Issue 7: Patron Powers!




Hmm, my corrupters and stalkers and brutes all see some nice things in there they would like

My poor Merc/TA mastermind, though.

-single target hold (got one)
-AoE immobilize (got one)
-cone attack (got one)
-S/L shield (hmm...)



Nice to hear your basically forced to read it before you choose the Patron stuff. Makes people less likely to wine..then again, everyone wines about something

This space is intentionally left blank.



Mmm. Stalkers get a hold.


American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Can anyone copy/paste into a post for those of us behind a firewall?



What up with giving Doms the boss pet in all sets except Mako's? (Corrupters get the Red Coralax boss, Doms get the Blue lieutenant.)



My only disappointment is how bland the Mastermind powers are. Apart from the armor, there's nothing in there that really screams "must have". A second hold is sure nice to have, but an AoE immobilize seems of questionable use, and a second AoE attack is right out unless it's packing some serious firepower.

PvP in Recluse's Victory is going to be really interesting, though, with all the villains bringing a backup army for support.

Also, I spy a typo. The trend here seems to be for Dominators to get the best pet, a boss class enemy, and Corruptors getting a lieutenant class pet. However, I note that it says Corruptors get a Coralax Red Hybrid (the bosses), while Doms get the Blue Hybrids. I think they got it backwards.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Can anyone copy/paste into a post for those of us behind a firewall?

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Copy & Paste from Lady Sadako's post...

Patron Powers

You have completed the trial set before you by your Patron. You have survived a battle against Ghost Widow’s true enemies, Black Scorpion’s creator, Scirocco’s dangerous djin, or Mako’s high-ranking nemesis. You have even come face to face with your own fate as you confronted the very heart of Arachnos itself.

You have prevailed and thus earned your reward. Accept your Patron Badge as a sign of honor - Scirocco will bestow the “Mirage”, Mako “Blood In The Water”, Ghost Widow the “Spiders Kiss”, and Black Scorpion “The Stinger”.

In addition to this badge, you will gain a respec and access to one of 20 new Patron Power Pools.

Each Patron Power Pool contains four powers. Ghost Widow focuses on harnessing the darkest undercurrents of the universe, Black Scorpion relies on the blunt power of deadly technology, Mako calls upon the malevolent spirits of the deep, and Scirocco draws from the electrical energies of the Mu.

The exact powers you will be able to acquire will be determined by the unique combination of your Patron and your Archetype. For instance, Scirocco can grant you access to many of the Mu Mystic powers, but your Archetype will determine which specific Mu abilities you will be able to choose. The powers you gain will be those that your archetype cannot typically access on its own (for example, Brutes will gain ranged attacks, while Corruptors will have access to defensive armors and so on).

The last power in most sets will allow you to summon one of your Patron’s signature soldiers. For instance, if you choose Ghost Widow, you can call forth a Fortunata. Black Scorpion will let you summon an Arachnobot, Scirocco a Mu, and Captain Mako brings forth a Coralax.

Patron Power selections will become available at threat levels 41, 44, 47 and 49. Once you have mastered these unspeakable powers, your strength will be rivaled by few among the City of Villains.

Ghost Widow - Soul Mastery

Ghost Widow will teach you how to corrupt and utilize souls of the dead to damage and hinder your enemies.

Gloom: Gloom slowly drains a target of life, while reducing his Accuracy. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more damage over time.

Soul Tentacles: You can create a cone-shaped rift to the Netherworld that allows the souls of the damned to slip into our reality. These Soul Tentacles will snare all foes within range, Immobilizing them while they drain their life.

Dark Obliteration: You hurl a large blast of negative energy that violently explodes on impact, exposing the dark power of the Netherworld to all foes near the target. Dark Obliteration can reduce the Accuracy of all affected targets. You must have one other Soul Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Widow: Ghost Widow will assign a beautiful but deadly Blood Widow assassin for you to command. Her weapons of choice include wrist-mounted retractable razors and darts tipped with deadly poison. You must have two other Soul Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Dark Blast: A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate Negative Energy damage and reduces the target’s Accuracy.

