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  1. I work in the Briercreek shopping center at the Banfield pet hospital inside Petsmart, Friday through Sunday, but would be more than happy to try to get together with some folks for a beer after work, or quick bite to eat. I'll keep an eye on this thread for as long as it is around.
  2. I started playing in February of 2005, on the recommendation of a friend that ended up shipping off in the military and never got a chance to play with him. I joined the SG that he had just joined and immediately made some amazing friends. I became a leader in that SG and have met several of them in real life. I took a 5 year break after my divorce, but came back with freedom, and re-upped my subscription, and have played daily since then.

    City of Heroes has always been the only MMO that I have wanted to play. Even during my very long break I would check back into the forums and see how things were progressing in paragon.

    I, like so many before me in this thread, would like extend my genuine and heartfelt thanks to the devs for their time and passion in making CoX the game that I will always love. I wish everyone, player and dev alike the best in their future endeavors. And I will express the sentiment that has been voiced repeatedly already, if you guys happen to make another game, I will be sure to look sign up.

    I sincerely hope that the petition that has been started (and already reached 4500+ sigs) can help to save the day.

    Best Wishes,
    Mark Biondolillo, @DarkReflex
  3. I love the concept you have going on there. I went with a staff/bio armor build with the tintable version of the armor set as close to coral as I could get and a trident for the staff to make Barnacle Bill. With a natural or Magic origin, he could be the defender of Atlantis, or whatever long lost underwater civilization that lies off the coast of Rhode Island. If you bought the halloween costume sets and took the Fish head and other options you could even make a Deep One (Cthulu mythos) or a Kuo-Toa (DnD).
  4. CaptBell


    There are two ways I tend to look at the Alpha slot, it is either there to strengthen your role, or diversify it. Both ways have their merits. Strengthening your role leads me to think of the design intention behind an Archetype and take an alpha that lets that AT really shine in its role. The other way, to diversify your role, means taking an alpha that lets you spread yourself out and do things that your AT may not be as strong at and make it better at its weak or middling attributes. Agility, Cardiac, and Resilient alphas all help the Tanker strengthen its role. Musculature, Nerve, Spiritual, and Vigor diversify the Tanker's role, and Intuition doesn't add anything.

    You were saying that you were having Endurance issues, so I would say take Cardiac alpha before considering others. Cardiac will also help with getting you at or above resistance cap. Musculature is a great alpha for builds that don't have endurance issues, and either deal great damage, or need to boost damage to give them a hand.
  5. I personally use the Radial Paragon Agility Alpha on my Grav/Energy Dom, the 33% Recharge buff, plus the 20% Defense buff help with my Soft Capped Defense build. I have yet to get all of the sets I want for getting Hasten and Domination perma, but I have a pet Kinetic on my alt account the I have around to keep me SB'd until I can get them.
  6. <QR>

    My choices were Dual Wield and Psionic Weapons for Melee, and Willpower and Density for Defense.

    For those wondering how Willpower would work Think of powers that are already existing in the game that fit into the Set already:

    Dull Pain: Through force of will you ignore some damage coming at you, effectively increasing your max HP.

    Mind over Body: Your will strengthens your body against Smashing/Lethal and Psionic attacks.

    Indomitable Will: You are able to resist Status efects through force of will.

    On top of that imagine powers that are all about strength of will and Presence, perhaps an agro aura can be viewed as exerting your will on enemies around them, focusing their rage on you. This could be a non-damaging aura, with a minor status effect potentially, like Oppressive Gloom's Stun, or Cloak of Fear's fear, or it could do minor Psi Damage to all within the aura. I can very easily see this set being a mix of Resistance and Defense.

    A Psi Melee/Willpower Scrapper would be an awesome combo and actually get me to play Scrappers again.

    Dual Wield seems pretty obviously drawn from the Red Caps from Croatoa. I think Scrappers and Stalkers would look cool as H-E-Double Hockey Sticks with a pair of Daggers.

    Density also seems to be a likely candidate for a Mix of Defense and Resistance. Increased Density for Resistance, and Reduced Density for Defense.
  7. I have been on 3 successes out of 7 or 8 attempts on this TF. Of those I have only had 1 Rad of anytype, and have not used any Shivans or Nukes, and have not used the Stacked Vengeance Exploit either. They are absolutely not required to succeed at this TF.

