



So far I have three bits of feedback on I5 problems.

Scrappers are nerfed, there is no debate here, support pretty much confirms it, and I don't understand it. My scrappers are now less powerful than my defenders which should not be. Since the reduction in resistance, a scrapper will inherently take 2-3 times the damage from an attack that a defender will. For a melee class this is absurd, I fail to see the logic. Even with defense boost powers the scrapper still takes far more damage per attack than a defender with no protection at all. You have taken a melee character and given them a severe glass jaw. I can solo twice as effectively with a rad defender than a dark melee scrapper because the defender takes easily half the damage from attacks and has attack powers that recharge 3 times faster. The attack may do half the damage, but I can use it so often my total damage output over time is higher. Not only that, but because it is ranged, I not only take less damage from attacks, but can also keep out of range of the more powerful melee attacks. The sum of all this is, you destroyed scrappers as a melee class, or at least destroyed them for effective solo play as you need 3 layers of shielding.

The second item is defiance for blasters. It is an interesting idea, but I was uncertain a powerful offensive class needed such a boost. In a way I'm pleased to see it has almost no impact at all because you need to be about dead before if makes a difference. Since I know this was not the intent however, I would agree with numerous others that it needs to kick in sooner. It has only happened once that I was within a whisper of defeat and one shot killed the last mob that I had not yet damaged because my defiance was maxed. By and large the boost seems insignificant, and what normally happens is the mob and I defeat each other with the final shot, which is about what it was before. Perhaps however the intent was for defiance to not have an impact solo, but rather in teams. In that case it may be much more effective if you had layers of protection on you to keep you alive longer when the defiance is high. However, that same protection would make it very hard to get to the point where the defiance was boosted, a sort of catch 22. If all this was the intent, that it was a minor change, then so be it. If you were trying to make this a noticeable enhancement for Blasters I think it needs work.

Last, where is the XP boost for indoor missions that was hyped so much? Did I miss a retraction on this item? I have seen zero increase at any level up through the mid 30s to XP. There is no more XP normally, nor in missions, nor for the mission reward. I was very much looking forward to this as I feel the XP ramp brings you to a halt in the mid 30s, hence I never got a character past this point because it takes 2 weeks of casual play to get one level. Alas, there has been no change as advertised and I still can't level these characters at more than a maddening pace.




it has been iterated many times in this forum, and in other forums, but invulnerability doesn't feel right. the concept of being invulnerable, the expectations of a player with an invulnerable character, hell- even the in-game description, all revolve around resistance, not defense.

i know there are plenty of numbers for the devs to pull out that show invulnerability performs fine, heck, i offered up some of those numbers in the (non) dev response threads. the issue isn't surviveability, it's feel.

at level 50, my invulnerable tank should get hit- a lot. but it shouldn't matter. he should laugh at the hits, take some more, and keep laughing. now it's just dodge, dodge, dodge, 200+ point hit, dodge, dodge.

really sucks, but we can't seem to get any developer response on concept within the set, only numbers on how invincibility balances the entire set.

Proud captain of BOSS

The Altruist, Lvl 50 (+3) INVUL/SS Tanker
Omega Centauri, Lvl 50 SS/INVUL Brute



it has been iterated many times in this forum, and in other forums, but invulnerability doesn't feel right. the concept of being invulnerable, the expectations of a player with an invulnerable character, hell- even the in-game description, all revolve around resistance, not defense.

i know there are plenty of numbers for the devs to pull out that show invulnerability performs fine, heck, i offered up some of those numbers in the (non) dev response threads. the issue isn't surviveability, it's feel.

at level 50, my invulnerable tank should get hit- a lot. but it shouldn't matter. he should laugh at the hits, take some more, and keep laughing. now it's just dodge, dodge, dodge, 200+ point hit, dodge, dodge.

really sucks, but we can't seem to get any developer response on concept within the set, only numbers on how invincibility balances the entire set.

[/ QUOTE ]

I`m level 28. I can stand upto S/L reasonably ok. When it comes to energy though, you may as well hit me with psionics.

Invul is not fine. (I`m referring to the damage we can take not the ludicrous concept shatterer of defence over resist.)The imbalance between SL and energy is absurd and really bugs me. What could they possibly have been thinking when they dropped the resists from 30 to 7.5?

My weaknesses should be psionics and the threat of end loss because our Tanker set is top heavy on endurance usage.
Beyond that, only MAJOR damage of ANY form should (depending on slotting etc) should be able to even dent me.




We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

[/ QUOTE ]

As a regen, the phrase "we're going to look at" fills me with a deep deep sense of dread.

