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  1. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee a sketch since I don't have a scanner. I'm merely looking for inspiration.

    For those who are nice enough to participate (and won't mind me using their characters for art projects), I'd like to request screenshots and if possible, bios of your Magical character. I'm deeply inspired by both Marvel and DC's magical or supernatural (related) characters, ranging from Marvel's Dr. Strange to DC's The Endless. And right now I just have this crazy idea of concocting a group or legion of magical superheroes and/or supervillains - both would be nice though.

    I'll probably post if I ever get to do something big like a painting (I don't really do much digital art for personal stuff) but as for now, I'm just looking for inspiration. So if you have the free time and think you have a good, solid character of magical (or supernatural, occult, etc.) origin, I'd really like to hear from (any of) you. Besides, it would be a good reference for other artists looking for inspiration, hehe.
  2. Huge jugs. Not a big surprise for a comic book character, but still, huge round jugs.

    Oh, and she's very, very pretty as well.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    I was hoping for some more new costumes.

    I can only hope there are a ton of new costumes for inventions. And by a ton, I mean ALOT.

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    Same here. I'm hoping for a crazy-go-nuts amount of new stuff. Too bad wishing very hard doesn't make it so.

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    What are the odds though? You'd think Jay would take half of those suggestions in his suggestions thread and put them in the Inventions costume list. At least the robes that are already in the game. Or NPC (not signature) costumes that are already in the game as a matter of fact. Like CoT robes and hats.
  4. I was hoping for some more new costumes.

    I can only hope there are a ton of new costumes for inventions. And by a ton, I mean ALOT.
  5. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

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    Looks like MUO is getting our shield sets.

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    I'm crossing my fingers for this travel power!

    *crosses fingers*
  6. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

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    I don't think that'll be the case. I think they're going to be two completely different games, catering to different audiences for the most part.

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    One can only hope.
  7. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

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    There aren't enough Super Hero/Comic Book MMO Players out there to support TWO MMOs.

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    Let alone THREE titles. Right, DC / Sony?

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    And who plays PS3?

    But yes, the DC MMO is gonna be developed by Sony Online.
  8. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

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    There were plans for an official expansion like WoW's Burning Crusade (as an example).

    Instead they took the content for it and are putting it in the free Issues. 9 - 11 to be precise.

    At this time crying about CoX dying is like saying who the next President is. It's WAY to early.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh good to hear. That's smart of them.

    I can't really call it "nice" of them like I was going to, because you know the reason they didn't do it is because I1-8 were free, and there'd be a huge uproar.
    UNLESS they didn't plan on making you pay for it (which is unlikely because packaging costs money, hense why they stopped the free comic books).

    In fact, I would have been livid if I'd have to pay for the issues -- BECAUSE they've all been free in the past.

    Glad they kept the free issue idea going strong.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    There were gonna be tons of content in one paid expansion PLUS the free issues that are still coming. It would have been a good boost for new content if you ask me. New power sets for each AT, new Archetype, zones, etc. were gonna be in there, and I'm just saying, it would have been nice. Sure, all those things are coming in I9-I11, but hey, I'd prefer that we have a paid expansion and I10-I11. Call me selfish, but I just think it would have been a positive step. I'm not sure how it would have affected the game financially though, which was most likely the problem.
  9. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Statesman wrote:
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    [City of Heroes] isn't going anywhere.

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    Isn't that the sad and unintentional truth?

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    It allways amazes me how people can take thing out of what other people say as a positive thing and try to turn it into a negitive.

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    Some say the glass is half full, some say it's half empty. That's like an everyday thing here, nothing amazing.

  10. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

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    Rick and I came up with Crypteia since we'd both worked on Cryptozoology first. We were trying to come up with names based on the "crypt-" part...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Wow.. interesting trivia States.
  11. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Eventually people were going to move on from CoX anyway, it's just a matter of time. Think of the Marvel game to CoX like EQ2 is to EQ.

    I just want Cryptic to develope a MMO based on Mech Warrior.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It pretty much depends on how CoH will match up to MUO. I think it's a bit early to call it for now.
  12. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, I'm still around...

    NCSoft (the publisher) and Cryptic Studios (the developer) are still firmly behind City of Heroes. It isn't going anywhere. NCSoft continues to fund a fantastic live team with lots of great stuff to come.

