Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Here's the Alliance of Really Great Heroes current base. It's supposed to be the penthouse of one member where they are staying while their permanent base is built. As seen in The Spectacular Sparky #8.

Living Room

Sparky - mutant elec/elec/elec blaster



Welcome to the halls of Valhalla!

Center Room

"Look at that Sky!"



Lab close up

Sleeping Quarters

Portal Bar/Lounge

More Portal Bar/Lounge

Monitoring Station

Placeholder equipment until the generator arrives.

Meeting Area

28 L50's on Freedom
L50 Time Titan WP/Stn, L50 Lord Time Titan Grv/Rad, L50 Super Hero USA DM/Rgn
L50 Decoy Master Ill/Rad, L50 Shield Slinger SD/Ice, L50 Super Heavyweight Stn/Nrg
L50 King's Jester Fire/Kin, L50 Winterchill Ice/SS, L50 Alberta Clipper Ice/Ice
L50 I Mastermind Bots/Dark, L50 MVP Invul/Nrg, L50 Steely Resolve Psi/MM



How did you place the bottles on the desk?

[/ QUOTE ]

you can stack items on top of the benches in the 'desk' tab.



Ain't got much at the Rhode Island Sheriff Corps(R.I.S.C.), but we do have a jail cell. Thought I'd post if others wanted something similar. Essentially using tech lights you can wall off a section that folks can teleport or be teleported into only, and it looks somewhat like a futuristic jail cell. Ionized grate on the floor completes the effect with cool ionic noises.

Hallway view
Cell view


Inkblaster - 50 - NRG/NRG



I didn't feel like taking pictures room to room of The Bane of Prometheus' villain base. So here's....

A view of our base from our orbital satellite

E - Entrance
P - Power
T - Teleport
W - Workshop
C - Control
M - Medical
V - Vault

W2 is there at the moment just to hold a dimensional anchor. Not much fluff because it is being built toward a PvP base.

Edit: Ok, I took a pic of our teleport room since someone asked to see.... And I thought while I am doing the teleport room, I might as well add the others. The vault room is a little dark now but when an IoP is placed in there, it will look pretty cool. We should have the 12x12 plot by next weekend and the whole thing will change again. LOL



Very interesting layout. I likie.

Honestly, one of the things that there's been too little discussion of is base layout. It's been seeming to me that for base raiding purposes, layout could very well be an important determining factor in the relative success of a given base in repelling raiders.

I'm not just talking Defensive rooms, although that would be definitely a part of it. I'm talking about principles like Line of Sight and connectivity.

At these early stages, it's easier to ignore since we're mostly working with the small plot sizes. However, decisions made at these early stages could have substantial strategic and tactical consequences later on.



Granted we are still on the reconstruction phase but we have a few amneties to take care of all needs.

First we have Entrance gate , a little foreboding but what do you expect from a villain group.

Next we have the Main Doorway into the Great Hall

The Main Hall serves many purposes: <ul type="square">* A meeting place
* A Place of the nice cozy fire
* Some Aesthetic and cultural value where group members can just relax after a daunting day of villainy
* Intrinsic value of the knowledge that more can be accomplished by looking at the wider scope of things and not just at face value (hint: Look at the last three images side by side)[/list]
Of course, it is also My place of Power where I recently hatched my next diabolical scheme

In the Grand Room everyone has been taken care of for all their needs. In fact we are so popular that our security cameras recently caught this footage by the bathrooms. After all, we here at Psycho Circus are proud to welcome all forms of evil as we proudly display here.

I hope you have enjoyed your virtual tour of our GET OUT!!

The Ringleader

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!



Honestly, one of the things that there's been too little discussion of is base layout.

[/ QUOTE ]

In this early going we aren't too worried about the base layout. With such small plots at the moment there isn't much you can do. A couple of room placements were done purposely; like the medbay next to the vault room. And 2 doorways for the teleport room.



WOW great base photo's all. Ill have some made up to show you all our pride &amp; joy.

