Issue 7: Patron Powers!




Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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you and I will be Mako buddies!

p.s. pl me plz

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It's such a toss up. Scirrocco because I can justify it, and it's cool, Or Mako, because I'm starting to take Bork seriously as a character, and that needs to be ended

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I have the same problem—torn between Black Scorpion (and maybe Rocco) and OMG GHOST SHARKS.

He's named Deathsterminator. Why do I take him seriously?!

Doc Arctic is getting Scorpion, though, because a personal Toxic Tarantula will own.

but dude


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And corrosive, AE Puke



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Dominator damage is already lower than controller damage post 35 or so, the only hope for bringing it back in line was a damage booster.

the only time dom's outdamage controllers is when Domination is active but over the course of a mission controllers run higher over time if they took a damage boosting secondary. Rad/emp/Kin and a pet primary.

Dom's needed something really impressive to make up for it.

Also lets remember villians are locked heros arent.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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you and I will be Mako buddies!

p.s. pl me plz

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It's such a toss up. Scirrocco because I can justify it, and it's cool, Or Mako, because I'm starting to take Bork seriously as a character, and that needs to be ended

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I have the same problem—torn between Black Scorpion (and maybe Rocco) and OMG GHOST SHARKS.

He's named Deathsterminator. Why do I take him seriously?!

Doc Arctic is getting Scorpion, though, because a personal Toxic Tarantula will own.

but dude


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And corrosive, AE Puke

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And wacky water slides!

Mako is basically the best.




Well My dark/dark brute and my energy/energy stalker are both very happy with these powers... Sadly every other villian AT I have will be skipping these.

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



One word: Chum Spray.

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A power was really named Chum Spray? Haha, I think that's FANTASTIC.

Flaming1, I quoted you because I knew you'd comment on this before I could.


Monkeyboy lvl 50 ma/regen
Baboo lvl 50 invuln/ss
Cuervo Jones lvl 50 spines/regen
Johnny Crash lvl 50 broadsword/regen
Rocket Queen lvl 50 claws/regen
Another Dead Monkey lvl 50 spines/dark armor



I'm disappointed. I was REALLY looking forward to the Epic pools for villains, but sadly most of my characters won't be able to make use of those powers.

The powers themselves look fine and I'm sure will be useful, but conceptually they just don't fit with anything. My dark/dark brute will make good use of those dark powers from Ghost Widow. But what about my other toons? My fire/fire corupter firing sharks at people??? My mind/psy dominator shooting water??? It makes no sense.

I know I can't be the only one that cares about character concept...

[b]Member of Rainbow Alpha Force[/b]
Sunpyre - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Speed Devil - lvl 49 MA/SR Scrapper
Casket - lvl 50 necro/dark MM
Nightchill - lvl 33 dark/cold Corrupter



Chum Spray

Okay, I was going to try to post something resembling an insightful, hoepfully valuable comment on the PPPs, but...but...

Chum Spray

/giggles helplessly

Chum Spray...ftw!!

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



I know I can't be the only one that cares about character concept...

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Be creative. Maybe you're a recently-awakened descendant of Mu, or through your other powers you can attain a mastery of the occult.

Or you love ghost sharks.



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Hi my name is power boost if you want me so bad take Energy or Icy Assault

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Power boost in no way boosts damage.



Well, at least you spelled out why you don't like them.(unlike the person I initially responded to) I can respect that. Why don't we both wait for the hard numbers and then rejoin this topic, ok?

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Dont think the numbers are going to help.

The base power choices are poor.

Dominators so desperatly need a build up its not even funny. Yet they give them end recoveries, they dont need end recoveries they need damage enhancers.

The powers themselves are wrong, the numbers wont help it.

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Um? They already have their click domination power that boosts damage and mezzing? Why do they need another damage boost?

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Hi my name is power boost if you want me so bad take Energy or Icy Assault

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Power boost in no way boosts damage.

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I know I can't be the only one that cares about character concept...

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Be creative. Maybe you're a recently-awakened descendant of Mu, or through your other powers you can attain a mastery of the occult.

Or you love ghost sharks.

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Whoever that person was is so wrong.
Most of the community is complaining for the simple fact that they can't RP it into their character.

Why? beats me.
I guess creating new story plots for your toon like "I work for Arachnos now and look.. they gave me new powers" are just hard to do nowadays.



I think it's agreed. Mako truly is the BEST Patron of all times. I mean, COME ON! CHum Spray! Ghost Sharks! Coral People! AWESOME!



So here's a serious question.

Why doesn't the Brute who takes Mace Mastery get a SMASH power. You put a gigantic mace in my brute's just screams SMASH!!


50s: Doc Sharpe (C:I/K), Malan Bloyth (S:BS/Sh), December Blue (T:I/I), Michael X (Mm:R/T), Ultraboy (C:R/K), Zzyxx (Night Widow), plus 4 retired/rerolled

[b]Heard on Teamspeak:[/b]
"First of all, take off your mother's fishnets"



Giving stalkers a snipe when they already have AS is just insane. So now the great keep moving strategy doesn't mean squat since you can get sniped. Way to go there.

