Issue 7: Patron Powers!




I really doubt they'll be controllable. Balance considerations aside, it would be very clunky UI wise for a pet control dialog to pop up.



Agreed. Also, giving pretty much everyone else a pet, some which are quite strong, seems to take away from the uniqueness of MMs imo. Especially if they can be controlled.

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I doubt they can be controlled.



I think the patron power pools are EXACTLY what each AT needs.



I think the patron power pools are EXACTLY what each AT needs.

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In each case, the pool is 3/4 of what any given AT would actually want.

Pet for brutes? No recovery buff and only 1 control?

Snipe for Stalker?

The 4th power of MM's = a single target hold?

Another pet for Dominator instead of a buff/debuff?

No. None of that is what anyone "needs".

My AE Story Arcs:
Family Matters - 82136



i'm not sorting through all those pages, just voicing opinion here.

first, thank you for the information. But uh...what's really going on here? These sound ok, i guess. But these are NOTHING compared to the powers available to heroes. Do you think a single target hold is going to stop a scrapper with mez protection and focused accuracy? I think these power are completely unfair to the villains. Where's our Foucused Accuracy? Indomnibal (SP) Will? Personal Force Field? Force of Nature? Unstoppable? I'm very dissapointed in the options right now. But i have yet to see them in action. Mabey the attacks do rediculous damage, the holds have increadible mag, and the pets are some crazy version of the meager minions i've been fighting. If they are not then I will probably never roll another villain.

Edit: Mabey I jumped a head of myself. It has been said that we don't HAVE to do the patron archs. Are there going to be "normal epic power pools" similar to the hero types if we opt not pick a patron? Or are we going to be limited to primary/secondary/PP?



Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.

Also, when the devs said you can't respec out of your PPP, they mean that you can't respec INTO a different one. You can't go, "I don't like these flying ghost sharks, I'll just respec into GW's powers!"

This was explained as a coding issue, which makes perfect sense. Since you may do the patron missions ONCE, that means you may have access to ONE PPP, But, if you hate the set, you can ditch all four powers, and pick up other ones.

Also, I still have no doubt that villains can easily destroy the much-nerfed heroes wothout much effort. Any villain that loses to a hero of the same level deserves every lost point of reputation. But then again, I may be a bit biased since my controller gets maybe six seconds of control with three SOs (down from about 10 seconds with an equal amount), and my tanker is as durable a wet Kleenex (also with three SOs in his powers for res or def, as he's invuln). Some exaggeration may apply to the tanker comment. Some.

Also, stop complaining about getting more damage, def/res, controls, or a pet that can distract foes while you re-hide.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



my controller gets maybe six seconds of control with three SOs (down from about 10 seconds with an equal amount), and my tanker is as durable a wet Kleenex

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If you're that bad on your heroes, you might want to consider sticking to PvE.



Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.

Also, when the devs said you can't respec out of your PPP, they mean that you can't respec INTO a different one. You can't go, "I don't like these flying ghost sharks, I'll just respec into GW's powers!"

This was explained as a coding issue, which makes perfect sense. Since you may do the patron missions ONCE, that means you may have access to ONE PPP, But, if you hate the set, you can ditch all four powers, and pick up other ones.

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Um duh! Why do people insist on explaining this again and again? It is widely known by now that people can not respec out of a PPP after it is chosen. THAT is what people have a problem with. Not being able to respec out of it. Sitting here saying you can use your respec and then choose the crap you didn't want to choose between 1-40 at 40-50 is asinine. Being told by a dev that you do not have to choose a PPP is a copout and a pisspoor one at that. Heroes get APP and are able to respec out of them, due to nerfs/buffs or simply changing of ones mind. Villians should have the same option.



Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.

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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'.



I think the powersets sound cool. It makes each AT well-rounded and gives them things their powersets are missing.

I do think there is potential for Stalkers being over-powered in PvP. They tear it up as it is. Add in a snipe AND a hold and they are gonna be even more annoying. we'll see what the dmg numbers look like on snipe, but it could get ugly. And pets are quite useful for a stalker. Attack, hold, summon pet..allows you to take on more mobs at once.

And the RPers need to get a clue. You can't complain about additions to a game because they don't fit YOUR personal bios. Make believe is not that important in the greater scheme of things. If it really bothers you that much. Quit the game and go invest in a life. Otherwise work with the changes.



Some general thoughts:

1: Don't dismiss powers until you've tried them; there might be synergies you didn't think of.

2: Patron powers are not supposed to be the pinnacle of you character's achievement, they are supposed to round out your abilities and make your character more diverse. Cryptic did this for heroes, and the villain powers look like they fit this concept too.

3: _Castle_ said the following in another thread:
Stalker Snipe WITH Crit < Blaster Snipe. But not much. Of course, it also breaks hide for 10 seconds.

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Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.

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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'.

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Ghost Sharks, that is why your idea is wrong.

That and just do some dam roleplaying if you want to do thsat, your charicter worms your way into (insert patron here) then runs of with there mace/sceret tombs ect laughing all the way. Or you beat some heads in take the dam mace/other things and wander off into the night laughting. Sre you might be "lying" to your self about what the missions are about, but that is what roleplaying is all about unless you really are your villian.