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

Great Feedback ... if there is anyone that doesn't think that there is a filter (real or rose glasses type) this should prove it.



"...there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully..." -- Statesman

Thank you. When these changes hit the test server, I'll reactivate my account.



Thanks States. Issue 5 has not been the doomsday that many said it would be and for that I'm thankful.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have to be kidding. Paragon is now a ghost town. My friends list is permantly gray.

Sorry but my Tank still hates I5. The Devs had well over a year to make the tanks "work as intended" and these new changes just seem pulled out of their butts. A few inspirations are not going to cut it. Many of us still feel betrayed.

[/ QUOTE ]

A friend of mine, whose first 50 was a tanker, who loves playing tankers, has permanently retired her 50 - not because she's defensively weaker, but because she can't hold aggro well enough to protect a team.

Too much changed too fast with too little intention to listen to players testing the changes.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I don't like the whole feel of I5 because the "challenge" that was added in wasn't anything interesting, it was simply "Do I feel lucky?"

That's what we got, less defense for heroes all around (or in the invuls' case, more reliance on it) and thus worse odds.

It's only more fun if you enjoy gambling. It isn't about working out better strategy and tactics at all, unless you didn't have any good ones before.

And about the changes to Invul: They're lazy and meanspirited. If you just thought they were overpowered, you could have given it some sympathetic thought and taken some off the top. Instead, you came at the set, and to a lesser extent the AT, with a machete and just started hacking away.

That's roughly the way I approach my missions, but I'm playing here, and this is supposed to be your job. And isn't stopping to think what you want players to do more of? Hmm, I think I smell irony around here somewhere.

There were some good things in and around I5. I'm actually finding fun and success playing the blaster my tank was remade as after you screwed up his shields. My DM/DA is viable now.

Still, I think you diminished the game, overall. I fear that deep down, when you think of true comic book heroes, you're thinking of Archie and Jughead instead of, say, Spider-Man and Green Lantern.



I'm somewhat of a newbie. but from what I can tell because the PVP arena went into place (which was utterly unnecessairy because of city of Villans) you have demolished several classes primary uses because they were the relative antithisis of another class. I've only got one character because I know that if I make another I will be unable to get either to lvl up to 50. Anyway with that said. Defiance is a idiotic power. nothing more needs to be said. Tankers should be able to actually laugh off damage. Healers heal but have at least somthing to attack and still do damage, blasters need more defense/life or some combonations there of, going from 75% to 0 life is kinda a drag. Like what you did to Debt tho. I played in the times before "through the looking glass" so a bunch of stuff is new to me (Hollows, Sally, Fires, Defiance, and about a dozen other things I have yet to get to). the one thing I hated back then was that the debt would take weeks to work off. Nice to know that's been fixed. Now the only problem is that we are nerfing everything sombody complains about because of PVP... Here's an Idea, rip the gut's out of PVP and leave that to COV and balance the COV AT's with the COH AT's because they will have to fight eachother. Ignore the requests of Magizines and reviewers who are looking to say the differences between games. The main reason they mentioned that COH didn't have PVP was because every other MMO I can think of does. But Everyother MMO generally has two sides to the entire game, not just one (hero's) With the advent of COV the Arenas become unnecessairy. I played this game BECAUSE PVP wasn't a major issue. Now it's become one because a grand total of 100 players and skillions of reviewers mentioned it and thus you put it in there.

I think that the stability needs to be solved. Crashing and lag is no fun. more often then not my computer spends thinking when I run across Steel Canyon. Thus I respeced to flight and was able to actually see where i was going (I didn't keep track of the number of times that I had died because I lagged and couldn't even use a power, run or anything else to get out of the way)... Just a hint, try playing WoW and look at their stability and their Raiding style.

Anyway Thanks for letting people who quit stay in the TF until the TF is over. Now we can actually have a life on the day we are doing a TF.

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



Ebonposter, I'm not sure how you got the feel that your defenders are so much more survivable than your scrapper is. I've been alternating between my Dark/Dark scrapper and my Storm/Dark and Rad/Rad Defenders all around 30. My scrapper solos unyielding and has an occasional sweat. Both my defenders can possibly solo tenacious, but that's about it. Something goes wrong and they faceplant faster than you can say squishie. Add to that that the scrapper just plain kills stuff faster...



Please fix mouselook (toggle). It turns off when you chat. This is a new bug as of issue 5.



Umm if all the archetypes are now 'balanced' why do the blasters now typically outnumber the controllers and tankers....combined?

(Not that I expect any Developer to actually answer)



removed - ranting - unconstructive - abusive



Coming from someone who looks to have just got the game, I hold very little weight to your statement. We've been playing one way for over a year.

