Issue 7: Patron Powers!




I shouldn't bother, but...


-Stalkers and brutes are built for getting close. I cant imagine why I would want a range attack with mine. To piss off the enemies BEFORE I get into my optimal damage range?

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I know of a few times my brute would have loved some sort of ranged attack (and Hurl Bolder isn't a real option). Sometimes you want to have it for when the mob is running to, not as a first attack.

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Masterminds already have crowd control if they want it, and in my experiance, we do not even need it that badly. AE immobilize = 8 mobs target me and open fire = one dead (and stupid) mastermind. Whats more, we are talking about AE immobilize and single target hold. Level 4 dominators get these powers. Hardly what I would consider end-game MM powers.

-Everyone is getting pets, who do not need them, yet the one character who is built for pets is left out?

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MMs need another pet like I need to soak my feet in acid. a /dark can get 7 pets, a necro/dark can get 8 and not all MM sets have this sort of control. I will admit on first glance, MM sets seem the most lack luster.

-You obtain these powers by talking to STATUES rather then the actual villain (which would have been 10x cooler), and you are forced to take some time and closely examine every one of these statues, before you can even start the storyline. This sounds really friggin lame.

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Recluse's LTs have better thigns to do than hang out in a tower all day. However, like or dislike of this I suppose is pure personal opinion.

-The devs said that the statues will provide hard numbers on all of the powers. Does this not turn on a little warning light for anyone else? Currently in game, hard numbers are just a fairy tail. The best thing you get is "damage: moderate, Recharge: slow". Why would it be different for patron powers? Why would the devs suddenly support min/maxing for these powers alone?

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Because, at this time, you cannot respec out of the power pool once chosen. This is intended to give players more educated choices in deciding which Patron to pick.

-Ghost sharks and Chum barf. Do I even have to elaborate on this one? I am surprized Brutes are not getting a "thunderous fart" AE mez attack. These two powers are just too stupid to believe.

This is either an april fools joke, or these developers are completely off their fruit.

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I want to play the game where everything goes right for everyone and all the devs do is perfect. I know most corrs and doms, perhaps the MMs to would have prefered some sort of Mez protection over a pet (the pets for the 4 non-pet ATs seems a little odd), but for now, we are getting what we're getting.



I find a power called "Chum Spray" to be highly amusing. Teehee!



ChrisMoses, once you choose your patron, you are (currently--hopefully this will change) locked into just that patron, and you are not allowed to respec into another patron's powersets.

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That is what I was told, but why would a Respec be rewarded at the same time? Doesn't it seem to be counter productive? Or at least a spit in the face?

"Yay! You've chosen Black Scorpion as your patron, as well as received a free respec!"

"Cool! Mace Blast go! ... This attack does as much damage as an unlostted brawl... I'll use my free respec to switch to something I would prefer."

"I'm sorry... that respec I just gave you does not work with the other reward you received... that I gave you at the same time."

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



ChrisMoses, once you choose your patron, you are (currently--hopefully this will change) locked into just that patron, and you are not allowed to respec into another patron's powersets.

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That is what I was told, but why would a Respec be rewarded at the same time? Doesn't it seem to be counter productive? Or at least a spit in the face?

"Yay! You've chosen Black Scorpion as your patron, as well as received a free respec!"

"Cool! Mace Blast go! ... This attack does as much damage as an unlostted brawl... I'll use my free respec to switch to something I would prefer."

"I'm sorry... that respec I just gave you does not work with the other reward you received... that I gave you at the same time."

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I have no doubt that they do this so you can actually take the Patron Powers, in case you already selected other powers at level 41, etc.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I didn't think about april fools day until someone said it, but it makes now it's clear seeing how they gave powers to people who don't need them. Atleast i hope it's a joke that would explain this madness.

Shadowbain 50 scrap D/D/F
Omega Strike 49 tank F/E
Prime Objective 46 Nrgy/Elec Blaster/Force
Raw fuzion 40 PB
Chaotic Fist 40 Nrgy/Nrgy Brute
Black Tundra 50 Ice/Ice/Dark corruptor
Imperalax 20 Psi/Rad Def
ThundaClapper 50 SS/Elec Brute/Mu
Omega Onslaught 30 Ice/Nrgy Dom



I must say that this list of patron powers shows a disturbing lack of both logic and functionality based on each AT. For christ sake, half of these powers are the same thing, but named differently!. Who is the lazy person who came up with this jumbled mass of logic-defying garbage? Somebody should be ashamed of themselves.

