40 -
Option 3. Redo the menu's and work on 4 or 5 pieces that you think people won't cry about. Gauge your future remakes on the reaction you get from these few pieces.
People have to realize at some point the computer they played Beta with may need an upgrade or replacement. -
I have an Ice/Earth Dom and it can work. I know you said you were going to eventually go for Perma when you hit 50 but there is no reason why you can't start working on it now. Even if you are not perma you will be needing Domination up often in order to refill the blue.
I have never taken Acrobatics on any of my Doms. While in Domination you have kb protection. If you must buy a karma -kb io and put it in Combat Jumping.
Building around -recharge is the way to go. Plus this will bring Powersink up more often when you get into your 40's. -
Wait a minute. These are not the "Family Jewels" I was expecting to see today!
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest. -
...And the Pocket D bartender asks, "Why the Long Face?"
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest. -
Thanks for the list!
Of all the issues, the fix that would make me a happy Mac user is the one on this issue:
- Lag in high-texture zones like Pocket D, SG bases, RWZ base, Arachnos Maps, and the Midnighter Club.
Is this a Cider issue and is it even possible for this to be worked on? -
I am having the same problem. Live client goes to Black but Test Client still works
17 inch MacBook Pro
9600M GT
Running Snow Leopard 10.6.3
Ok Edit. I just started in Test Mode then set my Graphic Settings to what I was running on test and now I am up.
Thanks mammalian! -
What are your Mac specs and what resolution do you run at?
I'm curious what resolution different people use. I have the 17 inch MacBook Pro and I prefer the wide screen resolutions but when I turn all the way up it slows things down as well. -
Now I need to decide what secondary I'll put with it. I'm not a huge fan of Electric Assault. Psi might be nice.
Wonders where "insert forum expert on this Topic" is! Waits in anticipation for them to post so that all matters can be resolved. Gets popcorn ready!
Your mom is so fat, she gave birth to Jack In Irons triplets!
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest. -
Quote:Hehe. I was at my desk and forgot to hook in my cable. So just as I was trying to establish myself and get into a groove that pops up and panic sets in. The nice thing about the Mac is the power cable is held on by a magnet so I just had to get it near the port while watching what I was doing and it plugged itself in.While hold, attack, hold, attack made for a not-very-interesting plot, the low battery warning was a nice touch.
I think if that had not happened I could have shaved 2 seconds off my time -
I finally got some game time in between all of the activities that surround Christmas.
I had unfinished business with Ghost Widow since she defeated me in my first 2 tries.
What went wrong on the first 2 were that she got loose and heals a quarter of her health back. I was not getting one shotted because she was going after the pets first but she can make you intangible or something and has time to heal back up. When she does this I just go ahead and quit as I don't have the patience to work her back down or do 2 runs in a row.
Anyway, 3rd time was the charm. I used Demonic and Force of Nature to open the fight and this time I took some advice and took some reds inspirations to speed up the killing.
Also I used the Power Analyzer that you can craft and kept it up on the left side to monitor my hold stacking. I don't think with the video reduction you can make out the numbers but you get the general idea.
Here is the link.
http://www.wegame.com/watch/i-earth-...-double-speed/ -
IMO the thing to consider in the primary is the cast time of the single target hold because it will be about the only thing from your primary you will be using. You need to cast your hold whenever it is up and immediately. Once you throw your hold you will be hard pressed to get off 2 of anything else before you should be clicking that hold again. If you get impatient and try to get in an extra attack the AV will break the hold. I also allowed for the Domination Animation, Hasten Clicks, Powerboost, Pet Resummons and Soul Drain. If you have to go through any of these animations I think it's best to wait to fire your hold before you try to get an extra attack off.
The cast time for Block of Ice is 1.87 s which is on the longer side. Fire and Mind holds are 1.07 and 1.1 which does not seem like much difference but I think you could use more attacks and shorten the time it takes on these.
I think Fire would bring some extra non-click damage with HotFeet and the Imps. Mind would probably be the safest as you have backup Mez if you miss your holds but it would take a little longer without a pet. If the AV calls pets or you keep surrounding enemies around for your fight they may contribute for a short while but they always seem to kill each other off rather quickly.
My first attempts I was using the AOE hold whenever it was up but I found it was better saved for when the single target missed.
Other then that you might use the immob and line of sight if the AV gets lose to try to regain your holds. Right now I have Decimations in the immob for the recharge. If I had the money I'd get the purple Immob set and use the chance to hold proc for extra stacking. If you notice in the videos the electric ball hold is up a decent amount and that is from the Lockdown chance for Mag 2 proc.
I think if I were going to make a designated AV killer from scratch I would go either Fire/Earth/Soul or Fire/Fire/Soul. I like the fact that /Earth has Powerboost, Mudpots and Seismic Smash.
