Issue 7: Patron Powers!







Our pets get nothing?

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Your zombies and ninjas don't have to chase crap down because you get Immobilizes and Holds.

No new playmate?

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You have six!

No new toys?

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Are you kidding?

They do all the work and take all the pain!

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Which is what they're there for.

Giving stalkers a snipe when they already have AS is just insane. So now the great keep moving strategy doesn't mean squat since you can get sniped. Way to go there.

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1. We don't know if the Patron Power Pools will work with Assassination.

2. The sniper attacks don't have the +Special ability that the Assassin attacks have that combo with Hide.

3. Keep in mind that the Brawl Index for Stalkers is still lower than Scrappers.


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Count to ten, backwards, calmly and slowly...

Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Don't you DARE use logic in this thread! It's not wanted here!

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Why does Mako let you summon Coralax? I didn't think there was any connection between Mako, or Arachnos and the Coralax...

Although this does pretty much confirm Coralax being a CoV only AT in my eyes.

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Mako is working with Barricuda(sp?) who is a Corlax-Hybrid.

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Forgot about that.



Why does Mako let you summon Coralax? I didn't think there was any connection between Mako, or Arachnos and the Coralax...

Although this does pretty much confirm Coralax being a CoV only AT in my eyes.

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Mako is working with Barricuda(sp?) who is a Corlax-Hybrid.

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Forgot about that.

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Barracuda is oblivious to her past.
I believe Mako has more Coralax connections than she does.
Two words: Sharkhead Isle.



I guess creating new story plots for your toon like "I work for Arachnos now and look.. they gave me new powers" are just hard to do nowadays.

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How many times do people have to post "I don't WANT to be a lackey all my life" before it sinks in? Yes, they COULD write it into their characters that now they're Arachnos employees, serving Lord Recluse for life. Why should they have to just to get access to the powers?

A villain is a self-starter. They CAUSE problems. They START fires. But 90% of COV has is solving someone else's problems and putting out someone else's fires, and the Patron arcs are no different. We're just heroes for bad guys, nothing more. We've got mayhem missions now, and thank goodness -- but we're talking patron arcs here, not mayhem. Patron arcs have you being the underling of an underling, and that's weak.

So yes, it's not hard to say "I work for Arachnos now." I just don't want to. And since all 40+ epic power choices are bound to a patron that means I can't take them.

...I'm getting tired of rephrasing the same counter arguement over and over. Aren't you getting tired of rephrasing the same arguement over and over? Here on out I'm just gonna give up trying to convince anybody why I don't like this... either they get it or they don't, agree or they don't, and whatever. The only people I REALLY wanna sway are the devs, and they've clearly made up their minds and we have no say.

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Your character is a double-crossing manipulator, taking the Patron's gifts to establish a foothold for a future takeover.

Your character, in a violent rampage, tore the Bane Mace from a soldier's cold, dead hands. Defiantly, they wield it as a trophy.

Use some imagination. You people are so creatively void it's embarrassing.



You people are so creatively void it's embarrassing.

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Finally someone said it.



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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The Bad Cheerleader is so there

"I think I had too many Bacardi Breezes!!"



Interesting. How does this work for respec? Can we do multiple trials and then respec from one patron to another?

Stalkers: Keep in mind that pets and being hidden don't mix very well at all! If you have a pet, they WILL see you in addition to your pet. Wonder if we get the auto-crit on all of those ranged attacks?




Interesting. How does this work for respec? Can we do multiple trials and then respec from one patron to another?

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Man, where have you been, lol.
The answer to that only spurred up WWIII



Your character is a double-crossing manipulator, taking the Patron's gifts to establish a foothold for a future takeover.

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Which will never, ever happen, because you can't actually enact any plans to take over the world, betray Arachnos, or overthrow Recluse because this is an MMORPG and lasting changes aren't really plausible and the devs have decided you can't initiate your own actions. So basically you're a patsy who will never get one inch towards that goal.

Your character, in a violent rampage, tore the Bane Mace from a soldier's cold, dead hands. Defiantly, they wield it as a trophy.

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Except that you have to go through a lengthy story arc where you're kissing Scorpion's shiny metal insert swear filter here in order to get that mace.

Use some imagination. You people are so creatively void it's embarrassing.

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There's no need for personal attacks. I'm stating my opinion. You're free to disagree with it.

So yes, I can lie, and pretend large chunks of the game just didn't happen. And that's pretty much what I'm going to have to do if I want to access these powers. It's not pretty, it's not what I'd want out of the game, but that's life.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



So yes, I can lie, and pretend large chunks of the game just didn't happen. And that's pretty much what I'm going to have to do if I want to access these powers. It's not pretty, it's not what I'd want out of the game, but that's life.

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I think what he means is, you're RPing, why are you limiting yourself and your creativity? really.



im worried!!! No stam recovery for brutes except that one that drains from a foe. Im a SS/DA. I need more stam. I hope this isnt offical or im in for a world of hurt. Lord help us!

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Can you think of anything outside of the buff sets (like Recovery Aura out of empathy, Accelerated Metabolism from Radiation) besides Quick Recovery from regen that doesn't require a hit on an enemy to recover endurence?

I can't. And usually they have a higher base accuracy anyway.

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It is called conserver power which tanks and scrappers have access to.



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Dominator damage is already lower than controller damage post 35 or so, the only hope for bringing it back in line was a damage booster.

the only time dom's outdamage controllers is when Domination is active but over the course of a mission controllers run higher over time if they took a damage boosting secondary. Rad/emp/Kin and a pet primary.