Moonbeam: An extremely long range and accurate beam of Negative Energy that deals tremendous damage and reduces the target’s Accuracy. This is a sniper attack, and like most sniper attacks, is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.

Soul Storm: Like Ghost Widow, you will be able to summon the souls of your victims to do your bidding. Soul Storm enraptures a single target, holding them while their life-force is drained from their body. You must have one other Soul Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Widow: Ghost Widow will assign a beautiful but deadly Blood Widow assassin for you to command. Her weapons of choice include wrist-mounted retractable razors and darts tipped with deadly poison. You must have two other Soul Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Soul Drain: Using this power, you can drain the essence of all nearby foes’ souls, thus increasing your own strength. Each affected foe will lose some Hit Points and add to your Damage and Accuracy.

Dark Embrace: You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, Negative Energy, and Toxic damage.

Soul Storm: Like Ghost Widow, you will be able to summon the souls of your victims to do your bidding. Soul Storm enraptures a single target, Holding them while their life-force is drained from their body. You must have one other Soul Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Mistress: Ghost Widow will assign a Fortunata Mistress for you to command. Arguably, the most powerful of the Fortunatas, these rare few have mastered numerous psychic abilities and have risen to the top of Lord Recluse’s beautiful Black Widows.

Dark Consumption: The dark power of the Netherworld allows you to tap the essence of your foe’s soul and transfer it to yourself. This will drain Hit Points of your enemy and add to your Endurance.

Dark Embrace: You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, Negative Energy and Toxic damage.

Dark Obliteration: You hurl a large blast of Negative Energy that violently explodes on impact, exposing the dark power of the Netherworld to all foes near the target. Dark Obliteration can reduce the Accuracy of all affected targets. You must have one other Soul Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Seer: Ghost Widow will assign a Fortunata Seer for you to command. Fortunata Seers can glimpse moments into the future. They use this ability to increase the Perception of their teammates. You must have two other Soul Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Night Fall: Unleashes a cone-shaped burst of particles from the Netherworld. All targets within the modest range of this power take Negative Energy damage and have a reduced Accuracy.

Dark Embrace: You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, Negative Energy, and Toxic damage.

Soul Tentacles: You can create a cone-shaped rift to the Netherworld that allows the souls of the damned to slip into our reality. These Soul Tentacles will snare all foes within range, Immobilizing them while their drain their life. You must have one other Soul Mastery power before selecting this power.

Soul Storm: Like Ghost Widow, you will be able to summon the souls of your victims to do your bidding. Soul Storm enraptures a single target, Holding them while their life-force is drained from their body. You must have two other Soul Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Black Scorpion - Mace Mastery

Black Scorpion will give you access to an Arachnos Mace, and teach you how to use it in battle.

Mace Blast: The Executioner’s Mace is capable of firing a powerful bolt of kinetic energy. The blast is powerful enough that it may knock down some foes. Arachnos Bane Spider Troopers call this the Mace Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

Web Envelope: The Executioner’s Mace can lob a modified Web Grenade. Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets in a wide area. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and prevents jumping.

Disruptor Blast: Fires a tremendous charge of kinetic energy from your Executioner’s Mace. This charge is so powerful it will explode on impact, blasting all nearby foes. Some affected foes may be knocked down by the force of the blast. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Blaster: Black Scorpion will grant you an Arachnobot Blaster to command. Arachnobot Blasters were created by Arachnos Orb Weavers to take down particularly powerful super-powered threats. You must have two other Mace Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Mace Blast: The Bane Mace is capable of firing a bolt of kinetic energy. The blast is powerful enough that it may knock down some foes. Arachnos Bane Spider Troopers call this the Mace Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

Mace Beam: Fires an extremely long range and accurate beam of kinetic energy from the Bane Mace that deals tremendous damage and knocks back the target. This is a sniper attack, and like most sniper attacks, is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.