Les Femmes Triumph Fatale comeing soon. .

Frostyfrozen lvl 50 Pure Ice Blaster @Les Femmes Mystique
Meltalika lvl 50 - Snowdriftta lvl 50 - Icesong lvl 50 -Frostyblue lvl 50
Have Fun & Stay Safe



Well, it's not much to look at right now, but we hope to do more with it in time. We blew most of our prestige on the land, all we've been able to afford so far is a couple of couches.


Cozy, huh?



Well, it's not much to look at right now, but we hope to do more with it in time. We blew most of our prestige on the land, all we've been able to afford so far is a couple of couches.


Cozy, huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

:::Falls out of his seat laughing, and hit's his head on the desk:::



Well, it's not much to look at right now, but we hope to do more with it in time. We blew most of our prestige on the land, all we've been able to afford so far is a couple of couches.


Cozy, huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice to see someone finally put those 'Sewer' elements and atmosphere to good use. Nice job!



The DOLLS (Defenders of Life, Liberty 'n Shopping) SG now has it's base up and running. It's still small (too many people over in CoV :-P) but it's functional. We have an Infirmary, and two telepads with the Control and Power rooms to run them.

(The pics are large 1920x1280 ones about 300kb each)

Entry Hall Check out the DOLLS sign on the wall which was designed by Base Architect/Dahak/Spartan. What good is a base without it
Control Room
Teleport Room

Most of this base, like the Voodoo Dolls with its throne room, was designed and built by Lord Dahak. Dahak will have a little more scope when the DOLLS earn some more Prestige



Well, it's not much to look at right now, but we hope to do more with it in time. We blew most of our prestige on the land, all we've been able to afford so far is a couple of couches.


Cozy, huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

By far my favorite

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



In some of these, I see the secret entrance in the middle of the map. How do you reposition the secret entrance room?



It is movable within the entrance room. Simply click on it in the base editor &amp; move it around the room.

You can set it anywhere, but I would avoid near corners as sometime one zones into the base &amp; then cannot move.



In some of these, I see the secret entrance in the middle of the map. How do you reposition the secret entrance room?

[/ QUOTE ]

Possibly you just mean how do you get the Entrance Room to be in the middle of the map? Thats even easier, just move your plot so that the room is centered and you can build of in all directions.



In base-editing mode, click on "Upgrade Plot," select your CURRENT plot size (presumably 8x8), then move the grid to whichever position you prefer relative to the existing rooms.



Our base is still very much under construction. But, we do have our game room set up, with some neat wall art by our very own Stone of Amn

Game Room

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL!!! NIce wall pics!



Not too keen on the very spookily formlumatic nature of the Paranormal Inc base, it looks a little too clinical to be honest. But in the end I guess it depends on the style you intend to have for the base. I mean hell, The Exiles live in a sewer which is outfitted with mystical aspects creating a weird cross between the Vahzilok and the Circle of Thorns. It looks quite consistant infact rather than clashing like you'd expect.

The DOLLS base needs alot of work, its all squares with little attempt to create depth of field or even anything but a garishly eyebleeding colour scheme. I see far too many bases where people settled for a square room and didn't make good use of trying to make walls to add interest to an open expanse.

The Circle of Shadows entrance is nicely done, the mix of dark and light gives it alot of atmosphere but it doesn't show the base from all sides so its hard to tell how well it works in practice.

The Team Evil base is a nice mix of contemporary and tech, I do like it since it feels alot like a mansion of sorts and its got excellent use of depth and colours. But again, square rooms on a flat surface.... ick. Try and add some shape and variety, even if the floor is raised in part helps to make it look less bland.

I'll post some Exile base pics tonight. Its onyl small so far but the VG love the feel of it.



I always believe in putting my money where my mouth is, and frankly as well I've seen enough tech bases or gothic temples. So in the words of money python...