    I play an Invuln tank and am the main tank for the STF when I do it. I agree that the best way to beat this TF is to have a good representation of AT's. I am positive that this TF does not require an Uber-STF team make up, and can be completed with just about any make up as long as the team can work together and stay for the entire time. Anything less than 7 people is going to have an incredibly difficult time completing it.

    Some Strategies that I have seen work for the final mission:

    -If by some chance you get a bad pull and have multiple AV's at once the Highest Priorities to remove are GW, Scirocco, Mako, then BS.

    -I have been able to hold Aggro From Mako, BS, and Scirocco on my tank without any problems, but I have not done this TF without at least 1 Empath on the team.

    -Have the entire team stay on the opposite side of the AV's from whoever you have holding aggro. This will cut back on them getting caught in cones and such.

    -Keep as few people in melee as possible, for any of the AV's. Mako, and Scirocco in particular have nasty AoE attacks, and GW has her Dark Regen Heal.

    -The only time I have had a hard time with Mako has been when we were trying to fight him with 5 people. He goes into elude status at 1/4 health, no matter what, there doesn't appear to be a recharge timer on it, it just hits when his HP gets to that level.

    -Of the teams that I have been on, the successes have always been teams with a few people stacking leadership.

    -The tactic that we used last night for the towers was to have someone get LR's aggro with a support toon to keep them alive, while the rest of thte team damaged several towers down to the 60% mark. Once th etowers were at that point we peeled off and dealt with Flier respawns and Bane Spider spawns. Once LR was by himself again and there was no flier we had the team go back in while Recluse was aggro'd and take down the towers. We repeated this process, never leaving a tower up with Reparimen if we could stop it, even meaning we had a few noble sacrifices by blasters so they could get one last shot at remaining Repairmen with LR and his banes around to slaughter them. We repeated the process and never had any towers respawn, and it took a little time, but we were able to get all of the otwers quite easily.

    -Once the towers are down LR can be pulled to the alley above the AV starting location. Once he is there you don't have to worry about the flier spawning more banes on you.

    The teams I have had a success with have been:

    Tank: Inv/EM
    Trollers: Ill/Kin, Fire/Kin, Mind/Emp
    Defender: Emp/Rad
    Scrappers: Dm/Inv, Spines/Reg, Kat/Reg

    Tanks: Inv/EM, Fire/Mace
    Trollers: Grav/Kin, Ill/Kin
    Defenders: Emp/Psi, Emp/En
    Blaster: Fire/Fire (?) (Disconnected before towers were down)
    I cannot for the life of me remember who the last space went to ...

    Live 2:
    Tanks: Inv/EM, Inv/BA
    Trollers: Fire/Rad, Grav/FF
    Defenders: Emp/Psi
    Blasters: Fire/Ice, En/Fire
    Scrapper: Kat/Reg

    Live 2.5 (SG team that was racing with Live 2's PU team)
    Tanks: Inv/SS, Fire/Fire
    Trollers: Ill/Emp, Mind/Emp, Grav/Kin
    Blaster: Fire/Dev, En/En (45 Sk'd in)
    Scrappers: MA/SR

    So as you can see, None of the teams were the "Stone Tank, Multiple Rads" Teams that seem to be the FOTM. Each of the teams were successful, and owe it all to good team work. Live Team 2 and 2.5 started about 30 minutes apart and ended abotu 30 minutes apart at about 4 hours each. Mind you, there were veterans on both teams, and people new to the TF, so that may figure into the times. Given time I am sure I will be seeing an STF done in 3 hours or less with an SG team.

    Good luck to all of you in your seuccesses with the STF.
  8. Yeah we had the Fire/Kin dismiss the Imps when Fighting GW. The Ill/Kin was using PA on occasion, but it seemed as if GW was healing off of them as well. So we had her stop using them. Has anyone else noticed this behavior? I know Hami and the Mitos can kill PA's now, but can GW possibly be healing off of them?
  9. <QR>

    Attempted this TF with a SG team. Make up was as Follows:

    50 Inv/EM Tank (me)
    50 Fire/Kin Troller
    50 Ill/Kin Troller
    50 DM/Inv Scrapper
    50 Mind/Emp Troller
    50 FF/Rad Defender
    50 Kat/Regen Scrapper
    49 Emp/Rad Defender

    Sadly we lost our Bubbler in the RV mission, and lost the Scrapper for the Thorn Tree and Aeon mission, but he made it back in time to help us take out 3 of the AV's in the final mission.

