Issue 7: Patron Powers!





I'd take +res over a bit of extra defense anyday.

Also like I need yet another immobilize.

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If they put in the anti-purple patch and the new to-hit rules, your opinion on that bit o' def might change.

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Yeah, I agree. Getting something that DEF stacks with FFG is going to be a lifesaver when defense scaling is implemented.



The only nuke you have is.. well.. the closest thing you can do is that nova-type power in the Psychic Assault set.

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That's *definitely* a nuke.

Still here, even after all this time!




For example, my /Traps Corruptor is Tech so would logically go with Black Scorpion, except that the web and shield (defense) powers don't provide anything I don't already have except for a hold and a pet. I already have defenses and immobilizes on my own. I might as well break theme and go with Scirroco as Power Sink and Charged Armor (a resistance power) sound far more useful.

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As if +def didn't stack!

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I'd take +res over a bit of extra defense anyday.

Also like I need yet another immobilize.

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The tech forcefield from Scorpion is looking really nice to stack on my Robot/FF mastermind!

Still here, even after all this time!



The only nuke you have is.. well.. the closest thing you can do is that nova-type power in the Psychic Assault set.

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That's *definitely* a nuke.

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But it isn't as strong.
From what I remember it doesn't suck your End dry.
The damage is High (I think) but it's not a real nuke.




Given numbers in the game. *glee*

[/ QUOTE ]Now if those powers are tweaked later will that info be updated in the in-game tabs or ... ?



The only nuke you have is.. well.. the closest thing you can do is that nova-type power in the Psychic Assault set.

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That's *definitely* a nuke.

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But it isn't as strong.
From what I remember it doesn't suck your End dry.
The damage is High (I think) but it's not a real nuke.

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I thought they also got Dark Blast with Blackstar? And energy should have their "nuke". I'm not sure what the spines one is, but it might not be quite the same.

Still here, even after all this time!




Given numbers in the game. *glee*

[/ QUOTE ]Now if those powers are tweaked later will that info be updated in the in-game tabs or ... ?

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If they're tweaked later then I guess you'll get your answers later instead of now.



The only nuke you have is.. well.. the closest thing you can do is that nova-type power in the Psychic Assault set.

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That's *definitely* a nuke.

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No it isn't. I have Psychic Wail on my Def - that's a nuke. Psychic Shockwave recharges in good time, doesn't drain your End, does good but not insane damage, and doesn't do that 'three separate attacks' thing that nukes do.



I'm sure they will give numbers like they said but will that make a difference when powers are "balanced"? Will they tell the player which aoe immobilize stops knockback and which one doesn't? Will the lvl 49 pets have their hit points, resistances, status protection, etc listed? Will there be pictures of the powers to look at in the game so you're not stuck with something that looks so horrible/ridiculous you wish you never picked that patron? Will the descriptions even be accurate or in 2 months will a player test something, post about it, then receive a dev response along the lines of "ooops, we forgot to update that description. We nerfed that power before it even hit test, sorry".

These patron powers just keep getting worse and worse in my view.



I'm sure they will give numbers like they said but will that make a difference when powers are "balanced"? Will they tell the player which aoe immobilize stops knockback and which one doesn't? Will the lvl 49 pets have their hit points, resistances, status protection, etc listed? Will there be pictures of the powers to look at in the game so you're not stuck with something that looks so horrible/ridiculous you wish you never picked that patron? Will the descriptions even be accurate or in 2 months will a player test something, post about it, then recieve a dev response along the lines of "ooops, we forgot to update that description. We nerfed that power before it even hit test, sorry".

These patron powers just keep getting worse and worse in my view.

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Ugh. I'm not touching this.



I'm still waiting for the devs to jump out and shout "APRIL FOOLS" about the whole spirit sharks thing. And the AoE vomit. And nearly everything else in the patron power pools, for that matter.



My */poison mastermind will be taking the sharks without a doubt, in no small part FOR the attack vomit.



It comes down to this:

The Villain Patron Pools look good, if you can get past the thematic visual ties to the patron.
But, Hero Epic Pools give you more varied choices.

