Issue 7: Patron Powers!




Do stalkers really want pets?

It seems to me that having a pet along, especially in the post level 40 game, all but guarantees that most PvE fights will start before the stalker can get into position. That means AOEs flying in all directions, which pretty much eliminates half the stalker's own natural abilities. If I'm right, then it better be one heck of a pet to make it worth it.



Why make blast sets without the nukes though? That seems pretty odd then.

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I'd swap out Psychic Wail for Psychic Shockwave in a heartbeat. Psychic Shockwave makes a tolerable set good.



You dont see controllers outdamaging dominators as a problem?

I dont consider controllers overpowered because they traded alot of their control for damage, controllers dont control nearly as well as they used to, but they do get close to defender damage.

At least there are some good defender sets. Except for plant/en I havent seen any great dominator sets.

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Actually I still feel that Controllers got too big a boost to damage. With the information that Controllers can use some secondaries better than Defenders their primaries, it's just being magnified.

No, I'm not saying repeal Containment, just change containment so that it is not as big a bonus.

Still here, even after all this time!



I'm a little disappointed with the corruptors patron powers. I expected to see a melee attack or 2 for close combat. oh well can't always get what u want.

Shadowbain 50 scrap D/D/F
Omega Strike 49 tank F/E
Prime Objective 46 Nrgy/Elec Blaster/Force
Raw fuzion 40 PB
Chaotic Fist 40 Nrgy/Nrgy Brute
Black Tundra 50 Ice/Ice/Dark corruptor
Imperalax 20 Psi/Rad Def
ThundaClapper 50 SS/Elec Brute/Mu
Omega Onslaught 30 Ice/Nrgy Dom



No, I'm not saying repeal Containment, just change containment so that it is not as big a bonus.

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Do we get some of our control back? I'd make that trade in a second.



This is my first post in defense of the devs, so it might seem a little harsh. I'm just used to talking about the gimpedness of heroes.

Okay, first of all, I'm in shock right now at this response to Patron Powers. But that isn't EVEN the beginning of the mental atrocities that've been posted here. Let's begin with the most blatant error.

Heroes>Villains: This is an outright lie. Villains are so much more powerful than heroes, it isn't even funny. Any one villain could turn any one hero into a red stain on the pavement, with or without Focused Accuracy, or whatever useless click-buffs you love for some reason. All epic or patron powers do is mildly flesh out your power roster. These powers are not life-changing.

Somehow, having the same types of powers is bad: This is wrong, having the same types of powers lets villains choose a patron for style, not because they come with Focused Accuracy (which I still don't see the use of).

All the powers look dumb, and I don't want to look like an Arachnos dude: Then don't take a patron.

I can't respec out of my patron: At least all the patrons have the same types of powers.

Chum Spray is a funny name, if misspelled: Yes. Yes it is.

There. And besides, I bet you folks'll be making electric brutes, Thuggish MMs, and playing with the other sets for so long that you won't notice that the Patron Powers aren't up to your standards. And Focused Accuracy isn't the end-all, be-all of APPs/PPPs.

There you go, my first "the-devs-did-it-right" post. Tell me if the points I made came from solid info or not. I don't know much about FA, because I avoid click-buffs like that and Rage, Build Up, and Aim. I'd rather just use another attack/debuff/toggle or passive buff/control/pet. I suppose that's why I like the PPPs.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



You dont see controllers outdamaging dominators as a problem?

I dont consider controllers overpowered because they traded alot of their control for damage, controllers dont control nearly as well as they used to, but they do get close to defender damage.

At least there are some good defender sets. Except for plant/en I havent seen any great dominator sets.

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Actually I still feel that Controllers got too big a boost to damage. With the information that Controllers can use some secondaries better than Defenders their primaries, it's just being magnified.

No, I'm not saying repeal Containment, just change containment so that it is not as big a bonus.

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They would have to give some control back then otherwise controllers would just be in the same boat as dominators. Cant control enough and cant damage enough.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



I have to admit, I'm very dissapointed in the MM PPPs. Our pets get nothing? No new playmate? No new toys? They do all the work and take all the pain! This is a slap in the face to MMs.

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I just don't understand why people would thing that PPPs and APPs would disimmilar in nature. The purpose of these pools is to help fill an AT's shortcommings (brutes get ranged attacks, for example). They don't expand your current powers, but that's the whole point - to give an AT more variety.

Personally, the art is great and the powers are what I was expecting them to be (the villain version of APPs). Can't wait to see what they can do.



No, I'm not saying repeal Containment, just change containment so that it is not as big a bonus.

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Do we get some of our control back? I'd make that trade in a second.

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Do you get to lose a significant portion of your buffing/debuffing ability? Then it would be a fair trade.

Still here, even after all this time!