And the RPers need to get a clue. You can't complain about additions to a game because they don't fit YOUR personal bios. Make believe is not that important in the greater scheme of things. If it really bothers you that much. Quit the game and go invest in a life. Otherwise work with the changes.

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YEAH You stupid RPers! What's wrong with you?!?!?! Trying to RP in an RPG??!?!?! THAT'S MADNESS I SAY!!!!



Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.

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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'.

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Ghost Sharks, that is why your idea is wrong.

That and just do some dam roleplaying if you want to do thsat, your charicter worms your way into (insert patron here) then runs of with there mace/sceret tombs ect laughing all the way. Or you beat some heads in take the dam mace/other things and wander off into the night laughting. Sre you might be "lying" to your self about what the missions are about, but that is what roleplaying is all about unless you really are your villian.

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All I'm saying is, they could have the same exact powers but instead of being given to you by some Arachnos flunky, you beat up the patron and take the power yourself. THAT is villainous.



In case anyone is wondering (aside from questions as to "why <x>!!", this was the most pressing question on my mind regarding the powers), the ever helpful _Castle_ confirmed to me that the PP pets function like controller pets - at least with regards to duration.

Again, to clarify, the pets last until you zone or die. That makes me very happy. I doubt they will be as buff as their NPC versions, but hey - free pets!

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Well that is definitely a good start considering my corruptor, I could always use a pet to tank for me and it will be nice tossing buffs onto it.



The last thing masterminds need are more attacks, did they get to us last and fall alseep or something? I am debating skipping the PP alltogether.



Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.

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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'.

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How would you get the powers? Who would train you in these new ways? They're villains, they wont do soemthing for nothing.



I'll admit, perhaps a snipe and hold for a stalker would be "okay", and that's fine. "Okay" is just fine because I realize these aren't powers that are supposed to be uber, yet at the same time they should be significant. I don't view having four patrons with mostly identical powers(same power, different name or damage type) to be evidence of any creativity or forethought in their design and selection. The differences seemingly come in theme, but not power differentiations. Damage types aren't enough. We need actual DIFFERENT powers. I don't want pets on any toon I play, except perhaps a mastermind, yet every patron selection is to the contrary. That is yet another example of what I said earlier, there is seemingly no thought or creativity put into these selections. It frustrates me to think I've wasted my time in waiting to see how issue7 would turn out, just to be dissapointed yet again.

I know these things for certain, not having playtested any of it:

1) Pets are a liability to stalkers in a pvp zone. Unless they share stealth values and can keep up with a stalker, they're worthless. Even then, I still wouldn't want one for the simple fact that the AI in this game is retardedly inferior.

2) The lack of a synergetic power for stalkers to choose with hide/stealth will mean that everyone and their mother will be seeing stalkers from a LONG distance away, negating one of the defining features of the archetype.

3) The lack of status protection for corruptors, masterminds, and dominators will ultimately diminish and frustrate these players.

4) The abundance of holds and immobilizes in the current selections take away from the uniqueness of the dominator, whom already struggles in PVP with things such as low hitpoints, low damage, no status protection, and a non-pvp friendly inherent. What now will dominators bring to a team when almost everyone now has an immobilize AND a hold available to them? the answer is nothing.



What now will dominators bring to a team when almost everyone now has an immobilize AND a hold available to them? the answer is nothing.

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Single Target Hold < AoE Hold, AoE Sleep, Cone Confuse, AoE Immobilize
Cone Immobilize < AoE Hold, AoE Sleep, Cone Confuse, AoE Immobilize

Sure, if you get EVERYONE to stop what they're doing (most likely damaging the opposition), they could perform the role of a Dominator... but why would you? Which of us to say that these Holds and Immobilizes would work 100% of the time? Which is to say that they'll even last as long as a Dominator's?

But I guess, if you want, you could say that Corruptors bring nothing to a team, now, because Brutes and Stalkers get ranged attacks. Masterminds bring nothing to a team, because everyone else will have a pet.



Awry can you tell us what power the woman surrounded by strands of light (last picture down) is using? I'm hoping it's one of Ghost Widows... basically I'm wondering how different the power animations are from their base power... I like swirly light but not so much the shadow and darkness that comes with the dark powers.

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Not sure exactly which one - but that is a Ghost Widow power.



Awry can you tell us what power the woman surrounded by strands of light (last picture down) is using? I'm hoping it's one of Ghost Widows... basically I'm wondering how different the power animations are from their base power... I like swirly light but not so much the shadow and darkness that comes with the dark powers.

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Not sure exactly which one - but that is a Ghost Widow power.

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I'm almost positive that's Soul Storm.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Is it just me, or do these patron powers really seem to suck? I mean, compared to the hero powers, these things are worthless. We get a varying animations for pretty much the same things, and we don't even get the choice as to what our last power will be. Unless you're a mastermind, your final ultimate power will be.........a minion.

Forgive me for not being completely awestruck.

Can we please get some VARIATION?



Im sure the reason all the sets are parcticly the same aside from visuals is because they wanted to avoid people complaining about taking the wrong one since they are permanent. Not saying this isnt the obvious can of worms that choice was gonna open, but its pretty obvious thats why they did it, to me atleast



I hope there will be bars instead've literal digits, States always said he'd rather put in stat BARS before cold hard numbers.