I don't really like the direction they've taken with the Patron Pools. In a couple months, I won't care as much, but I still won't like it.



ya know itz kinda retarded if u tink about it, heroes should be lookin in da newspaper not villains, it makes no sense. And i also tink dat heroes should logically have patron powers instead of ancilary powers. Cause i mean usually a hero would follow a higher hero, but realisticlly speakin villains wouldnt do dat because villains would say "screw Arachnos im doin what i wanna do and nobody is gunna stop me"
to me cov and coh are startin to be way to reversed and vilains are gettin what heroes wrightfully deserve like dat lil "newspaper article" thing.



It comes down to this:

The Villain Patron Pools look good, if you can get past the thematic visual ties to the patron.
But, Hero Epic Pools give you more varied choices.

I don't really like the direction they've taken with the Patron Pools. In a couple months, I won't care as much, but I still won't like it.

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A dev needs to confirm wether or not the villains will have access to the hero's EPP if they don't pick a Patorn. Posi? Castle?



It comes down to this:

The Villain Patron Pools look good, if you can get past the thematic visual ties to the patron.
But, Hero Epic Pools give you more varied choices.

I don't really like the direction they've taken with the Patron Pools. In a couple months, I won't care as much, but I still won't like it.

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ThatÂ’s kinda how I feel. The new powers will have their place and be useful IMO, but there is not much variety. Kind of like Heroes get a Baskin Robins and we get a carton of neapolitan.

Maybe we will see more varied choices over time. (By then perhaps we will be able to respec out).



ya know itz kinda retarded if u tink about it, heroes should be lookin in da newspaper not villains, it makes no sense. And i also tink dat heroes should logically have patron powers instead of ancilary powers. Cause i mean usually a hero would follow a higher hero, but realisticlly speakin villains wouldnt do dat because villains would say "screw Arachnos im doin what i wanna do and nobody is gunna stop me"
to me cov and coh are startin to be way to reversed and vilains are gettin what heroes wrightfully deserve like dat lil "newspaper article" thing.

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This post burned my eyes....



I'm sure they will give numbers like they said but will that make a difference when powers are "balanced"? Will they tell the player which aoe immobilize stops knockback and which one doesn't? Will the lvl 49 pets have their hit points, resistances, status protection, etc listed? Will there be pictures of the powers to look at in the game so you're not stuck with something that looks so horrible/ridiculous you wish you never picked that patron? Will the descriptions even be accurate or in 2 months will a player test something, post about it, then recieve a dev response along the lines of "ooops, we forgot to update that description. We nerfed that power before it even hit test, sorry".

These patron powers just keep getting worse and worse in my view.

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Ugh. I'm not touching this.

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Can't touch this!



The only nuke you have is.. well.. the closest thing you can do is that nova-type power in the Psychic Assault set.

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That's *definitely* a nuke.

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No it isn't. I have Psychic Wail on my Def - that's a nuke. Psychic Shockwave recharges in good time, doesn't drain your End, does good but not insane damage, and doesn't do that 'three separate attacks' thing that nukes do.

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Color me surprised and shocked. I was sure that they were the same "basic" powersets from Defenders.

Why make blast sets without the nukes though? That seems pretty odd then.

Still here, even after all this time!



The only nuke you have is.. well.. the closest thing you can do is that nova-type power in the Psychic Assault set.

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That's *definitely* a nuke.

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No it isn't. I have Psychic Wail on my Def - that's a nuke. Psychic Shockwave recharges in good time, doesn't drain your End, does good but not insane damage, and doesn't do that 'three separate attacks' thing that nukes do.

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Color me surprised and shocked. I was sure that they were the same "basic" powersets from Defenders.

Why make blast sets without the nukes though? That seems pretty odd then.

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It's not a blast set.
Defenders have Psychic Blast.
Dominators have Psychic Assault.



Ah, complaining about powers before they are available to be tested and see how they mesh with an AT, yummy.

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It doesn't really matter if they're slightly more or less powerful than people guess. If they're totally in the wrong ballpark of what certain ATs need, then they're just bad powers. Every single MM patron pool is 1 cone damage, 1 toggle self armor, 1 AOE immobilize, and 1 single target hold. It really doesn't matter how good or bad those powers are. We don't need to wait for the test server to know that those aren't going to give us anything we need that we don't already have.

MMs already have direct attacks which most of them dont take or spec out of by then.

They are dead if they try to tank, but fortunately their pets do it for them. What kills MMs is mez effects, which the armor doesn't protect against and will be dropped by them anyway. The armor will do next to nothing to keep MMs alive whether they're "good" powers in general or not.

