Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Not screenshots of the whole base, but just a quick couple of our lounge area with updated fireplace. We figured when we rebuilt our base we might as well upgrade the size of the fireplace while we were at it.

UGA-Champion Server


Library 1

Library 2




First, this is my final product as a "first base". I inherited the base editing for my SG, "Iron Phoenix" (Freedom), some time ago, but I never tweaked it until this past winter, when I realized "hey, we need a crafting area.... hokay, how do I do it... Um..."

Then the base editing bug hit, and I just went to town on the joint. Part of the reason I poured myself into it was to lure some older IRON members back into CoX - they'd left a while ago for other games, and were used to "how things were" around Issue 8.

When they came back to this, everything livened up again. I wanted to give them a home to sink their feet into and sigh in relaxation.

I'll say this: I'm a "magic desk" incompetent. Tried a number of times, became an exercise in frustration more than anything. So this isn't a fancy "let's defy gravity" example - rather, it's just a base, with particular attention given to item detail and placement, lighting tweaks galore (I was a lighting director for TV/film in a previous life), and just focused on warmth and character, and cool color palettes.

I'm offering this as a Picasa album (use the slideshow for ease of use), with all the items captioned beneath for locations and whatnot.

Enjoy. I hope you like my house.



Hello all.....
The Flying Tigers base pn liberty is a small base really...but I thought I'd show one or two rooms off....cause I like them...

To begin with...the Entrance
Moving on to our bar...The Redrum

Redrum far wall...

Redrum bar with cash register....

Now the Purple Room our medbay....

Named in honor of course of a certain amazonian device...

The C&C....

And finally...
The Hangar Bay/Power Room.....

as you can see space is at a premium....

Hope you liked them!



Here's a base I finished just this week for Paragon Super Group on Freedom.

Battlecruiser Power Up I

Entrance (1) (2)
Command bridge(1) (2) (3)
Launch Hangar (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Control tower II + Captain's room (1) (2) (3) (4)
Arachnos flier hangar (1) (2) (3)
Docking hangar (1) (2) (3)
Control tower I + locker room (1) (2) (3) (4)
Hallway 1
Med bay (1) (2)
Storage/crafting (1) (2) (3)
Hallway 2
Engine room (1) (2)
Hallway 3
Lab (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Teleporters (1) (2)
Green room - oxygen supply and relaxation area (1) (2)

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ok thats just sweet work...great job!

[/ QUOTE ]


Can you give a general idea of how much that base cost?

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



It cost around 29 million prestige for the base. Those guys were just awesome at getting prestige.

Global - @Seigi no Akuma | Freedom mains:
Galvanized Justice - Electric Melee/Shield Scrapper
Overclocked Justice - Fire Blast/Traps Corrupter
Insanguinato - Fire Blast/Kinetics Corrupter
Insanguinata - Night Widow/Fortunata



Here's a base I finished just this week for Paragon Super Group on Freedom.

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For me, the most amazing thing about this base is the hangar(s) and the use of the hologram glass as "windows" into other areas. Brilliant!

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Well last night I noticed that we were sitting on three and a half million prestige and could make a little more efficient use of the free tiny hidden plot, so I gave the Smash Ops base a bit of an overhaul. Anna will be your tour guide this evening.

We start here in the Entry Room from which we can see into the Rec Room and the Primary Workshop. Stepping into that workshop we find a nicely loaded salvage rack, a pair of tier-2 empowerment stations and an IO crafting table. Continuing onwards we arrive at the Power Room where we keep the generator and the inspiration bin, as it was a convenient to keep a storage item plus it looks rather powerful.

Backtracking through the Primary Workshop we can access the Telepad Chamber. This long view shows all four telepads with two beacons each for access to all of the Rogue Isles and the Rikti War Zone. The room takes two defensive items but doesn't have any as this isn't a raid base, though it might look cool to stick a turret or two in there later on.

From here we can reach both the Rec Room and the Control Room, let's take a look inside the later first. Here we cut down on the clutter by replacing the old mainframe and database with a shiny new supercomputer, making more room for the mission computer. Over here we have our own Ouroboros crystal as well as the old holodisplay and two monitor banks. Why? Because they look cool. Further down this long corridor is the Secondary Workshop, which contains an IO crafting table placed conveniently close to the vault access door.

Finally we come to the Rec Room, where everyone can relax after a long days villainy. We have a small library and television, as well as an enhancement table and another IO crafting table next to the old combo power and control unit. It gives use a nice extra bit of power and control for cheap and it's not like it takes much space.

And so we've come full circle back to the Entry Room as the overhead view will show. There is a lot of interconnection between the rooms for easy movement and the bigger rooms makes the base feel more spacious.



I am finally getting around to posting some pics. I decided to finish off my base a bit ago before they take away all our fun. Then they announced that we are getting no new tools so yay for not waiting for it =) So here is a small preview.

Art Room
Dinning Area
Mystic Pond with a Fireplace

Give a holler if anyone wants to see the base.



*looks at Library*

*hits the floor*

*rubs head*
That had to have taken some serious calculations!
How much "headroom" do you have between each floor?
Can an 8 ft. toon fit?

