75 -
I would like to step in for a moment and say a few things.
Great job with the bases Statesman and I do think Cryptic did a phenomenal job on them but only a limited amount of people actually get to play with them. I think Apartments and Housing should be where you want to go as this would open up a ton of customization in which you were talking about.
On to a couple of other things. Badges were probably a big suprise as far as sucess stories are concerned but why did you stop there? Souveniers were awesome and I love the fact I actually have a tale about Sister Psyche but then you killed it and never built upon it. Somewhere is souvenier TF stories and I would like to see them return. Furthermore I would like to see them in bases and eventually into self Housing. But please return the TF Souveniers.
Alternate Identities would also be cool for people who have a ton of time on there hands. Just something to think about. -
I think Statesman redefined the whole word "nerf" and took it to a new level.
Positron, "Sir, all the classes seem to be...."
Statesman." What the... Every patch we???"
Positron "I know sir but it's hitting critical mass. We don't know whom to nerf and..."
Statesman jumps up pushing his desk over.
Statesman "It's a [censored] Emergency! I've been waiting for this day. Push the Button! Push the [censored] Button!"
Positron runs out the door screaming.
Statesman "Muhahaha."
Reaches over and pushes a strange plushy button.
Statesman "Yes, ED is here... ED is finally here and I shall reign supreme! Muhahahaha!" -
This isn't complaining, this is QA testing to make the game better.
[/ QUOTE ]
Foo, do you ever get the odd feeling that a certain number of people who play the game and post to the forums don't want the game to get better? It seems inconceivable to me that this would be so (if you play the game, and pay for it, why would you not want the best you can have for your money?), and yet it seems to be. Almost any time someone dares point out that accuracy seems not to be working right, or damage is off from what one would expect, or anything like that -- frequently even when there ARE good numbers to back it up -- there is no shortage of people coming out of the woodwork to gainsay them.
And I just don't really understand it. If there really is a bug that's making the streak-breaker not work, for example, and the streak-breaker is SUPPOSED to work, then why would you try to shout down someone who had posted evidence that the streak-breaker is broken? If Luck is supposed to be a +25% buff and has been for 2+ years, and you find out that it isn't, why in the world would someone flame you for posting it?
Don't we WANT the devs to find the bugs and exterminate them? Do people really prefer playing a BUGGED game?
And yet, apparently some people do. I just don't get it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Never got this either. I prob spent more time on this game than some of the people who try and out shout me put together. I know when things are off, I know when things aren't working right, and I don't need to do a 1000 hit test to prove it to myself. You think I'm wrong then "YOU" show proof that I'm wrong.
Look at the AV changes as a classic example of what's right and what's wrong. I counted at the most 3 people on a 1112 replied thread that said they had no problems. Out of those people they had a Rad or Dark on there team. Then when we get a response it's "Get 8 people, put it on Heroic, and that's your balance."
More examples are the Master Mind bug that is devestating an entire AT set. Yet they put this hunk of crap they called I7 in anyways.
What's more is way back in the early days before these dickless wonders started prancing around in there bikini bottoms saying "The World is wonderful." we were stating "Dude there's something not right here." and we knew it. We know [censored] is wrong and then the the Dev's say "Go get a 1000 hits and then come back."
I7 is wrong and there still not listening. When the numbers start crashing, when there customer base gives them the finger (just like AC 2 and SWG customers did), you won't be able to get them back. MMORPG customers are finiky and once they leave there gone. They invest major amounts of time and money in a Hobby we expect others to care for.
I7 is bringing everything to a head. I call [censored] as I see em and right now this pile is pretty deep. I hope you guys can save this game but you are headed in the same direction as AC 2 and I called that hunk of garbage the first month it went live. You can't get customers back once they leave. First goal is to keep them from leaving in the first place and right now they might as well have poured gasoline on the fire that is sinking the ship. -
Disruption Field for Defenders is 30%.
One of the main reasons I have started moving towards a new game is because of issues like this. It would be safe for me to say at least 3 other people in my SG are on there way out because of things like this.
It's not one issue or two issues or that we don't like the game it's quite the opposite. It's the Impale of Thorns being bugged, to certain powers not doing what there supposed to do, to being ignored when legitimate complaints are brought up. I am saddened that a game as good as this is being held back by the very people who had made it succesful. I8 is probably a do or die moment for this game. They are well on the way of the infamous AC 2. A game that had so much potential but was killed by the Devs who wouldn't listen till it was to late. -
This goes a long way on why I would tell somebody new not to use one small insidght but two if you wanted to see any kind of notacble effect and why I always popped 3-4 Lucks when I face a Boss. This also goes a long way in my validation of using Resist Inspirations in Arena Battles vs the defense ones. I was indeed seeing a better return for the dollar. I can't tell you how much a post like this means when you have been saying for a while something is wrong.