Dom's needed something really impressive to make up for it.

Also lets remember villians are locked heros arent.

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So Domination, AOE hold then nuke wouldn't be a viable post-38 tactic? Heck, pop a *couple* of reds for maximage damage.

I'm almost positive that the reason there isn't an "extra" damage boost power is because of this innate. Yes, over time Dominators do less damage than Controllers, but that's because Controllers are *broken* this way.

The low damage AT *easily* outdoes Defender. Defenders really are the red-headed stepchildren of the CoH ATs.

Still here, even after all this time!



I believe one way for them to alleviate the locked into the patron power pools thing, would be to make them similar to the level 30+ Hero enhancement stores, where you have to go and seek them out and complete their mission, then you can buy enhancements from them.

Do it the same way. A Villain can seek out any of the patrons, complete their story arc, and from there on out they have access to their Patron Power pool when they respec. That way a player can determine how many Patron Pools they wish to have access to, and they can earn all of the badges associated. If you can't do that then all of the badge-Wh**** on the forums are gonna be a bit upset that there will be at least 3 badges that they cannot get on their villains because they picked one patron over another.

It would also open a up a bit more content as well. Giving players a chance to do all of the patron arcs would give them a chance to have plenty of missions even after they hit 50. More Content = Really good thing.

"Me, I assume 99% of the world's population are full-blown *******. Humanity seldomly lets me down."--Eisregen
�Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.�
― George Carlin



Giving Stalkers a snipe-attack?

This should be interesting



Giving Stalkers a snipe-attack?

This should be interesting

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With hard numbers



There was some talk about a set of 'epic pools' for players who chose not to ally themselves with a patron; has this gone by the wayside, or is there going to be a set of pools for the 'unaligned' villains?

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An excellent that got buried during the "no-posting" time it seems. (I did skim the 100+ posts since, but did not see anything)

And a follow up question based on in game story: will those villains who chose to go the mercenary route (IE Burke over Kalinda to start) even be ABLE to get these patron powers?



All I can say is that my Robots/FF mastermind will be very disapointed that he cannot have an arachnobot, while every other AT can.
I want access to those bots!
Actually, just give me a set where I can just summon arachnos bots!
4 more bots! 4 more bots! 4 more bots!



Who would win? Ghost Sharks or Snakes on a Plane?

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Which type of Snakes on a Plane?! *points to sig*



It has been mentioned that there would be a non-Arachnos Patron. Either they're being coy, it's been shelved, or delayed until I8.



My understanding is that you will still get the powers whether you take them from the Patron Pool or from normal pools. So those who don't think any will fit their concept can choose from their primary, secondary or standard power pools if they choose.

As for fitting into your concept, it's easy enough to say that instead of "working" for Arachnos you beat the snot out of one of their bosses and took his mace or as for Mako's spirit shark, your mind-control Dom uses something everyone in the world finds almost universally frightening (sharks) and uses mental images of them to cripple their enemies and bring them to their knees. As for the pets, easy enough to say you threatened to kill the pets (blood widow or Mu)family if they didn't serve you when you called.... That's pretty villainous yeah? Or instead of being given an arachnobot as a pet, how bout you stole the plans and started manufacturing them yourself? Or how bout your tech character captured one and reprogrammed it.

There are a MILLION ways to fit these concepts into yours. You just have to actually think about it. The ideas aren't necessarily going to drop into your lap. They would have to have 1000 powers just to even come close to making them fit just by base definition.



It has been mentioned that there would be a non-Arachnos Patron. Either they're being coy, it's been shelved, or delayed until I8.

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well thar you go



Controllers get mez protection, Hibernate, Conserve Power, and Earth's Embrace. Any of which I would trade my entire Patron set for.

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The one (1) thing I was counting on having access to -somewhere- in the PPPs was Mez/Status protection for my Dominator.

Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Spoken as someone who doesn't play Dominators.

And yes, being unable to respec into a different pool is unacceptable when past performance (even recent: The knockback patch change [negatively effecting Black Scorpion], the mob accuracy changes [positively effecting Ghost Widow], and mob END boost [negatively effecting Scirocco]) shows the entire structure of the game to be built on sand.



I think what he means is, you're RPing, why are you limiting yourself and your creativity? really.

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Other way around. I'm limiting myself creatively if I'm changing my characters so that they'd find it acceptable to join an evil empire they have no hope of advancing in, becoming a lackey, and taking on powers that weren't theirs in the first place and they had no interest in at all.

Best example is Foxtrot Charly. She's my Mercs/Traps MM. She's an activist against child exploitation and acts as a terrorist against a number of nations. But part of her personal code is never to be owned by anyone and never swear loyalty to some adult-run organization -- she'd sooner eat her left foot than join Arachnos, and she certainly wouldn't trust Ghost Widow or Sirocco to give her evil magic powers, assuming rightfully that it's a trojans-bearing-gifts scenario and they'd be used as a leash to keep her under Recluse's control.

The only 'out' I have is if she joins the more mercenary minded Black Scorpion, takes his mace, then cuts all ties with him or downplays the relationship. It's a bit weak since it means she has to play double agent, and obviously she won't really be able to co-opt Arachnos, but it's the only option. I have to lie about the things she does to soften it and make it work.

Or I can completely toss her character out and retcon in a whole new personality that wouldn't puke at the idea of being Recluse's lapdog. Then I wouldn't be 'limiting' myself, apparently, but it'd still stink.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



and the most epic attack in the game: Chum blast. This f##king sucks