Web Cocoon: The Bane Mace can fire a more powerful version of the common web grenade. The sinewy fibers of this grenade are strong enough to completely Hold one target. Targets able to resist the Hold are still likely to have their attack and movement speed dramatically Slowed. Web Cocoon can also bring down flying targets and prevent foes from jumping. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Spiderlings: Black Scorpion will grant you access to a small squadron of Arachnobot Spiderlings. Three Spiderlings that are one level less than you will show up when summoned. You must have two other Mace Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Web Envelope: The Executioner’s Mace can lob a modified Web Grenade. Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets in a wide area. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping.

Scorpion Shield: Black Scorpion’s technologies are impressive indeed. This energy shield grants you Defense to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks, as well as improves your Damage Resistance to Toxic damage.

Web Cocoon: The Bane Mace can fire a more powerful version of the common web grenade. The sinewy fibers of this grenade are strong enough to completely Hold one target. Targets able to resist the Hold are still likely to have their attack and movement speed dramatically Slowed. Web Cocoon can also bring down flying targets and prevent foes from jumping. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Disruptor: Black Scorpion will grant you an Arachnobot Disruptor to command. Arachnobots were created by Arachnos Orb Weavers to take down particularly powerful super-powered threats. You must have two other Mace Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Poisonous Ray: The Bane Mace can fire a nasty Poison Ray. This toxin is suspended in a polarized plasma field and delivered like an energy blast. Upon impact, the toxin directly attacks the immune system, reducing the affected target’s Defense and Damage Resistance as it deals Toxic damage.

Scorpion Shield: Black Scorpion’s technologies are impressive indeed. This energy shield grants you Defense to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks, as well as improves your Damage Resistance to Toxic damage.

Disruptor Blast: Fires a tremendous charge of kinetic energy from your Bane Mace. This charge is so powerful it will explode on impact, blasting all nearby foes. Some affected foes may be knocked down by the force of the blast. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Tarantula: Black Scorpion will grant you a Toxic Tarantula to command. Weaver One developed the Tarantula Exoskeleton Armor, which so radically transforms an Arachnos troop that hardly anything human is recognizable.

Web Envelope: The Nullifier Mace can lob a modified Web Grenade. Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets in a wide area. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping.

Scorpion Shield: Black Scorpion’s technologies are impressive indeed. This energy shield grants you Defense to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks, as well as improves your Damage Resistance to Toxic damage.

Mace Beam Volley: Fires a volley of multiple kinetic energy blasts from your Nullifier Mace. These blasts spread out in a wide cone and are powerful enough to knock down some foes. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.

Web Cocoon: The Bane Mace can fire a more powerful version of the common web grenade. The sinewy fibers of this grenade are strong enough to completely Hold one target. Targets able to resist the Hold are still likely to have their attack and movement speed dramatically Slowed. Web Cocoon can also bring down flying targets and prevent foes from jumping. You must have two other Mace Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Captain Mako - Leviathan Mastery

Captain Mako will embolden you with the knowledge of the Coralax and their mysterious powers over the seas.

Spirit Shark: You are empowered with Spirit of the Mako Shark. You can project this spirit to attack and maul your opponent. The Shark Spirit Energy will manifest and attack your foe, quickly dealing heavy Lethal damage over time.

School of Sharks: You can call forth a school of vicious Shark Spirits that will swim out in a cone formation and encircle your foes, draining their spirit energy. The encircling Shark Spirits will immobilize most foes while they deal Negative Energy damage over time. Both you and the target must be near the ground for this power to activate.

Chum Spray: Sharks will eat anything, so their stomach acid must be powerful indeed. You can regurgitate this acid and spew a corrosive spray of bile at a foe. Affected foes in the cone will take Toxic damage over time. You must have one other Leviathan Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Guardian: Captain Mako will show you how to summon a Coralax Guardian Sentinel to do your bidding. These creatures are composed of living coral made from the sea-goddess Merulina. You must have two other Leviathan Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Spirit Shark: You are empowered with Spirit of the Mako Shark. You can project this spirit to attack and maul your opponent. The Shark Spirit Energy will manifest and attack your foe, quickly dealing heavy Lethal damage over time.