I appreciate your hard work and I think the Devs should reward you for it. Thank you again.
Cuddles -
There is a Contaminated (Just 1) who is seen off and on walking throughout Reclus's Victory. If you find him and kill him he counts towards your Isolator Badge.
Just a quick question States...
How much would it take for you to step down and Gecko too? -
I hear what you are saying Terpman and it's leading me to start moving away from this game. The sheer amount of Energy/Spine Stalkers is to the point that zone PvPing isn't even fun. I'm very frustrated about a number of things that range from Placate being auto-hit to the misrepresentation of the Stalker class saying they are squishy when in fact they are less squishy than the Scrapper class they are modeled after. If there is one problem in this game it is the Stalker. They are not fun to fight against. In Warburg they hit there 38 power and then when it's about to end they run to safety. I don't see improvements being made as to the handeling of this situation nor do I think they see a problem.
Stalkers have ruined an element of fun for me that I used to enjoy. Account ends 4-27 and it might be a while before I decide to reup it if at all. Energy Transfer for the win. -
If I understand it correctly your Endurance usage for this power is based of the tick of the Repel which means that the Endurance usage for Hurricane just went down alot. Some of the problems I hear about Storm is it's Endurance usage. If I'm right then Hurricane recieved a major Endurance reduction for a minor reduction in the Repel effect. I could be mistaken in this area though and please correct me if I'm wrong.
Either way the power is far from useless and is uber in it's own right. I can ask any Storm Defender or Controller right now if there going to respec Hurricane out of there build due to this nerf and they wil say No. It would be like me saying that Unyielding is pointless to take because they added a -5% to Defense and lowered the Mag protection. It's making Mountains out of Mole Hills.
Now on to the something that was remarked upon over a year ago before PvP even came into the picture. There's been numerous posts by Dev's stating that some issues they just can't seperate one from the other. To try and hold onto one statement after repeated statements by Devs that some things can't be worked around is being petty. I'm absolutly horid to the Dev's and I know it. I hold them to a high standard. I do want them to fix the Bugs that are in this game before they nerf a power but I also understand that some things are done to try and bring balance. What I won't do though is keep holding onto one statement by one individual. The Game changes and even I understand that. They could have changed Hurricane and how it works like they did to Instant Healing. Take it with a grain of salt that they adjusted the tick time of Repel from .25 to 1 second.
Also to clarify I wasn't the one who started comparing Hurricane to the Kinetic Repel first. I was just trying to enlighten an individual.
One other thing.... Could you please fix Knockout Blow. Please. I'm begging you here. I just want to be able to hit somebody as there running by. Pretty please with sugar on top... -
When I7 changes go live, the loss in ToHit effectiveness will be comparatively small.
And, frankly, in PvE, which is all a really care about, less repel means that I won't have to work as hard to keep mobs in the debuff zone. Repel was great in some ways; in others, it was a huge pain in the [censored]. And, if it's really being cut to 25% endurance cost (I'll have to check that to make sure!) then I'll trade all the Repel in the world to keep my blue bar happy.
So, no, I don't consider the Hurricane changes to be a huge nerf. In fact, I would say I'll probably get more utility out of it in its new state; it's less powerful in the situations for which it was previously used, maybe, but it's also less situational.
[/ QUOTE ]
repel was part of the power. Personalyl this really depressses me. Repel worked great weith the power. now it has a tick longer than the kinetic power repel? ugh, thats just...ugh.
[/ QUOTE ]
But the Kinetic power is a knockback, costs more in Endurance, doesn't do - Range, and doesn't Debuff the Target they touch.
Hurricane IS a Repel (1 of only 3 Powers that have this effect), does - Range, does Debuff, cost's less in Endurance, and does Knockback...
Comparing the Kinetic Repel (which is actually Kncokback not Repel ) and Hurricane your going to come out on the loosing end. Hurricane is so much better it's not even funny. It's still one of the best Toggle powers in the game. It's just not Godly in power but Uber instead. -
Ouch, I really really don't like this change.
Come on, 100 people do PvP, 2000 don't... why again do we have to affect 2000 people so 100 have it better?