    I think the Fire/Kin forgot that he had the Anti-Aeon Power. I know I sure as shooting forgot he had it. I was wondering why I died 4 times fighting Aeon compared to the easy kill he was the previous times I fought him.

    We were able to pull the AV's apart by having the Tank (me) taunt Mako then Fly away while he followed me. WE wailed on him for quite sometime without interference from the other AV's, until he hit MoG when Scirrocco arrived. WE focused on Mako and he went down as soon as MoG wore off, without Scirrocco doing too much damage to us. Scirroco went down like a chump pretty fast. We were able to pull BS the same way as Mako without any issues, and he stayed on me very easily with Auto Taunt. WE had the first 3 AV's down within a 1/2 hour, wthout the need for any Shivans, Nukes, or Rads. Sadly GW just was not the same. We did lose the Kat/Regen Scrapper sometime between Mako and BS though, which didn't hurt us too much for the first three AV's, but he was sorely missed on GW. We fought her for 1.5 hours before people started gettign too tired and frustrated. WE couldn't get her any lower than 3/4 health without her Holding the tank and scrapper through mez toggles (Which is just plain wrong!) or healing off of everyone with Dark Regen back to full every 10 seconds or so.

    The tactic we finally devised before everyone decided to put it on hold until Thursday was to havbe 1 Kin and 1 Emp Target through each of our Meleers and have them keep ID and CM on the Meleers while casting holds and Tranfusions at the same time. Eventually the Emp/Rad started running in to cast Atomic Blast and the Kins would Transferrence while he stood next to GW to replenish his End. This seemed to help drop her HP much better. We'll be using this tactic when we reconvene on Thursday to try to finish the last mission.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Are you taking resources away from CoH/CoV?

    Cryptic has a team of programmers, artists, designers, and producers dedicated solely to creating and maintaining both products. The studio will continue to update both titles with new content, including a multi-year storyline, a new gameplay system that allows characters to craft Enhancements and Costume pieces, brand new missions, and much, much more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "...dedicated solely to creating and maintaining both products"

    In other words, "Yes, we are".

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Nope, they're not hiring any new people. Nothing to see here.

    I literally L'MAO. Thanks for the humor

    [/ QUOTE ]

    did anyone else notice the MUO trailer in the lower right hand corner of the screen from Obsidious' link? No gameplay involved, but the trailer is already done, so the project must be moving along fairly well.

    I have to agree with Lady Sadako that there will be 2 seperate teams working on CoX and MUO. Tabula Rasa hasn't brought CoX to a screaching halt development wise, neither has Guildwars or Auto Assault. Just because CoX and MUO are the same genre does not mean that they are going to be sharing development teams or stealing from one another. I am sure that some folks may get shuffled, but they are not going to downsize the CoX dev team to bolster the MUO one.
  11. OK, I have a stupid question here, but figured this would be the place to ask it.

    Does the fact that Def affects Taunt mean that Defense also affects Placate? Since Placate is -Aggro, and Taunt is essentially +Aggro, shouldn't the same changes apply to Placate that apply to Taunt?

    As it stands Placate is a PITA to deal with because there is no way to avoid it. I know that Assault is supposed to add Placate/Taunt resistance, cutting down on the time that you are affected by it, but if they make Defense apply to Taunt, then it would make sense to me that Defense should also apply to Placate. I mean honestly, Fair is Fair right?
  12. I believe one way for them to alleviate the locked into the patron power pools thing, would be to make them similar to the level 30+ Hero enhancement stores, where you have to go and seek them out and complete their mission, then you can buy enhancements from them.

    Do it the same way. A Villain can seek out any of the patrons, complete their story arc, and from there on out they have access to their Patron Power pool when they respec. That way a player can determine how many Patron Pools they wish to have access to, and they can earn all of the badges associated. If you can't do that then all of the badge-Wh**** on the forums are gonna be a bit upset that there will be at least 3 badges that they cannot get on their villains because they picked one patron over another.