Water Spout: Conjures up a Water Spout at a targeted location. The Water Spout will chase down your foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them great distances. The victims are left Disoriented and with reduced Defense. The Water Spout is a menacing sight, and can even cause panic among your foes.

Spirit Shark Jaws: You can summon a massive Spirit Shark that will attack your foe from below. The Shark will grip your foe with its massive jaws and attempt to Hold the target while he mauls it, dealing Lethal damage over time. Flying targets will likely be pulled to the ground. You must have one other Leviathan Master power before selecting this power.

Summon Guardian: Captain Mako will show you how to summon a Coralax Guardian Sentinel to do your bidding. These creatures are composed of living coral made from the sea-goddess Merulina. You must have two other Leviathan Mastery powers before selecting this power.

School of Sharks: You can call forth a school of vicious Shark Spirits that will swim out in a cone formation and will encircle your foes, draining their spirit energy. The encircling Shark Spirits will immobilize most foes while they deal Negative Energy damage over time. Both you and the target must be near the ground for this power to activate.

Shark Skin: The power of the Leviathan Mako has shown you seems to have no end. Shark Skin improves your Damage Resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Cold damage.

Spirit Shark Jaws: You can summon a massive Spirit Shark that will attack your foe from below. The Shark will grip your foe with its massive jaws and attempt to Hold the target while he mauls it, dealing Lethal damage over time. Flying targets will likely be pulled to the ground. You must have one other Leviathan Master power before selecting this power.

Summon Coralax: Captain Mako will show you how to summon a Coralax Red Hybrid to do your bidding. The Coralax are humans who have been infected with living coral. You must have two other Leviathan Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Water Spout: Conjures up a Water Spout at a targeted location. The Water Spout will chase down your foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them great distances. The victims are left Disoriented and with reduced Defense. The Water Spout is a menacing sight, and can even cause panic among your foes.

Chum Spray: Sharks will eat anything, so their stomach acid must be powerful indeed. You can regurgitate this acid and spew a corrosive spray of bile at a foe. Affected foes in the cone will take Toxic damage over time.

Shark Skin: The power of the Leviathan Mako has shown you seems to have no end. Shark Skin improves your Damage Resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Cold damage. You must have one other Leviathan Master power before selecting this power.

Summon Coralax: Captain Mako will show you how to summon a Coralax Blue Hybrid to do your bidding. The Coralax are humans who have been infected with living coral. You must have two other Leviathan Mastery powers before selecting this power.

School of Sharks: You can call forth a school of vicious Shark Spirits that will swim out in a cone formation and will encircle your foes, draining their spirit energy. The encircling Shark Spirits will immobilize most foes while they deal Negative Energy damage over time. Both you and the target must be near the ground for this power to activate.

Chum Spray: Sharks will eat anything, so their stomach acid must be powerful indeed. You can regurgitate this acid and spew a corrosive spray of bile at a foe. Affected foes in the cone will take Toxic damage over time.

Shark Skin: The power of the Leviathan Mako has shown you seems to have no end. Shark Skin improves your Damage Resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Cold damage. You must have one other Leviathan Mastery power before selecting this power.

Spirit Shark Jaws: You can summon a massive Spirit Shark that will attack your foe from below. The Shark will grip your foe with its massive jaws and attempt to Hold the target while he mauls it, dealing Lethal damage over time. Flying targets will likely be pulled to the ground. You must have two other Leviathan Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Scirocco - Mu Mastery

Scirocco will instruct you on the Way of Mu, ancient techniques that give access to the lightning-based powers of the ancient race.

Mu Lightning: You can send a large blast of Mu energy at a foe, dealing heavy damage and draining some Endurance. Some of this Endurance may transfer back to you.