This is not the same game that most of us bought at release. I didn't pay for the game as it is now, and I am not going to keep paying for it either. My account runs out in a little under a week. Until then, you better damn well believe that I'm going to let the Devs know exactly why I'm no longer going to pay to play this.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



why do all you idiots have to gripe and complain when you think that you should be able to play a certain way that you know is right and the developers and what the want to see for the game is wrong. If you are that unhapppy quit playing the game and posting. You make everyone elses experience so miserable. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm, Maybe because we have something called hope that a game that we have grown and love might change back to that game we bought over a year ago. You know we might post things on here so we can tell the Dev's how we feel. Hmmm feedback, what a concept. Hopefully it is not a one way street.



Thanks States. Issue 5 has not been the doomsday that many said it would be and for that I'm thankful.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have to be kidding. Paragon is now a ghost town. My friends list is permantly gray.

Sorry but my Tank still hates I5. The Devs had well over a year to make the tanks "work as intended" and these new changes just seem pulled out of their butts. A few inspirations are not going to cut it. Many of us still feel betrayed.

[/ QUOTE ]
My Regen Scrapper feels like he's out of range of his Mentor... all the time. After some testing, I still haven't figured out if there's a way to respec him that won't destroy the feel of the character; I'm afraid that I'm going to have to turn him into Clickmaster to be able to keep playing him at all, and that breaks the character concept I built him to. But every Regen Scrapper took Tough, Weave, perma-Dull Pain, and Reconstruction, so Instant Healing had to be nerfed into the ground, because after 18 months of play, you just then noticed that some people were slotting it so they could run it all the time?

It would be different on a team, but for my Fire/Rad Controller, it's just slower. Power Boost, Cinders, let the imps run in and go to town while I slap down EF and RI, back off somewhere quiet while I wait for Cinders to come up. EMP is too dangerous to use without incredibly careful scoping out of the area, because if there are two spawns in the AoE, you're not going to catch all of them, and the mobs in the other spawn that don't get locked down are going to come rip you a new one -- and three pets aren't enough to cover your rear.

I'm still trying to figure out how to rebuild my Fire Tankers; I think I'm just going to scrap the Fire/Energy Tanker -- with the additional Fear in Burn, the mobs don't hang around to get whaled on, and without Burn, what's the point of having a Fire primary? With my Ice Tanker, I think I can partially recover her by dropping her six-slotted nerfed Weave to take Hasten and six-slot it, getting the recharge on Burn back to something worth keeping. At that point, it might be worth dropping the whole Fighting pool; that would let me take Ice Sword back, and maybe take the Leadership pool, or just take Super Speed. Doesn't much matter, since taking Hasten in the first place breaks what I was trying to do with the character -- make it all the way to 50 without taking Hasten.

My Blasters? Except for my AR/En Blaster (for whom Full Auto has become much more of a crapshoot than it was, with four Dmg/Rng HOs expanding the cone area, but the maximum-target count remaining the same -- ignoring the recharge time nerf), I really haven't noticed much of a change; if I get into a situation where Defiance comes into play, I'm already pretty heavily boned, and the extra damage isn't going to help much. I did notice, with my 32 Elec/En Blaster on a mission in Croatoa tonight, that it had been a long, long time since I'd been able to do a mission and come out of it with a full rack of SOs.

All in all, I'm not impressed with I5. Taken together, I3, I4, and I5 have driven away my SG; I haven't seen the last of them on since before I5 went live, and most of them left months ago; even the ones that took advantage of the free-play period over Labor Day weekend didn't see anything that would bring them back. I intend to hang around a little longer, to see if things are going to get adjusted on the basis of datamining I5 on the live servers, but Statesman's vision of 'fun' doesn't match up with the fun I was having... and am not having any more. Maybe part of it is having pushed eight characters to 30 or higher, and three to 50 -- aside from seeing how the maps have been redecorated, the missions are the same, you're fighting the same opponents, and there's only so many times you can defeat the prototype Fake Nemesis suit before it becomes dull. There's only so much you can do without doing a major rebuild of the game world, I know, and I doubt that there's development budget for that. I think I'd be a lot happier about going through the same contacts over and over again if each contact with a story arc didn't give out the same arc each time -- make up a bunch of different story arcs for each contact, and which one you get from that contact gets picked randomly, so that the next character you play through that contact would get a different story arc.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



From an in-the-trenches perspective, I think I5 is working out great. However, tanks need a long hard look. I can't speak from experience, but Ice Tanks seem unhappy, and I know I now hate my fire tank, because burn is just *so* awful; and now I need 11 powers to be a good tank and there's nothing to make up for it.

