I need to say anything about these guys... they're cute, but they are not all fluffy. I miss Tennyson.
Liberty's Freedom Force - The people that I still talk with to this day the most, in and out of game are these guys from this now defunct SG. Illini, Tundra, Night Goddess, Hank Scorpio, Healer Hank, DC Dragon, Nauga, Captain Blinky... oh yeah, you all know who you are and I love you all.
You see, I know I have been apart of some great SGs. I have not mentioned all of them and I haven't mentioned nearly enough of the people that have helped me in this game. Great times, good times, bad times and unspeakably horrific times. But I wouldn't trade any of them. They were meant to happen for a reason. Game or not... real or not... it's life to some extent.
Maybe I've went off course with this reply and maybe some people will spew (tl;dr) but at least people can have an idea of the company that I have kept. Some of these SGs are rivals of one another, some are the greatest of allies. I think this is my greatest achievement... knowing some of the best people in this game and some of the worst as well. Who they are in your eyes is yours to decide.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
I'd make a list but I'd be here for a few days doin it.
And I'm just too damn lazy for that.
My no.1 highlight is probably the time i spent with HDS in the month before Hamidon first fell. That was a total blast. Though it was a great feeling of saticfaction when he was finally beat, the really fun part was the countless hours spent in the hive just trying to figure out a way to beat him senseless with alot of great players.
HDS, like them or not, was a group full of alot of great players, that wanted to have fun. Like all groups it suffered from some internal strife toward the end, but its still some of my best memories playing with those people.
As far as notable players i have passed time with....
Well first on the list would be WaterBoy. Long since gone, he was a real life buddy i worked with that got me to try this game when i was sorely bitter at Star Wars Galaxies for expecting me to grind off killing wamp rats when i wanted to be a galactic hero.
My second most notable friend/buddy would be Pickle. She was a constant friend in game. She was one of the most knowledgable players in game, she played to have fun. She is also the one in HDS that finally noticed that her combat logs showed a application of Char hitting hamidon that made us concentrate on holding him to avoid the mitos spawns. But overall for a long time she gave me my reason to log in, pick a new alt and play and have fun.
But there are also alot of others, many im sure i will forget the names here,
Whomping Willow
Armor Assasian
Revolver Law
mac Daddy b
Retro Knight
most off of the members of HDS
And oldly enough alot of my most fun came from the agruments(just how i roll) so in that way i would draw attention to .
Most all the Freaks
All the Accolades (if anyone recalls them)
Oh and well if Drac was the first one to earn his name back, then i guess i was the second. That was a fun time also.
And though there is no way to remember all the names of people, my most fun usally comes from taking on a TF or SF with a less then optimal team that actually wants to play through the content, instead of just speeding and stealthing the missions. Many times this caused issues of real challenge, team wipe outs, but honestly some of the most fun i have in the game comes from these times. So though no way to remember all those names from all those PUGs, thanks for the memories. Nothing sticks out more then finding ways to fight AVs like pulling Burkholder in the lava because all but two of us have quit the TF and its all we can figure out to finish it off.
I miss the drama.
9. We never got Statesman that night cause he was too chicken**** to stand and fight. Kept TPing away when he was in danger. Mostly likely Jack's ego could not have withstood a defeat.
A piece of advice though. Nostalgia is great. Talking about all the fun we used to have... As long as its not meant to prime the pump for a sneakier form of recruiting for your new shiny toy (based on your last thread).
If you mean to say farewell and absolutely don't plan on coming back, please do it gracefully, and leave w/ your dignity intact.
I miss the drama.
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After flippin' thru these threads I don't blame ya
My no.1 highlight is probably the time i spent with HDS in the month before Hamidon first fell. That was a total blast. Though it was a great feeling of saticfaction when he was finally beat, the really fun part was the countless hours spent in the hive just trying to figure out a way to beat him senseless with alot of great players.
HDS, like them or not, was a group full of alot of great players, that wanted to have fun. Like all groups it suffered from some internal strife toward the end, but its still some of my best memories playing with those people.[/QUOTE]
Same. I'll always be proud to have played a part in HDS.