I used hurricane as a 'melee repeler', when things went south I would turn on hurricane so mobs wouldn't get to me... now that's not possible with a slower 'tick' that just means the mob will be repelled from my corpse
Well there will be a free respec with I7 so guess it's time to remove hurricane from my set, pity as it made perfect sense RP-wise, but I'm not picking a power only so I can use it in Pocket-D for flavor
[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't know there was 2000 people who ran Hurricane...
Yeah I liked Ballista the way it was.
It was a challange, it was hard to do, and when I got done I actually felt like I had fought a real battle. But the PvE crowd [censored] and cried so much that the only real challange in this game got nerfed. -
The difference between PvP players and PvE players is that
otherwise, an enemy Brawl could knock all your toggles off.
[/ QUOTE ]
PvP players would actually be OK with this change. -
...if only PvP had never been introduced...
[/ QUOTE ]
then we could all be standing around Atlas having Costume contests....
Ohhh Goodie! -
Power is totally worthless now. It has a -range, debufff, repel, and Knockback for a pretty low end cost.
Doom on you! -
the question i have is...what's wrong with stalkers having higher kill counts? we are the assassin class
are all AT's supposed to be about equal? should stalkers have similar k/d ratios to defenders? mm's? doms?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not the kill counts it's the Kill Counts with Death Count. If you read what he is saying he's telling you that "it wasn't even funny" and isn't funny. It's why people absolutly hate this class. It's not that you can kill people it's your risk vs rewards and guessing by there data it's so unbalanced it's not even funny.
They have never used that term even when they were busy nerfing Refen Scrappers which tells me that what people are seeing and reporting is true. You guys are on God Mode and who wouldn't like being on God Mode in a PvP zone.
If you want your high kill counts your going to have to pay for them. It's about balance and right now Stalkers aren't even close to being balanced. You have high kill counts with very low Death Counts. I know if I get a Stalker on my Bounty it's going to take at least 30-60 minutes to kill him if at all. Not [censored] funny. On my Corruptor I get anybody on my Bounty and within 5 minutes that person is dead. It's your high kill counts with low death counts that needs to be balanced. Be like a Blaster and get high kill counts well Blasters have high death counts. Or be a Tank and have low kill counts but a low Death count. But you can't keep having it both ways.
You can scream bloody murder all you want but obviously if there saying "It's not even funny." then something is grossly out of balance. We'll wait and see if your God Mode gets flushed down the toilet. So far this is the only patch I have ever looked forward to. -
Heh and I see the opposite. There not overpowering but they are powerful or at least one set appears to be very powerful. If you look at Black Scorpion set how could you not say that it's not powerful. heh...
Heroes are more screwed than it appears. A Team of 8 Villains will be having a team of at least 8 Pet's. So conflicts with Villains will be more chaotic than one would think.
Second is the use of Web Grenades or Web Grenade style power is currently underestimated. Most of the descriptions of these powers clearly states that the Web Cocoon is a more powerful one. It also sounds like it gets more range. It's a Hold, a -recharge, a slow, a -Jump, and a -Fly. Plus the Corruptor set get's two of them, one which is going to be an AOE....
Damn it and I just lvled my Ill/TA... -
Then let it be. How long ago was it when Rage's 100% End Drain was placed on test?
You could chalk up my post about ED on an I quite post but it wasn't. Just a Pro's vs Cons thing. One thing Villains has helped do was calm this "You're power is too uber they must destroy it!" syndrome that was prevalent during those times. -
But it should reflect there experience with the game and when 20 of those 23 posts are done in a two day period of time it should reflect on there taking that persons suggestion into account into the game. Especially when most of the 23 posts were trolling posts that bore little reflection to the game. But your all about ruining events, stalking posters, and over exaggeration. I stated factually that a 100% End drain to Rage would ruin it's power, and it did.
What have you contributed to this post. Not a damn thing. You just came here to say "Well you threatened to quit." [censored] right I did.
More than you ever did. -
I have made posts of various things that I didnt like. But I dont make a habit of always saying the devs are stupid and wrong. But most changes, even if I disagree, I deal with because in the end, I'm just going to get used to it even if I disagree.
[/ QUOTE ]
You will find it hard pressed in me calling anybody stupid.... ever. Somethings I was wrong about and admitted it (issue 3 Tanker Guide) other things I wasn't wrong about but was told it was my imagination (bugged Knockout Blow months ago and told by Statesman it was my imagination).
How about this as a Player Inspired change that was whacked from hell and back...
Integration and Instant healing not working together (Integration would shut offf when you toggled on Instant Healing).
