Issue 7: Patron Powers!







Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?



Wow, I was pretty excited here until I read the mastermind powers. Without a new pet for the fourth power, or other pet related powers, I find it hard to justify taking any of them. I am sure the protective buffs would be nice, but the rest of the patron powers MMs get just scream "shoot at me".

Honestly, my level 41 - 50 power slots would probably be smarter spent on more powers from my primary, secondary and common pools.

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agreed....guess now i need to hit the invis pool for better use of traps

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Do MMs really need another pet? I'm sorry, but I think holding a foe for the pets to kill without taking damage and a shield balances out the overall squishiness of the MM AT.

Ok, rip me apart.



I too am less than impressed. It seems uniformly for brutes -

A blast, an immobilize, a blast AoE, and a pet. No matter what patron they choose, they get pretty much the same thing.

Very unimpressed. With a hero APP, I could choose damage, control, or self-support for my tanker. With villain PPP's, wow... not much variety at all. Just different appearance.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



This will be an interesting tight-rope walk for me.

In terms of theme, origin, and the occasional roleplay - I'll probably be willing to take some sets, not others. No force in this universe will convince me that carrying around an Arachnos mace can be made to "fit" my characters. I would mostly feel like I was changing them to fit IT, which is not the way it should ever work. And it looks stupid. Mako's sets are a little better, but I'm having trouble imagining anything cheesier than tossing around ghost fish. I already hated the Coralax. That doesn't help.

On the other hand, I like most of the sets I hear about with Ghost Widow and Scirocco. They seem a little less thematically constrained, more likely to fit into a character based on that characters own origin rather than this tacked on patron crap. I'd probably take one of these, and slowly flay alive anyone who implies some Arachnos dolt gave them to me.

In terms of balance with heroes and fairness, of course, this is relatively lame. I doubt a gladiator like pet will make up for lacking so many of the best options heroes get AND the inability to switch pools. But I'll take them and hope a chance to change comes along later. Beats adding the leadership or fighting pool to every single squishy.



Controllers get mez protection, Hibernate, Conserve Power, and Earth's Embrace. Any of which I would trade my entire Patron set for.

Controllers > Dominators, as if that wasn't abundantly obvious to begin with.

The box should have been labeled CoU instead of CoV. City of Underdogs.



Im actually wondering


I cant believe they would actually put out powersets this bad, and not have then changeable.

They are so inferior to the hero versions that are changeable. I just dont see it.

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Unfortunately, no joke. I think it's pretty clear that these are it. And they will be permanent.

Which, after reading them, pretty much came out as expected except for the snipes for Stalkers. Can't imagine why Stalkers needed snipes...

So, color me meh. Not going to rant about it. Just wait for the murderous screams of rage when the devs make adjustments to the powers in Issue 8 after a full vetting of heroes v. villains in high stakes Level 50 PvP. That's when it's gonna get bad.

Choose wisely.



In the lobby of the watchtower in Grandville is a statue of each of Lord Recluse's lieutenants. At the base of this statue is a plaque that, when you click on, brings up a text box with tabs. The tabs are for the Archetype, and it goes into detail about the powers (including the hard numbers) that that Patron will give that Archetype. (Thus you can easily look at all the patron powers for your AT, and even those not for your AT).

You are given a mission to visit each of these plaques before you choose your patron.

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Will we see anything similar for the rest of the powers in the game, or is this just for these pools since they're permanent choices?



Heh and I see the opposite. There not overpowering but they are powerful or at least one set appears to be very powerful. If you look at Black Scorpion set how could you not say that it's not powerful. heh...




No was not thinking of that at all. Who would be the best person to ask?

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_Castle_ or Positron

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In the lobby of the watchtower in Grandville is a statue of each of Lord Recluse's lieutenants. At the base of this statue is a plaque that, when you click on, brings up a text box with tabs. The tabs are for the Archetype, and it goes into detail about the powers (including the hard numbers) that that Patron will give that Archetype. (Thus you can easily look at all the patron powers for your AT, and even those not for your AT).

You are given a mission to visit each of these plaques before you choose your patron.

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Positron, how do pools that have a drawn weapon (like the Mace) work with powersets that already have to draw a weapon (Ninja Blade, AR, etc)?

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I was wondering the exact same thing.

And for those of you you not see that Stalkers can hold you, placate and then snipe ya? I don't like that at all.

However, I do see complaints from MMs acceptable. Let's shoot a whole bunch of guys only to immobilize them so that they can all still shoot me!



agreed....guess now i need to hit the invis pool for better use of traps

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I’m confused. You’re complaining because they didn’t give you Patron Powers that can be selected from pool powers?

Oh, and a signature whining about someone on the forums? Uber-chic. Great way to pick up chicks, I’m told.

Personally, I’m pleased with the fact that these aren’t direct copies of the hero powers. They’re all pretty much the same, in the end, but the theme of each couldn’t be more blatant. Isn’t that what people were concerned about? Having to take powers that weren’t useful because you wanted to stick to a theme?

Well, check it out. They’re all of pretty much the same use across the board. You get to pick the patron you really wanted for the appearance of your abilities. Speaking as my Corrupter? I couldn’t be more pleased about Ghost Widow’s set. Mine!