My second most notable friend/buddy would be Pickle. She was a constant friend in game. She was one of the most knowledgable players in game, she played to have fun. She is also the one in HDS that finally noticed that her combat logs showed a application of Char hitting hamidon that made us concentrate on holding him to avoid the mitos spawns. But overall for a long time she gave me my reason to log in, pick a new alt and play and have fun.
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Yeah Pickle was one of the most genuinely kind players I've ever had the pleasure of teaming with. Has anyone heard from her recently?
And oldly enough alot of my most fun came from the agruments(just how i roll) so in that way i would draw attention to .
Most all the Freaks
All the Accolades (if anyone recalls them)
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Ha, I'm a patient guy, but even I had a run-in with Candi from time to time. And the Accolades were one of the most unintentionally funny SG's ever.
Oh and well if Drac was the first one to earn his name back, then i guess i was the second. That was a fun time also.
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I wonder if there's any hope for bringing back Violator ...
It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
-- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World
If you mean to say farewell and absolutely don't plan on coming back, please do it gracefully, and leave w/ your [censored] intact.
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Diganity! Don't use such profanity! Fixed that quote too for the forum moderators!
Speaking of Legion of Legends... Was Monkey's kin named Dash? And who was the stoner he ran w/? Those 2 were quite a pair.
P.S.: Anyone remember Hardcore Control Center? I was co-leader of that SG.
Heh, This is funny. I was there for a lot of what was said, and noone remembers me Been here since CoH beta, just never signed into the forums till way later. I snuck into the game and when I leave I will just slide right out of it. Noone will even notice I have gone.
I will delete all pictures and info from CoHFaces and the Faces of Liberty players forum, and just disappear without a word.
P.S.: Anyone remember Hardcore Control Center? I was co-leader of that SG.
[/ QUOTE ] doesn't ring a bell.
Speaking of Legion of Legends... Was Monkey's kin named Dash? And who was the stoner he ran w/? Those 2 were quite a pair.
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Monkey was never part of Legion of Legends...
Hi Dumok

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Legion of Legends - If you don't know who Flying Code Monkey is, then you are blind. He made me love Earth Control and Kinetics, or was that Cinetico. Majik who made me the best Emp that I could be and Daemein... oh D... little D.
[/ QUOTE ]
Referring you back to your post. There's more than one monkey flying around...
Post deleted by Hacker
Legion of Legends - If you don't know who Flying Code Monkey is, then you are blind. He made me love Earth Control and Kinetics, or was that Cinetico. Majik who made me the best Emp that I could be and Daemein... oh D... little D.
[/ QUOTE ]
Referring you back to your post. There's more than one monkey flying around...
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh well, that FlyingCodeMonkey, his Kin is called Rush. Not sure who the Stoner was... unless that was Cinetico in his wonder Earth armorness.
And Whiteseeker, you're always looking for acknowledgement. HI. I know you.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Speaking of Legion of Legends... Was Monkey's kin named Dash? And who was the stoner he ran w/? Those 2 were quite a pair.
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No, all of my toons are monkey theme names (a few are odd names but they mean monkey in other languages). And one Iced Honeybun blaster - I was going to go for a Tastykake theme but lost interest in it quickly!
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
Post deleted by Oldfart
Hmm what I remember....could fill a book....
Fondest Memories - Teach. I love Teach, he was such a wonderful guy and so sweet. It was also easy to make him swear. For instance, when you (with another kin hehe) would FS his ninja mob....and the fs icons would WRAP around the monitor screen and I would hear him on vent "MONKEY!".
HDS - For all the ups and the downs this was the best sg around. Wonderful players and wonderful people. Introduced me to Jazzy, Starlight, Tax, and Enigma - who led me to meet Sarah - one of the bestest players in this game and sweetest guys (yes he really is a dude!!). And would never have met Drac, if it wasn't for his ongoing feud with Retro (you know I still have somewhere you guys fighting in one of those coh filedemo thingys!).
Freaks - Never would have met them w/o HDS and that "epic" pvp battle. That was one of the best times I've ever had in pvp.
The LEGION. I met Helly through Teach and I am awfully glad I did, she's a hell of a player and a heck of a friend. And without Helly I never would have met Shad(ders!)
People that have affected my in game life (good or bad or neutral), but I am still glad to have met are way too numerous to name. If you are on my global list (or if you are on all FIVE of my global list), you have made my game life a better place and I thank you all for it. And for the ones who have made my real life better, extra hugs to you.