Firstly I'll show you an overall view of the base, there its technically an slightly off centre meeting room with adjacent functional rooms. The main portal room is a little sparten and thats purely intentional as there is mainly alof of junk on the floor and walls. I did consider pillars but then it wouldn't feel like a converted sewer.

The workshop was the first function room added. From the start I had an idea for it to be on a raised platform however it seems that steps cannot be added without removing the nice trim plus they're not solid anyway. There is still space for an expert work table to be added near the powercables on the rear wall.

This is a good example of the sewer/mystic theme intergrating nicely together. Its a tough balance to get but works pretty well if done in the right quantities.

The workshop looks through to two function rooms along this side of the base. I would have liked to add a chainlink fence with various power and hazard signs on it to section off the workshop from the generator room however its not possible. Essentially I wanted the depth of view but the suggestion of a barrier, the two pillars were the next best option. There is space for a tech workshop to be added behind the generator itself and ensure that the theme is kept independant. The control room beyond is very small, little more than a corridor with a fixture or two. Eventually I want to expand it into a liberary for the mystic arts.

Central to the theme of the base is a style designed to feel enclosed, almost clostophobic. This is supposed to be a sewer so I try and ensure that the roof is always low and add small areas of highet to suggest there is more above us leading to the surface. This is the main meeting room which is used for gatherings prior to our weekly planned events. Tables with chairs, some beds to the side and a warm campfire are intended to suggest a place for the villains to relax. The fire is also situated as a pedastal for me to address my minions, they sit or stand by the tables on the lower grond with me elevated and seen on the otherside of the flames. Its not so much a throne as a place which is intended to signifies my characters position in the group. Elevated above and untouchable beyond the flames. The usual superior attitude of an Eidolon from the Vahzilok, made to be the pinnicle of human design. Here is the central room from another angle.

The muddy green light seen throughout the base is important to to the design, without it the base looks more like a mystical tomb. My only regret is that despite being a sewer we cannot have the running water or lakes of sewage seen in the sewer missions of the game. Maybe in time...

The telepad chamber is our most recent and final addition without a larger lot size. Overall this is the most mystical room in the base and with good reason due to its nature. In time the teleporter room will become of the major components of the base and probably only second to the grand undercity hall I have planned later.

I put alot thought into where a room, especially if it has different lighting than any rooms it, can be seen from. In the picture of the hall I'm sure when you looked around your eyes were drawn to the bright pink glow in the distance. Such features are what in my mind define artwork from simply making a base. The same way a speck of brillient white makes someones eye look more alive I feel that a slight dash of color that is different to everything else gives life to a room. But only if done just the right way. I'm quite happy with the telepad being concealed in a distant corner.

I know some people will think that the base is hidious, cluttered and disjointed. In some way its intentional, I'm aiming to make it seem unorganised. Like The Exiles just came in and started retrofitting a normal sewer with the equipment they need. Thats the whole point of the VG, a group of misfits just staying together because no one else will take them in. Forced to live underground and do the best they can. In time though the base will grow into a wonderful Undercity with a theme of it own and long winding tunnels connecting rooms and make Orenbega seem like a cakewalk.

Devs, I think we'll need signposts by the time I'm done with The Exiles base lol



I like it - it's unique. I tend to like the eclectic look. In the base that I am building on the test server (for eventual construction in-game on Freedom) has a different styles in each room. The only common element across a few of the rooms is the wall type. Some floors are shared as well. However, I think the key is working with lighting, floor types and heights, and ceiling types and heights. A lot of interesting stuff can be done with the editor. I am weary of all-arcane or all-technical designs.

I'll post the new base on here when I get a chance. Nice job!

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



well since it would take so long to post them all.. ill just give you the link to our site. Ive got a walk thru of
Team Vanguard- oldest SG around

"Lokk, you have a powersuit that is self-contained, can withstand any atmosphere, it can fly and shoot out energy beams. BUT you cant open the helmet to have coffee and doughnts??? Sad man.... just... sad" PatriotPrime asking me why I am angry all the time.