    It would also open a up a bit more content as well. Giving players a chance to do all of the patron arcs would give them a chance to have plenty of missions even after they hit 50. More Content = Really good thing.
  13. The Freedom Phalanx is not available for a beating yet, but hopefully they will come out of hiding in I7 and take the beat down they so rightly deserve.
  14. Yes Bendagon, the Vindicators are in game for you to take down.

    Infernal can be found in the CAD Strikeforce. You can do that SF as early as level 15.

    Mynx, and Back Alley Brawler are both offered in missions for Crimson Revenant. CR is an unlockable contact that offers missions for Villains 30-35. He is unlocked with the Hammerdown Badge, which you get by defeating the Ghost of Scrapyard.

    Aurora Borealis is offered by Darla Mavis. Darla is one of your regular contacts offered in Nerva Archipelago. She is for Villains 30-35.

    Luminary and Infernal (second appearance) is in a mission for Operative Rutger. He is a second tier contact in Nerva Archipelago. I believe that Lt. Demitrovich sends you to him. He is for villains 30-35.

    Infernal appears for a third time in a Mission for Magus Mu'Drakhan. He is a third tier contact in Nerva and is referred to you by Operstive Rutger. He is for Villains 35-40.

    Indigo makes an appearance in Arbitter Leery's story arc. She is in a timed mission, so be prepared to have a team handy to take her down. Arbitter Leery is an Unlockable contact in Nerva. You must have a respec badge to get missions from Leery, but he appears to be bugged and doesn't offer missions to everyone that goes to him. Leery is a 35-40 contact.

    Go. Hunt. Heroes.
  15. I got missions from Leery and I have 2 unused respecs. So there goes that theory too.

    BTW, he offers a timed mission to "find the deceiver," (or something to that effect). This mission has a Hero at the end, so get a group before you accept it.
  16. Kill the Ghost of Scrapyard once for the Hammer Down badge.
  17. There is the Strike Breaker kill badge and the Strike Buster Mission badge. Strike Breaker is for taking out any type of Scrapyarder. There is also the Hammerhead badge for killing a large amount of the Scrapyarders that follow the Ghost of Scrapyard around, something like 500 kills.
  18. Good notes. It has been reported that the vines can be moved via TP Foe, not sure if this has changed, but others are reporting that they have used this tactic.

    The second respec contact erroneously asks you to come back at 30 if you contact her at any level below that, but if you go back at 30 she tells you to come back at 30. Its a bug. The second respec is the same levels as the CoH one, 34-40.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm going to pass on commenting that corruptors aren't dmg dealers - I do agree you look to have them on your team for their secondary - but the comment still irks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think the comment was meant to be derogatory in anyway. I agree with him on the point though. Yes, damage is the Corruptors primary, but their Secondary is Buff/DeBuff and any Corruptor that ignores their secondary or refuses to use it is a poor Corruptor. Like he said, if the team wanted more damage it would go for a Brute, the Corruptor is there to help by Buffing and DeBuffing, while handing out a dose of damage.
  20. I'd imagine that you couold get those by farming the CAD SF. One or two of the missions in it are filled with Legacy Chain mobs.
  21. Someone posted inthe Badge-aholics anonymous thread that the Fake Nemesis mission is offered by Operative Naylor. Didn't say what the mission text was, just that it was Naylor who offers it, and that it had 1 Fake Nemesis in it.
  22. I've done it before as well. Its how I got Negotiator on my main when I out leveled the contact for it. Just made a new toon with a Tech origin and chose the right contact for it. Surefire way to get badges on multiple toons.
  23. Operative Rutger gives a mission to "Steal Some jammers from the Crey". I was doing the mission set at Ruthless, on a 3 man team and every mob had at least one Paragon Protector. Once the last glowie is clicked you get three waves fo crey with 2 PP apiece. A team could Farm this mission pretty easy, just set to Relentless, and get 8 buddies together and go to town.
  24. Finally got my Toy Collector last night after touching about 10-15 more gifts, and it was on a Naughty one, so any gift must work towards it.
  25. I spent an hour and a half last night on a 14 present route in Sharkhead Isle, and barring others sometimes clicking gifts on the route I must have clicked well over 200 and still no badge. I did have a ton of Presents though, and everytime I got 10 gifts I would run around and hand out 5 or 6 to anyone I found that had room in their tray.

    Yeah, I'm a Re-Gifter.