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Can't wait! :-)



So here's a serious question.

Why doesn't the Brute who takes Mace Mastery get a SMASH power. You put a gigantic mace in my brute's just screams SMASH!!

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But the same can be said of Mako... I'ld much rather bludgeon folks to death with a shark carcass, then shoot spirit sharks.



So here's a serious question.

Why doesn't the Brute who takes Mace Mastery get a SMASH power. You put a gigantic mace in my brute's just screams SMASH!!

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If you give a brute a mace, the brute needs to hit things with the mace. This is as basic as it gets.



For all the character concept complaints.. think of it this way(and the way it actually is)

Somebody is using magic or whatever to give you powers.

They are using their powers to give you powers...(i mean really.. what you gonna ask for a way to not take buffs from other people cause the magical healing a corruptor gives you isn't part of your concept?)

Or in the case of Scorpion.. giving you a mace.

And the pet is nothing more then teaming up with a buddy.. who happens to be a coralax or an arachnos member



Awesome IMO. I like what I am seeing. No, they're not uber, but they seem like they will be fun to use and that's why i play this game... for fun.



Paint with a wide brush much?

When it fits, sure.

Controllers get five APPs that have similarities but are not carbon copies of each other. The APPs mirror the Controller primaries: Stone for Earth, Fire for Fire, Ice for Ice, Primal for Gravity, Psionic for Mind and Illusion.

Dominators get four PPPs that are carbon copies of each other. Their only choice is which special effect they want. The special effects are Darkness, Lightning, Death Ray Gadget and, um, Sharks, NONE of which synergize with the Dominator primaries. My Dominator is Plants/Thorn; there is nothing in the PPP's that matches.

Additionally, the Patrons themselves are two Magic, one Tech and one Mutant. No Science or Naturals.

If you go over the other archtypes you'll get much the same results. There are a few happy coincidences where some ATs can pick a complementary theme.

Hero APPs were designed so that players could pick powers that fit their characters, either in terms of effect or theme (arguable, the devs ran out of gas when they got to Scrappers). Patron Powers are designed to force players to adapt their characters to fit the narrative. Which of these approaches sounds better?

Thus my original comment: the devs combined a one-size-fits-none approach with thematic straightjacketing.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Something I'm curious of is whether your Patron choice will grant any exclusive costume pieces. I believe it's been mentioned (way back in Beta) that you could unlock the helmet of your patron (a la pre-order), but nothing else was said.

If I can get some Arachnos armor, I'll weep with joy.



Why does Mako let you summon Coralax? I didn't think there was any connection between Mako, or Arachnos and the Coralax...

Although this does pretty much confirm Coralax being a CoV only AT in my eyes.



Something I'm curious of is whether your Patron choice will grant any exclusive costume pieces. I believe it's been mentioned (way back in Beta) that you could unlock the helmet of your patron (a la pre-order), but nothing else was said.

If I can get some Arachnos armor, I'll weep with joy.

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That's interesting.
Now that is a valid question.
Posi should answer this one..

Why does Mako let you summon Coralax? I didn't think there was any connection between Mako, or Arachnos and the Coralax...

Although this does pretty much confirm Coralax being a CoV only AT in my eyes.

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With all the time he spent in Sharkhead Isle? come on. We'll most likely find out more during his arc.



Why does Mako let you summon Coralax? I didn't think there was any connection between Mako, or Arachnos and the Coralax...

Although this does pretty much confirm Coralax being a CoV only AT in my eyes.

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Mako is working with Barricuda(sp?) who is a Corlax-Hybrid.



I guess creating new story plots for your toon like "I work for Arachnos now and look.. they gave me new powers" are just hard to do nowadays.

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How many times do people have to post "I don't WANT to be a lackey all my life" before it sinks in? Yes, they COULD write it into their characters that now they're Arachnos employees, serving Lord Recluse for life. Why should they have to just to get access to the powers?

A villain is a self-starter. They CAUSE problems. They START fires. But 90% of COV has is solving someone else's problems and putting out someone else's fires, and the Patron arcs are no different. We're just heroes for bad guys, nothing more. We've got mayhem missions now, and thank goodness -- but we're talking patron arcs here, not mayhem. Patron arcs have you being the underling of an underling, and that's weak.

So yes, it's not hard to say "I work for Arachnos now." I just don't want to. And since all 40+ epic power choices are bound to a patron that means I can't take them.

...I'm getting tired of rephrasing the same counter arguement over and over. Aren't you getting tired of rephrasing the same arguement over and over? Here on out I'm just gonna give up trying to convince anybody why I don't like this... either they get it or they don't, agree or they don't, and whatever. The only people I REALLY wanna sway are the devs, and they've clearly made up their minds and we have no say.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



So here's a serious question.

Why doesn't the Brute who takes Mace Mastery get a SMASH power. You put a gigantic mace in my brute's just screams SMASH!!

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But the same can be said of Mako... I'ld much rather bludgeon folks to death with a shark carcass, then shoot spirit sharks.

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O god, please let me smack someone up side the head with a dead shark in PvP. I would be like "ha... i just hit you with a dead shark..". and then say "it looks like your FINished now"