1. No focused accuracy equivilant.
2. No status protection/resistance.
3. Pets for every archetype(why would a stalker want, much less need a pet? can you say LIABILITY?)
4. No passive powers(too many toggles in this game entirely.)
5. No synergetic power for stalkers to use in addition to hide/stealth.

Five reasons out of dozens I could possibly list. These are the five things I hope will be addressed.

I truly hope that this is an april fools joke.



Too early for a joke. Looks like we'll see I7 on test next tuesday.

That said:

Damn, the PPP's look like crap. While Blasters get Force of Nature, Hibernate, EMP Pulse and LRM Missiles, Corruptors get a pet.

It's sad that all of the sets are pretty much carbon copies of each other, despite being spread through tha AT's.

I certainly hope they are powerful enough to justify decent slotting... because right now they just look sad.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Er... um... no.

We took a simultaneous triple nerf to get containment as a lone buff. I don't think it's asking anything silly that if we lose some of the buff then we get back a little of the nerf.

Oh, and my force fields aren't all that threatening, thanks.

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No *everyone's* holding power took a triple nerf because they were that overpowered.

Controllers *currently* have the best holds (longest duration, criticals), buffing/debuffing that is almost invisibly less good than defenders, perma-pets and damage that can out perform tanks (falling in between tanks and scrappers. Oh, and the only "epic" power pool that grants squishies mezz protection.)

Exactly what part of a Controller is "bad"? I'm not seeing it.

Where as a Dominator has very good holds, perma pets and less damage (with an *attack* set, no less) than Controllers even with their innate.

And Defenders have the best buffs/debuffs... and really crappy damage. And a very non-proactive innate that doesn't amplify their damage at all. And we keep getting told that the developers are "happy" with the gimp machines.

As a long-time defender player, I am a bit bitter about this.

Still here, even after all this time!



Here goes the gamble that a red name happens to read my post...


1. Do you have to do a literal TRIAL, or a story arc with an AV at the end to get these powers?

2. How many missions are we talking in either case?

3. With Scorpion's powers, do you get any kind of bonus to compensate for the weapon drawing animation?

4. I can understand the logic behind not giving Masterminds yet another pet for that 4th slot. But the 4th (supposedly most powerful) power is a single target hold?? The additional effects you name do not seem to equate to a level 47 power choice at all. What am I missing?

My AE Story Arcs:
Family Matters - 82136



oh well just as well go work on my lv 27 Blaster since my lv 40 Brute and Stalker are gonna get p8ned by the heroes in 40+ pvp...



1. Do you have to do a literal TRIAL, or a story arc with an AV at the end to get these powers?

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That's probably just poetic verbiage. They've been called Patron Arcs so, story arc.

3. With Scorpion's powers, do you get any kind of bonus to compensate for the weapon drawing animation?

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I could see the obligatory 5% acc bonus here. I've never understood why that's a great thing when you have to drop an acc SO in each attack anyway, but...

4. I can understand the logic behind not giving Masterminds yet another pet for that 4th slot. But you the 4th (supposedly most powerful) power is a single target hold?? The additional effects you name do not seem to equate to a level 47 power choice at all. What am I missing?

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This is a little odd, I agree. Consider that a Dark mastermind already has an AOE immobil and an ST hold. All the pool adds is the armor and ANOTHER attack, when we already have three attacks, the last one usually AOE, we could take and slot. The armor's nice, though.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



I hope the devs come up with some way for us to try the PPP's on test without actually having to level your character up.



In case anyone is wondering (aside from questions as to "why <x>!!", this was the most pressing question on my mind regarding the powers), the ever helpful _Castle_ confirmed to me that the PP pets function like controller pets - at least with regards to duration.

Again, to clarify, the pets last until you zone or die. That makes me very happy. I doubt they will be as buff as their NPC versions, but hey - free pets!

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



In case anyone is wondering (aside from questions as to "why <x>!!", this was the most pressing question on my mind regarding the powers), the ever helpful _Castle_ confirmed to me that the PP pets function like controller pets - at least with regards to duration.

Again, to clarify, the pets last until you zone or die. That makes me very happy. I doubt they will be as buff as their NPC versions, but hey - free pets!

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And all the Dark Miasma users again wonder why Dark Servent still expires after 4 minutes...

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



In case anyone is wondering (aside from questions as to "why <x>!!", this was the most pressing question on my mind regarding the powers), the ever helpful _Castle_ confirmed to me that the PP pets function like controller pets - at least with regards to duration.

Again, to clarify, the pets last until you zone or die. That makes me very happy. I doubt they will be as buff as their NPC versions, but hey - free pets!

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And all the Dark Miasma users again wonder why Dark Servent still expires after 4 minutes...

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Still here, even after all this time!