All of this is just speculation of course. I have capable doms with other powersets but I have not tried to Solo AV's with them. I hope that others that have tried this with the other power sets will chime in. -
Also, Im working on some other AV's. I made one run at Ghost Widow and had her down to a quarter health when my Hold missed 3 times in a row and she got loose and siphoned most of her health back from mine and I didn't have the time to widdle her down again. I'll give her another try along with some other AV's but I can see why it took Lilicae awhile on her as she is very difficult.
I decided to try some solo runs against AVs for a couple of reasons. 1) because I thought Liliceae's AV videos were interesting and they put the thought in my head and 2) because of Dark Currents post about /earth being a good choice against AVs and the thread being dismissed because it was a team.
Here is a little background if you care: I did not set out to make an AV killer. When /earth came out some of us decided to do an all dom /earth team. The primary was open and I picked ice only because I had played every dom primary/secondary to 50 including ice but I had only done ice once & it had been awhile. Plus being able to customize powers to make /earth look like ice mallets, etc. I decided to make a polar bear looking creature.
We leveled up and I was building for permadom as I do all my doms because that's what I like and with some simple market work I have the funds to do so. I was not perma until 50 and I did not have any purples and was at around 85% recharge.
When DarkCurrent made the videos it was with a small team and I think his whole point was that seismic smash made for nice control stacking while hitting hard. I was one of the players in the videos and the post got me thinking that with some minor adjustments to my build, I might be able to solo some AVs.
Ice would not normally be my choice for this scenario but I was going to work with most of my current IOs I had and do it for what I consider cheap. I got rid of Artic Air in exchange for Mud Pots and got rid of the fighting pool in exchange for leadership. I also switched from Mako to Ghost Widow for the patron powers and picked up the sleep to slot a cheap purple set.
This put me at 90% recharge after all of the changes and I had gained some damage buffs in Assault and Soul Drain and given up some resistance and defense.
Anyways here are the videos I doubled the speed so they would not be so large and take so long to watch. I'm not pounding my chest because it's nothing special and I'm not trying to compare to anyone else. It was more or less something to do besides rolling a new character after the /earth doms hit 50. Also these are my first game videos so if they are not the quality you expect please forgive.
I went with Luminary and Woodsman first as these were the ones from Dark Currents post.
Luminary took just under 17 minutes. It took 2 tries and I'm blaming my first failed attempt with Lum on Hack N Slash as he started chatting me up towards the end of the fight
Woodsman took 2 tries
My first attempt with Woods failed due to him getting free and tooting his horn for all his little woodland creatures to come to his aid. Fun nonetheless.
2nd Try
http://www.wegame.com/watch/i-earth-...-double-speed/ -
Quote:This did exactly what I needed. Thanks for the help, it's much appreciated.Manually set the mission level to 50-50 under Mission Parameters. That'll force the AVs down to level 50. I just tried it with Valkyrie, Malaise, RSF BaBs, STF Scirrocco, and Regent Korol, all of them spawned at 50, with my diff set to +0.
And make sure you are using a map without any +1 spawn points, like an outdoor one.
Edit: last time this was brought up was before the fancy difficulty sliders, when forcing an AV to 50 was a real pain. Good to know it's much easier now. -
Sorry if this has been answered but I searched the MA guides and most of the links were broken.
I'm trying to create some AV tests and want to fight them at level 50. Certain AV's (Luminary, Malaise, Valkyrie) have the option of fighting them from 40-47 or at level 51 only. Is there any way to have them set to level 50? I've played with the difficulty sliders with no luck to getting the level 47 to +3 or the level 51 to minus 1.
Thanks for any help. -
For chains this is what first came to my mind.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hHbu...eature=related -
I think this is close to what it will be. What is Fissure? Is this like Fault or Tremor?
I noticed under the part where it talks about Customizable powers it mentions Earth Melee but later under the Dominators new powers there is Earth Assault.
I understand the difference between Melee and Assault sets, I'm just pointing this out. -
I hope to be on by 9. If you could do the other stuff before the SF that would be great. If not, I will just catch up later.
You might want to post in Player Events as an all Dom COT group. Many people may not even read this thread as HTTT is not something most people know and some may think reunion excludes anyone not involved with HTTT before. -
Count me in. Not sure what I'll be running and I'll probably be getting on later as usual until the baby is old enough to play buff bot
The Dom theme teams are usually Dark_Currents creations. I just show up and "Hold Them, Touch Them" because it is loads of fun.
Im willing to roll whatever when these go live. The only issue is several of us have used up our Pinn slots and some of us have rolled every primary/secondary at least once with a few exceptions.
I was hoping for a new dom set soon but doubt it will happen.
With that being said, maybe the theme for an I15 dom team could be "pot luck dinner" bring whatever you have never played before and come dressed as southern baptists