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV




First, this is my final product as a "first base". I inherited the base editing for my SG, "Iron Phoenix" (Freedom), some time ago, but I never tweaked it until this past winter, when I realized "hey, we need a crafting area.... hokay, how do I do it... Um..."

Then the base editing bug hit, and I just went to town on the joint. Part of the reason I poured myself into it was to lure some older IRON members back into CoX - they'd left a while ago for other games, and were used to "how things were" around Issue 8.

When they came back to this, everything livened up again. I wanted to give them a home to sink their feet into and sigh in relaxation.

I'll say this: I'm a "magic desk" incompetent. Tried a number of times, became an exercise in frustration more than anything. So this isn't a fancy "let's defy gravity" example - rather, it's just a base, with particular attention given to item detail and placement, lighting tweaks galore (I was a lighting director for TV/film in a previous life), and just focused on warmth and character, and cool color palettes.

I'm offering this as a Picasa album (use the slideshow for ease of use), with all the items captioned beneath for locations and whatnot.

Enjoy. I hope you like my house.

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Great work Turg!

I really like how you did the Hall of Remembrance. The main TP room looks awesome too. It turned out very nicely.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



*looks at Library*

*hits the floor*

*rubs head*
That had to have taken some serious calculations!
How much "headroom" do you have between each floor?
Can an 8 ft. toon fit?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think so. Not exactly sure how tall my friend is but my toon only comes up to her knees and she fits in there.

The floors are only 8ft tall or 1 tall bookshelf worth. I used a spreadsheet so I knew what level was next and what floor heights are and all that. It was easy enough to do the -1 floor height tactic to go to the next level but having the stairs made it a little more complicated by having to switch inbetween switching inbetween layers.

On a note. It's my personal base and I only make the shortest toons =) hehehehehe So there is plenty of head room for my toons but some things are too high for my short toons to reach =)



On a note. It's my personal base and I only make the shortest toons =) hehehehehe So there is plenty of head room for my toons but some things are too high for my short toons to reach =)

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Thats what hover is for... or minions to stand on. *sage nod*



Demon Bunnies on Triumph is a small SG. We only have 2 members and money is tight. So until we get enough to properly upgrade the base, I'm having fun designing Single Room (i.e. the entrance) bases.

Our current layout is a two man bachelor pad.

Lets take a tour shall we?
Upon entering you are greeted with warm wood walls and two standards bearing the SG logo. Looking up from the entrance, you can see the double lofts put in on the higher ceilings to make proper use of the room.

From the entrance we move into the Living Room. As you can see, we have a decent sized TV and VideoGame Set up. Once in the room proper, you can see that we have plenty of room for entertaining, as well as a decent library for two.

Before we move to the kitchen, Lets explore the double lofts. The first is something of an art gallery, holding of of the finer peices we um... 'liberated' in our career. The second, smaller loft is a place of quiet repose, where we can plan our next 15 minute trip to Paragon City.

From the First loft, we have a wonderful veiw of the newly remodeled kitchen, complete with glass half walls to give the place a more open feel. Here's a couple detail shots of the dining table and main kitchen island/sink combo. To the right of the kitchen entrance is a small lounge. The TV that was there was broken at the last party, so please forgive the bareness of the wall.

The kitchen then opens into a spacious bedroom for two. The bedroom overlooks the entrance with a luminecent half wall and window combination that gives just the right amount of privacy from the rest of the loft. And both of our members have a seating area to ourselves when we just need to get away from it all.

For those wondering, we used a tri level format to help divide our lair without making it feel closed in.
Finally, here is the floor plans from above, so you all have an idea of how the place is laid out. North is up, south is down, etc.

I hope this helps those out there on a small budget with a small lair see that they can make even a one room place feel like a palace. Now, if you'll excuse me, its time for the News. I wonder if they'll mention that orphanage that attacked me...




At first glance the cut and paste pic of the entrance threw me off till I realized it was cut and pasted with multiple shots.

Over all nice job on a cozy home =)



Here's a base I finished just this week for Paragon Super Group on Freedom.

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For me, the most amazing thing about this base is the hangar(s) and the use of the hologram glass as "windows" into other areas. Brilliant!

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Amazing!!!! 10 Stars





At first glance the cut and paste pic of the entrance threw me off till I realized it was cut and pasted with multiple shots.

Over all nice job on a cozy home =)

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Srry about that. I probably should have mentioned that it was a multi-shot thing. I just didn't want 6 shots of the entrance when one cobbled shot could do the job.



I'm mostly a lurker around here, but I figured I'd show off my hero & villain bases before the I13 changes.

Up first is the small villain group on Liberty I lead called [u]Females Enforcing Terror, Intimidation, Sadism, & Havoc[u] (yeah... y'all can work out the acronym for yourselves; my disclaimer is that I didn't come up with it, it's a VG that I inherited). They're a ragtag group of villainesses of all backgrounds in the Rogue Isles. They range from their leader, a supergenius who's gradually turning herself into a robot and attempting to do the same to the rest of the world, to an honest to goodness princess with her elite guard, to a scientist succumbed to an exotic organism, to a long-dead pirate dragging some old friends along with her, to a mysterious person clad in magical armor, and everything in between. As such, the base has a techno-mageish look to it. While some technology confuses the old-fashioned among them, and a good lot of them wouldn't know a sigil from a rune, the base is designed to accommodate villainy of all kind.