Love, Monkey
P.S. Drac! I got my name back too!
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
(you know I still have somewhere you guys fighting in one of those coh filedemo thingys!).
Freaks - Never would have met them w/o HDS and that "epic" pvp battle. That was one of the best times I've ever had in pvp.
P.S. Drac! I got my name back too!
[/ QUOTE ]
Omg that 1st retro vs Drac battle snooze watch Drac stand there duking it out with him then watch him run like all hell for 2 mins until his Elude came back up
Ahh I forgot about the SG Vs SG battle of HDS VS Freaks Drac became a freak for a day And got Top killer in the fight with duffy right on my coat tails.. focus ftw!
They stole away monkeyB?!?!
Hey, I still have the pic of Quicken and Drac in Bloody Bay.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
I remember Drac fighting Skystrike for top scrapper honors during the AT tourney.
Was like watching two grizzly bears tearing into each other.
Fun stuff.
(you know I still have somewhere you guys fighting in one of those coh filedemo thingys!).
Freaks - Never would have met them w/o HDS and that "epic" pvp battle. That was one of the best times I've ever had in pvp.
P.S. Drac! I got my name back too!
[/ QUOTE ]
Omg that 1st retro vs Drac battle snooze watch Drac stand there duking it out with him then watch him run like all hell for 2 mins until his Elude came back up
Ahh I forgot about the SG Vs SG battle of HDS VS Freaks Drac became a freak for a day And got Top killer in the fight with duffy right on my coat tails.. focus ftw!
They stole away monkeyB?!?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope they took away Monkeybutt remember? I got her name back and I was able to change my global to it too.
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
Hey, I still have the pic of Quicken and Drac in Bloody Bay.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can autograph that for ya... collector's item :P
After tossin' out my shameless plug for a 2nd coming and hearing the responses it got me a bit nostalgic and being one for long winded posts about nothing when I get bored I thought I'd do another so here's the question I pose liberty.

For all the time spent what was some your fondest memories , highlights, people and achievements in CoX?
I'll get the ball rolling...
1. Being the 1st person in COX to earn his name back from GenericHero thru a lengthy private and public battle to restore Dracula-X after 3 years of play! Take that Cryptic and NCsoft.
2. Having the 6-slotted forum smack skillz to cause tree's to fall on peoples houses to avoid a 1 on 1 arena match, and causing certain person to lose their mind and think a valid response to a flame war is to tear off his shirt take photos and proceed to post them on the liberty forums! (Hulk in the shadows!! YARR)
3. Making heroes learn every trick in the book to countering stalkers....
4. Haunting Siren's Call for hours (When people actually went there)
5. Epic Warburg and Siren's Call battles between Heroes and Villains
6. Tax E Girls 1st arena tourney which ended with the epic Skystrike Vs Drac slugfest (I lost but what a sea-saw damn broadsword back to back crit)
7. HDS and Retro (Nuff said)
8. Long nights with KoJ and TFs pre-villains
9. Having Manticore threaten to shove arrows in my [censored] for kittin' him so many times with my stalker at the end of Villains beta. (Still never got statesman that night!!)
And long list people that made my time spent on CoX and Liberty well worth it.
Tax e girl
Nick tesla
Armored Assassain
Monkey B
Rev Law
Retro (My sweet sweet nemesis)
Hans aka Duff Chick
Stalker 101
Bob the Tanker aka every bob the something on Lib
Sweet Sarah
Foo manchu (for giving me an easy target get ya'll riled up was like watchin' sloth from goonies)
-fire wire
Mirk Echion(can't remember in the slightest how it was spelled)
Trick Mr
Red Hot Kate
Tortured Hero
Negative Ion
And countless others my memories are letting escape atm.
My time spent here on liberty was a blast and as of May 2nd my account deactivates once again only 100% sure I'll never be returning again. For all those that loved or hated me I did bring one thing to this server over my reign of villainy and that was entertainment! Either out of hate or respect I pulled the trigger several times over the years that made people want to login in to COH or these very forums just to see "what was said next, or what happens next" was a great community full of laughs and good times I don't think any other MMO will match the connection that was had with a lot of people from this game and this server.
So let's hear from the rest of you!