~Khenti, Pinnacle
Carl and Sons/The Establishment
Crey Cryostorm – Lvl 48 Ice/Storm Controller
Hound of Belial – Lvl 39 Fire/Kinetic Corruptor



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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you and I will be Mako buddies!

p.s. pl me plz



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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you and I will be Mako buddies!

p.s. pl me plz

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It'll be great if you can activate without needing an enemy target.

Ohh the RP applications for vomit on demand!!



Talk about potential to be unbalanced for a team of 8 level 50 villains, versus a team of level 50 Heroes. At the very least, the villains have the ability to ALL spawn pets, thus essentially doubling their team size and power. Throw an MM in there that's level 50 and you are looking at a small army versus 8 heroes.

The closest you could come to that kind of team on the hero side is having a team of 8 controllers!

I am a bit disappointed that there appears to be little love for the melee classes. I can't speak for others, but I'd sooner be elated with self heals, self power ups, self end savers for my brute and stalker, over a hold and a pet. In fact, a pet and a hold for a brute seem counter-intuitive for what the Brute is all about.

I can see the benefit of a hold and a pet for a stalker, but as I have a stalker, that lacks a self heal- I was hoping for something along those lines.

I get that the Patron Powers are not meant to be Ancillary Power Sets like the heroes have. But it seems the heroes get the opportunity to improve on what they are good at while also augmenting a something they are not good at or have nothing to begin with. While the Patron powers appear to be roughly all the same from set to set per AT, just with different visuals. I would think, if I were to be a BETTER brute and I choose Ghost Widow, that she would also want me to be a better brute... not a brute with a hold and a pet, that can reduce Fury effectiveness.

Just some thoughts. I know we are not obligated to take the Patron Powers. And as I look at them, I leaning that my 40 brute won't be touching them.



im worried!!! No stam recovery for brutes except that one that drains from a foe. Im a SS/DA. I need more stam. I hope this isnt offical or im in for a world of hurt. Lord help us!

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Can you think of anything outside of the buff sets (like Recovery Aura out of empathy, Accelerated Metabolism from Radiation) besides Quick Recovery from regen that doesn't require a hit on an enemy to recover endurence?

I can't. And usually they have a higher base accuracy anyway.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



In the lobby of the watchtower in Grandville is a statue of each of Lord Recluse's lieutenants. At the base of this statue is a plaque that, when you click on, brings up a text box with tabs. The tabs are for the Archetype, and it goes into detail about the powers (including the hard numbers) that that Patron will give that Archetype. (Thus you can easily look at all the patron powers for your AT, and even those not for your AT).

You are given a mission to visit each of these plaques before you choose your patron.

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Will we see anything similar for the rest of the powers in the game, or is this just for these pools since they're permanent choices?

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There's other powers aside from the Patrons? Or is this just wishful thinking that was being tossed around in the forums?



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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you and I will be Mako buddies!

p.s. pl me plz

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It's such a toss up. Scirrocco because I can justify it, and it's cool, Or Mako, because I'm starting to take Bork seriously as a character, and that needs to be ended



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Im actually wondering


I cant believe they would actually put out powersets this bad, and not have then changeable.

They are so inferior to the hero versions that are changeable. I just dont see it.

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Thats a lot to say before we know the #'s on even one power. What if all attacks are twice as powerfull as Epics? or the defense shields are twice as strong?

The only real issue i see is that many peple mya have a hard time making one of the pools fit with a current character concept. I mean we have almost nothing water related in game and then all of a sudden we are tossing sharks at people. Don't get me wrong, im all for a good shark tossing, it was just never in the cards before.




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you better shoot it with a ghost shark



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

Still here, even after all this time!



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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you and I will be Mako buddies!

p.s. pl me plz

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It's such a toss up. Scirrocco because I can justify it, and it's cool, Or Mako, because I'm starting to take Bork seriously as a character, and that needs to be ended

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I have the same problem—torn between Black Scorpion (and maybe Rocco) and OMG GHOST SHARKS.

He's named Deathsterminator. Why do I take him seriously?!

Doc Arctic is getting Scorpion, though, because a personal Toxic Tarantula will own.

but dude


EDIT: If you do Mako, you have to get a shark fin on your head. It's the new rule.



Im actually wondering


I cant believe they would actually put out powersets this bad, and not have then changeable.

They are so inferior to the hero versions that are changeable. I just dont see it.

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Thats a lot to say before we know the #'s on even one power. What if all attacks are twice as powerfull as Epics? or the defense shields are twice as strong?

The only real issue i see is that many peple mya have a hard time making one of the pools fit with a current character concept. I mean we have almost nothing water related in game and then all of a sudden we are tossing sharks at people. Don't get me wrong, im all for a good shark tossing, it was just never in the cards before.

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The problem is the powers are wrong the numbers dont really matter.

Dominators for example need, I mean desperatly need a damage enhancer, and I dont see any build up type powers in their.

At least corruptors get soul drain which kinda bothers me since both my corruptors are going to have to take ghost widow even though it doesnt fit either one.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Hi my name is power boost if you want me so bad take Energy or Icy Assault