Yeah.... At least they realised this Player inspired suggestion was whacked before going into the Live Version unlike they did with Rage.
Why they would take a suggestion from a player who has a post count of 23 but not listen to there Veteran Player base is beyond me.
To be honest this was a whacked period of time when it seemed nobody would standup and say this is wrong except the community at large. I have seen alot of improvements since Castle has begun posting here and I appreciate him taking the time in doing so.
Ohhh Ehancement Diversification was a player suggestion implemented by the Devs... I remember that post... -
Bah! You just want to be able to pop a Break-free or two or get CM'd before the drop so you can have a penalty-free Rage. Ya cheater! Leave it be.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ohh yeah that's just what I want...
Many a times I would get stunned by a Freakshow Boss or two. There was some serious risk involved along with timing.
Some of us took Tanking and protecting our group serious. Like taking two taunts..
Uplink likes distorting fact from fiction. He can't deny anything I stated above as false so just chalks it up to people make mistakes. Mistakes in which for two weeks the 100% End drain was on test and every single SS Tank begged for them not to put it live and them promising not to put it Live in it's current form. He won't talk about how they did put it Live and then immediatly posted a responce saying there working on a fix after a number of posts went out stating "Can't believe they put it in."
The players who suggested both changes are gone. Facts are I stated I would leave the game if they decided to keep the 100% End Drain in Rage, two other times I contemplated leaving the game when it wasn't going in the direction I liked, I posted such, and the reasons why.
Uplink doesn't like me because I do call out the Dev's when they do make mistakes. I do say 'This is [censored] wrong!"and will call them on it. Uplink won't tell you the stories of ruined events, stalking, and Dev intervention I had to do to get him to leave me alone. All because he didn't like something I posted. Seems he hasn't changed over this last year and half and I doubt if he ever will.
Mistakes do happen...
Some people will be there to call them on it and then there will be others to harass those that do call them on it. Guess which one Uplink is and which one I am? -
You all forgot The Story of Rage. One of the biggest disaster suggested changes the Devs implemented (and I still consider a disaster).
A long time ago in a land not so far away certain players had problems that Rage had a Disorient inherent upon it's drop. Back during that time Unyielding rooted you so timing Unyielding with the Rage drop became an object of skill. Though Unyielding did protect you from the Disorient anything that could stun you could and drop your Toggles. Now during that time there was quite a hefty discussion on Rage and one silly poster suggested that it would have a 100% End drop. In there infinite wisdom they implemented the change and the disaster that followed was beyond comprehension. For three weeks Rage stayed in this 100% End drop form with many a Dev coming to the boards trying to cool down the flames that had sprouted. Finally a suggestion by another Poster that Rage not allow you to attack was implemented by the Devs and there we have it's current form.
In reality if they would have left well enough alone the drop on Rage would of given SS Tanks a chance to be disoriented making it a fairly risky proposal to use at certain times. Instead they implemented two suggestions that did nothing for the game, ruined a portion of the risk, and ticked off a large portion of the Tanker base.
This was the only time I stated publicaly that if the 100% End Drop was left in the game I would leave. Still the two Posters who suggested the changes are gone now and I'm still here. Wishing they would of left the disorient in and the 10 second "You can't Protect Your Comrades" out.
One of the biggest disasters a "player" (note one player) suggested change was implemented by Dev's from players who no longer play this game. And those that still play the game wish they would have left Rage alone.
Is it to late to suggest putting the Disorient back in where the mag is just under Unyielding and get rid of that stupid [censored] "10 seconds and I can't help my Comrades" change? -
Cuddles, that's at the damage cap. I'm not defending or criticizing the figures quoted, I'm just pointing out that your question about enhancements and build up is moot.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks... Man I thought this was base. I was going to be seriously ticked off...
Thanks for correcting me. -
Assassin strike at level 50 vs a target with no resists at all, at the damage cap:
Base: 250.24
Critical: 1501.47
Total: 1751.71 hp in one hit.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is without Enhancemnts or Build-up?
What the [censored] are you guys smoking?
You know with Earth Embrace on my Controller my health is around 1601 or 1609... something between those two numbers.
On my Tank with DP I'm around 3200....
My Blaster is around 1400 Health with all my accolades.
Let me guess...
Stalkers are squishy...
Stalkers need there De-Toggles...
Stalkers AS can be interrupted....
All I ask is that AS be positional if your going to leave it as is. That's all... Make them earn that [censored] because as is it's pure [censored] crap.