This is a little odd, I agree. Consider that a Dark mastermind already has an AOE immobil and an ST hold. All the pool adds is the armor and ANOTHER attack, when we already have three attacks, the last one usually AOE, we could take and slot. The armor's nice, though.

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They get a slow that debuffs damage resistance in Dark Miasma. It's Dark Servant or Dark Blast: Tenebrous Tentacles that is the immob in Dark sets.

And the pet one is pretty useless a lot of the times.

Still here, even after all this time!




3. Pets for every archetype(why would a stalker want, much less need a pet? can you say LIABILITY?)

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If you're in a team fighting a large powerful group, bringing an extra body in can be a big aid IMO.



I love that stalkers get a Snipe and a Pet,both will be useless in PvP.The Dev that came up with these powers for a stalker needs the boot.

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....What? The person who decided on some powers you don't like deserves to get fired?



Alright, I've been reading this topic all day from school but have been unable to reply. Now sit back as I rant for a bit.

Like a number of people, I am disapointed with the Villain Prestige Power Pools. For me, there isn't anything exceptional. What I wanted for my En/En Brute was the energy pool that Scrappers get.

The pools just do not fit concept wise, not just for my character, but in general. Sure you can make a character that fits it so I don't think they are awful.

I guess my biggest beef with the powers is the way they are granted. This has been mentioned before but oh well. We are villains. Most villains don't want to be a lackey for Recluse so the way CoH gets their epic pools seems forced. My villain is only in the Rogue Isles because ( besides the fact that it is a game and I cannot leave to go somewhere else) it is a good place to hide and test the limits of his power. He has no desire aligning with Recluse. Had the non-arachnos contact been around when he got out of the Zig I would have done them. The patron powers seem more suited to heroes who, in general, would welcome the tutalage of the Freedom Phalanx.

Next up is the powers themselves. I loved how in CoH the powers all fit togeather thematically. That isn't to say I dislike the concept of the patron powers (excluding the coments above). My ideal solution would be to allow both types (epic and patron) for both games. As I mentioned, my Brute would take the energy scrapper pool while my scrapper would probably have taken some powers from Statesman.

The arguments about the usefulness of the powers, from a brute perspective, they seem meh. Ranged attacks on a brute is good. A hold is also welcome. A pet can be useful too. However there is nothing that makes me go "WOW!"

Anywho, that is all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully I have made some sensible arguments.



Yes, the existing temp power pets function as great Oh Crap buttons.

I just had a thought. People have been talking up the 'illogical' boss/lieutenant/minion pet distribution, but in actuality do we know what minion/lt/boss distribution the high level arachnos are using? Blood Widows are LTs early on and Minions later. I could easily imagine the same sort of thing for Coralax Guardians.



Scirocco's Mu Lightening! Thanks for the update.



I wish there were more power choices for each AT under each Patron. I don't really want a pet and as an Ice/Ice Corrupter I don't need anymore immobs or holds. I really feel as if I'm limited to which patron I can pick based on which powers are useful to me which is no good at all.



Wow you people complain alot

Brute getting ranged attacks are nice I mean alot of times a enemy takes a runner before I can kill them. a couple of ranged attacks ae a nice way to slow the buggers down.

My Brute is taking Mako's powers it's a little bit of a stretch but I think I can make it work.

The basic concept behind him is hes the avatar of a evil feline god. basicly his powers come in 4 forms Lion, Jaguar, Panther and Tiger...

How would this tie in with sharks? Easy it's an animalistic power Simply stating that while doing some trouble shooting for Mako he atracted the atantion of some deep dark god that has stake in the sea's around the isles. They are worried that mako might become a hinderance to there own plans so they offer a fellow animistic spirit some new power to keep an eye on there problem.

My Robot MM will be taking a Black Scorp powerpool. It's simple to square why Piratech would work with him. He's an Alien trying to find away to get off this dustball. Hooking up with Scorpion gives him access to advanced arachnos tech. He's acting like he's loyal while stealing there advanced technology for his own uses.

Why are so many folks saying they have trouble working around this



All I want is for my robo mastermind to be able to build Voltron or Devestator.
Is that really so much to ask?

...OK, maybe it is. But a madman can dream, can't he?

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My only disappointment is how bland the Mastermind powers are. Apart from the armor, there's nothing in there that really screams "must have". A second hold is sure nice to have, but an AoE immobilize seems of questionable use, and a second AoE attack is right out unless it's packing some serious firepower.

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Agreed. Also, giving pretty much everyone else a pet, some which are quite strong, seems to take away from the uniqueness of MMs imo. Especially if they can be controlled.