[The purpose of these pools is to help fill an AT's shortcommings (brutes get ranged attacks, for example). They don't expand your current powers, but that's the whole point - to give an AT more variety.

Personally, the art is great and the powers are what I was expecting them to be (the villain version of APPs). Can't wait to see what they can do.

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Is every single APP exactly the same as every other APP? If the point is variety, then why all the sameness? Every MM patron pool is exactly the same as every other MM patron pool with different graphics and damage types.



Now that I take the time to study them, I'm really disappointed in the Mastermind powers. Except for Black Scorpion, and one change for Scirocco's set, what basically everybody gets is two cone attacks, an armor, and a single-target hold.

I don't want any cone attacks. I didn't become a Mastermind so that I can rush into battle; I hire people or build droids to do that for me. The holds are good news. The armor is ecstatically great news. I'll grudgingly concede a use for the cone or AoE immobilizes. But that other cone attack is both completely useless and aggravating.

Is there any chance at all, at this late a date, to persuade you to swap out the plain cone attacks for the same summonable pet that the Corruptors get? My nearly level 40 droid MM would love to add an Arachnobot Blaster to the set, even if it didn't take orders. My level 40 mercs MM would equally love to have a coralax guardian or a coralax blue hybrid, or maybe a Mu mystic. I think the pets fit the MM concept a lot better, and I mean a lot. Because as the sets are laid out now, I honestly can't see any Mastermind taking any set except Black Scorpion's.




Given numbers in the game. *glee*

[/ QUOTE ]Now if those powers are tweaked later will that info be updated in the in-game tabs or ... ?

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If they're tweaked later then I guess you'll get your answers later instead of now.

[/ QUOTE ]Oh good grief. You do know that power descriptions in the game are sometimes left in place even after the powers change? So if these patron powers are modified for whatever reason, say Dark Embrace gets some +Perception, will that be dynamically updated in the in-game information or will that also lag behind and require someone to manually enter the changes?

Since these powers once set are there for the life of your character and the developers went out of their way to make sure the NUMBERS are known ahead of time, I'm wondering exactly how far they took it. Would be nice if it didn't require someone to manually make those changes.



I can understand Stalkers getting snipes to fit into that whole assassin thing, but if they critical from hide it is going to open a giagantic can of worms with the 'NERF STALKERS' crowd.

What I really don't get is why are Brutes setting a pet for a 4th tier pool power?

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Brutes and Stalkers getting pets doesn't really make sense to me either.

I don't plan on taking the summon for my Brutes.




Given numbers in the game. *glee*

[/ QUOTE ]Now if those powers are tweaked later will that info be updated in the in-game tabs or ... ?

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If they're tweaked later then I guess you'll get your answers later instead of now.

[/ QUOTE ]Oh good grief. You do know that power descriptions in the game are sometimes left in place even after the powers change? So if these patron powers are modified for whatever reason, say Dark Embrace gets some +Perception, will that be dynamically updated in the in-game information or will that also lag behind and require someone to manually enter the changes?

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Like I said,"If they're tweaked later then I guess you'll get your answers later instead of now."

You're asking about things that could happend in the future. I can't see how someone can answer that at this very moment.



You know, I am going to join the "april fools" crowd. This is just too rediculous to believe, across the board. Every archtype is getting stuff they do not need, want, or are designed for.

-Stalkers and brutes are built for getting close. I cant imagine why I would want a range attack with mine. To piss off the enemies BEFORE I get into my optimal damage range?

-Masterminds already have crowd control if they want it, and in my experiance, we do not even need it that badly. AE immobilize = 8 mobs target me and open fire = one dead (and stupid) mastermind. Whats more, we are talking about AE immobilize and single target hold. Level 4 dominators get these powers. Hardly what I would consider end-game MM powers.

-Everyone is getting pets, who do not need them, yet the one character who is built for pets is left out?

-You obtain these powers by talking to STATUES rather then the actual villain (which would have been 10x cooler), and you are forced to take some time and closely examine every one of these statues, before you can even start the storyline. This sounds really friggin lame.

-The devs said that the statues will provide hard numbers on all of the powers. Does this not turn on a little warning light for anyone else? Currently in game, hard numbers are just a fairy tail. The best thing you get is "damage: moderate, Recharge: slow". Why would it be different for patron powers? Why would the devs suddenly support min/maxing for these powers alone?

-Ghost sharks and Chum barf. Do I even have to elaborate on this one? I am surprized Brutes are not getting a "thunderous fart" AE mez attack. These two powers are just too stupid to believe.

This is either an april fools joke, or these developers are completely off their fruit.



No, I'm not saying repeal Containment, just change containment so that it is not as big a bonus.

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Do we get some of our control back? I'd make that trade in a second.