MMs already have immoblize and hold abilities available in both their primary and secondary pools. Another option won't hurt, but it won't really help either. I'd rather pick the power that accomplishes the same thing but fits my character, rather than the version that looks like [censored] flying ghost sharks.

This patron pool announcement is basically telling us we have 4 more slots to use on the power pools and primary/secondary skills that weren't quite as good as the ones we selected to fit in our pre-40 build. Its not much incentive to go through the slow 40 to 50 levels.

The whole philosophy of these patron pools just seems completely backwards and unfun. People don't want to play villains just to continually advance through the ranks of Arachnos subordination. High level villains deserve more choice and independence. I'm sure the devs must be in love with the characters they created, but those should only serve as the backdrop for the characters that players create. Players play this game to be their own hero, not to be force fed a particular storyline about being an Arachnos employee. The regular powers and the hero epic powers are as generic as possible to let people create their own characters, but the villain patron powers force us to fit 4 highly specific power sets into that and rewrite our character's ambitions to permanent lackeyhood. A lot of different stories can be written about characters with fire, or guns, or mind control, or whatever. But only so many stories can be written about people using an arachnos mace to shoot webs or ghost sharks.



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Dominator damage is already lower than controller damage post 35 or so, the only hope for bringing it back in line was a damage booster.

the only time dom's outdamage controllers is when Domination is active but over the course of a mission controllers run higher over time if they took a damage boosting secondary. Rad/emp/Kin and a pet primary.

Dom's needed something really impressive to make up for it.

Also lets remember villians are locked heros arent.

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So Domination, AOE hold then nuke wouldn't be a viable post-38 tactic? Heck, pop a *couple* of reds for maximage damage.

I'm almost positive that the reason there isn't an "extra" damage boost power is because of this innate. Yes, over time Dominators do less damage than Controllers, but that's because Controllers are *broken* this way.

The low damage AT *easily* outdoes Defender. Defenders really are the red-headed stepchildren of the CoH ATs.

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You dont see controllers outdamaging dominators as a problem?

I dont consider controllers overpowered because they traded alot of their control for damage, controllers dont control nearly as well as they used to, but they do get close to defender damage.

At least there are some good defender sets. Except for plant/en I havent seen any great dominator sets.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



You have completed the trial set before you by your Patron and thus earned your reward. Accept your Patron Badge as a sign of honor and gain access to your new Patron Power Pool! Read more in our latest update here!

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Amazing job.. Nice to see all new and different powers!!



I can understand Stalkers getting snipes to fit into that whole assassin thing, but if they critical from hide it is going to open a giagantic can of worms with the 'NERF STALKERS' crowd.

What I really don't get is why are Brutes setting a pet for a 4th tier pool power?



The general idea behind the Mastermind is one who commands others to get his or her work done, and their role in the matter is guidance and planning ... If we arent' given powers that (a) enhance our minions, the ones doing the work or (b) help our minions by way of guidance and planning, then we take a big step away from Mastermind and into another AT.

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The thing is, though, Masterminds aren't just bobbing, flailing brains with mouths that use their henchmen as limbs. You can choose that type of play if you prefer, but you've got a few attacks in your primary and a host of buff/debuff powers in your secondary. You may not be looking at the Patron powers as closely as you could to see that they actually do function well within the idea of what a Mastermind is supposed to be and do.

Ranged AoE attack (corrupter) should be given to our minion(s).

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What for? I have all three of my primary attacks on my Mastermind. Think of it as a HP debuff: I reduce my target's HP, thereby helping my henchmen defeat it faster. Heck, I have higher burst damage than any of them alone, except for maybe my Assault Bot. Anything that weakens my target is an asset to my henchmen, and that's not considering any additional effects that the AoE attacks have. Night Fall has an accuracy debuff. Mace Beam Volley does knockback.

That, and having six minions all with AoE attacks might be a tad overpowered.

Immobilize (stalker? huh?) could be given to a minion(s). But better for the MM.

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Giving AoE immobilizes to each of your henchmen would quickly become broken. Most of these also have debuffs that would also become stacked and broken.

Shield (brute) should be given to a minion(s).

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Trying to fight henchmen with such high resistances wouldn't be all that fun (well, it would be fun for the Mastermind, I suppose,) and would give an opponent even more of a reason to just go after you in the first place. However, since all of your henchmen DIE when you faceplant, giving yourself any additional protection is one of the best things you can do to help them out.

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