Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Demon i realy need u to come decorate my base some time! ur base looks unbelievible, maybe when my base gets the super computer, i can convince u to help us out!





Beautiful lab area, there, Smelt. You just helped me figure out what's missing in one of my rooms : D



I like the shooting range idea Cap. I think I'll make one of those one of these days. Tx for the idea.



I like the hanger with the blast wall. I might have to use that idea. Overall base looks amazing! Well done.



I like the hanger with the blast wall. I might have to use that idea. Overall base looks amazing! Well done.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's even an old pic - the new blast wall is a 2x2 stacked set of files to prevent anything from getting through.

Thanks for the compliments!

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters




Unfortunately, despite all this helpful information, I was at a loss when I attempted converting demorecord file to regular video clips, so I gave up and just went the old timer's route. :P

Maybe I'll try it again sometime (or maybe we can swap tours), but for now I'm just posting screenshots.

[u]Enclave of Honor -- Infinity Server[u]

Entry hall one and entry hall two.

Trophy room one and trophy room two.

Power and control.

Teleporter room pictures one, two and

Meeting room niche and meeting hall.

Hospital one and hospital two.

The future break room!

Workshop one and workshop two.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG these pictures are outstanding! i love the way your base looks!!! it is one of the best out of this whole forum!! if anyone disagree's post some more of your photos of your base because by the looks of it Jennel wins!! WOOT hey just wondering what is ur base colors?? (black and gold) cause thats what it looks like.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Alli -

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like those screenshots!

Um ... actually, if I remember correctly, I made the walls white with the arcane backdrop and dropped the lighting down to minimum. I used a lot of torches and sconces for effect.

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I don't really wander the CoH forums like I should!

If you want to contact me in game, I wouldn't mind giving you more details. You can send a tell to @Anique.

Thanks again!



Infinity Server - Enclave of Honor
Super Group Base Update - 06.01.07
16x16 Plot Size and Growing


[/ QUOTE ] ur base is hugh!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeup, it got pretty big. Heh.



Really like the skylight in the restaurant!



Unless I missed it (or links are dead) does anyone have any pics of a "movie theater" or something along that style that I can see th pics of or see in the game? I would appreciate it.

(also I didn't want to start a whole new thread just to ask this)



honestly i avent seen anyone with a movie theatre but now that you said it..i bet there will be some



Actually there have been a few.

Not sure if they were in here or in the magic desk thread.



yeah I haven't been able to find them. EEEKK had a couple of pics but the links are dead now.



Really like the skylight in the restaurant!

[/ QUOTE ] is that done?



Really like the skylight in the restaurant!

[/ QUOTE ] is that done?

[/ QUOTE ]

You use the fluorescent lights in the light tab. I use (I think) the recessed ones.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Here ya go Jones.

I can't find the other theater with the stone blocks and big head entrance like you have in your cnference room but here is the one with cabinets.

Theater 1
Theater 2
Theater 3
Theater 4
Theater 5

This was before I figured out the floor height adjustments so you should be able to make a whole more as far as details.



Looks good V! I like how you have a kiddie pool =) hehehe



Do you have flames in that fireplace, too?

Looks good, regardless.



Hey, thanks guys. I have a slightly closer screenshot of the fireplace, might be able to see it a little better in this one. If any of you would like to check it out in person, send a tell to @Tanks for Nothin

Closeup of Fireplace



If you want the flames to show up more try dimming some lights, turning off SS, and or cranking up your graphics just for the pics =)



Just a few screenshots from United Global Alliance on Champion. Still a work in progress, so more will be coming shortly, i'm sure.


Control Room


Big Pool

Kiddie Pool






[/ QUOTE ]

Incredible fireplace! I am also on Champion so I may just have to track you down and see it in person.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial