31 -
How have you been old friend? This thread reminded me of one of the best times I have ever had in this game. It was the afternoon that we spent in Sirens and finally took over the Zone on the Villain side. I think that was the first time on Liberty that the villains got control.
We had some epic battles back then. My Rad Corruptor and
Northwynd's Ice tank were duking it out every day.
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Yes, it was the 1st time villians took SC and it was done with superb team work, tactics and one great rad corruptor!It
was always a uphill battle in those days heroes consently outnumber us poor villians but we sure gave them a workoutAnd yes northwynd the thorn in my side as my stalker in that zone didn't stick around long once you'd show up.. Alot of us early villian pvpers didn't get much credit considering no 50s most the time not even SO's armed let alone HO's and we'd still give those decked out heroes runs for their money! Really took alot more tactics then brute strenght for sure. And lets not forget Freak Fairy
How you been? Still kickin' around here I see -
Yes, I was toying with the arc tool it's not a 100% done but near complete need to modify some costumes and minions but if ya'll from lib wanna lil' piece of lib history get some 50s and full team and take a crack at Arc ID:24633!!
For those that knew KOJ should get quite the laughs outta it! -
Kinda totally off topic but... the content creator does published content still stay around if the creator deactivates?
Fooooooo Man..... Choo!!!!
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bless you... **hands tax e a tissue** -
For old times sake someone shared this with me and for all that remember it will look very fimiliar when brains stop working give it a FLEX
pickle. I have not seen pickle in ages.
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Think she exited quite awhile before I even did. -
Lets not forget: M O O N W A L K E R
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Yea was waiting on that one. -
Drac lives?
what about les?
WB Drac!
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It's like an old timers convention... As far a Lest goes all good things come to an end just like COH but she was always the better 1/2 of KoJ. But rumor has it she has returned to the world of heroes and villians as well... maybe on a server named infinity....
Twisted Minds... wow that was the name of the VG. Brings back memories. heh
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Yea even I forgot that one lol -
Apparently the key to beating you was pigtails and a pink onesie.
I fondly remember old school stone armor.
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Hehe.. nice screenie! 2 key things in that pic... I was most wanted :P and second the chat box [tell]--->Nether Monkey: got Drac!!!! God I did love SC though.
And yes! the stone turd! Nothing smells fear like the walking bowel droplets! -
Nope they took away Monkeybutt remember? I got her name back and I was able to change my global to it too.
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Oh thats right! Monkeybutt always worth saving didn't I lend a hand on that one?! -
I remember Drac fighting Skystrike for top scrapper honors during the AT tourney.
Was like watching two grizzly bears tearing into each other.
Fun stuff.
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Yea no bunny hoppin' in that scrapper duo 2 solid tanks and dps just dukin' it but BS prevailed :P Sky's enchances were top knotch with all the Hammi raid he squatted on, Drac didn't withstand the Headsplitter+follow-up move dbl crit near the end... which was good cause a tie woulda STUNK! Being claws was the red-headed step child of the scrapper set at the time I was happy to make it to final match. -
Hey, I still have the pic of Quicken and Drac in Bloody Bay.
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I can autograph that for ya... collector's item :P -
(you know I still have somewhere you guys fighting in one of those coh filedemo thingys!).
Freaks - Never would have met them w/o HDS and that "epic" pvp battle. That was one of the best times I've ever had in pvp.
P.S. Drac! I got my name back too!
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Omg that 1st retro vs Drac battle snooze watch Drac stand there duking it out with him then watch him run like all hell for 2 mins until his Elude came back up
Ahh I forgot about the SG Vs SG battle of HDS VS Freaks Drac became a freak for a dayAnd got Top killer in the fight with duffy right on my coat tails.. focus ftw!
They stole away monkeyB?!?! -
If you mean to say farewell and absolutely don't plan on coming back, please do it gracefully, and leave w/ your [censored] intact.
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Diganity! Don't use such profanity! Fixed that quote too for the forum moderators! -
I miss the drama.
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After flippin' thru these threads I don't blame ya -
After tossin' out my shameless plug for a 2nd coming and hearing the responses it got me a bit nostalgic and being one for long winded posts about nothing when I get bored I thought I'd do another so here's the question I pose liberty.
For all the time spent what was some your fondest memories , highlights, people and achievements in CoX?
I'll get the ball rolling...
1. Being the 1st person in COX to earn his name back from GenericHero thru a lengthy private and public battle to restore Dracula-X after 3 years of play! Take that Cryptic and NCsoft.
2. Having the 6-slotted forum smack skillz to cause tree's to fall on peoples houses to avoid a 1 on 1 arena match, and causing certain person to lose their mind and think a valid response to a flame war is to tear off his shirt take photos and proceed to post them on the liberty forums! (Hulk in the shadows!! YARR)
3. Making heroes learn every trick in the book to countering stalkers....
4. Haunting Siren's Call for hours (When people actually went there)
5. Epic Warburg and Siren's Call battles between Heroes and Villains
6. Tax E Girls 1st arena tourney which ended with the epic Skystrike Vs Drac slugfest (I lost but what a sea-saw damn broadsword back to back crit)
7. HDS and Retro (Nuff said)
8. Long nights with KoJ and TFs pre-villains
9. Having Manticore threaten to shove arrows in my [censored] for kittin' him so many times with my stalker at the end of Villains beta. (Still never got statesman that night!!)
And long list people that made my time spent on CoX and Liberty well worth it.
Tax e girl
Nick tesla
Armored Assassain
Monkey B
Rev Law
Retro (My sweet sweet nemesis)
Hans aka Duff Chick
Stalker 101
Bob the Tanker aka every bob the something on Lib
Sweet Sarah
Foo manchu (for giving me an easy target get ya'll riled up was like watchin' sloth from goonies)
-fire wire
Mirk Echion(can't remember in the slightest how it was spelled)
Trick Mr
Red Hot Kate
Tortured Hero
Negative Ion
And countless others my memories are letting escape atm.
My time spent here on liberty was a blast and as of May 2nd my account deactivates once again only 100% sure I'll never be returning again. For all those that loved or hated me I did bring one thing to this server over my reign of villainy and that was entertainment! Either out of hate or respect I pulled the trigger several times over the years that made people want to login in to COH or these very forums just to see "what was said next, or what happens next" was a great community full of laughs and good times I don't think any other MMO will match the connection that was had with a lot of people from this game and this server.
So let's hear from the rest of you! -
Nor do they change the rating of the game by allowing players to kill helpless civilians.
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But they sure do get in the way of targeting.. hell if we can't KO them or something then why make them targetable at all. Not to mention MM pets go bonkers around them. -
Don't know if this is I7 or before but...Guantlet will work in PvP soon.
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So does that mean Brutes single target taunt ability will workin in PvP as well in the future? -
Some more good news...
Ice Tankers and SR Scrappers have long lamented that Defense doesn't scale with level. Because mobs higher level than a player possess an inherent to hit bonus, Defense isn't as effective over levels as Resistance.
A while ago, peoople have requested something be done. Well, we've done a bunch of work and done this. Defense powers will now work equally well against critters, regardless of their rank or level. For instance, your defense powers will work equally well against a Boss or any critter up to 5 levels higher than you, as it does for an equal level minion. This change has no effect on a player who does not have any Defense.
This change is coming in I7
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This only effect PvE or PvP as well? -
Drac is a cuddly, wuddly teddy bear and everyone should give him a big hug.
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Gotta catch me 1st...