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Do you get to lose a significant portion of your buffing/debuffing ability? Then it would be a fair trade.

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Er... um... no.

We took a simultaneous triple nerf to get containment as a lone buff. I don't think it's asking anything silly that if we lose some of the buff then we get back a little of the nerf.

Oh, and my force fields aren't all that threatening, thanks.



Sorry if this has been asked about already, I didn't feel like reading through the 20 pages of whines.

With the one free respec you gain when you complete your Patron’s Arc, Patron Power selections will become available at threat levels 41, 44, 47 and 49! Once you have mastered these unspeakable powers, your strength will be rivaled by few among the City of Villains

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From Awry's article. You get a Respec for completing your Patron Arc or whatever, but this respec will not affect the actual Patron powers that you are being rewarded?

Help me clarify this situation please.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



I love that stalkers get a Snipe and a Pet,both will be useless in PvP.The Dev that came up with these powers for a stalker needs the boot.



Something else I'd like to see the power descriptions be very clear on... Which of the patron powers will force me to put away and re-draw my bow/assault rifle/etc.

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This one is easy - all of them. All non-bow powers puts away the bow, and so on. No reason to think these are any different.



ChrisMoses, once you choose your patron, you are (currently--hopefully this will change) locked into just that patron, and you are not allowed to respec into another patron's powersets.



post deleted - i shouldn't feed the troll..



Heroes>Villains: This is an outright lie. Villains are so much more powerful than heroes, it isn't even funny. Any one villain could turn any one hero into a red stain on the pavement, with or without Focused Accuracy, or whatever useless click-buffs you love for some reason. All epic or patron powers do is mildly flesh out your power roster. These powers are not life-changing.

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OMG LMAO, tell that to my blapper why don't you, hit break free charge in and over in seconds.



Ok, my main (lv40) is a bot/ff mm. The next highest is a (lv26) rad/rad corruptor

To say I'm unimpressed would be an understatement. the only thing that even remotely interests me there is the fact that Scirocco 's Mu mastery will most likely look cool.

Everyone gets a pet _but_ the MM, why do they think people who like the MM's play one? what do they think they might want from the PP's?

I've been really impressed with COV, it brought me back from COH bordom induced cancelation. This is.... just dissapointing.

Sorry to add another voice of dissention to the announcement thread, but... wow, the dissapointment is.... palpable.



About what could be expected. A bit surprised by the abundance of pets, some seem to be capable of buffing you. Could be good or bad depending on specs. The most interesting power here is Web Envelope - -Fly, -Jump. Devious.

All in all, I find them about as useful as their hero counterparts - which I honestly don't feel are all that useful.

Brutes must have been tricky. With such varied secondaries, and no duplication, there really wasn't all that many options available. You can't let someone have Conserve Power twice.

Stalkers: Snipe for stalkers makes perfect sense, and I am pretty sure the will do criticals. I expected one of the snipes to be a gun, tough. And will the pets refrain from attacking when you are hidden, perhaps even have their own version of hide? If not they seem pretty useless.

Corruptors seem to have powers that are all-around useful. I too could have seen some blapper powers here, but we can already get melee attacks through the pools, and one or two odd blappers attacks would have been too little to build a true blapper-corruptor anyway. Adding about as much control as Blasters get in their Epics seems reasonable.

Dominators were just as restricted as brutes because of their varies secondaries. I can see why you'd get area blasts, but the abundance of end recovery powers were confuising and a bit too similar to consume.

Mastermind sets seem a bit underwhelming, but an area immobilize is not a bad thing. Only one of the sets have a cone that is primarily about damage (Ghost Widow), all the others are primarily immobilizers. And Nioght Fall is a very nice, long-range, high-damage power. Also, you can generally take the armor as your #1 power, which helps againstthe squishiness of the Mastermind.



In my mind, Arachnos broke you out and you are staying on the Rogue Isles (a sovereign nation) by the graces of Lord Recluse who could at any moment decide you are too much trouble and have you wiped out. Maybe you don’t’ want to work for Arachnos and that’s fine, but even a villain knows that sometimes you have to play along to survive. Choosing a Patron or facing the wrath of Recluse and all Arachnos.

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That's pretty much my take on it.

And it also explains why these powers would be a one-time choice. You cast your lot with one of the Patrons in order to play nice with Arachnos, and to keep Recluse happy. Any attempts to leave that Patron's service (i.e., a respec) would be seen as a betrayal of that person, and by extension a betrayal of Arachnos.

It makes me wonder if all of this will somehow tie in to any betrayal (i.e., Villain to Hero, or Hero to Villain) quests that would come into the game in the future. This would mean that the only way out of Arachnos, and away from your Patron is to ultimately have a change of heart and switch sides.