Issue 7: New Base Features!




Hell, I recently saw the Collectors Edition on sale for $30 Canadian. CoV is cheap right now.

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Yeah, I bought a copy of the DVD edition at Fry's several weeks ago for $30. At that time the regular version was actually $40...$10 more than the Collector's Edition.

I also grabbed one of the preorders they still had there for $.01, which got me one of the special helmets.



OK, sounds Great, but what about Prestige?? Will we be able to earn a bit more prestige to be able to affor even reasonably priced cool stuff? I haven't posted about prestige before now but I've meant to. I mean my lvl 50 goes on a mission and makes nothing but prestige, 4 or 5 per kill, sometimes less on +2 baddies...and another thing about that, I really hate my 35 Characters don't make any money in SG mode...he still has 15 lvls worth of enhancers to buy and it seems you make the most prestige in your 30's...this is a patch I'd LOVE to rate for Infamy and Prestige raised 30% or more



OK, sounds Great, but what about Prestige?? Will we be able to earn a bit more prestige to be able to affor even reasonably priced cool stuff? I haven't posted about prestige before now but I've meant to. I mean my lvl 50 goes on a mission and makes nothing but prestige, 4 or 5 per kill, sometimes less on +2 baddies...and another thing about that, I really hate my 35 Characters don't make any money in SG mode...he still has 15 lvls worth of enhancers to buy and it seems you make the most prestige in your 30's...this is a patch I'd LOVE to rate for Infamy and Prestige raised 30% or more

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Some solutions, for the situation as it is today:

1) You still get enhancement drops. Sell those in Talos for max money, or anywhere
if they are coming in too fast for you to run to Talos all the time.

2) Consider running an entire level or two in non-SG mode, then switch back.
Based on the leftover influence my 50 had (entering SG mode around 42)
you just need to run in non-SG mode 1-2 levels per 5-level band to, between
enh drops and inf earned, make enough.

I know this doesn't help you reach the influence-earned badges any faster. My
50 only has the 2nd one because I switched to SG mode.

Another option, if your SG allows alts, is to grab one of your low alts, put them in,
run them 1/2 the time (up thru 33), run your Main the other 1/2 the time, in a mix of
sg and non-sg mode as you like, and enjoy.



I agree! The prestiege system currently stinks. Making 3 or 5 pts per kill will make getting your turbine generator placed a couple years in the making! (at 1.5 million to place) My Hero SG is one of the top ones on Triumph and trying to upgrade to the second base plot took us over a month. Urg.

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Just so you all realize, the prices Lektrik wrote are completely made up.

Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

[/ QUOTE ]But, just so you know, unless these items can go into existing rooms supported by the 8x8 plot it WILL cost 1.65M + new room + item. I'm just saying...



I've got an extremely small roleplaying SG, and we've managed to scrap together enough prestige to make a functional base. Unfortunatley, we can't add any more rooms... we can't afford to upgrade the plot. We have enough to easily upgrade our rooms to bigger ones, even make a grand hall, but the cost is just too ridiculous. If there's one thing that I7 needs, it's more reasonably priced plots.



Costs for a 10-slot inspiration bin? 1million!

Cost for a 10-slot enhancement container? 500K!

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Just so you all realize, the prices Lektrik wrote are completely made up.

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I'd note how easy it would have been for Positron to strengthen his position simply by *listing* the low costs of these items to refute Lektrik's suspicions, but that wasn't done here.

Conclusion - the costs really will be in that ballpark, even Posi couldn't make the claim of "reasonably priced" with a straight-enuf face to avoid putting it in quotes. Kinda like back when the 4th SO's drop-off was described as "moderate"

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



I'd note how easy it would have been for Positron to strengthen his position simply by *listing* the low costs of these items to refute Lektrik's suspicions, but that wasn't done here.

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I can't imagine what possible reason he could have had for not wanting to provide a full list of all the upcoming base features along with their prices, and explanations of what each one does so that you know exactly what you're getting, with I7 just about to hit Test.



I think the players have a very different definition of "ridiculously expensive" than the developers.

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I think they have much the same definition of 'affordable for a small SG'.

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Actually why dont we wait until I7 comes to test then we can see what the cost for new items will be, instead of 'mind reading' the Devs and complaining later when prices are different.

Pointless to get work up about nothing.

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It's not just about the new stuff in I7. The problem already exists, and nothing has been done to fix it. Bases, base items, and rent are already incredibly expensive. For a supposedly major game feature, bases are very inaccessible.

The devs haven't done anything to make bases more accessible. Prestige costs haven't been lowered, rent hasn't been removed/reduced, and prestige rewards haven't been increased. Base items rewarded for SG badges are still very difficult even for large, active SGs to obtain. So bases are already marginalized in-game, and adding more stuff, even if that new stuff is less expensive, doesn't fix the underlying problem.



That's a good point, and we have been doing that, we actually put all of 2 of our 50's Inf on a new toon to act as a "bank" and the rest all went directly into Prestige but it still only gave us enough to build 2 rooms, med bay and power station...we are still 500K from a generator and can't use the med bay without one. gonna be years before we get a Teleporter. Yeah, our SG is small, but even small SG's should be able to pull their money and make a functional base.
Thank you for the info though at least, it let's me know there's some seems Villains was easier to make a base in, but that's prolly just me



Hmmm...didn't read anything in there about "more mission computer missions."