As a group of evil women, we're naturally located on our own small island. Upon entering, this will be what you see. On second thought, you may want to turn a bit to the left. That's better. Walking down the stairs, you'll come across some of our trophies from various battles. To the right is the power room which contains the main power source for the whole island. Taking a left, you'll arrive at a mage's dream-come-true. You'll notice a spellcasting table, an oracle-in-a-cauldron, our Library of Time, and, of course, an Orbits of Control.

There's no further doorways, so we have to head back to the entrance room. While we're here, check out the small study and the small entertainment center. Taking the left route from the entrance, we come to the other half of the base. The first part of this is the storage vault. Everything of value is secured in this room [OOC: you'll notice the reinforced storage big box thingy. It's designed to look like it goes deeper than the wall. It's also the thing I delete to make room for whatever crafting table I need at the moment, which will also turn on either the Robotic Fabricator or the Flames of Hephaestus. Um... it's cooler than it sounds. .]. We also have the ability to build weapons with some of the stuff we salvage from the battlefield, as well as create and store some powerful magic spells (note the tech lock over the storage chest, just in case...). [OOC: This is the only room that looks even remotely what it looked like under the VG's previous leader 3 years ago.]

The other direction takes us to the medbay. Our reclaimator has repair devices to help stabilize any larger wounds to anyone incoming before they hit the table plus teleport lockouts to prevent unauthorized access to the infirmary. The auto-doc generally stays in its docking station until it's called upon to hit the afforementioned tables. We're also working on some medicines and formulas to help us out in battle. If you're leaving the base, this is the way you'll be heading. There's nothing to see on the left, please move along. [OOC: This room is actually a 1x2 teleport bay, with one of the squares turned into a full wall to give the effect of a continuous hallway (I put it in when I redesigned the base after the prestige grant just in case the Devs were ever going to add another villain zone). It never got used for it's intended purpose, so a few weeks ago when I was redoing the large teleport room, I lowered the full wall and put all the magic desks I used behind the new "faux wall", as well as a distillery (as an in-joke).

This is the entrance to the embarkation room. On the right of that central platform are the main teleporters (again with teleport lockouts to prevent unauthorized access). There's also a ley-line interface for the less technologically inclined among us. Straight ahead from the central platform is our small hangar bay. We only have room for one Chaser, and we generally only use it for support and quick attacks, but if we can't use the teleporters, that Chaser will get two villainesses to wherever they need really quickly. The final part of the base is the bar/mess. Our members and allies use this area for R&R and impromptu meetings. Just in case you can't tell by the sign, this is the bar. We don't anticipate running out of booze any time soon. Now all we need are some cabana boys... [OOC: This is what the complete room looks like from the overhead.]

We hoped you enjoyed your visit to our little section of the Etoiles. Please leave via the designated exit.

I'll be putting up some pics of my hero base on Freedom sometime in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for reading through this.

MA Arc #315097: Reflections of Your Desire (custom characters, canon related, drama, story-driven arc): The Reflections are starting to do things... odd things. This takes place entirely in the Shadow Shard, ending in the bizarre Garden of Memories.



HEY WAIT A MINUTE! Those throphies look exactly like the ones we use to have but have gone missing! =)

Nice job on your base.



I'm new at posting picks, but here goes. this is the Phoenix Dragoons SG on Champion.
full base view:;id=1449227618
temple views:;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
hospital with surgery center:;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
finally we can get a x-ray viewer 8)
this is the base check in:;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
theater (this could have been done before i13 but it was a lot easier now):;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
(I know I could have used the soji lamps to position the beacons on the tp's but at this point i was kinda sick of those things and was quite happy with the ability to put the beacons at the top edge of the floor) the tp's are in alphabetical order and I used the floor plaques to identify hazard or city:;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
control room (still waiting on AES badge):;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
energy room ( I went a little crazy with the stacking/floating/blending):;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618;id=1449227618
(that podium had an ugly cot on it so i floated a arcane desk to cover it);id=1449227618;id=1449227618
the other rooms are individual officers rooms and they haven't touch them yet (we're a part time SG. Our members are full time on Legion of Cat Girls on Guardian or Vanguard League on Virtue)



Did some major renovations since i13 came out. I think I got everyone beat in design and sleekness. Will post some pics when I get home ;-)



Not sure why this thread isn't stikied... but whatever

Anyhow, it's been a while since I've been pretty happy with my entire base. Usually I leave a room or two unfinished because I can't find the inspiration necessary to make it look decent. However, between inspirations from cathedrals and the movie Wanted (of all places), I finally have the base nailed down.

You can find the gallery here, complete with descriptions of everything, but I'll post a few pics here directly as well.

Grand Hall

Great Library


Pipe Organ
You can see the rest of the pics in the aforementioned gallery. Enjoy