I have a solution... I propose you make Burn +res(knockup/knockback).



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

bolded for emphisis

oh reeeeeeealy?

Soi gues Enervating Field, Stealth, Phase Shift, Quantum Flight, Nebulos Form, uh i miss any?

Arent power sets.

I gues LYING about reducing EF,even goign so far as to pot inthe past notes "changes to EF shave been coming in since I2, still not true" your own words, not mine. the stating in the "missing patch notes" "EF change to be brough in line with similar powers cause it was over powered, done at the begining of I5" again your own words isnt a Change toa power set?

i guess reducing the STEATH AND DEFENSE component of STEALTH and makingit non STACKABLE dont count as changes?

making phase, QF and NF timed toggles that shut off or increase their end cost affet X seconds dont count as changes?

REAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLY that interesting, you know in the legan system saying one thing in print that a complete and total lie is called libal. And while it is often used in the terms of defimation of character the essense emains the same.

You need to have somoen approve your posts Jack because what your saying is a direct contrdiction to what your doing.

and thats


AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



just because I can, I'm going to point out that they are going to have another update within a month because of the release of City of Villans. Thus we may get some of the problems addressed then.

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



Statesman said:
we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Neko said:
Soi gues Enervating Field, Stealth, Phase Shift, Quantum Flight, Nebulos Form, uh i miss any?

Arent power sets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope these aren't power sets. They are singular powers. This fact makes the rest of your post pointless.



just because I can, I'm going to point out that they are going to have another update within a month because of the release of City of Villans. Thus we may get some of the problems addressed then.

[/ QUOTE ]
I certainly hope so. A lot of people (myself included) have pointed out a lot of problems that should be addressed in some form or another.

Such as:
Ice Tanks and SR Scrappers just aren't "feeling the love"- they get hurt waaay too easy now. While not great shakes before as far as I can tell (don't have any, but friends that do) they seem even worse off. Give em some Resistances as well in their Powers. Ice should just by logic (don't know why being covered in ice makes them dodge blows better) and SR could have a "roll with the punch" power, thereby allowing them to "resist" some of the damage by "rolling with the blows"- It could be passive, and doesn't have to offer a ton of resistance, but it's something that will give em a hand when they are hit. It's also a basic real-world martial arts technique, so why can't they have it <shrug>?

Invulnerability- not invulnerable enough, especially with the passives. In fact...

The global changes to Defense and Resists- In some cases, just too much! Now, since it's been announced that there will be Resist inspirations, that may be why. Either that or it's an attempt to fill the void they made in that respect. Not sure which, and not sure if I would trust the answer they gave. Personally, I prefer having the consistency of solid powers over an inspiration I may or may not have in my inventory. They're a nice fallback if I have them, but don't want them by design to be a necessity. There's no guarantee you'll have enough of what you need to get through a mission.

The same mindset applies to AT's without mez protection. I've known people who've carried nothing but "break frees" in their trays for some missions, and still not had enough. They should have something to do it that doesn't require them to chase all over the Power Pools for just the right ones... However, high resistance shouldn't equal the relative immunity provided; while at the same time, only key ones should kill toggles as a counter to that (in many cases the inability to attack is quite enough- A more detailed view on this is HERE)... but that's just me. It would also make "break frees" more for what they're "intended for", and desired by all the AT's. To break free if you do get mezzed.

Seemingly expected build perameters- Like the seemingly assumed End charges to some powers taking Stamina into account. A lot of builds aren't viable without it.

Hasten is a similar thing when it comes to recharge times, and is arguably one of the reasons I-5 changed a lot of recharge times, and now includes powers like timed toggles (to guarantee no overlap). That's great if you have them, and take up valuable pools, powers, and slots to get them and make them work, but what if you don't? As one who designs tabletop games, I understand that to ignore how some powers can be broken if those types of things aren't taken into account is foolish, but if that's the idea.. perhaps they should be automatically given at certain levels like Rest, to guarantee a level playing field. The problem is that a lot of new players who don't know any better, or toons with concept builds, might not take them, and be penalized for it. (the link above about mezzes addresses this as well)

Stealth, while I only have a few low levels that have it, I have high level friends who do. They rightfully feel somewhat cheated. The problem there is that it seems they want to make it more of a "skill" than a "super power" based on how it works now, worse, even before there were many enemy types that see through it in the high levels anyway. I say if that's the case, make it a "skill" and be done with it, and either remove Concealment as a Power Pool entirely, or make what's currently there a "skill" and make Stealth "super" again.
The detailed post I made for it (Including the basis for most of my problems behind a lot of the changes) is HERE-warning, it's long and detailed, but comprehensive

Which of course leads to:

Phase Shift- Useless now. Too long an opening animation to make it a "panic button" power (you generally die before it's finished) and doesn't last long enough as a 30 second toggle to do anything else. Either reduce the animation to 0, or increase the time you can stay phased. Make it useful for something! As it stands, there's little reason to take the Concealment Power Pool, counting this, and the above Stealth problems.