...maybe it's in the fine print. I hope.

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I'd note how easy it would have been for Positron to strengthen his position simply by *listing* the low costs of these items to refute Lektrik's suspicions, but that wasn't done here.

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That's not exactly fair. Until it's on test, it's safe to assume these features are still probably under development. Since any explicit numbers or data that's revealed will be instantly subjected to brutal analysis, one can see why they wouldn't cough any up before they're sure.

Also, this is Cryptic, so, you know, numbers are scary and bad.




I would love it if there were an option to create a floor [acessed by elevator] in which each SG member had their own room.

"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln



Costs for a 10-slot inspiration bin? 1million!

Cost for a 10-slot enhancement container? 500K!

I'm just afraid to even ponder how much these things will cost.....Everything even remotely nice is priced so that small groups can't get them. I'll wait till it hits test to see if my SG has a chance at ever owning one.

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Just so you all realize, the prices Lektrik wrote are completely made up.

Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

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Who cares about the prices, this is still a CoH update preview that doesn't apply to anyone who doesn't have CoV.

When will we get a preview of actual CoH updates in I7?



But, just so you know, unless these items can go into existing rooms supported by the 8x8 plot it WILL cost 1.65M + new room + item. I'm just saying...

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If you've stuck with the "lots of 2x2 rooms, all alike" model for a small PvE base, you should have a spare place to plunk down a 2x2 room for the storage items.

Assuming that there is a 2x2 room for storage items, and that they haven't been designed on the same items per size progression as the workrooms.

Cautious optimism, man. Cautious optimism.




Hell, I recently saw the Collectors Edition on sale for $30 Canadian. CoV is cheap right now.

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Yeah, I bought a copy of the DVD edition at Fry's several weeks ago for $30. At that time the regular version was actually $40...$10 more than the Collector's Edition.

I also grabbed one of the preorders they still had there for $.01, which got me one of the special helmets.

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In addition, the CoV discs contain CoH issues 1-6 in their install. For someone who owns the original CoH discs, this meant that last night, when my hard drive failed and I had to reinstall everything, my City of games were available in about 30 minutes compared to the 8+ hours it would have taken to install CoH and let the updater bring me up to speed.



"Why can't we just buy storage bins? Why must we create and then place them?

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Because if they made it so they could just be bought, someone would have said "Why can't we make them with our useless salvage? Why must be buy them". That's why, silly...



It's like Chrismakuhkwanza in March!



Because if they made it so they could just be bought, someone would have said "Why can't we make them with our useless salvage? Why must be buy them". That's why, silly...

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To be fair, people have been asking for more useful things to build with salvage.

Of course, the cost in salvage is pretty much a non-issue. It's all about the Prestige.




This sounds interesting. Actually make bases useful. I am never in our base ever. Nothing really to do there, even having teleporters there.
I wish they would make chairs etc like NWN where you click on them and it actually sits your character instead of trying to position yourself and trying to do some /e emote?
Hope this is implemented well!

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



If you've stuck with the "lots of 2x2 rooms, all alike" model for a small PvE base, you should have a spare place to plunk down a 2x2 room for the storage items.

[/ QUOTE ]Nope, we are have a fully functional PvE base with two 3x4 rooms (workshop and tp). In a perfect world, they'd let me add these new toys to the HUGE room I already have.



AMEN!!! I want Hero Content!! Still talking about I5 when I7 is around the corner WHAT ABOUT THE HEROES???



Costs for a 10-slot inspiration bin? 1million!

Cost for a 10-slot enhancement container? 500K!

I'm just afraid to even ponder how much these things will cost.....Everything even remotely nice is priced so that small groups can't get them. I'll wait till it hits test to see if my SG has a chance at ever owning one.

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Just so you all realize, the prices Lektrik wrote are completely made up.

Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

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Who cares about the prices, this is still a CoH update preview that doesn't apply to anyone who doesn't have CoV.

When will we get a preview of actual CoH updates in I7?

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What CoH updates?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Costs for a 10-slot inspiration bin? 1million!

Cost for a 10-slot enhancement container? 500K!

I'm just afraid to even ponder how much these things will cost.....Everything even remotely nice is priced so that small groups can't get them. I'll wait till it hits test to see if my SG has a chance at ever owning one.

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Just so you all realize, the prices Lektrik wrote are completely made up.

Everything in this issue will be "reasonably priced". It doesn't make sense for us to set out to help small supergroups and then charge large supergroup Prestige for the items.

[/ QUOTE ]

Am I the only one that feels the fact you have to be in a SG to even have access to a storage bin is a bit strange?

A place to store things is one of the most basic features of every online and off line RPG that has ever existed and we are supposed to consider the fact they are finally adding it, along with all its restrictions as a new 'feature'?

A way to store and transfer things should have been part of the game from day one. This is more playing catch up then an actual advancment to me.



But, just so you know, unless these items can go into existing rooms supported by the 8x8 plot it WILL cost 1.65M + new room + item.

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These items are geared towards small SG's that will quite likely never be able to pay for the first plot upgrade period.

So the idea that they'll require special rooms, that require a plot upgrade is quite far fetched. Until something like that is even so much as hinted at (which it hasn't been yet.) there's no reason to assume such a thing.