    Yes, Cryptic is working on other products. These are different games with different financial backers. We plan on supporting multiple games in the same way that other great developers do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Waves Statesman flags*

    Wooohooo, go States! =^ ^= And uh... Could we pretty please with a clam on top get beta invites, you know, when MUO eventually goes beta.


    =^ ^=

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    *raises hand* me too, please?

    Honestly, I think we should get first dibs on the MUO Beta Testing. We're basically the pioneers.
  13. Oceanborn

    Cryptic article.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Awesome, thanks for linking that. Interesting to finally see the origin of the Cryptic Studios name. I'd never seen that explained before.


    [ QUOTE ]

    "City of Heroes was very tightly focused on moment to moment combat," Rogers says. "The Marvel game will have more big components to it. It's going to be all the stuff we wanted to put into City of Heroes, and you'll get to run around in Marvel costumes. We've got more money now and more people. We'll add more depth. We want to take it to the next level."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats a bit disheartening for CoH players. We're the reason Cryptic has more money. The quote makes it sounds like the plan is, put all the awesome ideas we wanted to have in the old game into the new game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That isn't the least bit surprising though. Who didn't see this coming?

    *crosses fingers for the most awesome ocean powers*

    Still, 2008's a long ways away. CoH can still pull something off.. probably.
  14. So is the Q&A done yet or is it still in the works?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    Yenno, I'd laugh if the devs are leaving to join the MUO's development.

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    That's what I thought at first but it says he's leaving Cryptic and MUO is being developed by them.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ah, very true.
  16. *waves*

    Yenno, I'd laugh if the devs are leaving to join the MUO's development.
  17. Fly because I can be a spectator of things happening on the ground. That, and I can't be reached 90% of the time. I'm also three dimensional, and that's always fun.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Statesman has other *Cough*Marvelous*Cough* duties to perform right now.

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    Doom! or shall I say.. DOOO000Ooo()()()OOOO000000oOoOoo000()()()ooOo000M!

    Yet, I'm still happy about the possibilities.. hm.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Forgive my lack of search fu, but I believe it was the woot radio interview where posi said Nictus were next, followed by Incarnates.

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    This is exactly what he said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    "The Incarnates are planned to be an Epic Archetype. I do not know when the Incarnates will come out, however. They don't really fit into the story line. But it is probably the first epic archetype that we want to do after putting Nictus into CoV. Yeah, that's our plan, is to get Nictus into City of Villains as soon as possible and get them there as a reward for getting your villain to level 50. They will probably be alot like Warshades, and there will probably be an evil version of a Peacebringer as well and with some tweaks to some of the powers to kind of put them more on the villainous side. "

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    In conjunction with what he said earlier, it's more likely that it might be the Incarnates, but as you and other nitpicker here on the forums might notice, in the W00T interview, he said "probably", and in the recent interview, he said "discussing" which are both key words, meaning nothing's still definite, but like I said, the Incarnates are more likely to get picked compared to the others.
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    Question, were you trying to make an angel, Ocean?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Siren (Which I already have, but he has no wings.)

    Anyway, to get back on track, from Positron's quote, he said that the Nictus are on their way and there's talks of another. Which one do you think it is and why?
  21. Well, I just realized I don't have 15 months on my account yet (since I take 2-3 months break every now and again), so that's why I came back. I wanted feathered wings. I just can't not have them. I already missed out on the toga and sandals last year (which is what I wanted for so long.)

  22. [ QUOTE ]
    didn't he also mention that there was another coming too?

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    Just recently? unless I missed it, then no.

    [ QUOTE ]
    is this in reference to incarnates or possibly something we dont know of?

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    The EAT's name wasn't announced, so it could be any of the four (Avilans, BotBS, Coralax, Incarnates) or something completely new. Some might think Incarnates because that was the last EAT talked about, but honestly, the question was in favor of the Incarnates (during a radio interview.) Were the question to be about another EAT, the circumstances would have turned out different.
  23. Oceanborn

    Wings in Action.

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    They do if you are a peacebringer.

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    Man, so unfair. I want a PB with wings.
  24. Oceanborn

    Wings in Action.

    [ QUOTE ]

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