Electrifying Fences: Electrifying Fences attempts to Immobilize a group of foes in an area. This power deals some Energy damage over time as it slowly drains some Endurance.

Ball Lightning: Hurls a highly charged ball of Mu lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area of effect, and drains some Endurance from each target it hits. You must have one other Mu Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Striker: Scirocco will show you how to call upon a mystical Mu Striker to assist you. The Mu pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins, and are well practiced in the dark arts. You must have two other Mu Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Mu Bolts: You can quickly hurl small bolts of Mu electricity at foes, dealing some damage and draining some Endurance. Some of this Endurance may transfer back to you. Mu Bolts deals light damage, but recharges quickly.

Zapp: A focused blast of Mu electrical energy that can travel great distances with high Accuracy. Zapp drains Endurance, and is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted. Some of the Endurance you drain may transfer back to you.

Electric Shackles: Electric Shackles binds a foe’s limbs, leaving the target Held and helpless. The target is drained of some Endurance and some of that Endurance may be transferred back to you. You must have one other Mu Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Adept: Scirocco will show you how to call upon a mystical Mu Adept to assist you. The Mu pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins, and are well practiced in the dark arts. You must have two other Mu Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Power Sink: Power Sink leeches Energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their Endurance. Each foe you draw energy from increases your Endurance. If there are no foes within range, you will not gain Endurance.

Charged Armor: When you toggle on this power, you are surrounded by a charged field that makes you highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal, and Energy damage.

Electric Shackles: Electric Shackles binds a foe’s limbs, leaving the target Held and helpless. The target is drained of some Endurance and some of that Endurance may be transferred back to you. You must have one other Mu Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Adept: Scirocco will show you how to call upon a mystical Mu Adept to assist you. The Mu pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins, and are well practiced in the dark arts. You must have two other Mu Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Power Sink: Power Sink leeches Energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their Endurance. Each foe you draw energy from increases your Endurance. If there are no foes within range, you will not gain Endurance.

Charged Armor: When you toggle on this power, you are surrounded by a charged field that makes you highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal, and Energy damage.

Ball Lightning: Hurls a highly charged ball of Mu lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area of effect, and drains some Endurance from each target it hits. You must have one other Mu Mastery power before selecting this power.

Summon Guardian: Scirocco will show you how to call upon a mystical Mu Guardian to assist you. The Mu pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins, and are well practiced in the dark arts. You must have two other Mu Mastery powers before selecting this power.

Static Discharge: Hurls multiple bolts of Mu electricity in an arc that deals damage and drains Endurance from all affected foes in the area.

Charged Armor: When you toggle on this power, you are surrounded by a charged field that makes you highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal, and Energy damage.

Electrifying Fences: Electrifying Fences attempts to Immobilize a group of foes in an area. This power deals some Energy damage over time as it slowly drains some Endurance. You must have one other Mu Mastery power before selecting this power.

Electric Shackles: Electric Shackles binds a foe’s limbs, leaving the target Held and helpless. The target is drained of some Endurance and some of that Endurance may be transferred back to you. You must have two other Mu Mastery powers before selecting this power.



Gentlemen, please! We're all forgetting what's important!




Since some kind soul will eventually visit all the plaques, write down the information and then post it to these forums so that those of us at work can see it…

…would you please circumvent the delays in that process and the potential confusion inadvertent typos could create by just posting that information directly here or its own thread?



Nice to hear your basically forced to read it before you choose the Patron stuff. Makes people less likely to wine..then again, everyone wines about something

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It might force them to drink more actually. I wine all the time, sometimes even while playing CoX. Then I pass out in a drunken stupor.



Agree very disapointed.

Compared to the hero App's these are severly lacking

No focused acc, no build up, no conserve power.

They look like the App's with all the must have powers taken out and then we are locked into them too and cant spec out thats fair.

Why dont we just hand Pvp to the hero and call it a day.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Agree very disapointed.

Compared to the hero App's these are severly lacking

No focused acc, no build up, no conserve power.