I'm not even going to get into the "sound loop", increased disconnects, and graphics issues (like the water and Malta turret pets) and "rapidly blinking in-and-out walls" that have been popping up since I-5...

Honestly, there's a lot more, and I could go into a lot of detail on them, but I've written a lot on it throughout the forums, and why, and what options may be better- Read my post history. I have always, with a few exceptions, attempted to be constructive, and offer soloutions as well. A lot of us have; and they seem for the most part unheeded. Though basically, Calaxprimal, I just hope they are paying more attention than a lot of people are giving them credit for, and I hope you're right...

Edit- I don't have a problem with the fact that they made global resistance/defence reductions, I understand why. My argument is that they were too much, and created other imbalances in the process with some of the powersets...

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I'm glad to hear that some people enjoy the changes in Issue 5. I, for one, am completely unhappy with it. Different points of views, I'm sure. No one is right and no one is wrong about it. For as many changes throughout the game to gimp Burn and PLing have been excessive, but perhaps necessary. The reduction of defense on the heroes was going too far, all the while continuing to keep the villains (our opposition) at peak efficiency in the name of challenge and fun, are disappointing. The fact that any post on these boards that attempt to point out failures to satisy your paying customers are jumped on by the trolls and fanbois, and are completely ignored by you and your staff marks the beginning of an ugly end. The only posts viewed and remembered are the ones that blow kisses to your efforts at providing sub-standard advancements with every wasteful issue release. What's to say that CoV or even Issue 6 will be any better based on how poorly the game is now? Promises are one thing, the delivered goods are another. We have yet to see any skills, or events that include the dead spaces of certain zones, or content for the upper-end game (read as 36-50), any advancements on Hami-Os or Hamidon as the endgame. Instead we get Issue 5, in my opinion, the worst issue to date.

I recall when in April of last year I first discovered CoH, and appreciated the simplicity, fun and addiction of it. Now it's developed into a nightmare where the voices of the masses remain unheard unless they are singing praises to something that was once great.

- Captain Amazing



I recall when in April of last year I first discovered CoH, and appreciated the simplicity, fun and addiction of it. Now it's developed into a nightmare where the voices of the masses remain unheard unless they are singing praises to something that was once great.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted for Truth. This is exactly how I feel. I LOVED how the game was a year ago. It was a game that I actively told my friends to play.

Now, I'm telling them to save their money.

What does that say? Really?

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! We’re extremely happy about how I5 went live.

Second, we’re still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but we’ve finished making large changes to the power sets. We’ll still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; we’re going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).

Thanks for all your great feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

I want to say, this post tells me you've been listening despite the (previous) silence on the issue. I know I, and I'm sure others as well, appreciate it. And, you've outdone yourselves again with Croatoa, I've never encountered a contact mission as inately difficult as the "Stop 30 Firbolg" mission.

Is this a move back towards the City/Hazard combo zone that Peregrine Island used to be?

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



I recall when in April of last year I first discovered CoH, and appreciated the simplicity, fun and addiction of it. Now it's developed into a nightmare where the voices of the masses remain unheard unless they are singing praises to something that was once great.

- Captain Amazing

[/ QUOTE ]

Very well put. Totally agree.

I'm totally amazed by States' post; even a glance at the forums shows people are all but happy with I5. And does someone have a link to that "great feedback" he mentions? Has he even seen the dev response threads? There's a lot of feedback there but none of it is _for_ I5 in its current form.

I have no faith whatsoever in the devs and the direction they're taking this game. I left WoW because I wanted to have fun in CoH again....well I don't have fun anymore. Accounts are active till CoV hits, once the payment-details are clear I'll see if it's worth it to keep CoH. If it isn't the CoH accounts go and I won't miss em. I'll miss pre-I4 CoH though.



ive read about 90% negative and 10% that praise it. last night CoH was so empty i had no one in my global no one in my SG or coalation. and i have a ton. i have watched several good friends leave recently to play WoW. states has made it clear its his game. with in 2 years DC an Marvel will have there MMPOG out then we will see a game that really works like a buisness and not on a single minded vision that ignores the concerns of its paying customers.