They look like the App's with all the must have powers taken out and then we are locked into them too and cant spec out thats fair.

Why dont we just hand Pvp to the hero and call it a day.

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No was not thinking of that at all. Who would be the best person to ask?

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_Castle_ or Positron

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In the lobby of the watchtower in Grandville is a statue of each of Lord Recluse's lieutenants. At the base of this statue is a plaque that, when you click on, brings up a text box with tabs. The tabs are for the Archetype, and it goes into detail about the powers (including the hard numbers) that that Patron will give that Archetype. (Thus you can easily look at all the patron powers for your AT, and even those not for your AT).

You are given a mission to visit each of these plaques before you choose your patron.

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Positron, how do pools that have a drawn weapon (like the Mace) work with powersets that already have to draw a weapon (Ninja Blade, AR, etc)?



Who would win? Ghost Sharks or Snakes on a Plane?



Where's the focused accuracy?

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Dominator > Soul Mastery > Summon Seer


Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



Nice to hear your basically forced to read it before you choose the Patron stuff. Makes people less likely to wine..then again, everyone wines about something

[/ QUOTE ]

Silly Link, now people will whine about being forced to go read the plaques as a mission...

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Well, those who said the Patron Powers would have to be very, very similar across the Patrons weren't wrong. They seem to follow enough of a set pattern that no one pool is outstandingly different from any other. For example:

Brutes get: Ranged single-target attack, AoE Immob, ranged AoE damage, Pet.

Doms get: Attack OR End buff, Armour, ranged AoE damage, pet.

This isn't a criticism.

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Other than Stalkers getting a snipe instead of a buff and the inclusion of pets for every single non-mastermind AT, about where I expected it to be.

When do the Heric Patron Powers with pets come in?

Still here, even after all this time!



So the the complete numeric stats of all the new powers will be available because the powers cant be respeced out.

I ponder though, what will happen once they find out X power is overpowered, either on it's own or combined with another power, and then decide to nerf either, after half the population took this power precisely because of the greatness of it or the greatness of it coupled with that other power...

Because you KNOW it WILL happen sooner or later.



So the the complete numeric stats of all the new powers will be available because the powers cant be respeced out.

I ponder though, what will happen once they find out X power is overpowered, either on it's own or combined with another power, and then decide to nerf either, after half the population took this power precisely because of the greatness of it or the greatness of it coupled with that other power...

Because you KNOW it WILL happen sooner or later.

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You could still respec out of the power if it end up being "useless" (which I find to be highly unlikely.) But people that take powers because they are abusable get little sympathy from me.

Still here, even after all this time!



Wonder if they are listed in the order that you can get them. Assuming that they are, Cors, doms and MMs can get shields earlier than heroes except in Makos list. In that one doms and MMs have the shields as a tier 3 power. Odd.



What up with giving Doms the boss pet in all sets except Mako's? (Corrupters get the Red Coralax boss, Doms get the Blue lieutenant.)

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The Seers are lts, the Mistresses are bosses, I believe, so Doms will get an LT for GW. I cannot remember if the toxic tarantula is a boss or lt.



All I have to say is ROBOT LEGS woot!!!!!

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Deth kicking robot legs?



Well, those who said the Patron Powers would have to be very, very similar across the Patrons weren't wrong. They seem to follow enough of a set pattern that no one pool is outstandingly different from any other. For example:

Brutes get: Ranged single-target attack, AoE Immob, ranged AoE damage, Pet.

Doms get: Attack OR End buff, Armour, ranged AoE damage, pet.

This isn't a criticism.

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Which is to say they're mostly copies of basic CoH powers, yet we don't get to Respec them... for some reason.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



This isn't a criticism.

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Flying ghost sharks.

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Are they Burning flying sharks? Rode by pirates?



I was hoping Ghost Widow would give Phase Shift, but looks like I'll just have to get it on my own. Well, I'll I need for my Stalker is a Snipe and a Hold.